public JPanel demo(Graph g, final String label) { // create a new radial tree view final PhysioMapRadialGraphView gview = new PhysioMapRadialGraphView(settings, g, label, semsimmodel); Visualization vis = gview.getVisualization(); // create a search panel for the tree map SearchQueryBinding sq = new SearchQueryBinding( (Table) vis.getGroup(treeNodes), label, (SearchTupleSet) vis.getGroup(Visualization.SEARCH_ITEMS)); JSearchPanel search = sq.createSearchPanel(); search.setShowResultCount(true); search.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 4, 0)); search.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 11)); final JTextArea title = new JTextArea(); title.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(450, 500)); title.setMaximumSize(new Dimension(450, 500)); title.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(450, 500)); title.setAlignmentY(CENTER_ALIGNMENT); title.setLineWrap(true); title.setWrapStyleWord(true); title.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(3, 0, 0, 0)); title.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Verdana", Font.PLAIN, 11)); gview.addControlListener( new ControlAdapter() { public void itemEntered(VisualItem item, MouseEvent e) {} public void itemExited(VisualItem item, MouseEvent e) { title.setText(null); } }); Box searchbox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); searchbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(10)); searchbox.add(search); searchbox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(3)); JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout()); panel.add(searchbox, BorderLayout.NORTH); panel.add(gview, BorderLayout.CENTER); panel.add(Box.createGlue(), BorderLayout.SOUTH); Color BACKGROUND = Color.WHITE; Color FOREGROUND = Color.DARK_GRAY; UILib.setColor(panel, BACKGROUND, FOREGROUND); return panel; }
public Congress(Table t) { super(new BorderLayout()); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 1: setup the visualized data final Visualization vis = new Visualization(); m_vis = vis; final String group = "by_state"; // filter to show only candidates receiving more than $100,000 Predicate p = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse("[" + TOTAL_RECEIPTS + "] >= 100000"); VisualTable vt = vis.addTable(group, t, p); // add a new column containing a label string showing // candidate name, party, state, year, and total receipts vt.addColumn( "label", "CONCAT(CAP(Candidate), ' (', " + "CAP([Party Designation]), '-', [State Code], " + "') ', Year, ': $', FORMAT([Total Receipts],2))"); // add calculation for senators vt.addColumn("Senate", "District <= 0"); vis.setRendererFactory( new RendererFactory() { AbstractShapeRenderer sr = new ShapeRenderer(); Renderer arY = new AxisRenderer(Constants.RIGHT, Constants.TOP); Renderer arX = new AxisRenderer(Constants.CENTER, Constants.FAR_BOTTOM); public Renderer getRenderer(VisualItem item) { return item.isInGroup("ylab") ? arY : item.isInGroup("xlab") ? arX : sr; } }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 2: create actions to process the visual data // set up dynamic queries, search set RangeQueryBinding receiptsQ = new RangeQueryBinding(vt, RECEIPTS); ListQueryBinding yearsQ = new ListQueryBinding(vt, "Year"); SearchQueryBinding searchQ = new SearchQueryBinding(vt, "Candidate"); // construct the filtering predicate AndPredicate filter = new AndPredicate(searchQ.getPredicate()); filter.add(yearsQ.getPredicate()); filter.add(receiptsQ.getPredicate()); // set up the actions AxisLayout xaxis = new AxisLayout(group, "State Code", Constants.X_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); AxisLayout yaxis = new AxisLayout(group, RECEIPTS, Constants.Y_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); // yaxis.setScale(Constants.LOG_SCALE); yaxis.setRangeModel(receiptsQ.getModel()); receiptsQ.getNumberModel().setValueRange(0, 65000000, 0, 65000000); xaxis.setLayoutBounds(m_dataB); yaxis.setLayoutBounds(m_dataB); AxisLabelLayout ylabels = new AxisLabelLayout("ylab", yaxis, m_ylabB); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); ylabels.setNumberFormat(nf); AxisLabelLayout xlabels = new AxisLabelLayout("xlab", xaxis, m_xlabB, 15); vis.putAction("xlabels", xlabels); // dems = blue, reps = red, other = gray int[] palette = new int[] { ColorLib.rgb(150, 150, 255), ColorLib.rgb(255, 150, 150), ColorLib.rgb(180, 180, 180) }; DataColorAction color = new DataColorAction(group, "Party", Constants.ORDINAL, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, palette); int[] shapes = new int[] {Constants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE, Constants.SHAPE_DIAMOND}; DataShapeAction shape = new DataShapeAction(group, "Senate", shapes); Counter cntr = new Counter(group); ActionList draw = new ActionList(); draw.add(cntr); draw.add(color); draw.add(shape); draw.add(xaxis); draw.add(yaxis); draw.add(ylabels); draw.add(new ColorAction(group, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, 0)); draw.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("draw", draw); ActionList update = new ActionList(); update.add(new VisibilityFilter(group, filter)); update.add(cntr); update.add(xaxis); update.add(yaxis); update.add(ylabels); update.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("update", update); UpdateListener lstnr = new UpdateListener() { public void update(Object src) {"update"); } }; filter.addExpressionListener(lstnr); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 4: set up a display and ui components to show the visualization m_display = new Display(vis); m_display.setItemSorter( new ItemSorter() { public int score(VisualItem item) { int score = super.score(item); if (item.isInGroup(group)) score += item.getInt(TOTAL_RECEIPTS); return score; } }); m_display.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); m_display.setSize(700, 450); m_display.setHighQuality(true); m_display.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { displayLayout(); } }); displayLayout(); m_details = new JFastLabel(m_title); m_details.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(75, 20)); m_details.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); m_total.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 20)); m_total.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); m_total.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); ToolTipControl ttc = new ToolTipControl("label"); Control hoverc = new ControlAdapter() { public void itemEntered(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup(group)) { m_total.setText(item.getString("label")); item.setFillColor(item.getStrokeColor()); item.setStrokeColor(ColorLib.rgb(0, 0, 0)); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } public void itemExited(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup(group)) { m_total.setText(m_totalStr); item.setFillColor(item.getEndFillColor()); item.setStrokeColor(item.getEndStrokeColor()); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } }; m_display.addControlListener(ttc); m_display.addControlListener(hoverc); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 5: launching the visualization this.addComponentListener(lstnr); // details Box infoBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); infoBox.add(m_details); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); infoBox.add(m_total); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // set up search box JSearchPanel searcher = searchQ.createSearchPanel(); searcher.setLabelText("Candidate: "); searcher.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 0)); // create dynamic queries Box radioBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); radioBox.add(searcher); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); radioBox.add(yearsQ.createRadioGroup()); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(16)); JRangeSlider slider = receiptsQ.createVerticalRangeSlider(); slider.setThumbColor(null); slider.setMinExtent(150000); slider.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { m_display.setHighQuality(false); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { m_display.setHighQuality(true); m_display.repaint(); } });"draw");"xlabels"); add(infoBox, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(m_display, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(slider, BorderLayout.EAST); add(radioBox, BorderLayout.SOUTH); UILib.setColor(this, ColorLib.getColor(255, 255, 255), Color.GRAY); slider.setForeground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); UILib.setFont(radioBox, FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 15)); m_details.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 18)); m_total.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 16)); }
@Override public void render(Graphics2D g, VisualItem item) { if (item.isVisible()) { item.setShape(Constants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE); RectangularShape shape = (RectangularShape) getShape(item); if (shape != null) { shape .getBounds2D() .setRect( (double) item.get(VisualItem.X), (double) item.get(VisualItem.Y), item.getSize(), item.getSize()); // draw basic glyph Color strokeColor = ColorLib.getColor(item.getStrokeColor()); Color fillColor = ColorLib.getColor(item.getFillColor()); // int size = (int)item.getSize(); int x = (int) item.getX() + bufferPx; int y = (int) item.getY() + bufferPx; int w = (int) item.getDouble(WIDTH) - 2 * bufferPx; int h = (int) item.getDouble(HEIGHT) - 2 * bufferPx; g.setPaint(fillColor); g.fillRect(x, y, w, h); // draw string on-top of glyph, filling the glyph's area // String s = "doc=" + item.getString(NODE_NAME) + "\n"; String s = ""; // set text: full document if no search term, else excerpts containing the search term String queryStr = searchQ.getSearchSet().getQuery(); String focusText = item.getString(DocumentGridTable.NODE_FOCUS_TEXT); if (queryStr != null && !queryStr.isEmpty() && focusText != null && !focusText.equals("null") && !focusText.equals("")) { // if search query and terms present in document, use term-containing spans s += focusText; } else if (queryStr != null && !queryStr.isEmpty() && focusText.equals(FOCUS_SENT_SPLITTER)) { // if search query but no terms present in document, use blank s += ""; } else if ((queryStr == null || queryStr.isEmpty()) && item.canGetInt(NODE_ID)) { // if no search query, build feature-oriented summary based on color attribute s = controller.getDocumentSummary(item.getInt(NODE_ID), colorAttrName); } // TODO : idea: set font size dynamically based on number of active nodes? based on size // of rect? int fontSize = 10; item.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", Font.PLAIN, fontSize)); Font f = item.getFont(); // compute width, height for the given text // NOTE: this logic has been moved into drawStringMultiline // int[] textDims = getTextDims(g, f, s); // debug // System.out.println("debug: "+this.getClass().getName()+": // drawStringMultiline at x="+x1+", y="+y1+", w="+w+", h="+h); drawStringMultiline(g, f, s, x, y, w, h); } } }
/** * Concordance tree display. Display a prefix tree (trie) encoding the context to the right of a * concordance; or a (i.e. a right-to-left prefix tree) encoding the left context of a concordance * * @author S Luz <[email protected]> * @version <font size=-1>$Id: $</font> * @see */ public class ConcordanceTree extends Display { private static final String TREE = "tree"; private static final String TREENODES = "tree.nodes"; private static final String TREEEDGES = "tree.edges"; public static final int WIDTH = 1200; public static final int HEIGHT = 800; public static final String NAME = "name"; public static final String NAMEEMPTY = "_Empty_Concordance_Tree_"; public static final String NODECOUNT = "nodecount"; public static final String ROWCOUNT = "colcount"; public static final int MAXCOLS = 200; private Tree tree; private LabelRenderer m_nodeRenderer; private EdgeRenderer m_edgeRenderer; FisheyeTreeFilter fisheyetreefilter = new FisheyeTreeFilter(TREE, 7); private static Font defaultTreeFont = FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 16); private Display m_display_self; // myself private String m_label = "label"; private int m_orientation = Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT; private static int cutoff_frequency = 1; /** Describe rowCount here. */ private static int rowCount = 1; /** Describe minFreqRatio here. */ private static float minFreqRatio = 1; public ConcordanceTree() { super(new Visualization()); m_display_self = this; m_label = NAME; tree = new Tree(); Table ntable = tree.getNodeTable(); ntable.addColumn(NAME, String.class); ntable.addColumn(NODECOUNT, int.class); ntable.addColumn(ROWCOUNT, int.class); resetTree(); m_vis.add(TREE, tree); // m_vis.add(TREE, t, new WordCountPredicate()); m_nodeRenderer = new LabelRenderer(m_label); m_nodeRenderer.setRenderType(AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_FILL); m_nodeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment(Constants.LEFT); m_nodeRenderer.setRoundedCorner(8, 8); m_edgeRenderer = new EdgeRenderer(Constants.EDGE_TYPE_CURVE); DefaultRendererFactory rf = new DefaultRendererFactory(m_nodeRenderer); rf.add(new InGroupPredicate(TREEEDGES), m_edgeRenderer); m_vis.setRendererFactory(rf); // colors ItemAction nodeColor = new NodeColorAction(TREENODES); ItemAction textColor = new ColorAction(TREENODES, VisualItem.TEXTCOLOR, ColorLib.rgb(0, 0, 0)); m_vis.putAction("textColor", textColor); ItemAction edgeColor = new ColorAction(TREEEDGES, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, ColorLib.rgb(255, 155, 155)); // quick repaint ActionList repaint = new ActionList(); repaint.add(nodeColor); // WordSizeAction wsaction = new WordSizeAction(TREEEDGES); repaint.add(new RepaintAction()); m_vis.putAction("repaint", repaint); // full paint ActionList fullPaint = new ActionList(); fullPaint.add(nodeColor); m_vis.putAction("fullPaint", fullPaint); // animate paint change ActionList animatePaint = new ActionList(400); animatePaint.add(new ColorAnimator(TREENODES)); animatePaint.add(new RepaintAction()); m_vis.putAction("animatePaint", animatePaint); // create the tree layout action NodeLinkTreeLayout treeLayout = new NodeLinkTreeLayout(TREE, m_orientation, 10, 0, 0); Point2D anchor = new Point2D.Double(25, HEIGHT / 2); treeLayout.setLayoutAnchor(anchor); m_vis.putAction("treeLayout", treeLayout); CollapsedSubtreeLayout subLayout = new CollapsedSubtreeLayout(TREE, m_orientation); m_vis.putAction("subLayout", subLayout); AutoPanAction autoPan = new AutoPanAction(); AutoCenterAction autocenter = new AutoCenterAction(); AutoFitAction autofit = new AutoFitAction(); ActionList positioning = new ActionList(); positioning.add(autofit); m_vis.putAction("positioning", positioning); ActionList fna = new ActionList(); fna.add(new WordFontAction(TREENODES, defaultTreeFont)); // fna.add(new EdgeWidthAction(TREEEDGES)); // fna.add(new WordSizeAction(TREEEDGES)); m_vis.putAction("fontnodeaction", fna); // create the filtering and layout ActionList filter = new ActionList(); filter.add(fna); filter.add(fisheyetreefilter); // VisibilityFilter visibfilter = new VisibilityFilter(new WordCountPredicate()); // filter.add(visibfilter); filter.add(treeLayout); filter.add(subLayout); filter.add(textColor); filter.add(nodeColor); filter.add(edgeColor); m_vis.putAction("filter", filter); // This doesn't quite work as expected; the layout is calculated // for the entire tree and low freq nodes are simply not shown, // leaving gaps in the layout // // setPredicate(new WordCountPredicate()); // animated transition ActionList animate = new ActionList(1000); animate.setPacingFunction(new SlowInSlowOutPacer()); // animate.add(autoPan); animate.add(new QualityControlAnimator()); animate.add(new VisibilityAnimator(TREE)); animate.add(new LocationAnimator(TREENODES)); animate.add(new ColorAnimator(TREENODES)); animate.add(new RepaintAction()); m_vis.putAction("animate", animate); m_vis.alwaysRunAfter("filter", "animate"); // create animator for orientation changes ActionList orient = new ActionList(2000); orient.setPacingFunction(new SlowInSlowOutPacer()); // orient.add(autoPan); // orient.add(autocenter); orient.add(new QualityControlAnimator()); orient.add(new LocationAnimator(TREENODES)); orient.add(new RepaintAction()); // orient.add(autofit); m_vis.putAction("orient", orient); // ------------------------------------------------ // initialize the display setSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT); setItemSorter(new TreeDepthItemSorter()); addControlListener(new ZoomToFitControl()); addControlListener(new ZoomControl()); addControlListener(new WheelZoomControl()); addControlListener(new PanControl()); addControlListener(new FocusControl(1, "filter")); addControlListener(new ToolTipControl(NODECOUNT)); registerKeyboardAction( new OrientAction(Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT), "left-to-right", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl 1"), WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); registerKeyboardAction( new OrientAction(Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM), "top-to-bottom", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl 2"), WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); registerKeyboardAction( new OrientAction(Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT), "right-to-left", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl 3"), WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); registerKeyboardAction( new OrientAction(Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP), "bottom-to-top", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl 4"), WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); registerKeyboardAction( new FisheyeExpandAction(-1), "collapse-one", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl 5"), WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); registerKeyboardAction( new FisheyeExpandAction(+1), "expand-one", KeyStroke.getKeyStroke("ctrl 6"), WHEN_IN_FOCUSED_WINDOW); // ------------------------------------------------ // filter graph and perform layout setOrientation(m_orientation);"filter"); /* TupleSet search = new PrefixSearchTupleSet(); m_vis.addFocusGroup(Visualization.SEARCH_ITEMS, search); search.addTupleSetListener(new TupleSetListener() { public void tupleSetChanged(TupleSet t, Tuple[] add, Tuple[] rem) { m_vis.cancel("animatePaint");"fullPaint");"animatePaint"); } }); */ } public Tree getTree() { return tree; } public void resetTree() { tree.clear(); Node cnode = tree.addRoot(); cnode.setString(NAME, NAMEEMPTY); cnode.setInt(NODECOUNT, 1); cnode.setInt(ROWCOUNT, 1); } public void initialView() { reset(); m_vis.cancel("filter");"filter");"positioning"); } /** * Get the <code>DefaultTreeFont</code> value. * * @return a <code>Font</code> value */ public final Font getDefaultTreeFont() { return defaultTreeFont; } /** * Set the <code>DefaultTreeFont</code> value. * * @param newDefaultTreeFont The new DefaultTreeFont value. */ public final void setDefaultTreeFont(final Font dtf) { defaultTreeFont = dtf; } // set orientation of layout public void setOrientation(int orientation) { NodeLinkTreeLayout rtl = (NodeLinkTreeLayout) m_vis.getAction("treeLayout"); CollapsedSubtreeLayout stl = (CollapsedSubtreeLayout) m_vis.getAction("subLayout"); Point2D anchor; switch (orientation) { case Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT: m_nodeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment(Constants.LEFT); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment1(Constants.RIGHT); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment2(Constants.LEFT); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment1(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment2(Constants.CENTER); anchor = new Point2D.Double(25, getHeight() / 2); break; case Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT: m_nodeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment(Constants.RIGHT); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment1(Constants.LEFT); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment2(Constants.RIGHT); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment1(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment2(Constants.CENTER); anchor = new Point2D.Double(getWidth() - 25, getHeight() / 2); break; case Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM: m_nodeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment1(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment2(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment1(Constants.BOTTOM); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment2(Constants.TOP); anchor = new Point2D.Double(getWidth() / 2, 35); break; case Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP: m_nodeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment1(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment2(Constants.CENTER); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment1(Constants.TOP); m_edgeRenderer.setVerticalAlignment2(Constants.BOTTOM); anchor = new Point2D.Double(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() - 35); break; default: throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unrecognized orientation value: " + orientation); } m_orientation = orientation; rtl.setOrientation(orientation); rtl.setLayoutAnchor(anchor); stl.setOrientation(orientation); } public int getOrientation() { return m_orientation; } /** * Get the <code>MinFreqRatio</code> value. * * @return a <code>float</code> value */ public final float getMinFreqRatio() { return minFreqRatio; } /** * Set the <code>MinFreqRatio</code> value. * * @param newMinFreqRatio The new MinFreqRatio value. */ public final void setMinFreqRatio(final float newMinFreqRatio) { this.minFreqRatio = newMinFreqRatio; } /** * Get the <code>ColumnCount</code> value. * * @return an <code>int</code> value */ public final int getRowCount() { return rowCount; } /** * Set the <code>ColumnCount</code> value. * * @param newColumnCount The new ColumnCount value. */ public final void setRowCount(final int rc) { this.rowCount = rc; } // Inner classes (actions etc) public class FisheyeExpandAction extends AbstractAction { private int expand; public FisheyeExpandAction(int b) { this.expand = b; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { fisheyetreefilter.setDistance(fisheyetreefilter.getDistance() + expand); getVisualization().cancel("filter"); getVisualization().run("filter"); getVisualization().run("treeLayout"); System.err.println(fisheyetreefilter.getDistance()); } } public class OrientAction extends AbstractAction { private int orientation; public OrientAction(int orientation) { this.orientation = orientation; } public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt) { setOrientation(orientation); m_vis.cancel("orient");"treeLayout");"orient"); // getVisualization().cancel("orient"); // getVisualization().run("treeLayout"); // getVisualization().run("orient"); } } public class AutoPanAction extends Action { private Point2D m_start = new Point2D.Double(); private Point2D m_end = new Point2D.Double(); private Point2D m_cur = new Point2D.Double(); private int m_bias = 150; public void run(double frac) { TupleSet ts = m_vis.getFocusGroup(Visualization.FOCUS_ITEMS); // System.err.println("auto-panning"+frac); if (ts.getTupleCount() == 0) return; if (frac == 0.0) { int xbias = 0, ybias = 0; switch (m_orientation) { case Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT: xbias = m_bias; break; case Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT: xbias = -m_bias; break; case Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM: ybias = m_bias; break; case Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP: ybias = -m_bias; break; } VisualItem vi = (VisualItem) ts.tuples().next(); m_cur.setLocation(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2); getAbsoluteCoordinate(m_cur, m_start); m_end.setLocation(vi.getX() + xbias, vi.getY() + ybias); } else { m_cur.setLocation( m_start.getX() + frac * (m_end.getX() - m_start.getX()), m_start.getY() + frac * (m_end.getY() - m_start.getY())); panToAbs(m_cur); } } } public class AutoFitAction extends Action { private int m_margin = 20; private long m_duration = 1000; private String m_group = Visualization.ALL_ITEMS; public void run(double frac) { Rectangle2D bounds = m_vis.getBounds(m_group); GraphicsLib.expand(bounds, m_margin + (int) (1 / m_display_self.getScale())); DisplayLib.fitViewToBounds(m_display_self, bounds, m_duration); } } public class AutoCenterAction extends Action { private Point2D m_start = new Point2D.Double(); private Point2D m_end = new Point2D.Double(); private Point2D m_cur = new Point2D.Double(); private int m_bias = 0; public void run(double frac) { System.err.println("auto-centering" + frac); if (frac == 0.0) { int xbias = 0, ybias = 0; switch (m_orientation) { case Constants.ORIENT_LEFT_RIGHT: xbias = m_bias; break; case Constants.ORIENT_RIGHT_LEFT: xbias = -m_bias; break; case Constants.ORIENT_TOP_BOTTOM: ybias = m_bias; break; case Constants.ORIENT_BOTTOM_TOP: ybias = -m_bias; break; } Rectangle2D vb = m_vis.getBounds(TREE); m_cur.setLocation(getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2); getAbsoluteCoordinate(m_cur, m_start); m_end.setLocation(vb.getX() + xbias, vb.getY() + ybias); } else { m_cur.setLocation( m_start.getX() + frac * (m_end.getX() - m_start.getX()), m_start.getY() + frac * (m_end.getY() - m_start.getY())); panToAbs(m_cur); } } } public static class NodeColorAction extends ColorAction { public NodeColorAction(String group) { super(group, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR); } public int getColor(VisualItem item) { if (m_vis.isInGroup(item, Visualization.SEARCH_ITEMS)) return ColorLib.rgb(255, 190, 190); else if (m_vis.isInGroup(item, Visualization.FOCUS_ITEMS)) return ColorLib.rgb(198, 229, 229); else if (item.getDOI() > -1) return ColorLib.rgb(164, 193, 193); else return ColorLib.rgba(255, 255, 255, 0); } } public static class WordFontAction extends FontAction { public WordFontAction(String group, Font df) { super(group, df); } public Font getFont(VisualItem item) { int nc = item.getInt(NODECOUNT); // if (nc==1) // return defaultTreeFont; // int cc = item.getInt(ROWCOUNT); // float smin = 1f/cc; float s = (float) nc / rowCount; float fs = defaultTreeFont.getSize(); if (s > 1) fs = fs * 2f; if (s > minFreqRatio * 60) fs = fs * 3f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 40) fs = fs * 3f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 20) fs = fs * 2.8f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 15) fs = fs * 2.5f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 10) fs = fs * 2f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 6) fs = fs * 1.8f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 3) fs = fs * 1.6f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 2) fs = fs * 1.4f; else if (s > minFreqRatio * 1.4) fs = fs * 1.2f; else if (s <= minFreqRatio) fs = fs * 0.5f; Font font = defaultTreeFont.deriveFont(fs); System.err.println( "w=" + item.getString(NAME) + " fs=" + fs + " rc=" + rowCount + " s=" + s + " minFreqRatio=" + minFreqRatio + " fn=" + font); return font; // } // return defaultFont; } } public static class EdgeWidthAction extends StrokeAction { public EdgeWidthAction(String group) { super(group); defaultStroke = this.getDefaultStroke(); } public BasicStroke getStroke(VisualItem item) { Node tn = ((Edge) item).getTargetNode(); int nc = tn.getInt(NODECOUNT); if (nc == 1) return new BasicStroke(0f); return defaultStroke; } } public static class WordSizeAction extends ItemAction { public WordSizeAction(String group) { super(group); } public void process(VisualItem item, double frac) { // if (item instanceof Node ){ // int dp = item.getDepth()+1; // double incfactor = NodeItem tn = ((EdgeItem) item).getTargetItem(); int nc = tn.getInt(NODECOUNT); if (nc == 1) { System.err.println("hiding___" + item); PrefuseLib.updateVisible(tn, false); PrefuseLib.updateVisible(item, false); } } } public static class WordCountPredicate extends { public boolean getBoolean(Tuple t) { if (t instanceof Node) { System.err.println("===" + ((Node) t).getInt(NODECOUNT)); if (((Node) t).getDepth() == 0) return true; else return t.canGetInt(NODECOUNT) && ((Node) t).getInt(NODECOUNT) > cutoff_frequency; } if (((Edge) t).getSourceNode().getInt(NODECOUNT) <= cutoff_frequency) return false; if (((Edge) t).getTargetNode().getInt(NODECOUNT) <= cutoff_frequency) return false; return true; } } }
public MPtrack(Table t) { super(new BorderLayout()); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 1: setup the visualized data final Visualization vis = new Visualization(); m_vis = vis; final String group = "by_state"; VisualTable vt = vis.addTable(group, t); vis.setRendererFactory( new RendererFactory() { AbstractShapeRenderer sr = new ShapeRenderer(30); Renderer arY = new AxisRenderer(Constants.RIGHT, Constants.TOP); Renderer arX = new AxisRenderer(Constants.CENTER, Constants.FAR_BOTTOM); public Renderer getRenderer(VisualItem item) { return item.isInGroup("ylab") ? arY : item.isInGroup("xlab") ? arX : sr; } }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // set up the actions AxisLayout xaxis = new AxisLayout(group, "States", Constants.X_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); AxisLayout yaxis = new AxisLayout(group, PARTY, Constants.Y_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); // yaxis.setScale(Constants.LOG_SCALE); xaxis.setLayoutBounds(m_dataB); yaxis.setLayoutBounds(m_dataB); AxisLabelLayout ylabels = new AxisLabelLayout("ylab", yaxis, m_ylabB, 5); AxisLabelLayout xlabels = new AxisLabelLayout("xlab", xaxis, m_xlabB, 5); vis.putAction("xlabels", xlabels); int[] palette = new int[] {ColorLib.rgb(150, 150, 255)}; int[] palette2 = new int[200]; for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { palette2[i] = ColorLib.rgba(255, 0, 0, 2 * i); } /* DataColorAction color = new DataColorAction(group, "Party", Constants.ORDINAL, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, palette); */ DataColorAction color2 = new DataColorAction(group, "Attendance", Constants.ORDINAL, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, palette2); ActionList draw = new ActionList(); draw.add(color2); draw.add(xaxis); draw.add(yaxis); draw.add(ylabels); draw.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("draw", draw); ActionList update = new ActionList(); update.add(xaxis); update.add(yaxis); update.add(ylabels); update.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("update", update); UpdateListener lstnr = new UpdateListener() { public void update(Object src) {"update"); } }; // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 4: set up a display and ui components to show the visualization m_display = new Display(vis); m_display.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); m_display.setSize(700, 450); m_display.setHighQuality(true); m_display.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { displayLayout(); } }); displayLayout(); m_details = new JFastLabel(m_title); m_details.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(75, 20)); m_details.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); ToolTipControl ttc = new ToolTipControl("label"); Control hoverc = new ControlAdapter() { public void itemEntered(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup(group)) { item.setFillColor(item.getStrokeColor()); item.setStrokeColor(ColorLib.rgb(0, 0, 0)); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } public void itemExited(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup(group)) { item.setFillColor(item.getEndFillColor()); item.setStrokeColor(item.getEndStrokeColor()); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } }; m_display.addControlListener(ttc); m_display.addControlListener(hoverc); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 5: launching the visualization this.addComponentListener(lstnr); // details Box infoBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); infoBox.add(m_details); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // create dynamic queries Box radioBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(16));"draw");"xlabels"); add(infoBox, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(m_display, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(radioBox, BorderLayout.SOUTH); UILib.setColor(this, ColorLib.getColor(255, 255, 255), Color.GRAY); UILib.setFont(radioBox, FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 15)); m_details.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 18)); }
public PhysioMapRadialGraphView( SemGenSettings sets, Graph g, String label, SemSimModel semsimmodel) { super(new Visualization()); this.semsimmodel = semsimmodel; // -- set up visualization -- m_vis.add(tree, g); m_vis.setInteractive(treeEdges, null, false); // -- set up renderers -- LabelRenderer m_nodeRenderer = new LabelRenderer(label); m_nodeRenderer.setRenderType(AbstractShapeRenderer.RENDER_TYPE_DRAW_AND_FILL); m_nodeRenderer.setHorizontalAlignment(Constants.CENTER); m_nodeRenderer.setRoundedCorner(8, 8); EdgeRenderer m_edgeRenderer = new EdgeRenderer(Constants.EDGE_TYPE_LINE, prefuse.Constants.EDGE_ARROW_REVERSE); m_edgeRenderer.setArrowType(prefuse.Constants.EDGE_ARROW_REVERSE); m_edgeRenderer.setArrowHeadSize(8, 8); // MAYBE HERE? DefaultRendererFactory rf = new DefaultRendererFactory(m_nodeRenderer); rf.add(new InGroupPredicate(treeEdges), m_edgeRenderer); m_vis.setRendererFactory(rf); // m_vis. // -- set up processing actions -- // colors ItemAction nodeColor = new NodeColorAction(treeNodes); ItemAction borderColor = new BorderColorAction(treeNodes); m_vis.putAction("borderColor", borderColor); ItemAction textColor = new TextColorAction(treeNodes); m_vis.putAction("textColor", textColor); ItemAction edgeColor = new ColorAction(treeEdges, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, ColorLib.rgb(0, 0, 0)); ItemAction arrowColor = new ArrowColorAction(treeEdges); m_vis.putAction("arrowColor", arrowColor); FontAction fonts = new FontAction(treeNodes, FontLib.getFont("Verdana", 12)); fonts.add("ingroup('_focus_')", FontLib.getFont("Verdana", 12)); // recolor // When recolor, do these actions ActionList recolor = new ActionList(); recolor.add(nodeColor); recolor.add(borderColor); recolor.add(textColor); recolor.add(arrowColor); m_vis.putAction("recolor", recolor); // repaint ActionList repaint = new ActionList(); repaint.add(recolor); repaint.add(new RepaintAction()); m_vis.putAction("repaint", repaint); // animate paint change ActionList animatePaint = new ActionList(400); animatePaint.add(new ColorAnimator(treeNodes)); animatePaint.add(new RepaintAction()); m_vis.putAction("animatePaint", animatePaint); // create the tree layout action RadialTreeLayout treeLayout = new RadialTreeLayout(tree); treeLayout.setAutoScale(true); m_vis.putAction("treeLayout", treeLayout); CollapsedSubtreeLayout subLayout = new CollapsedSubtreeLayout(tree); m_vis.putAction("subLayout", subLayout); // create the filtering and layout ActionList filter = new ActionList(); filter.add(new TreeRootAction(tree)); filter.add(fonts); filter.add(treeLayout); filter.add(borderColor); filter.add(subLayout); filter.add(textColor); filter.add(nodeColor); filter.add(edgeColor); filter.add(arrowColor); m_vis.putAction("filter", filter); // animated transition ActionList animate = new ActionList(700); animate.setPacingFunction(new SlowInSlowOutPacer()); animate.add(new QualityControlAnimator()); animate.add(new VisibilityAnimator(tree)); animate.add(new PolarLocationAnimator(treeNodes, linear)); animate.add(new ColorAnimator(treeNodes)); animate.add(new RepaintAction()); m_vis.putAction("animate", animate); m_vis.alwaysRunAfter("filter", "animate"); // ------------------------------------------------ // initialize the display setSize(sets.getAppWidth() - ExtractorTab.leftpanewidth - 50, sets.getAppHeight() - 235); setItemSorter(new TreeDepthItemSorter()); addControlListener(new DragControl()); addControlListener(new ZoomToFitControl()); addControlListener(new ZoomControl()); addControlListener(new PanControl()); addControlListener(new FocusControl(1, "filter")); addControlListener(new HoverActionControl("repaint")); // ------------------------------------------------ // filter graph and perform layout"filter"); // maintain a set of items that should be interpolated linearly // this isn't absolutely necessary, but makes the animations nicer // the PolarLocationAnimator should read this set and act accordingly m_vis.addFocusGroup(linear, new DefaultTupleSet()); m_vis .getGroup(Visualization.FOCUS_ITEMS) .addTupleSetListener( new TupleSetListener() { public void tupleSetChanged(TupleSet t, Tuple[] add, Tuple[] rem) { TupleSet linearInterp = m_vis.getGroup(linear); if (add.length < 1) return; linearInterp.clear(); for (Node n = (Node) add[0]; n != null; n = n.getParent()) linearInterp.addTuple(n); } }); SearchTupleSet search = new PrefixSearchTupleSet(); m_vis.addFocusGroup(Visualization.SEARCH_ITEMS, search); search.addTupleSetListener( new TupleSetListener() { public void tupleSetChanged(TupleSet t, Tuple[] add, Tuple[] rem) { m_vis.cancel("animatePaint");"recolor");"animatePaint"); } }); }
/* * Constructor for the class * This is where all the important stuff happens */ public TabularDataVis(Table t) { super(new BorderLayout()); /* * Step 1: Setup the Visualization */ // create a new visualization object, and assign it to the global variable final Visualization vis = new Visualization(); g_vis = vis; // create a visual abstraction of the table data (loaded in the buildFrame method) // call our data "canUrban" VisualTable vt = vis.addTable("canUrban", t); // add a new column containing a label string showing // the Geographic name and population // note: uses the prefuse expression language vt.addColumn( "label", "CONCAT([Geographic name], ' (Population: ', FORMAT([2006 Population],0), ')')"); // add a new column that divides the provinces by their geographic location (derived values) // note: uses the prefuse expression language vt.addColumn( "geographic location", "IF ([Province]='BC') THEN 1 ELSE " + "(IF ([Province] = 'AB' OR [Province] = 'SK' OR [Province] = 'MB') THEN 2 ELSE " + "(IF ([Province] = 'ON' OR [Province] = 'QC') THEN 3 ELSE" + "(IF ([Province] = 'NS' OR [Province] = 'NB' OR [Province] = 'PE' OR [Province] = 'NL') THEN 4 ELSE 5)))"); // add a new column that converts the population data to ordinal data (derived values) // note: uses the prefuse expression language vt.addColumn( "population ordinal", "IF ([2006 Population] > 5000000) THEN 7 ELSE " + "(IF ([2006 Population] > 1000000) THEN 6 ELSE " + "(IF ([2006 Population] > 250000) THEN 5 ELSE " + "(IF ([2006 Population] > 100000) THEN 4 ELSE " + "(IF ([2006 Population] > 50000) THEN 3 ELSE " + "(IF ([2006 Population] > 20000) THEN 2 ELSE 1)))))"); // create a new renderer factory for drawing the visual items vis.setRendererFactory( new RendererFactory() { // specify the default shape renderer (the actions will decide how to actually render the // visual elements) AbstractShapeRenderer sr = new ShapeRenderer(); // renderers for the axes Renderer arY = new AxisRenderer(Constants.RIGHT, Constants.TOP); Renderer arX = new AxisRenderer(Constants.CENTER, Constants.FAR_BOTTOM); // return the appropriate renderer for a given visual item public Renderer getRenderer(VisualItem item) { return item.isInGroup("ylab") ? arY : item.isInGroup("xlab") ? arX : sr; } }); /* * Step 2: Add X-Axis */ // add the x-axis AxisLayout xaxis = new AxisLayout("canUrban", "Province", Constants.X_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); // ensure the axis spans the width of the data container xaxis.setLayoutBounds(g_dataB); // add the labels to the x-axis AxisLabelLayout xlabels = new AxisLabelLayout("xlab", xaxis, g_xlabB, 15); /* * Step 3: Add the Y-Axis and its dynamic query feature */ // dynamic query based on population data RangeQueryBinding populationQ = new RangeQueryBinding(vt, "2006 Population"); AndPredicate filter = new AndPredicate(populationQ.getPredicate()); // add the y-axis AxisLayout yaxis = new AxisLayout("canUrban", "2006 Population", Constants.Y_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); // set the range controls on the y-axis yaxis.setRangeModel(populationQ.getModel()); populationQ.getNumberModel().setValueRange(0, 6000000, 0, 6000000); // ensure the y-axis spans the height of the data container yaxis.setLayoutBounds(g_dataB); // add the labels to the y-axis AxisLabelLayout ylabels = new AxisLabelLayout("ylab", yaxis, g_ylabB); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getIntegerInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); ylabels.setNumberFormat(nf); /* * Step 4: Add the search box */ // dynamic query based on Geographic name data SearchQueryBinding searchQ = new SearchQueryBinding(vt, "Geographic name"); filter.add(searchQ.getPredicate()); // reuse the same filter as the population query /* * Step 5: Colours and Shapes */ // assign a set of five perceptually distinct colours to assign to the provinces // chosen from ColorBrewer (5-class qualitative Set1) int[] palette = new int[] { ColorLib.rgb(77, 175, 74), ColorLib.rgb(55, 126, 184), ColorLib.rgb(228, 26, 28), ColorLib.rgb(152, 78, 163), ColorLib.rgb(255, 127, 0) }; // specify the stroke (exterior line) based on the ordinal data DataColorAction color = new DataColorAction( "canUrban", "geographic location", Constants.ORDINAL, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, palette); // specify the fill (interior) as a static colour (white) ColorAction fill = new ColorAction("canUrban", VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, 0); // represent all the data points with rectangles ShapeAction shape = new ShapeAction("canUrban", Constants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE); // assign the size of the visual element based on the population data (we // converted the 2006 Population data to ordinal values) DataSizeAction size = new DataSizeAction("canUrban", "population ordinal"); // setup a counter to keep track of which data points are currently being viewed Counter cntr = new Counter("canUrban"); /* * Step 6: Create the action list for drawing the visual elements */ ActionList draw = new ActionList(); draw.add(cntr); draw.add(color); draw.add(fill); draw.add(shape); draw.add(size); draw.add(xaxis); draw.add(yaxis); draw.add(ylabels); draw.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("draw", draw); vis.putAction("xlabels", xlabels); /* * create the action list for updating the visual elements * (during interactive operations and re-sizing of the window) */ ActionList update = new ActionList(); update.add(new VisibilityFilter("canUrban", filter)); // filter performs the size/name filtering update.add(cntr); update.add(xaxis); update.add(yaxis); update.add(ylabels); update.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("update", update); // create an update listener that will update the visualization when fired UpdateListener lstnr = new UpdateListener() { public void update(Object src) {"update"); } }; // add this update listener to the filter, so that when the filter changes (i.e., // the user adjusts the axis parameters, or enters a name for filtering), the // visualization is updated filter.addExpressionListener(lstnr); /* * Step 7: Setup the Display and the other Interface components * (scroll bar, query box, tool tips) */ // create the display g_display = new Display(vis); // set the display properties g_display.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 20, 10, 20)); g_display.setSize(700, 450); g_display.setHighQuality(true); // call the function that sets the sizes of the containers that contain // the data and the axes displayLayout(); // whenever the window is re-sized, update the layout of the axes g_display.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { displayLayout(); } }); // title label (top left) JFastLabel g_details = new JFastLabel("Canadian Urban Population"); g_details.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 20)); g_details.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); // total label (top right) g_total.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(350, 20)); g_total.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); g_total.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); // tool tips ToolTipControl ttc = new ToolTipControl("label"); Control hoverc = new ControlAdapter() { public void itemEntered(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup("canUrban")) { g_total.setText(item.getString("label")); item.setFillColor(item.getStrokeColor()); item.setStrokeColor(ColorLib.rgb(0, 0, 0)); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } public void itemExited(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup("canUrban")) { g_total.setText(g_totalStr); item.setFillColor(item.getEndFillColor()); item.setStrokeColor(item.getEndStrokeColor()); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } }; g_display.addControlListener(ttc); g_display.addControlListener(hoverc); // vertical slider for adjusting the population filter JRangeSlider slider = populationQ.createVerticalRangeSlider(); slider.setThumbColor(null); slider.setToolTipText("drag the arrows to filter the data"); // smallest window: 200,000 slider.setMinExtent(200000); slider.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { g_display.setHighQuality(false); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { g_display.setHighQuality(true); g_display.repaint(); } }); // search box JSearchPanel searcher = searchQ.createSearchPanel(); searcher.setLabelText("Urban Centre: "); searcher.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 0)); /* * Step 8: Create Containers for the Interface Elements */ // add the listener to this component this.addComponentListener(lstnr); // container for elements at the top of the screen Box topContainer = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); topContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); topContainer.add(g_details); topContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); topContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); topContainer.add(g_total); topContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // container for elements at the bottom of the screen Box bottomContainer = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); bottomContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); bottomContainer.add(searcher); bottomContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); bottomContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); bottomContainer.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(16)); // fonts, colours, etc. UILib.setColor(this, ColorLib.getColor(255, 255, 255), Color.GRAY); slider.setForeground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); UILib.setFont(bottomContainer, FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 15)); g_details.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 18)); g_total.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 16)); // add the containers to the JPanel add(topContainer, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(g_display, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(slider, BorderLayout.EAST); add(bottomContainer, BorderLayout.SOUTH); /* * Step 9: Start the Visualization */"draw");"xlabels"); }