private void getSteam(World world, int x, int y, int z) { // for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++) { ForgeDirection dir = this.getFacing(); // dirs[i]; int dx = x + dir.offsetX; int dy = y + dir.offsetY; int dz = z + dir.offsetZ; ReactorTiles rt = ReactorTiles.getTE(world, dx, dy, dz); if (rt == ReactorTiles.STEAMLINE) { TileEntitySteamLine te = (TileEntitySteamLine) world.getTileEntity(dx, dy, dz); int ds = te.getSteam() - steam; if (ds > 0) { int rm = ds / 4 + 1; steam += rm * te.getWorkingFluid().efficiency; te.removeSteam(rm); } } // } }
public final ArrayList<String> getMessages(World world, int x, int y, int z, int side) { ArrayList<String> li = new ArrayList(); if (this instanceof Temperatured) { String s = String.format( "%s %s: %dC", this.getTEName(), Variables.TEMPERATURE, ((Temperatured) this).getTemperature()); li.add(s); } else if (this instanceof ThermalMachine) { String s = String.format( "%s %s: %dC", this.getTEName(), Variables.TEMPERATURE, ((ThermalMachine) this).getTemperature()); // li.add(s); } else if (this instanceof TemperatureTE) { String s = String.format( "%s %s: %dC", this.getTEName(), Variables.TEMPERATURE, ((TemperatureTE) this).getTemperature()); li.add(s); } if (this instanceof TileEntityReactorPiping) { TileEntityReactorPiping rp = (TileEntityReactorPiping) this; if (rp.getLevel() <= 0) { String s = String.format("%s is empty.", this.getTEName()); li.add(s); } else { String s = String.format( "%s contains %d mB of %s", this.getTEName(), rp.getLevel(), rp.getFluidType().getLocalizedName()); li.add(s); } } if (this instanceof TileEntitySolenoidMagnet) { ShaftPowerReceiver sp = (ShaftPowerReceiver) this; String pre = ReikaEngLibrary.getSIPrefix(sp.getPower()); double base = ReikaMathLibrary.getThousandBase(sp.getPower()); li.add( String.format( "%s receiving %.3f %sW @ %d rad/s.", sp.getName(), base, pre, sp.getOmega())); } if (this instanceof TileEntityReactorGenerator) { TileEntityReactorGenerator sp = (TileEntityReactorGenerator) this; li.add( String.format( "%s generating %.3f %s/t.", sp.getName(), sp.getGenUnits(), sp.getUnitSymbol())); } if (this instanceof TileEntityTurbineCore) { TileEntityTurbineCore sp = (TileEntityTurbineCore) this; long power = sp.getPower(); String pre = ReikaEngLibrary.getSIPrefix(power); double base = ReikaMathLibrary.getThousandBase(power); li.add( String.format( "%s producing %.3f %sW @ %d rad/s.", sp.getName(), base, pre, sp.getOmega())); li.add(String.format("Lubricant level %d mB per block.", sp.getLubricant())); } if (this instanceof TileEntitySteamLine) { TileEntitySteamLine sl = (TileEntitySteamLine) this; String s = String.format("%s contains %d m^3 of steam.", this.getTEName(), sl.getSteam()); li.add(s); } return li; }