コード例 #1
  private ContextPathHandler getCorrespondingHandler(
      SocketChannel socketChannel, MessageStat messageStat) {

    ContextPathHandler contextPathHandler =

    return contextPathHandler != null
        ? contextPathHandler
        : contextPathMap.get(messageStat.getContextPathWithoutQuery());
コード例 #2
   * Handles request corresponding to the specified context paths.
   * @param socketChannel Used to communicate between client and server.
   * @param messageStat Holds necessary request data to act on the context paths.
  private void handle(SocketChannel socketChannel, MessageStat messageStat) {

    log.debug("stat: " + messageStat.getHeader().get(RequestHeaderEntry.CONTEXT_PATH));
    ContextPathHandler contextPathHandler = getCorrespondingHandler(socketChannel, messageStat);

    if (contextPathHandler != null) {
      contextPathHandler.handle(socketChannel, messageStat);
    } else {
      // TODO favicon.ico handler is needed
      if (messageStat.getContextPathWithoutQuery().equals("/favicon.ico")) {
        log.warn("currently favicon is not supported. will be done soon.");
      } else {
        contextPathMap.get("NotFound").handle(socketChannel, messageStat);