public void clientEvent(Client myClient) { String response = myClient.readString(); if (response != null) parent.println("response: " + response); if (response != null && isConnected) { if (parent.match(response, "100") != null && !isLoggedIn) { parent.println("trying to log in..."); myClient.write("login(test,test)\n"); } if (parent.match(response, "200") != null && !isLoggedIn) { isLoggedIn = true; myClient.write("task.set(active,true)\n"); parent.println("we are logged in!"); } if (parent.match(response, "200") != null && isLoggedIn) { serverIsReady = true; parent.println("server is now ready for tasks!"); } } }
public void draw(int[] pixels) { frameCount++; parent.println("draw!"); String data = ""; data += "task.animation.set(leds, 50, "; if (isLoggedIn) { // && serverIsReady){ for (int i = 0; i < pixels.length; i++) { String value = Integer.toHexString(pixels[i]); value = value.substring(2, value.length()); data += "#" + value + ","; } data = data.substring(0, data.length() - 1); data += ")\n"; parent.println(data); lumoClient.write(data); serverIsReady = false; } }
public void initXMLObject() { numProfiles = xmlFeed.getChildCount(); println("NUM PROFILES: " + numProfiles); for (int i = 0; i < numProfiles; i++) { XMLElement profile = xmlFeed.getChild(i); /// * try { headerList.add(profile.getChild(0).getContent()); nameList.add(profile.getChild(1).getContent()); blurbList.add(profile.getChild(2).getContent()); // videoPathList.add(profile.getChild(3).getContent()); thePopUp.videoPath.add(profile.getChild(3).getContent()); latList.add(profile.getChild(4).getContent()); longList.add(profile.getChild(5).getContent()); pApp.println("Title= " + profile.getChild(0).getContent()); pApp.println("Name= " + profile.getChild(1).getContent()); pApp.println("Blurb= " + profile.getChild(2).getContent()); // pApp.println("video = " + profile.getChild(3).getContent()); pApp.println("Address = " + profile.getChild(4).getContent()); // pApp.println("long = " + profile.getChild(5).getContent()); // pApp.println(" "); pApp.println(" "); } catch (Exception e) { println("XML init error: " + e); } } /// now that the popup video array has data, init the video thePopUp.initVideo(); /// convert the lat and long string to floats initLocations(); }
/** setVol(float) adjusts overall volume. Checks for min/max limits to avoid crashes. */ public void setVol(float newvol) { if (newvol > -40.0f && newvol < 6.020f) { try { volCtrl.setValue(newvol); } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println(e.getMessage()); } } else { PApplet.println( "Error - volume '" + newvol + "' is out of range. Must be between -40.0f and 6.020f!"); } }
/** * a Constructor, usually called in the setup() method in your sketch to initialize and start the * library. * * @example portaTest * @param p */ public PortaMod(PApplet p) { this.p = p; IBXM.SetMC(this); try { noteArrived = p.getClass().getMethod("grabNewdata", new Class[] {PortaMod.class}); } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println(e.getMessage()); } try { noteArrivedB = p.getClass().getMethod("grabNewdataB", new Class[] {PortaMod.class}); } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println(e.getMessage()); } }
public int createLevel(int level, String[] lines) { String line; int count = 0; char c; for (int down = 0; down < nbrDown; down++) { line = lines[down]; for (int across = 0; across < nbrAcross; across++) { c = line.charAt(across); switch (c) { case 'O': case 'o': cell[2 * across][2 * down][level].tileReqd = true; count++; break; case '>': cell[2 * across + 1][2 * down][level].tileReqd = true; count++; break; case 'v': cell[2 * across][2 * down + 1][level].tileReqd = true; count++; break; case 'x': cell[2 * across + 1][2 * down + 1][level].tileReqd = true; count++; break; case '+': break; default: PApplet.println("Illegal character '" + c + "' in line " + down + " on level " + level); } } } return count; }
/** Draw the shape into an arbitrary PGraphics. */ void draw(PGraphics pg) { if (iFrame.isEyeFrame()) return; if (shift != null) if (pg.is3D()) pg.translate(shift.x(), shift.y(), shift.z()); else pg.translate(shift.x(), shift.y()); // The shape part took verbatim from Processing, see: // if (shp != null) { // don't do expensive matrix ops if invisible if (shp.isVisible() && !iFrame.isEyeFrame()) { pg.flush(); if (pg.shapeMode == PApplet.CENTER) { pg.pushMatrix(); pg.translate(-shp.getWidth() / 2, -shp.getHeight() / 2); } shp.draw(pg); // needs to handle recorder too if (pg.shapeMode == PApplet.CENTER) { pg.popMatrix(); } } } else if (mth != null && obj != null) { try { mth.invoke(obj, new Object[] {pg}); } catch (Exception e1) { try { mth.invoke(obj, new Object[] {iFrame, pg}); } catch (Exception e2) { PApplet.println("Something went wrong when invoking your " + mth.getName() + " method"); } } } }
void readFile(String fName) { ArrayList<Vec3D> importPts = new ArrayList<Vec3D>(); File f = new File(""); try { f = new File(p.dataPath(fName)); p.println(fName); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { PApplet.println("File: " + " could not be found."); } String[] strLines = p.loadStrings(f.getAbsolutePath()); for (int i = 0; i < strLines.length; i++) { String clean = strLines[i].substring(1, strLines[i].length() - 1); String[] splitToken = clean.split(", "); float xx = PApplet.parseFloat(splitToken[0]); float yy = PApplet.parseFloat(splitToken[1]); float zz = PApplet.parseFloat(splitToken[2]); Vec3D ptt = new Vec3D(xx, yy, zz); importPts.add(ptt); } this.populate(importPts); p.dotTree.addAll(importPts); }
void mousePressed() { if (currentLarge != null) { if (parent.mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2) { // shrink it back down! // generate thumbnail currentLarge.setSize((int) (smallVizSize.x), (int) (smallVizSize.y)); moveToPosition(currentLarge); currentLarge .checkComponents(); // work out if we've double-clicked on the map, the cloud or the // streamgraph! currentLarge.currentTransitionState = MovementState.SHRINKING; currentLarge = null; } else { currentLarge.mousePressed(); } } else { for (TwitterFilteringComponent a : timePoints) { if (parent.mouseEvent.getClickCount() == 2 && a.hasMouseOver()) { PApplet.println("<double click> on " + a); previousPos = new PVector(a.x, a.y); a.moveTo(0, 0); a.setSize(width, height); currentLarge = a; a.currentTransitionState = MovementState.GROWING; break; } else if (a.hasMouseOver() && parent.keyPressed && parent.keyCode == PConstants.SHIFT) { // move middle to where the mouse is? PApplet.println("Dragging start" + a); currentDragging = a; draggingOffsetX = parent.mouseX - a.x; draggingOffsetY = parent.mouseY - a.y; currentDragging.currentTransitionState = MovementState.MOVING; // a.mousePressed(); } if (parent.mouseButton == PConstants.RIGHT) { // aha! we're doing captioning! if (a.hasMouseOver() && !a.hasCaption()) { a.addCaption(); } else if (a.hasCaption() && a.caption.mouseOver()) { PApplet.println("We want to edit the caption!"); a.caption.createNote(); } } } } }
///////////////////////////////////////////// // //init the location array ///// with ip addresses from the DB ///////////////////////////////////////////// /////// PARSE XML DATA ///////////// /////////////////////////////////////// public void loadXML() { try { xmlFeed = new XMLElement(this, xmlPath); initXMLObject(); } catch (Exception e) { pApp.println("unable to parse xml: " + e); } }
public LinearInterpolationDistorter(float radius0, float radius1) { this.r0 = radius0; this.r1 = radius1; if (radius1 < (radius0 / s1)) { PApplet.println("Distortion may look weird. Radius 1 should be greater."); } }
/** Mute audio (playback continues) */ public void mute() { if (!muted) { try { muteCtrl.setValue(true); muted = true; } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println(e.getMessage()); } } else { try { muteCtrl.setValue(false); muted = false; } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println(e.getMessage()); } } }
public void setup(PApplet p) { // size(600,600); // background(20); // frameRate(10); this.parent = p; // try to make a connection to the LumoServer try { isConnected = true; lumoClient = new Client(parent, "localhost", 7070); parent.println("Server Connection acquired"); } catch (Exception e) { isConnected = false; parent.println("Server Connection failed"); } }
/** * コンストラクタです。 コンフィギュレーション値を格納したインスタンスを作成します。 * * @param i_cs 座標系を選択します。 * <ul> * <li>{@link #CS_RIGHT_HAND} * <li>{@link #CS_LEFT_HAND} * </ul> * * @param i_tm 姿勢計算アルゴリズムを選択します。 * <ul> * <li>{@link #TM_NYARTK} - NyARToolKitの姿勢推定を使用します。 * <li>{@link #TM_ARTK} - ARToolKitの姿勢推定を使用します。 * </ul> */ public NyAR4PsgConfig(int i_cs, int i_tm) { switch (i_cs) { case CS_LEFT_HAND: case CS_RIGHT_HAND: break; default: PApplet.println("Invalid CS param. select CS_LEFT_HAND or CS_RIGHT_HAND."); } switch (i_tm) { case TM_NYARTK: case TM_ARTK: break; default: PApplet.println("Invalid TM param. select TM_NYARTK or TM_ARTK."); } this._coordinate_system = i_cs; this.env_transmat_mode = i_tm; }
public static void send_MIDI(MIDI_Msg[] midi_msgs) { if (midi_msgs.length > 0) { if (debug_code) PApplet.println("******* MIDI Messages Sent ********* "); for (int i = 0; i < midi_msgs.length; i++) { Controller control_msg = new Controller(midi_msgs[i].message, midi_msgs[i].value); midiOut[midi_msgs[i].channel - 1].sendController(control_msg); if (debug_code) PApplet.println( "msg " + i + " channel: " + midi_msgs[i].channel + " msg: " + midi_msgs[i].message + " value: " + midi_msgs[i].value); updateMessageStatus( midi_msgs[i].channel + ", " + midi_msgs[i].message + ", " + midi_msgs[i].value + "\n"); } } }
void mouseReleased() { if (currentDragging != null) { currentDragging.currentTransitionState = MovementState.SMALL; currentDragging = null; PApplet.println("Stopped dragging"); } for (TwitterFilteringComponent a : timePoints) { if (a.hasMouseOver()) { a.mouseReleased(); } } }
/** Initilize the platformer with the defaults. Will tell your log you're using it! */ public Platformer() { super(); PApplet.println("Using the default Platformer class. Extend this class to override defaults!"); }
/** * Load the MOD/XM/S3M module by filepath string. If the second parameter is false, the module * will not automatically start to play. The third parameter is the starting volume as a float * value between -40.0f and 6.020f. Start at the bottom if you want to fade a module in. * * @return int */ public int doModLoad(String tune, boolean autostart, int startVol) { filepath = tune; modpath = tune; headerCheck(tune); PApplet.println("Header checked: " + modtype); if (loadSuccess > 0) { loadSuccess = 0; } InputStream file_input_stream = p.createInput(tune); try { if (playing == true) { player.stop(); PApplet.println("stopped"); } player = new Player(interpolation); player.set_module(Player.load_module(file_input_stream)); file_input_stream.close(); player.set_loop(true); player.receivebuffer(buffersize); if (autostart) {; songStart = p.millis(); } this.setGlobvol(startVol); PApplet.println(player.get_title()); PApplet.println(player.song_duration); songLength = player.song_duration / 48000; infotext = new String[player.get_num_instruments()]; for (int i = 0; i < (player.get_num_instruments()); i++) { infotext[i] = ""; // store copies of all the instruments for changeSample Instrument tempinst_old = player.module.instruments[i]; oldsamples.add(i, tempinst_old); if (player.ins_name(i) != null) { PApplet.println(player.ins_name(i)); infotext[i] = player.ins_name(i); } } chantranspose = new int[player.get_num_channels()]; for (int c = 0; c < player.get_num_channels(); c++) { chantranspose[c] = 0; } loopstart = new int[player.get_num_instruments()]; looplength = new int[player.get_num_instruments()]; origloopstart = new int[player.get_num_instruments()]; origlooplength = new int[player.get_num_instruments()]; sampledatalength = new int[player.get_num_instruments()]; for (int ins = 0; ins < player.get_num_instruments(); ins++) { // initialise loopinfo arrays origloopstart[ins] = 0; origlooplength[ins] = 0; sampledatalength[ins] = player.module.instruments[ins].samples[0].sample_data_length; // store initial loop info for loopReset // System.out.println("Orig start: " + // player.module.instruments[ins].samples[0].loop_start); // System.out.println("Orig length: " // +player.module.instruments[ins].samples[0].loop_length); origloopstart[ins] = player.module.instruments[ins].samples[0].loop_start; origlooplength[ins] = player.module.instruments[ins].samples[0].loop_length; } PApplet.println("Channels:" + player.get_num_channels()); // PApplet.println(player.output_line.getControls()); try { // volCtrl = (FloatControl) player.output_line.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN); // volCtrl.setValue(startVol); } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println( "Mystery javasound failure lucky dip! This week's prize: " + e.getMessage()); } try { muteCtrl = (BooleanControl) player.output_line.getControl(BooleanControl.Type.MUTE); } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println(e.getMessage()); } /* for (int i=0; i < numchannels; i++){ globvol = startVol; try { player.ibxm.channels[i].chanvol_override = startVol; } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }*/ title = player.get_title(); numchannels = player.get_num_channels(); jamnote = new int[player.get_num_channels()]; jaminst = new int[player.get_num_channels()]; for (int c = 0; c < player.get_num_channels(); c++) { jamnote[c] = 0; jaminst[c] = 0; } numinstruments = player.get_num_instruments(); numpatterns = player.ibxm.module.get_sequence_length(); playing = true; loadSuccess = 1; initialtempo = player.get_bpm(); bpmvalue = player.get_bpm(); currentrowcount = player.ibxm.total_rows; endcount = 0; // if (player.get_num_channels() > 0) { // sequencecounter = 0; // refreshpattern(); // displayCurrentpattern(); // } } catch (Exception e) { PApplet.println(e.getMessage()); PApplet.println("Printing stack trace... "); e.printStackTrace(); } return loadSuccess; }
public void print() { PApplet.println(format(2)); }
public void setup() { size(1200, 800, OPENGL); smooth(); cam = new PeasyCam(this, 500); gfx = new ToxiclibsSupport(this); float range = maxX - minX; myHolder = new holder(this); dotTree = new dotTree(new Vec3D(minX, minY, minZ), range * 5, this); obsTree = new ObstacleTree(new Vec3D(minX, minY, minZ), range * 5, this); tTree = new terrainTree(new Vec3D(minX, minY, minZ), range * 5, this); PP = new ProgPoints(this); PP.readFile(dataPath(fName)); ArrayList<Vec3D> importPts = new ArrayList<Vec3D>(); File f = new File(""); try { f = new File(dataPath(fNameDest)); } catch (NullPointerException ex) { PApplet.println("File: " + " could not be found."); } String[] strLines = loadStrings(f.getAbsolutePath()); for (int i = 0; i < strLines.length; i++) { String clean = strLines[i].substring(1, strLines[i].length() - 1); String[] splitToken = clean.split(", "); float xx = PApplet.parseFloat(splitToken[0]); float yy = PApplet.parseFloat(splitToken[1]); float zz = PApplet.parseFloat(splitToken[2]); Vec3D ptt = new Vec3D(xx, yy, zz); importPts.add(ptt); } for (int i = 0; i < importPts.size(); i++) { if (i < importPts.size() - 1) { start.add(importPts.get(i)); end.add(importPts.get(i + 1)); } else { start.add(importPts.get(i)); end.add(importPts.get(0)); } } aMesh = (TriangleMesh) new STLReader().loadBinary(dataPath("final_obs.stl"), STLReader.TRIANGLEMESH); allVertx.addAll(aMesh.getVertices()); obsTree.addAll(allVertx); allVertx.clear(); importMesh = (TriangleMesh) new STLReader().loadBinary(dataPath("final_srf.stl"), STLReader.TRIANGLEMESH); allVertx.addAll(importMesh.getVertices()); tTree.addAll(allVertx); terrain = importMesh; moved = importMesh.getTranslated(new Vec3D(0, 0, 36)); for (int i = 0; i < 150; i++) { int groupId = (int) (random(0, start.size())); float test = random(0, 1); myHolder.addAgent(new Agent(i, groupId, test, this)); } }