public void draw(int[] pixels) { frameCount++; parent.println("draw!"); String data = ""; data += "task.animation.set(leds, 50, "; if (isLoggedIn) { // && serverIsReady){ for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { String value = Integer.toHexString(pixels[i]); value = value.substring(2, value.length()); data += "#" + value + ","; } data = data.substring(0, data.length() - 1); data += ")\n"; parent.println(data); lumoClient.write(data); serverIsReady = false; } }
public void clientEvent(Client myClient) { String response = myClient.readString(); if (response != null) parent.println("response: " + response); if (response != null && isConnected) { if (parent.match(response, "100") != null && !isLoggedIn) { parent.println("trying to log in..."); myClient.write("login(test,test)\n"); } if (parent.match(response, "200") != null && !isLoggedIn) { isLoggedIn = true; myClient.write("task.set(active,true)\n"); parent.println("we are logged in!"); } if (parent.match(response, "200") != null && isLoggedIn) { serverIsReady = true; parent.println("server is now ready for tasks!"); } } }
public void setup(PApplet p) { // size(600,600); // background(20); // frameRate(10); this.parent = p; // try to make a connection to the LumoServer try { isConnected = true; lumoClient = new Client(parent, "localhost", 7070); parent.println("Server Connection acquired"); } catch (Exception e) { isConnected = false; parent.println("Server Connection failed"); } }