public void teleportObelisk(int port) { int random = Misc.random(5); while (random == port) { random = Misc.random(5); } for (int j = 0; j < Server.playerHandler.players.length; j++) { if (Server.playerHandler.players[j] != null) { Client c = (Client) Server.playerHandler.players[j]; if (c.goodDistance( c.getX(), c.getY(), obeliskCoords[port][0] + 2, obeliskCoords[port][1] + 2, 1)) { c.getPA().startTeleport2(obeliskCoords[random][0] + 2, obeliskCoords[random][1] + 2, 0); } } } }
public boolean newPlayerClient(Client client1) { int slot = -1; for (int i = 1; i < Config.MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if (players[i] == null || players[i].disconnected) { slot = i; break; } } if (slot == -1) return false; client1.handler = this; client1.playerId = slot; players[slot] = client1; players[slot].isActive = true; players[slot].connectedFrom = ((InetSocketAddress) client1.getSession().getRemoteAddress()).getAddress().getHostAddress(); if (Config.SERVER_DEBUG) Misc.println( "Player Slot " + slot + " slot 0 " + players[0] + " Player Hit " + players[ slot]); // does nothing.... ;;players dont give the right amount of playesr? i am // getting the right amount why not me? logout log inand u wont get the // right return true; }
public static void ItemonObject(Client c, int objectID, int objectX, int objectY, int itemId) { if (!c.getItems().playerHasItem(itemId, 1)) return; switch (objectID) { case 15621: Server.getWarriorsGuild().handleArmor(c, itemId, objectX, objectY); break; case 2783: c.getSmithingInt().showSmithInterface(itemId); break; case 8151: case 8389: c.getFarming().checkItemOnObject(itemId); break; case 2644: c.getFlaxStringer().itemOnObject(itemId); break; case 409: if (c.getPrayer().IsABone(itemId)) c.getPrayer().bonesOnAltar(itemId); break; default: if (c.playerRights == 3) Misc.println("Player At Object id: " + objectID + " with Item id: " + itemId); break; } }
public static void ItemonObject(Client c, int objectID, int objectX, int objectY, int itemId) { if (!c.getItems().playerHasItem(itemId, 1)) return; switch (objectID) { case 2783: c.getSmithingInt().showSmithInterface(itemId); break; case 7965: case 8389: c.getFarming().checkItemOnObject(itemId); break; case 2728: case 12269: c.getCooking().itemOnObject(itemId); break; case 15621: if (c.absX == 2857 && c.absY == 3537 || c.absX == 2851 && c.absY == 3537) { c.getWarriorsGuild().handleArmor(c, itemId, objectX, objectY); } break; case 409: if (c.getPrayer().isBone(itemId)) c.getPrayer().bonesOnAltar(itemId); break; default: if (c.playerRights == 3) Misc.println("Player At Object id: " + objectID + " with Item id: " + itemId); break; } }
/** Update objects when entering a new region or logging in */ public void updateObjects(Client c) { for (Objects o : globalObjects) { if (c != null) { if (c.heightLevel == o.getObjectHeight() && o.objectTicks == 0) { if (c.distanceToPoint(o.getObjectX(), o.getObjectY()) <= 60) { c.getPA() .object( o.getObjectId(), o.getObjectX(), o.getObjectY(), o.getObjectFace(), o.getObjectType()); } } } } if (10 + Misc.random(10) == 15 && !Flax.flaxRemoved.isEmpty()) { int[] flax = Flax.flaxRemoved.get(Flax.flaxRemoved.indexOf(Flax.flaxRemoved.iterator().next())); // Server.objectHandler.createAnObject(2646, flax[0], flax[1]); // c.getPA().checkObjectSpawn(2646, flax[0], flax[1]); Flax.flaxRemoved.remove(Flax.flaxRemoved.indexOf(flax)); } if (c.distanceToPoint(2813, 3463) <= 60) { c.getFarming().updateHerbPatch(); } if (c.distanceToPoint(2961, 3389) <= 60) { c.getPA().object(6552, 2961, 3389, -1, 10); } }
public static void ItemonNpc(Client c, int itemId, int npcId, int slot) { switch (itemId) { default: if (c.playerRights == 3) Misc.println( "Player used Item id: " + itemId + " with Npc id: " + npcId + " With Slot : " + slot); break; } }
public int getTimer(int b, int c, int level) { double timer = (int) ((Rock_Settings[b][1] * 2) + 20 + Misc.random(20)) - ((Pick_Settings[c][2] * (Pick_Settings[c][2] * 0.75)) + level); if (timer < 2.0) { return 2; } else { return (int) timer; } }
public void openPlayerShop(Client o) { if (o == null || o.properLogout) return; c.getItems().resetItems(3823); resetShop(o); c.myShopClient = o; c.myShopId = 7390; c.isShopping = true; c.getPA().sendFrame248(3824, 3822); c.getPA().sendFrame126(Misc.optimizeText(o.playerName) + "'s personal shop!", 3901); }
/** * Adds a player to the local player list of another player. * * @param out the packet to write to. * @param player the host player. * @param other the player being added. */ public static void addPlayer(PacketBuffer.WriteBuffer out, Player player, Player other) { out.writeBits(11, other.getSlot()); // Server slot. out.writeBit(true); // Yes, an update is required. out.writeBit(true); // Discard walking queue(?) // Write the relative position. Position delta =, other.getPosition()); out.writeBits(5, delta.getY()); out.writeBits(5, delta.getX()); }
public boolean newPlayerClient(Client client1) { int slot = -1; for (int i = 1; i < Config.MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { if ((players[i] == null) || players[i].disconnected) { slot = i; break; } } if (slot == -1) return false; client1.handler = this; client1.playerId = slot; players[slot] = client1; players[slot].isActive = true; players[slot].connectedFrom = ((InetSocketAddress) client1.getSession().getRemoteAddress()).getAddress().getHostAddress(); if (Config.SERVER_DEBUG) Misc.println( "Player Slot " + slot + " slot 0 " + players[0] + " Player Hit " + players[slot]); return true; }
private void plantSeed(int seedId, int herbId, int exp, int slot) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFarming] < FARMING_REQS[slot]) { c.sendMessage("You require a farming level of " + FARMING_REQS[slot] + " to farm this seed."); } else if (!seedPlanted && patchRaked && c.getItems().playerHasItem(seedId, 1) && c.getItems().playerHasItem(SEED_DIBBER, 1)) { c.getItems().deleteItem(seedId, c.getItems().getItemSlot(seedId), 1); c.getPA().addSkillXP(SEED_PLANT_EXP[slot] * Config.FARMING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFarming); c.startAnimation(2291); c.getPA().refreshSkill(c.playerFarming); int herbAmount = Misc.random(5) + 3;[0] = herbId;[1] = herbAmount; c.sendMessage("You plant your seed. Water it and watch it grow."); seedPlanted = true; } else { c.sendMessage("You need to rake the patch or you've already planted a seed!"); } }
public static void ItemonItem(Client c, int itemUsed, int useWith) { if (itemUsed == 227 || useWith == 227) c.getHerblore().handlePotMaking(itemUsed, useWith); if (c.getItems().getItemName(itemUsed).contains("(") && c.getItems().getItemName(useWith).contains("(")) c.getPotMixing().mixPotion2(itemUsed, useWith); if (itemUsed == 1733 || useWith == 1733) c.getCrafting().handleLeather(itemUsed, useWith); if (itemUsed == 1755 || useWith == 1755) c.getCrafting().handleChisel(itemUsed, useWith); /*if (itemUsed == 946 || useWith == 946) c.getFletching().handleLog(itemUsed,useWith); if (itemUsed == 53 || useWith == 53 || itemUsed == 52 || useWith == 52) c.getFletching().makeArrows(itemUsed, useWith);*/ if ((itemUsed == 1540 && useWith == 11286) || (itemUsed == 11286 && useWith == 1540)) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerSmithing] >= 95) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1540, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1540), 1); c.getItems().deleteItem(11286, c.getItems().getItemSlot(11286), 1); c.getItems().addItem(11284, 1); c.sendMessage("You combine the two materials to create a dragonfire shield."); c.getPA().addSkillXP(500 * Config.SMITHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerSmithing); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a smithing level of 95 to create a dragonfire shield."); } } if (itemUsed == 9142 && useWith == 9190 || itemUsed == 9190 && useWith == 9142) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 58) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9241, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 6 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 58 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9143 && useWith == 9191 || itemUsed == 9191 && useWith == 9143) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 63) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9242, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 7 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 63 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9143 && useWith == 9192 || itemUsed == 9192 && useWith == 9143) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 65) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9243, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 7 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 65 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9144 && useWith == 9193 || itemUsed == 9193 && useWith == 9144) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 71) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9244, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 10 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 71 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 9144 && useWith == 9194 || itemUsed == 9194 && useWith == 9144) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 58) { int boltsMade = c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed) > c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) ? c.getItems().getItemAmount(useWith) : c.getItems().getItemAmount(itemUsed); c.getItems().deleteItem(useWith, c.getItems().getItemSlot(useWith), boltsMade); c.getItems().deleteItem(itemUsed, c.getItems().getItemSlot(itemUsed), boltsMade); c.getItems().addItem(9245, boltsMade); c.getPA().addSkillXP(boltsMade * 13 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 58 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1601 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1601) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 63) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1601, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1601), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9192, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 63 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1607 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1607) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 65) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1607, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1607), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9189, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 65 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1605 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1605) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 71) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1605, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1605), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9190, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 71 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1603 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1603) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 73) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1603, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1603), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9191, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 73 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed == 1615 && useWith == 1755 || itemUsed == 1755 && useWith == 1615) { if (c.playerLevel[c.playerFletching] >= 73) { c.getItems().deleteItem(1615, c.getItems().getItemSlot(1615), 1); c.getItems().addItem(9193, 15); c.getPA().addSkillXP(8 * Config.FLETCHING_EXPERIENCE, c.playerFletching); } else { c.sendMessage("You need a fletching level of 73 to fletch this item."); } } if (itemUsed >= 11710 && itemUsed <= 11714 && useWith >= 11710 && useWith <= 11714) { if (c.getItems().hasAllShards()) { c.getItems().makeBlade(); } } if (itemUsed == 2368 && useWith == 2366 || itemUsed == 2366 && useWith == 2368) { c.getItems().deleteItem(2368, c.getItems().getItemSlot(2368), 1); c.getItems().deleteItem(2366, c.getItems().getItemSlot(2366), 1); c.getItems().addItem(1187, 1); } if (c.getItems().isHilt(itemUsed) || c.getItems().isHilt(useWith)) { int hilt = c.getItems().isHilt(itemUsed) ? itemUsed : useWith; int blade = c.getItems().isHilt(itemUsed) ? useWith : itemUsed; if (blade == 11690) { c.getItems().makeGodsword(hilt); } } switch (itemUsed) { case 1511: case 1521: case 1519: case 1517: case 1515: case 1513: case 590: // c.getFiremaking().checkLogType(itemUsed, useWith); // c.sendMessage("Firemaking is disabled."); break; default: if (c.playerRights == 3) Misc.println("Player used Item id: " + itemUsed + " with Item id: " + useWith); break; } }
/** * Appends the state of a player's appearance to a buffer. * * @param player the player. * @param out the buffer. */ public static void appendAppearance(Player player, PacketBuffer.WriteBuffer out) { PacketBuffer.WriteBuffer block = PacketBuffer.newWriteBuffer(128); /** Gender. */ block.writeByte(player.getGender()); // Gender /** Head icon. */ block.writeByte(player.getHeadIcon()); /** Skull icon. */ block.writeByte(player.getSkullIcon()); if (player.getNpcAppearanceId() == -1) { if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD)); } else { block.writeByte(0); } /** Cape. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_CAPE) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_CAPE)); } else { block.writeByte(0); } /** Amulet. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_AMULET) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_AMULET)); } else { block.writeByte(0); } /** Weapon. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_WEAPON) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_WEAPON)); } else { block.writeByte(0); } /** Chest. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_CHEST) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_CHEST)); } else { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_CHEST]); } /** Shield. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_SHIELD) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_SHIELD)); } else { block.writeByte(0); } /** Arms. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_CHEST) > 1) { if (!Misc.getIsPlatebody()[ player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_CHEST)]) { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_ARMS]); } else { block.writeByte(0); } } else { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_ARMS]); } /** Legs. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_LEGS) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_LEGS)); } else { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_LEGS]); } /** Head. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD) > 1 && Misc.getIsFullHelm()[ player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD)]) { block.writeByte(0); } else { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_HEAD]); } /** Hands. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HANDS) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HANDS)); } else { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_HANDS]); } /** Feet. */ if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_FEET) > 1) { block.writeShort( 0x200 + player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_FEET)); } else { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_FEET]); } /** Beard. */ if (player.getGender() == Misc.GENDER_MALE) { if (player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD) > 1 && !Misc.getIsFullHelm()[ player.getEquipment().getContainer().getItemId(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD)] || player.getEquipment().getContainer().isSlotFree(Misc.EQUIPMENT_SLOT_HEAD)) { block.writeShort(0x100 + player.getAppearance()[Misc.APPEARANCE_SLOT_BEARD]); } else { block.writeByte(0); } } } else { block.writeShort(-1); block.writeShort(player.getNpcAppearanceId()); } /** Player colors */ block.writeByte(player.getColors()[0]); block.writeByte(player.getColors()[1]); block.writeByte(player.getColors()[2]); block.writeByte(player.getColors()[3]); block.writeByte(player.getColors()[4]); /** Movement animations */ block.writeShort( player.getUpdateAnimation().getStandingAnimation() == -1 ? PlayerAnimation.getStandEmote() : player.getUpdateAnimation().getStandingAnimation()); // stand block.writeShort(PlayerAnimation.getStandTurnEmote()); // stand turn block.writeShort( player.getUpdateAnimation().getWalkingAnimation() == -1 ? PlayerAnimation.getWalkEmote() : player.getUpdateAnimation().getWalkingAnimation()); // walk block.writeShort(PlayerAnimation.getTurn180Emote()); // turn 180 block.writeShort(PlayerAnimation.getTurn90CWEmote()); // turn 90 cw block.writeShort(PlayerAnimation.getTurn90CCWEmote()); // turn 90 ccw block.writeShort( player.getUpdateAnimation().getRunningAnimation() == -1 ? PlayerAnimation.getRunEmote() : player.getUpdateAnimation().getRunningAnimation()); // run /** Player context menus */ block.writeLong(Misc.nameToLong(player.getUsername())); block.writeByte(player.getCombatLevel()); block.writeShort(0); /** Append the block length and the block to the packet. */ out.writeByte(block.getBuffer().position(), PacketBuffer.ValueType.C); out.writeBytes(block.getBuffer()); }
public boolean loadDoorConfig(String fileName) { String line = ""; String token = ""; String token2 = ""; String token2_2 = ""; String[] token3 = new String[10]; boolean EndOfFile = false; int ReadMode = 0; BufferedReader objectFile = null; try { objectFile = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("./" + fileName)); } catch (FileNotFoundException fileex) { Misc.println(fileName + ": file not found."); return false; } try { line = objectFile.readLine(); } catch (IOException ioexception) { Misc.println(fileName + ": error loading file."); return false; } int door = 0; while (EndOfFile == false && line != null) { line = line.trim(); int spot = line.indexOf("="); if (spot > -1) { token = line.substring(0, spot); token = token.trim(); token2 = line.substring(spot + 1); token2 = token2.trim(); token2_2 = token2.replaceAll("\t\t", "\t"); token2_2 = token2_2.replaceAll("\t\t", "\t"); token2_2 = token2_2.replaceAll("\t\t", "\t"); token2_2 = token2_2.replaceAll("\t\t", "\t"); token2_2 = token2_2.replaceAll("\t\t", "\t"); token3 = token2_2.split("\t"); if (token.equals("door")) { doors[door][0] = Integer.parseInt(token3[0]); doors[door][1] = Integer.parseInt(token3[1]); doors[door][2] = Integer.parseInt(token3[2]); doors[door][3] = Integer.parseInt(token3[3]); doors[door][4] = Integer.parseInt(token3[4]); door++; } } else { if (line.equals("[ENDOFDOORLIST]")) { try { objectFile.close(); } catch (IOException ioexception) { } return true; } } try { line = objectFile.readLine(); } catch (IOException ioexception1) { EndOfFile = true; } } try { objectFile.close(); } catch (IOException ioexception) { } return false; }