コード例 #1
 public static void loadPostCache() {
   for (int i = 0; i < researchList.length; i++) {
     ChromaResearch r = researchList[i];
     if (!r.isDummiedOut()) {
       Collection<ItemStack> c = r.getItemStacks();
       if (c != null) {
         for (ItemStack is : c) {
           if (is != null && is.getItem() != null) itemMap.put(is, r);
       Collection<CastingRecipe> crc = r.getCraftingRecipes();
       for (CastingRecipe cr : crc) {
コード例 #2
 private void removeFound(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block b, int meta) {
   if (Item.getItemFromBlock(b) == null) return;
   ItemStack is = new ItemStack(b, 1, meta);
   if (b instanceof SpecialOreBlock) {
     is = ((SpecialOreBlock) b).getDisplayItem(world, x, y, z);
   } else if (ReikaBlockHelper.isOre(b, meta)) {
     ReikaOreHelper ore = ReikaOreHelper.getEntryByOreDict(is);
     ModOreList mod = ModOreList.getModOreFromOre(is);
     if (ore != null) {
       is = ore.getOreBlock();
     } else if (mod != null && mod != ModOreList.CERTUSQUARTZ) {
       is = mod.getFirstOreBlock();
   Integer i = found.get(is);
   if (i == null) i = 0;
   if (i > 1) found.put(is, i - 1);
   else found.remove(is);
   // ReikaJavaLibrary.pConsole("Removed "+b+":"+meta+" from cache, now have "+found.get(is));
コード例 #3
  protected void readSyncTag(NBTTagCompound NBT) {

    digging = NBT.getBoolean("dig");
    digReady = NBT.getBoolean("dig2");
    finishedDigging = NBT.getBoolean("finish");
    index = NBT.getInteger("index");

    dropFlag = NBT.getBoolean("dropped");

    NBTTagList li = NBT.getTagList("count", NBTTypes.COMPOUND.ID);
    for (Object o : li.tagList) {
      NBTTagCompound tag = (NBTTagCompound) o;
      int id = tag.getInteger("id");
      int meta = tag.getInteger("meta");
      int count = tag.getInteger("count");
      ItemStack is = new ItemStack(Item.getItemById(id), 1, meta);
      found.put(is, count);
コード例 #4
 private void addFound(World world, int x, int y, int z, Block b, int meta) {
   if (b != null && Item.getItemFromBlock(b) == null) {
     ChromatiCraft.logger.logError("Block " + b + " has no item to drop when mined???");
   ItemStack is = new ItemStack(b, 1, meta);
   if (b instanceof SpecialOreBlock) {
     is = ((SpecialOreBlock) b).getDisplayItem(world, x, y, z);
   } else if (ReikaBlockHelper.isOre(b, meta)) {
     ReikaOreHelper ore = ReikaOreHelper.getEntryByOreDict(is);
     ModOreList mod = ModOreList.getModOreFromOre(is);
     if (ore != null) {
       is = ore.getOreBlock();
     } else if (mod != null && mod != ModOreList.CERTUSQUARTZ) {
       is = mod.getFirstOreBlock();
   Integer i = found.get(is);
   if (i == null) i = 0;
   found.put(is, i + 1);
   // ReikaJavaLibrary.pConsole("Found "+b+":"+meta+" @ "+x+","+y+","+z+"; have "+(i+1));
コード例 #5
 private PneumaticPlantHandler() {
   if (this.hasMod()) {
     try {
       Class ic = this.getMod().getItemClass();
       Field seedf = ic.getDeclaredField("plasticPlant");
       Item seed = (Item) seedf.get(null);
       Class bc = this.getMod().getBlockClass();
       for (int i = 0; i < Plants.plantList.length; i++) {
         Plants p = Plants.plantList[i];
         Field f = bc.getDeclaredField(p.blockField);
         p.block = (Block) f.get(null);
         p.seed = new ItemStack(seed, 1, p.seedMeta);
         blockMap.put(p.block, p);
         itemMap.put(p.seed, p);
     } catch (Exception e) {
   } else {