private void writeStats( DgKSNetwork ksNet, DgCommodities commodities, double totalFlow, Set<DgCommodity> removedCommodities) {"Network: ");" # Streets: " + ksNet.getStreets().size());" # Crossings: " + ksNet.getCrossings().size()); int noLights = 0; int noNodes = 0; for (DgCrossing c : ksNet.getCrossings().values()) { noLights += c.getLights().size(); noNodes += c.getNodes().size(); }" # Lights: " + noLights);" # Nodes: " + noNodes);"Commodities: ");" # Commodities: " + commodities.getCommodities().size());" # Commodities removed: " + removedCommodities.size());"Overall flow: " + totalFlow); double removedFlow = 0.0; String info = ""; for (DgCommodity com : removedCommodities) { removedFlow += com.getFlow(); info += comToString(com) + " ; "; } "Removed flow: " + removedFlow + " %: " + Double.toString(removedFlow / totalFlow * 100.0));"Removed Commodities : ");; }
private void scaleCommodities(DgCommodities commodities) { if (ksModelCommoditySampleSize != 1.0) { for (DgCommodity com : commodities.getCommodities().values()) { double flow = com.getFlow() * ksModelCommoditySampleSize; com.setFlow(flow); } } }
public void convertAndWrite( String outputDirectory, String shapeFileDirectory, String filename, String name, String description, DgZones zones, double startTimeSec, double endTimeSec) throws IOException { // create koehler strehler network DgIdPool idPool = new DgIdPool(); DgIdConverter idConverter = new DgIdConverter(idPool); M2KS2010NetworkConverter netConverter = new M2KS2010NetworkConverter(idConverter); DgKSNetwork ksNet = netConverter.convertNetworkLanesAndSignals(, this.lanes, this.signals, this.signalsBoundingBox.getBoundingBox(), startTimeSec, endTimeSec); // gexf output for visualization DgKSNetwork2Gexf converter = new DgKSNetwork2Gexf(); converter.convertAndWrite( ksNet, outputDirectory + "network_small_simplified_ks2010_model.gexf"); // the former name was // network_small_simplified.gexf which // is misleading M2KS2010Zones2Commodities demandConverter = new M2KS2010Zones2Commodities(zones, idConverter); DgCommodities commodities = demandConverter.convert(ksNet); this.scaleCommodities(commodities); Set<DgCommodity> removedCommodities = new HashSet<DgCommodity>(); Set<Id<DgCommodity>> commoditiesToRemove = new HashSet<>(); double totalFlow = 0.0; for (DgCommodity com : commodities.getCommodities().values()) { if (com.getSourceNodeId().equals(com.getDrainNodeId())) { log.warn( "commodity : " + com.getId() + " flow: " + com.getFlow() + " has same start and drain node: " + com.getSourceNodeId()); } } for (DgCommodity com : commodities.getCommodities().values()) { totalFlow += com.getFlow(); if (com.getFlow() < minCommodityFlow) { commoditiesToRemove.add(com.getId()); } } for (Id<DgCommodity> id : commoditiesToRemove) { removedCommodities.add(commodities.getCommodities().remove(id));"Removed commodity id " + id + " because flow is less than " + minCommodityFlow); } // convert the KS2010 network back to the matsim format for debugging and visualization Network newMatsimNetwork = new DgKSNet2MatsimNet().convertNetwork(ksNet); DgKS2010Router router = new DgKS2010Router(); List<Id<DgCommodity>> invalidCommodities = router.routeCommodities(newMatsimNetwork, commodities); for (Id<DgCommodity> id : invalidCommodities) { removedCommodities.add(commodities.getCommodities().remove(id)); log.warn("removed commodity id : " + id + " because it can not be routed on the network."); }"testing routing again..."); invalidCommodities = router.routeCommodities(newMatsimNetwork, commodities); if (!invalidCommodities.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("Commodities that can not be routed still exist"); } log.warn( "To use the information of ks model link costs (i.e. link travel time) in the matsim network shapefile (with freespeed and link length format), we use a default freespeed of 1 m/s and set the link length to the link cost."); DgNetworkUtils.writeNetwork( newMatsimNetwork, outputDirectory + "matsim_network_ks_model.xml.gz"); DgNetworkUtils.writeNetwork2Shape( newMatsimNetwork, crs, shapeFileDirectory + "matsim_network_ks_model.shp"); DgCommodityUtils.write2Shapefile( commodities, newMatsimNetwork, crs, shapeFileDirectory + "commodities.shp"); // write ks-model new KS2010ModelWriter() .write(ksNet, commodities, name, description, outputDirectory + filename); // write commodities from the ks-model as matsim population in the small network new TtMorningCommodityAsMatsimPopWriter() .writeTripPlansFile(, commodities, outputDirectory, filename, startTimeSec, endTimeSec); writeStats(ksNet, commodities, totalFlow, removedCommodities); signalsBoundingBox.writeBoundingBox(shapeFileDirectory + "signals_"); idPool.writeToFile(outputDirectory + "id_conversions.txt"); }