public static String dumpConfigurationAsJson() { ImmutableCollection<String> keys = CONFIGURATION_SECTIONS.keySet(); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonFactory jfactory = mapper.getJsonFactory(); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); try { JsonGenerator gen = jfactory.createJsonGenerator(sw); gen.writeStartArray(); for (String v : keys) { String st = dumpConfigurationAsJson(v); ObjectMapper op = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode p = op.readTree(st); Logger.debug("OBJECT:" + p.toString()); Logger.debug("STRING:" + st); // JsonParser jp = jfactory.createJsonParser(st); gen.writeTree(p); } gen.writeEndArray(); gen.close(); return sw.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error("Cannot generate a json for the configuration", e); } return "[]"; } // dumpConfigurationAsJson()
@Override public F.Promise<SimpleResult> call(Context ctx) throws Throwable { if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) Logger.trace("Method Start"); Context.current.set(ctx); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("AnonymousLogin for resource " + Context.current().request()); String user = BBConfiguration.getBaasBoxUsername(); String password = BBConfiguration.getBaasBoxPassword(); // retrieve AppCode String appCode = RequestHeaderHelper.getAppCode(ctx); ctx.args.put("username", user); ctx.args.put("password", password); ctx.args.put("appcode", appCode); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("username (defined in conf file): " + user); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("password (defined in conf file): " + password); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("appcode (from header or querystring): " + appCode); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("token: N/A"); // executes the request F.Promise<SimpleResult> tempResult =; WrapResponse wr = new WrapResponse(); // SimpleResult result=wr.wrap(ctx, tempResult); F.Promise<SimpleResult> result = wr.wrapAsync(ctx, tempResult); if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) Logger.trace("Method End"); return result; }
@Override public void doSave(Identity socialUser) { // Recherche d'un user existant et création ou mise à jour des données en SGBD User userCfp = User.findByExternalId(,; Logger.debug( "doSave " + socialUser.fullName() + " / socialUserId : " + + " - " +; if (userCfp == null) { Logger.debug("Création du user : "******"Mise à jour du user : " + socialUser.fullName()); userCfp.fullname = socialUser.fullName(); if (socialUser.avatarUrl().isDefined()) { userCfp.avatar = socialUser.avatarUrl().get(); } } if (User.findAll().isEmpty()) { userCfp.admin = true; }; }
private static void processPages(PdfFile file, int dpi, int start, int end) { try { Document document = new Document(); String staticpath = Play.configuration.getProperty("staticpath", ""); Logger.debug("process %s", staticpath + file.originalFile); document.setFile(staticpath + file.originalFile); int numberOfPages = document.getNumberOfPages(); boolean thumbnail = false; if (start < 0 && end < 0) { file.numPages = numberOfPages;; thumbnail = true; } if (end < 0) { end = numberOfPages; } if (start < 0) { start = 0; } Logger.debug("process %s which has pages %s", file.title, numberOfPages); for (int i = start; i < end; i++) { processPage(file, document, i, dpi, thumbnail); } } catch (PDFException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (PDFSecurityException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected static SortedSet<Widget> findAllWidgets() { String ext = ".java"; Logger.debug("Scanning for widgets..."); SortedSet<Widget> all = new TreeSet<Widget>(); for (VirtualFile f : Play.javaPath) { VirtualFile widgets = f.child("widgets"); if (widgets.exists()) { Logger.debug("Searching " + widgets.getName()); for (VirtualFile pkg : widgets.list()) { if (pkg != null && pkg.isDirectory()) { for (VirtualFile w : pkg.list()) { if (w.getName().endsWith(ext)) { String className = w.getName().substring(0, w.getName().length() - ext.length()); String widgetName = pkg.getName() + "." + className; if (isWidget(widgetName)) try { all.add(getWidget(widgetName)); Logger.debug("Found " + widgetName); } catch (InvalidWidgetException e) { Logger.error(e, widgetName + " is not a widget?!"); } else Logger.warn(widgetName + " is not a widget."); } } } } } }"Found " + all.size() + " widgets"); return all; }
public static void deletePost(Long post_ID) throws SQLException { Post post = null; String deletePostStr = String.format("DELETE from %s where postid = ?", Post.dquote(POST), post_ID); Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement deleteP = null; if (post_ID != null) { try { conn = DB.getConnection(); deleteP = conn.prepareStatement(deletePostStr); ResultSet rs = deleteP.executeQuery(); if ( { Logger.debug("Failed to delete the Post."); } deleteP.close(); conn.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { Logger.debug("Failed while trying to delete the post."); } } else { Logger.debug("Post id is null."); } }
public static void log( String level, String clazz, String clazzSimpleName, String packageName, String method, String signature, String fileName, String relativeFileName, int line, Object[] args) { Throwable throwable = null; String pattern = ""; if (args[0] instanceof Throwable) { throwable = (Throwable) args[0]; pattern = (String) args[1]; } else { pattern = (String) args[0]; } pattern = stringFormatPrefix + pattern; Object[] betterLogsArgs = new Object[argsPrefix.size()]; int i = 0; for (String argName : argsPrefix) { if ("class".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = clazz; if ("simpleClass".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = clazzSimpleName; if ("package".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = packageName; if ("method".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = method; if ("file".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = fileName; if ("line".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = line; if ("relativeFile".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = relativeFileName; if ("signature".equals(argName)) betterLogsArgs[i] = signature; i++; } if ("trace".equals(level)) { Logger.trace(pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 1)); } else if ("debug".equals(level)) { if (throwable != null) Logger.debug(throwable, pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 2)); else Logger.debug(pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 1)); } else if ("info".equals(level)) { if (throwable != null), pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 2)); else, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 1)); } else if ("warn".equals(level)) { if (throwable != null) Logger.warn(throwable, pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 2)); else Logger.warn(pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 1)); } else if ("error".equals(level)) { if (throwable != null) Logger.error(throwable, pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 2)); else Logger.error(pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 1)); } else if ("fatal".equals(level)) { if (throwable != null) Logger.fatal(throwable, pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 2)); else Logger.fatal(pattern, handleLogArgs(betterLogsArgs, args, 1)); } }
public static void collect(CollectorInfo.Moment moment) { List<Page> pages = MongoService.getAllPages(); for (Page page : pages) { try { long lastMonth = / 1000; long now = / 1000; PagingParameters pagingParameters = new PagingParameters(25, null, lastMonth, now); PagedList<Post> posts; switch (moment) { case ALL: posts = facebook.feedOperations().getPosts(page.getId()); break; case RECENT: posts = facebook.feedOperations().getPosts(page.getId(), pagingParameters); break; default: posts = facebook.feedOperations().getPosts(page.getId()); break; } boolean firstTime = true; do { try { if (!firstTime) posts = facebook.feedOperations().getPosts(page.getId(), posts.getNextPage()); firstTime = false; for (Post post : posts) { Set<User> users = new HashSet<>(); Set<Comment> comments = new HashSet<>(); fetchCommentAndUpdateUsers(post, comments, users, page); fetchLikesAndUpdateUsers(post, users, page);; for (Comment comment : comments) {; } // save or update users iterations; } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.debug("error on get more posts: " + e.getMessage()); } Logger.debug("update:" + page.getTitle() + " "); } while (posts.getNextPage() != null); Logger.debug("Finished page:" + page.getId()); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.debug("error on page:" + page.getId()); } } }
public static OCommandRequest selectCommandBuilder( String from, boolean count, QueryParams criteria) throws SqlInjectionException { OGraphDatabase db = DbHelper.getConnection(); OCommandRequest command = db.command( new OSQLSynchQuery<ODocument>(selectQueryBuilder(from, count, criteria)) .setFetchPlan(fetchPlan.replace("?", criteria.getDepth().toString()))); if (!command.isIdempotent()) throw new SqlInjectionException(); Logger.debug("commandBuilder: "); Logger.debug(" " + criteria.toString()); Logger.debug(" " + command.toString()); return command; }
/** Is this method get PlayPropertiesAccessor annotation ? */ private boolean hasPlayPropertiesAccessorAnnotation(CtMethod ctMethod) { for (Object object : ctMethod.getAvailableAnnotations()) { Annotation ann = (Annotation) object; Logger.debug("Annotation method is " + ann.annotationType().getName()); if (ann.annotationType() .getName() .equals("play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer$PlayPropertyAccessor")) { Logger.debug("Method " + ctMethod.getName() + " has be enhanced by propertiesEnhancer"); return true; } } Logger.debug("Method " + ctMethod.getName() + " has not be enhance by propertiesEnhancer"); return false; }
private void install7Zip() throws RemoteException { Logger.debug("Unzipping 7zip..."); this.remoteConnection.executeCommand( "powershell -command & { Add-Type -A 'System.IO.Compression.FileSystem'; [IO.Compression.ZipFile]::ExtractToDirectory('" + this.homeDir + "\\" + WindowsInstaller.SEVEN_ZIP_ARCHIVE + "', '" + this.homeDir + "\\" + WindowsInstaller.SEVEN_ZIP_DIR + "'); }"); Logger.debug("7zip successfully unzipped!"); }
public static Promise<Result> editForm(final String datasetId) { // TODO Logger.debug("editForm"); final ActorSelection database = Akka.system().actorSelection(databaseRef); return from(database) .get(Dataset.class, datasetId) .query(listDatasetColumns(datasetId)) .executeFlat( new Function2<Dataset, List<Column>, Promise<Result>>() { @Override public Promise<Result> apply(final Dataset ds, final List<Column> columns) throws Throwable { return from(database) .get(SourceDataset.class, ds.sourceDataset().id()) .executeFlat( new Function<SourceDataset, Promise<Result>>() { @Override public Promise<Result> apply(final SourceDataset sds) throws Throwable { final Form<DatasetForm> datasetForm = Form.form(DatasetForm.class) .fill(new DatasetForm(ds, sds.dataSource().id(), columns)); Logger.debug("Edit datasetForm: " + datasetForm); return renderEditForm(datasetForm); } }); } }); // return Promise.pure ((Result) ok ()); }
public static Promise<Result> getDatasetJson(final String datasetId) { final ActorSelection database = Akka.system().actorSelection(databaseRef); Logger.debug("getDatasetJson: " + datasetId); return from(database) .get(Dataset.class, datasetId) .execute( new Function<Dataset, Result>() { @Override public Result apply(final Dataset ds) throws Throwable { final ObjectNode result = Json.newObject(); result.put("id", datasetId); if (ds == null) { result.put("status", "notfound"); return ok(result); } result.put("status", "ok"); result.put("dataset", Json.toJson(ds)); return ok(result); } }); }
/** * Do merge. * * @return the result */ @SubjectPresent public static Result doMerge() { Logger.debug("Account doMerge");; // this is the currently logged in user final AuthUser aUser = PlayAuthenticate.getUser(session()); // this is the user that was selected for a login final AuthUser bUser = PlayAuthenticate.getMergeUser(session()); if (bUser == null) { // user to merge with could not be found, silently redirect to login return redirect(routes.Application.index()); } final Form<Accept> filledForm = ACCEPT_FORM.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { // User did not select whether to merge or not merge return badRequest(ask_merge.render(filledForm, aUser, bUser)); } else { // User made a choice :) final boolean merge = filledForm.get().accept; if (merge) { flash( ControllerUtil.FLASH_INFO_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.accounts.merge.success")); } return PlayAuthenticate.merge(ctx(), merge); } }
private String createImageUrl() { Logger.debug("uploader url : " + Play.configuration.getProperty("domain.uploader")); return "http://" + Play.configuration.getProperty("domain.uploader") + "/attaches/" + group(CONTENT_GROUP); }
/** * Verify. * * @param token the token * @return the result */ public static Result verify(final String token) { Logger.debug("Account verify");; final TokenAction ta = tokenIsValid(token, Type.EMAIL_VERIFICATION); if (ta == null) { return badRequest(no_token_or_invalid.render()); } final String email =; // final User verifiedUser = ta.targetUser; // if(session().containsKey("acctType") && StringUtils.equals("event", // session().get("acctType"))) { // verifiedUser.addRoles(SecurityRole.EVENT_ADMIN); // } else { // verifiedUser.addRoles(SecurityRole.PFP_ADMIN); // } User.verify(ta.targetUser); flash( ControllerUtil.FLASH_INFO_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.verify_email.success", email)); if (ControllerUtil.getLocalUser(session()) != null) { return redirect(routes.Application.index()); } else { return redirect(routes.Signup.login()); } }
@Override public void onStart(play.Application argo) { super.beforeStart(argo); Logger.debug("** on start **"); try { MorphiaObject.mongo = new MongoClient("", 27017); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } MorphiaObject.morphia = new Morphia(); MorphiaObject.datastore = MorphiaObject.morphia.createDatastore(MorphiaObject.mongo, "test"); MorphiaObject.datastore.ensureIndexes(); MorphiaObject.datastore.ensureCaps(); Logger.debug("** Morphia datastore: " + MorphiaObject.datastore.getDB()); }
@Override public void onStop() { if (applicationContext != null) { Logger.debug("Closing Spring application context"); applicationContext.close(); } }
public static Promise<Result> setNotificationResult( final String datasetId, final String notificationId) { final String[] resultString = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded().get("result"); if (resultString == null || resultString.length != 1 || resultString[0] == null) { return Promise.pure((Result) redirect(; } final ConfirmNotificationResult result = ConfirmNotificationResult.valueOf(resultString[0]); Logger.debug("Conform notification: " + notificationId + ", " + result); final ActorSelection database = Akka.system().actorSelection(databaseRef); return from(database) .query(new PutNotificationResult(notificationId, result)) .execute( new Function<Response<?>, Result>() { @Override public Result apply(final Response<?> response) throws Throwable { if (response.getOperationresponse().equals(CrudResponse.OK)) { flash("success", "Resultaat van de structuurwijziging is opgeslagen"); } else { flash("danger", "Resultaat van de structuurwijziging kon niet worden opgeslagen"); } return redirect(; } }); }
@Override public Object authenticate(final Context context, final Object payload) throws AuthException { final Request request = context.request(); final String uri = request.uri(); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) { Logger.debug("Returned with URL: '" + uri + "'"); } final Configuration c = getConfiguration(); final ConsumerKey key = new ConsumerKey( c.getString(SettingKeys.CONSUMER_KEY), c.getString(SettingKeys.CONSUMER_SECRET)); final String requestTokenURL = c.getString(SettingKeys.REQUEST_TOKEN_URL); final String accessTokenURL = c.getString(SettingKeys.ACCESS_TOKEN_URL); final String authorizationURL = c.getString(SettingKeys.AUTHORIZATION_URL); final ServiceInfo info = new ServiceInfo(requestTokenURL, accessTokenURL, authorizationURL, key); final OAuth service = new OAuth(info, true); checkError(request); if (uri.contains(Constants.OAUTH_VERIFIER)) { final RequestToken rtoken = (RequestToken) PlayAuthenticate.removeFromCache(context.session(), CACHE_TOKEN); final String verifier = Authenticate.getQueryString(request, Constants.OAUTH_VERIFIER); final Either<OAuthException, RequestToken> retrieveAccessToken = service.retrieveAccessToken(rtoken, verifier); if (retrieveAccessToken.isLeft()) { throw new AuthException(retrieveAccessToken.left().get().getLocalizedMessage()); } else { final I i = buildInfo(retrieveAccessToken.right().get()); return transform(i); } } else { final String callbackURL = getRedirectUrl(request); final Either<OAuthException, RequestToken> reponse = service.retrieveRequestToken(callbackURL); if (reponse.isLeft()) { // Exception happened throw new AuthException(reponse.left().get().getLocalizedMessage()); } else { // All good, we have the request token final RequestToken rtoken = reponse.right().get(); final String token = rtoken.token(); final String redirectUrl = service.redirectUrl(token); PlayAuthenticate.storeInCache(context.session(), CACHE_TOKEN, rtoken); return redirectUrl; } } }
/** * FindById Searches the database for a Group object by the object id. * * @param connection The jdbc connection * @param id The id to select by */ public static Post FindByID(Long post_ID) throws SQLException { Post post = null; PreparedStatement findPostId = null; Connection conn = null; String sql = String.format("SELECT * from %s where postid = ?", Post.dquote(POST), post_ID); if (post_ID != null) { try { conn = DB.getConnection(); findPostId = conn.prepareStatement(sql); findPostId.setLong(1, post_ID); ResultSet rs = findPostId.executeQuery(); if ( { post = new Post( rs.getString(Post.CONTENT), rs.getString(Post.TYPE), rs.getTimestamp(Post.TIMESTAMP), rs.getLong(Post.USER_ID), rs.getLong(Post.WALL_ID), rs.getLong(Post.POST_ID)); } findPostId.close(); conn.close(); return post; } catch (SQLException e) { Logger.debug("Error retrieving post.", e); } } return post; }
@BodyParser.Of(BodyParser.Json.class) public F.Promise<Result> addPoint() { JsonNode json = request().body().asJson(); play.Logger.debug("AddPoint (Json): " + request().body().asJson().toString()); String name = json.findPath("name").textValue(); double latitude = json.get("location").get("lat").asDouble(); double longitude = json.get("location").get("lon").asDouble(); float rating = json.get("rating").floatValue(); String id_token = json.findPath("access_token").textValue(); String user_name = json.findPath("user_name").textValue(); String user_id = json.findPath("user_id").textValue(); latitude = getSixDecimalFormatNumber(latitude); longitude = getSixDecimalFormatNumber(longitude); ObjectNode newPoint = getNewPointJson(name, "", latitude, longitude); ObjectNode cafeInfo = getCafeInfoJson(rating, user_id, user_name); play.Logger.debug( String.format("\n Json newPoint: %s \n Json CafeInfo: %s", newPoint, cafeInfo)); String id = generateId(name + latitude + longitude); WSRequest requestNewPoint = ws.url(getAddPointUrl(id)).setContentType("application/json"); F.Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise; if (isValidToken(id_token)) { responsePromise =; return response -> { if (response.getStatus() == Http.Status.CREATED && addCafeInfo(id, cafeInfo)) { return ok(response.asJson()); } else { return badRequest(response.asJson()); } }); } else { responsePromise = null; ObjectNode status = Json.newObject(); status.put("status", "error"); status.put("point", newPoint); status.put("reason", "invalid token"); return -> unauthorized(status)); } }
public F.Promise<Result> points(String n, String s, String w, String e) { WSRequest request = ws.url(getSearchUrl()); F.Promise<WSResponse> responsePromise =, s, w, e)); play.Logger.debug(String.format("N - : %s, E - : %s, W - : %s, E - : %s", n, s, w, e)); return -> ok(getJsonPoints(response.asJson()))); }
/** * Do forgot password. * * @return the result */ public static Result doForgotPassword() { Logger.debug("Account doForgotPassword");; final Form<EmailUserIdentity> filledForm = FORGOT_PASSWORD_FORM.bindFromRequest(); if (filledForm.hasErrors()) { // User did not fill in his/her email return badRequest(password_forgot.render(filledForm)); } else { // The email address given *BY AN UNKNWON PERSON* to the form - we // should find out if we actually have a user with this email // address and whether password login is enabled for him/her. Also // only send if the email address of the user has been verified. final String email = filledForm.get().email; final User user = User.findByEmail(email); if (user == null) { // We don't want to expose whether a given email address is signed // up, so just say an email has been sent, even though it might not // be true - that's protecting our user privacy. flash( ControllerUtil.FLASH_WARNING_KEY, "Your email address doesn't match our records. Please try again."); } else { // We don't want to expose whether a given email address is signed // up, so just say an email has been sent, even though it might not // be true - that's protecting our user privacy. flash( ControllerUtil.FLASH_INFO_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.reset_password.message.instructions_sent", email)); // yep, we have a user with this email that is active - we do // not know if the user owning that account has requested this // reset, though. final EmailAuthProvider provider = EmailAuthProvider.getProvider(); // User exists if (user.emailValidated) { provider.sendPasswordResetMailing(user, ctx()); // In case you actually want to let (the unknown person) // know whether a user was found/an email was sent, use, // change the flash message } else { // We need to change the message here, otherwise the user // does not understand whats going on - we should not verify // with the password reset, as a "bad" user could then sign // up with a fake email via OAuth and get it verified by an // a unsuspecting user that clicks the link. flash( ControllerUtil.FLASH_INFO_KEY, Messages.get("playauthenticate.reset_password.message.email_not_verified")); // You might want to re-send the verification email here... provider.sendVerifyEmailMailingAfterSignup(user, ctx()); } } return redirect(routes.Signup.login()); } }
public void send(String message, String username) throws PushNotInitializedException, UserNotFoundException, SqlInjectionException, InvalidRequestException, IOException, UnknownHostException { if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("Try to send a message (" + message + ") to " + username); UserDao udao = UserDao.getInstance(); ODocument user = udao.getByUserName(username); if (user == null) { if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("User " + username + " does not exist"); throw new UserNotFoundException("User " + username + " does not exist"); } ODocument userSystemProperties = user.field(UserDao.ATTRIBUTES_SYSTEM); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("userSystemProperties: " + userSystemProperties); List<ODocument> loginInfos = userSystemProperties.field(UserDao.USER_LOGIN_INFO); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("Sending to " + loginInfos.size() + " devices"); for (ODocument loginInfo : loginInfos) { String pushToken = loginInfo.field(UserDao.USER_PUSH_TOKEN); String vendor = loginInfo.field(UserDao.USER_DEVICE_OS); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("push token: " + pushToken); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("vendor: " + vendor); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(vendor) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(pushToken)) { VendorOS vos = VendorOS.getVendorOs(vendor); if (Logger.isDebugEnabled()) Logger.debug("vos: " + vos); if (vos != null) { IPushServer pushServer = Factory.getIstance(vos); pushServer.setConfiguration(getPushParameters()); pushServer.send(message, pushToken); } // vos!=null } // (!StringUtils.isEmpty(vendor) && !StringUtils.isEmpty(deviceId) } // for (ODocument loginInfo : loginInfos) } // send
public List<Checkpoint> findNearbyCheckpoints(double longitude, double latitude) { List<Checkpoint> nearby = new ArrayList<Checkpoint>(); Logger.debug("finding checkpoints"); for (Checkpoint c : checkpoints) { Logger.debug("Longitude: " + longitude); Logger.debug("Longitude d: " + (c.longitude - longitude)); Logger.debug( "Distance: " + (c.longitude - longitude) * (c.longitude - longitude) + (c.latitude - latitude) * (c.latitude - latitude)); if ((c.longitude - longitude) * (c.longitude - longitude) + (c.latitude - latitude) * (c.latitude - latitude) < 0.0025 * 0.0025) { nearby.add(c); } } return nearby; }
private static void makeTestRepository() { for (Project project : Project.find.all()) { Logger.debug("makeTestRepository: " +; try { RepositoryService.createRepository(project); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
void loadUrlMappingsFromFile(String configFile) { try { Logger.debug("Loading urlMappings from: " + configFile); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); JsonNode jsonNode = mapper.readTree(readFile(configFile, StandardCharsets.UTF_8)); urlMatcher = new UrlMatcherImpl(jsonNode); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error loading mappings from file: " + configFile, e); } }
// default visibility for test access void loadUrlMappingsFromWS(String wsRequestPath) { try { Logger.debug("Loading urlMappings from: " + wsRequestPath); RestTemplate restTemplate = new RestTemplate(); JsonNode jsonNode = restTemplate.getForObject(wsRequestPath, JsonNode.class); urlMatcher = new UrlMatcherImpl(jsonNode); } catch (Throwable e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error loading mappings from address: " + wsRequestPath, e); } }
private static void processPage( PdfFile file, Document document, int i, int scaleInt, boolean isthumbnail) { float scale = scaleInt / 100.0f; float rotation = 0f; PDimension size = document.getPageDimension(i, rotation, scale); // double dpi = Math.sqrt((size.getWidth() * size.getWidth()) + // (size.getHeight() * size.getHeight())) // / Math.sqrt((8.5 * 8.5) + (11 * 11)); // if (dpi < (targetDPI - 0.1)) { // scale = (float) (targetDPI / dpi); size = document.getPageDimension(i, rotation, scale); // } int pageWidth = (int) (size.getWidth()); int pageHeight = (int) (size.getHeight()); BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(pageWidth, pageHeight, BufferedImage.TYPE_3BYTE_BGR); Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics(); document.paintPage(i, g, GraphicsRenderingHints.SCREEN, Page.BOUNDARY_CROPBOX, rotation, scale); g.dispose(); if (!isthumbnail) { String pageImage = getPageImagePath(file, i, scaleInt, isthumbnail); ImageUtil.saveJPEG(image, pageImage); Logger.debug("Page File Path: %s", pageImage); } else { String pageThumbnail = getPageImagePath(file, i, scaleInt, isthumbnail); BufferedImage thumbnail = ImageUtil.thumbnail(image, 140, 160, false, false); ImageUtil.saveJPEG(thumbnail, pageThumbnail); Logger.debug("Page Thumbnail Path: %s", pageThumbnail); models.Page page = models.Page.find("file= ? and page = ?", file, i).first(); if (page == null) { page = new models.Page(); page.file = file; = i; } page.content = document.getPageText(i).toString(); page.width = pageWidth; page.height = pageHeight;; } Logger.debug("process page %s", i); }