コード例 #1
ファイル: ThrowableSet.java プロジェクト: safdariqbal/soot
   * Indicates whether this ThrowableSet includes some exception that might be caught by a handler
   * argument of the type <code>catcher</code>.
   * @param catcher type of the handler parameter to be tested.
   * @return <code>true</code> if this set contains an exception type that might be caught by <code>
   *     catcher</code>, false if it does not.
  public boolean catchableAs(RefType catcher) {

    FastHierarchy h = Scene.v().getOrMakeFastHierarchy();

    if (exceptionsExcluded.size() > 0) {
      if (INSTRUMENTING) {
      for (Iterator i = exceptionsExcluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        AnySubType exclusion = (AnySubType) i.next();
        if (h.canStoreType(catcher, exclusion.getBase())) {
          return false;

    if (exceptionsIncluded.contains(catcher)) {
      if (INSTRUMENTING) {
        if (exceptionsExcluded.size() == 0) {
        } else {
      return true;
    } else {
      if (INSTRUMENTING) {
        if (exceptionsExcluded.size() == 0) {
      for (Iterator i = exceptionsIncluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        RefLikeType thrownType = (RefLikeType) i.next();
        if (thrownType instanceof RefType) {
          if (thrownType == catcher) {
            // assertion failure.
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "ThrowableSet.catchableAs(RefType): exceptions.contains() failed to match contained RefType "
                    + catcher);
          } else if (h.canStoreType(thrownType, catcher)) {
            return true;
        } else {
          RefType thrownBase = ((AnySubType) thrownType).getBase();
          // At runtime, thrownType might be instantiated by any
          // of thrownBase's subtypes, so:
          if (h.canStoreType(thrownBase, catcher) || h.canStoreType(catcher, thrownBase)) {
            return true;
      return false;
コード例 #2
ファイル: ThrowableSet.java プロジェクト: safdariqbal/soot
   * Partitions the exceptions in this <code>ThrowableSet</code> into those which would be caught by
   * a handler with the passed <code>catch</code> parameter type and those which would not.
   * @param catcher type of the handler parameter to be tested.
   * @return a pair of <code>ThrowableSet</code>s, one containing the types in this <code>
   *     ThrowableSet</code> which would be be caught as <code>catcher</code> and the other
   *     containing the types in this <code>ThrowableSet</code> which would not be caught as <code>
   *     catcher</code>.
  public Pair whichCatchableAs(RefType catcher) {

    FastHierarchy h = Scene.v().getOrMakeFastHierarchy();
    Set caughtIncluded = null;
    Set caughtExcluded = null;
    Set uncaughtIncluded = null;
    Set uncaughtExcluded = null;


    for (Iterator i = exceptionsExcluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      AnySubType exclusion = (AnySubType) i.next();
      RefType exclusionBase = exclusion.getBase();
      if (h.canStoreType(catcher, exclusionBase)) {
        // Because the add() operations ban additions to sets
        // with exclusions, we can be sure no types in this are
        // caught by catcher.
        return new Pair(ThrowableSet.Manager.v().EMPTY, this);
      } else if (h.canStoreType(exclusionBase, catcher)) {
        // exclusion wouldn't be in exceptionsExcluded if one
        // of its supertypes were not in exceptionsIncluded,
        // so we know the next loop will add either that supertype
        // or catcher to caughtIncluded.  Thus:
        caughtExcluded = addExceptionToSet(exclusion, caughtExcluded);
      } else {
        uncaughtExcluded = addExceptionToSet(exclusion, uncaughtExcluded);

    for (Iterator i = exceptionsIncluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
      RefLikeType inclusion = (RefLikeType) i.next();
      if (inclusion instanceof RefType) {
        if (h.canStoreType(inclusion, catcher)) {
          caughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, caughtIncluded);
        } else {
          uncaughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, uncaughtIncluded);
      } else {
        RefType base = ((AnySubType) inclusion).getBase();
        if (h.canStoreType(base, catcher)) {
          // All subtypes of base will be caught.  Any exclusions
          // will already have been copied to caughtExcluded by
          // the preceding loop.
          caughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, caughtIncluded);
        } else if (h.canStoreType(catcher, base)) {
          // Some subtypes of base will be caught, and
          // we know that not all of those catchable subtypes
          // are among exceptionsExcluded, since in that case we
          // would already have returned from within the
          // preceding loop.  So, remove AnySubType(catcher)
          // from the uncaught types.
          uncaughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, uncaughtIncluded);
          uncaughtExcluded = addExceptionToSet(AnySubType.v(catcher), uncaughtExcluded);
          caughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(AnySubType.v(catcher), caughtIncluded);
          // Any already excluded subtypes of inclusion
          // which are subtypes of catcher will have been
          // added to caughtExcluded by the previous loop.
        } else {
          uncaughtIncluded = addExceptionToSet(inclusion, uncaughtIncluded);
    ThrowableSet caughtSet = Manager.v().registerSetIfNew(caughtIncluded, caughtExcluded);
    ThrowableSet uncaughtSet = Manager.v().registerSetIfNew(uncaughtIncluded, uncaughtExcluded);
    return new Pair(caughtSet, uncaughtSet);
コード例 #3
ファイル: ThrowableSet.java プロジェクト: safdariqbal/soot
   * Returns a <code>ThrowableSet</code> which contains <code>e</code> and all of its subclasses as
   * well as the exceptions in this set.
   * <p><code>e</code> should be an instance of {@link AnySubType} if you know that the compile-time
   * type of the exception you are representing is <code>e</code>, but the exception may be
   * instantiated at run-time by a subclass of <code>e</code>.
   * <p>For example, if you were recording the type of the exception thrown by
   * <pre>
   * catch (IOException e) {
   *    throw e;
   * }
   * </pre>
   * you would call
   * <pre>
   * <code>add(AnySubtype.v(Scene.v().getRefType("java.lang.Exception.IOException")))</code>
   * </pre>
   * since the handler might rethrow any subclass of <code>IOException</code>.
   * @param e represents a subtree of the exception class hierarchy to add to this set.
   * @return a set containing <code>e</code> and all its subclasses, as well as the exceptions
   *     represented by this set.
   * @throws ThrowableSet.AlreadyHasExclusionsException if this <code>ThrowableSet</code> is the
   *     result of a {@link #whichCatchableAs(RefType)} operation and, thus, unable to represent the
   *     addition of <code>e</code>.
  public ThrowableSet add(AnySubType e) throws ThrowableSet.AlreadyHasExclusionsException {

    ThrowableSet result = getMemoizedAdds(e);
    if (result != null) {
      if (INSTRUMENTING) {
      return result;
    } else {
      FastHierarchy hierarchy = Scene.v().getOrMakeFastHierarchy();
      RefType newBase = e.getBase();

      if (INSTRUMENTING) {
        if (exceptionsExcluded.size() != 0) {
        } else {
      for (Iterator i = exceptionsExcluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
        RefType exclusionBase = ((AnySubType) i.next()).getBase();
        if (hierarchy.canStoreType(newBase, exclusionBase)
            || hierarchy.canStoreType(exclusionBase, newBase)) {
          if (INSTRUMENTING) {
            // To ensure that the subcategories total properly:
          throw new AlreadyHasExclusionsException(
                  + e.toString()
                  + ") to the set [ "
                  + this.toString()
                  + "] where "
                  + exclusionBase.toString()
                  + " is excluded.");

      if (this.exceptionsIncluded.contains(e)) {
        if (INSTRUMENTING) {
        return this;

      } else {
        if (INSTRUMENTING) {

        int changes = 0;
        boolean addNewException = true;
        Set resultSet = new HashSet();

        for (Iterator i = this.exceptionsIncluded.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) {
          RefLikeType incumbent = (RefLikeType) i.next();
          if (incumbent instanceof RefType) {
            if (hierarchy.canStoreType(incumbent, newBase)) {
              // Omit incumbent from result.
            } else {
          } else if (incumbent instanceof AnySubType) {
            RefType incumbentBase = ((AnySubType) incumbent).getBase();
            // We have to use the base types in these hierarchy calls
            // because we want to know if _all_ possible
            // types represented by e can be represented by
            // the incumbent, or vice versa.
            if (hierarchy.canStoreType(newBase, incumbentBase)) {
              addNewException = false;
            } else if (hierarchy.canStoreType(incumbentBase, newBase)) {
              // Omit incumbent from result;
            } else {
          } else { // assertion failure.
            throw new IllegalStateException(
                "ThrowableSet.add(AnySubType): Set element "
                    + incumbent.toString()
                    + " is neither a RefType nor an AnySubType.");
        if (addNewException) {
        if (changes > 0) {
          result = Manager.v().registerSetIfNew(resultSet, this.exceptionsExcluded);
        } else {
          result = this;
        memoizedAdds.put(e, result);
        return result;