public Congress(Table t) { super(new BorderLayout()); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 1: setup the visualized data final Visualization vis = new Visualization(); m_vis = vis; final String group = "by_state"; // filter to show only candidates receiving more than $100,000 Predicate p = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse("[" + TOTAL_RECEIPTS + "] >= 100000"); VisualTable vt = vis.addTable(group, t, p); // add a new column containing a label string showing // candidate name, party, state, year, and total receipts vt.addColumn( "label", "CONCAT(CAP(Candidate), ' (', " + "CAP([Party Designation]), '-', [State Code], " + "') ', Year, ': $', FORMAT([Total Receipts],2))"); // add calculation for senators vt.addColumn("Senate", "District <= 0"); vis.setRendererFactory( new RendererFactory() { AbstractShapeRenderer sr = new ShapeRenderer(); Renderer arY = new AxisRenderer(Constants.RIGHT, Constants.TOP); Renderer arX = new AxisRenderer(Constants.CENTER, Constants.FAR_BOTTOM); public Renderer getRenderer(VisualItem item) { return item.isInGroup("ylab") ? arY : item.isInGroup("xlab") ? arX : sr; } }); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 2: create actions to process the visual data // set up dynamic queries, search set RangeQueryBinding receiptsQ = new RangeQueryBinding(vt, RECEIPTS); ListQueryBinding yearsQ = new ListQueryBinding(vt, "Year"); SearchQueryBinding searchQ = new SearchQueryBinding(vt, "Candidate"); // construct the filtering predicate AndPredicate filter = new AndPredicate(searchQ.getPredicate()); filter.add(yearsQ.getPredicate()); filter.add(receiptsQ.getPredicate()); // set up the actions AxisLayout xaxis = new AxisLayout(group, "State Code", Constants.X_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); AxisLayout yaxis = new AxisLayout(group, RECEIPTS, Constants.Y_AXIS, VisiblePredicate.TRUE); // yaxis.setScale(Constants.LOG_SCALE); yaxis.setRangeModel(receiptsQ.getModel()); receiptsQ.getNumberModel().setValueRange(0, 65000000, 0, 65000000); xaxis.setLayoutBounds(m_dataB); yaxis.setLayoutBounds(m_dataB); AxisLabelLayout ylabels = new AxisLabelLayout("ylab", yaxis, m_ylabB); NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); nf.setMaximumFractionDigits(0); ylabels.setNumberFormat(nf); AxisLabelLayout xlabels = new AxisLabelLayout("xlab", xaxis, m_xlabB, 15); vis.putAction("xlabels", xlabels); // dems = blue, reps = red, other = gray int[] palette = new int[] { ColorLib.rgb(150, 150, 255), ColorLib.rgb(255, 150, 150), ColorLib.rgb(180, 180, 180) }; DataColorAction color = new DataColorAction(group, "Party", Constants.ORDINAL, VisualItem.STROKECOLOR, palette); int[] shapes = new int[] {Constants.SHAPE_RECTANGLE, Constants.SHAPE_DIAMOND}; DataShapeAction shape = new DataShapeAction(group, "Senate", shapes); Counter cntr = new Counter(group); ActionList draw = new ActionList(); draw.add(cntr); draw.add(color); draw.add(shape); draw.add(xaxis); draw.add(yaxis); draw.add(ylabels); draw.add(new ColorAction(group, VisualItem.FILLCOLOR, 0)); draw.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("draw", draw); ActionList update = new ActionList(); update.add(new VisibilityFilter(group, filter)); update.add(cntr); update.add(xaxis); update.add(yaxis); update.add(ylabels); update.add(new RepaintAction()); vis.putAction("update", update); UpdateListener lstnr = new UpdateListener() { public void update(Object src) {"update"); } }; filter.addExpressionListener(lstnr); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 4: set up a display and ui components to show the visualization m_display = new Display(vis); m_display.setItemSorter( new ItemSorter() { public int score(VisualItem item) { int score = super.score(item); if (item.isInGroup(group)) score += item.getInt(TOTAL_RECEIPTS); return score; } }); m_display.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(10, 10, 10, 10)); m_display.setSize(700, 450); m_display.setHighQuality(true); m_display.addComponentListener( new ComponentAdapter() { public void componentResized(ComponentEvent e) { displayLayout(); } }); displayLayout(); m_details = new JFastLabel(m_title); m_details.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(75, 20)); m_details.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); m_total.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500, 20)); m_total.setHorizontalAlignment(SwingConstants.RIGHT); m_total.setVerticalAlignment(SwingConstants.BOTTOM); ToolTipControl ttc = new ToolTipControl("label"); Control hoverc = new ControlAdapter() { public void itemEntered(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup(group)) { m_total.setText(item.getString("label")); item.setFillColor(item.getStrokeColor()); item.setStrokeColor(ColorLib.rgb(0, 0, 0)); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } public void itemExited(VisualItem item, MouseEvent evt) { if (item.isInGroup(group)) { m_total.setText(m_totalStr); item.setFillColor(item.getEndFillColor()); item.setStrokeColor(item.getEndStrokeColor()); item.getVisualization().repaint(); } } }; m_display.addControlListener(ttc); m_display.addControlListener(hoverc); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // STEP 5: launching the visualization this.addComponentListener(lstnr); // details Box infoBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); infoBox.add(m_details); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); infoBox.add(m_total); infoBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); // set up search box JSearchPanel searcher = searchQ.createSearchPanel(); searcher.setLabelText("Candidate: "); searcher.setBorder(BorderFactory.createEmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 0)); // create dynamic queries Box radioBox = new Box(BoxLayout.X_AXIS); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); radioBox.add(searcher); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalGlue()); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(5)); radioBox.add(yearsQ.createRadioGroup()); radioBox.add(Box.createHorizontalStrut(16)); JRangeSlider slider = receiptsQ.createVerticalRangeSlider(); slider.setThumbColor(null); slider.setMinExtent(150000); slider.addMouseListener( new MouseAdapter() { public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) { m_display.setHighQuality(false); } public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) { m_display.setHighQuality(true); m_display.repaint(); } });"draw");"xlabels"); add(infoBox, BorderLayout.NORTH); add(m_display, BorderLayout.CENTER); add(slider, BorderLayout.EAST); add(radioBox, BorderLayout.SOUTH); UILib.setColor(this, ColorLib.getColor(255, 255, 255), Color.GRAY); slider.setForeground(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); UILib.setFont(radioBox, FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 15)); m_details.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 18)); m_total.setFont(FontLib.getFont("Tahoma", 16)); }
public class NetMonitor { public static String ACCELX = "accelX"; public static String ACCELY = "accelY"; public static String ACCELZ = "accelZ"; public static String NODEID = "NodeID"; public static String LABEL = "Label"; public static String PARENT = "ParentID"; public static String COLOR = "MyColor"; public static String LEVEL = "Level"; public static String DATATABLE = "Datatable"; public static String TEMP = "Temperature"; public static String CURRENT = "Current"; public static String EDGETYPE = "EdgeType"; public static String TREEEDGE = "TreeEdge"; public static Predicate treeEdgePred = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ISEDGE() AND (" + NetMonitor.EDGETYPE + " = \"" + NetMonitor.TREEEDGE + "\")"); public static String TREEEDGESTATE = "TreeEdgeState"; public static Predicate treeEdgeStatePred = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ISEDGE() AND (" + NetMonitor.EDGETYPE + " = \"" + NetMonitor.TREEEDGESTATE + "\")"); public static String TREEEDGEALARM = "TreeEdgeAlarm"; public static Predicate treeEdgeAlarmPred = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ISEDGE() AND (" + NetMonitor.EDGETYPE + " = \"" + NetMonitor.TREEEDGEALARM + "\")"); public static String TREEEDGETEMP = "TreeEdgeTemp"; public static Predicate treeEdgeTempPred = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ISEDGE() AND (" + NetMonitor.EDGETYPE + " = \"" + NetMonitor.TREEEDGETEMP + "\")"); public static String TREEEDGENEIGHBOR = "TreeEdgeNeighbor"; public static Predicate treeEdgeNeighborPred = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ISEDGE() AND (" + NetMonitor.EDGETYPE + " = \"" + NetMonitor.TREEEDGENEIGHBOR + "\")"); public static String NEIGHBOREDGEBI = "NeighborEdgeBi"; public static Predicate neighborEdgeBiPred = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ISEDGE() AND (" + NetMonitor.EDGETYPE + " = \"" + NetMonitor.NEIGHBOREDGEBI + "\")"); public static String NEIGHBOREDGEUNI = "NeighborEdgeUni"; public static Predicate neighborEdgeUniPred = (Predicate) ExpressionParser.parse( "ISEDGE() AND (" + NetMonitor.EDGETYPE + " = \"" + NetMonitor.NEIGHBOREDGEUNI + "\")"); public static String AGE = "Age"; public static String PARENTNODE = "Parent_Node"; public static String PARENTEDGE = "Parent_Edge"; public static String EDGE_SOURCE = "Edge_Source"; public static String EDGE_DESTINATION = "Edge_Destination"; public static final String GRAPH = "graph"; public static final String NODES = "graph.nodes"; public static final String EDGES = "graph.edges"; public static final String LIVEACTION = "readlineActionList"; public static final String LAYOUTACTION = "layoutActionList"; public static int MAXAGE = 50; public static int MAXDELETEAGE = 100; /** @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { HistoryManagement history = new HistoryManagement(); Map nodeMap = new HashMap(); DataFileReader fileReader = new DataFileReader(args[0], history); Window window = new Window(nodeMap, fileReader, history); fileReader.setGUI(window); fileReader.openDataFile(); fileReader.setNodeMap(nodeMap); NodeData root = new NodeData(NodeData.ROOT, window, history); nodeMap.put(NodeData.ROOT, root); root.addTableRow(window.nodeTable); root.addValues(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); root.setLabel("root"); root.addNode(0);"color"); // assign the colors; // start up the animated layout"timesteps");; } }