@Override public void enhanceThisClass(final ApplicationClass applicationClass) throws Exception { final CtClass ctClass = makeClass(applicationClass); if (ctClass.isInterface()) { return; } final Map<CtField, InjectionInfo> fieldsToInject = scanForInjections(ctClass); // in all methods, replace the field accesses with a call to spring for (final CtMethod ctMethod : ctClass.getDeclaredMethods()) { ctMethod.instrument( new ExprEditor() { @Override public void edit(final FieldAccess fieldAccess) { try { final InjectionInfo injectionInfo = fieldsToInject.get(fieldAccess.getField()); if (injectionInfo != null && fieldAccess.isReader()) { switch (injectionInfo.injectionMethod) { case BY_NAME: fieldAccess.replace( "$_ = ($r)play.utils.Java.invokeStatic(play.modules.spring.Spring.class, \"getBean\", new Object[] {\"" + injectionInfo.beanName + "\"});"); break; case BY_TYPE: fieldAccess.replace( "$_ = ($r)play.utils.Java.invokeStatic(play.modules.spring.Spring.class, \"getBeanOfType\", new Object[] {$type});"); break; } } } catch (final Exception e) { Logger.error( e, "Error in SpringEnhancer. %s.%s has not been properly enhanced (fieldAccess %s).", applicationClass.name, ctMethod.getName(), fieldAccess); throw new UnexpectedException("Error enhancing injected field", e); } } }); } applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode(); ctClass.defrost(); }
@Override public void onApplicationStart() { // must check and configure JPA for each DBConfig for (DBConfig dbConfig : DB.getDBConfigs()) { // check and enable JPA on this config // is JPA already configured? String configName = dbConfig.getDBConfigName(); if (JPA.getJPAConfig(configName, true) == null) { // must configure it // resolve prefix for hibernate config.. // should be nothing for default, and db_<name> for others String propPrefix = ""; if (!DBConfig.defaultDbConfigName.equalsIgnoreCase(configName)) { propPrefix = "db_" + configName + "."; } List<Class> classes = findEntityClassesForThisConfig(configName, propPrefix); if (classes == null) continue; // we're ready to configure this instance of JPA final String hibernateDataSource = Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "hibernate.connection.datasource"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(hibernateDataSource) && dbConfig == null) { throw new JPAException( "Cannot start a JPA manager without a properly configured database" + getConfigInfoString(configName), new NullPointerException("No datasource configured")); } Ejb3Configuration cfg = new Ejb3Configuration(); if (dbConfig.getDatasource() != null) { cfg.setDataSource(dbConfig.getDatasource()); } if (!Play.configuration .getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.ddl", Play.mode.isDev() ? "update" : "none") .equals("none")) { cfg.setProperty( "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.ddl", "update")); } String driver = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(propPrefix)) { driver = Play.configuration.getProperty("db.driver"); } else { driver = Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "driver"); } cfg.setProperty("hibernate.dialect", getDefaultDialect(propPrefix, driver)); cfg.setProperty("javax.persistence.transaction", "RESOURCE_LOCAL"); cfg.setInterceptor(new PlayInterceptor()); // This setting is global for all JPAs - only configure if configuring default JPA if (StringUtils.isEmpty(propPrefix)) { if (Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.debugSQL", "false").equals("true")) { org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("org.hibernate.SQL").setLevel(Level.ALL); } else { org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("org.hibernate.SQL").setLevel(Level.OFF); } } // inject additional hibernate.* settings declared in Play! configuration Properties additionalProperties = (Properties) Utils.Maps.filterMap(Play.configuration, "^" + propPrefix + "hibernate\\..*"); // We must remove prefix from names Properties transformedAdditionalProperties = new Properties(); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> entry : additionalProperties.entrySet()) { Object key = entry.getKey(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(propPrefix)) { key = ((String) key).substring(propPrefix.length()); // chop off the prefix } transformedAdditionalProperties.put(key, entry.getValue()); } cfg.addProperties(transformedAdditionalProperties); try { // nice hacking :) I like it.. Field field = cfg.getClass().getDeclaredField("overridenClassLoader"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cfg, Play.classloader); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error( e, "Error trying to override the hibernate classLoader (new hibernate version ???)"); } for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { cfg.addAnnotatedClass(clazz); if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("JPA Model : %s", clazz); } } String[] moreEntities = Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.entities", "").split(", "); for (String entity : moreEntities) { if (entity.trim().equals("")) { continue; } try { cfg.addAnnotatedClass(Play.classloader.loadClass(entity)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("JPA -> Entity not found: %s", entity); } } for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : Play.classes.all()) { if (applicationClass.isClass() || applicationClass.javaPackage == null) { continue; } Package p = applicationClass.javaPackage; Logger.info("JPA -> Adding package: %s", p.getName()); cfg.addPackage(p.getName()); } String mappingFile = Play.configuration.getProperty(propPrefix + "jpa.mapping-file", ""); if (mappingFile != null && mappingFile.length() > 0) { cfg.addResource(mappingFile); } if (Logger.isTraceEnabled()) { Logger.trace("Initializing JPA" + getConfigInfoString(configName) + " ..."); } try { JPA.addConfiguration(configName, cfg); } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new JPAException( e.getMessage() + getConfigInfoString(configName), e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e); } } } // must look for Entity-objects referring to none-existing JPAConfig List<Class> allEntityClasses = Play.classloader.getAnnotatedClasses(Entity.class); for (Class clazz : allEntityClasses) { String configName = Entity2JPAConfigResolver.getJPAConfigNameForEntityClass(clazz); if (JPA.getJPAConfig(configName, true) == null) { throw new JPAException( "Found Entity-class (" + clazz.getName() + ") referring to none-existing JPAConfig" + getConfigInfoString(configName) + ". " + "Is JPA properly configured?"); } } }
@Override public void enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClass applicationClass) throws Exception { final CtClass ctClass = makeClass(applicationClass); if (ctClass.isInterface()) { return; } if (ctClass.getName().endsWith(".package")) { return; } // Add a default constructor if needed try { boolean hasDefaultConstructor = false; for (CtConstructor constructor : ctClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { hasDefaultConstructor = true; break; } } if (!hasDefaultConstructor && !ctClass.isInterface()) { CtConstructor defaultConstructor = CtNewConstructor.make("public " + ctClass.getSimpleName() + "() {}", ctClass); ctClass.addConstructor(defaultConstructor); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer"); throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e); } if (isScala(applicationClass)) { // Temporary hack for Scala. Done. applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode(); ctClass.defrost(); return; } for (CtField ctField : ctClass.getDeclaredFields()) { try { if (isProperty(ctField)) { // Property name String propertyName = ctField.getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + ctField.getName().substring(1); String getter = "get" + propertyName; String setter = "set" + propertyName; try { CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(getter); if (ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length > 0 || Modifier.isStatic(ctMethod.getModifiers())) { throw new NotFoundException("it's not a getter !"); } } catch (NotFoundException noGetter) { // Créé le getter String code = "public " + ctField.getType().getName() + " " + getter + "() { return this." + ctField.getName() + "; }"; CtMethod getMethod = CtMethod.make(code, ctClass); getMethod.setModifiers(getMethod.getModifiers() | AccessFlag.SYNTHETIC); ctClass.addMethod(getMethod); } if (!isFinal(ctField)) { try { CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(setter); if (ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length != 1 || !ctMethod.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(ctField.getType()) || Modifier.isStatic(ctMethod.getModifiers())) { throw new NotFoundException("it's not a setter !"); } } catch (NotFoundException noSetter) { // Créé le setter CtMethod setMethod = CtMethod.make( "public void " + setter + "(" + ctField.getType().getName() + " value) { this." + ctField.getName() + " = value; }", ctClass); setMethod.setModifiers(setMethod.getModifiers() | AccessFlag.SYNTHETIC); ctClass.addMethod(setMethod); createAnnotation(getAnnotations(setMethod), PlayPropertyAccessor.class); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer"); throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e); } } // Add a default constructor if needed try { boolean hasDefaultConstructor = false; for (CtConstructor constructor : ctClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { hasDefaultConstructor = true; break; } } if (!hasDefaultConstructor) { CtConstructor defaultConstructor = CtNewConstructor.defaultConstructor(ctClass); ctClass.addConstructor(defaultConstructor); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer"); throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e); } // Intercept all fields access for (final CtBehavior ctMethod : ctClass.getDeclaredBehaviors()) { ctMethod.instrument( new ExprEditor() { @Override public void edit(FieldAccess fieldAccess) throws CannotCompileException { try { // Acces à une property ? if (isProperty(fieldAccess.getField())) { // TODO : vérifier que c'est bien un champ d'une classe de l'application // (fieldAccess.getClassName()) // Si c'est un getter ou un setter String propertyName = null; if (fieldAccess .getField() .getDeclaringClass() .equals(ctMethod.getDeclaringClass()) || ctMethod .getDeclaringClass() .subclassOf(fieldAccess.getField().getDeclaringClass())) { if ((ctMethod.getName().startsWith("get") || (!isFinal(fieldAccess.getField()) && ctMethod.getName().startsWith("set"))) && ctMethod.getName().length() > 3) { propertyName = ctMethod.getName().substring(3); propertyName = propertyName.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + propertyName.substring(1); } } // On n'intercepte pas le getter de sa propre property if (propertyName == null || !propertyName.equals(fieldAccess.getFieldName())) { String invocationPoint = ctClass.getName() + "." + ctMethod.getName() + ", line " + fieldAccess.getLineNumber(); if (fieldAccess.isReader()) { // Réécris l'accés en lecture à la property fieldAccess.replace( "$_ = ($r)play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor.invokeReadProperty($0, \"" + fieldAccess.getFieldName() + "\", \"" + fieldAccess.getClassName() + "\", \"" + invocationPoint + "\");"); } else if (!isFinal(fieldAccess.getField()) && fieldAccess.isWriter()) { // Réécris l'accés en ecriture à la property fieldAccess.replace( "play.classloading.enhancers.PropertiesEnhancer.FieldAccessor.invokeWriteProperty($0, \"" + fieldAccess.getFieldName() + "\", " + fieldAccess.getField().getType().getName() + ".class, $1, \"" + fieldAccess.getClassName() + "\", \"" + invocationPoint + "\");"); } } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e); } } }); } // Done. applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode(); ctClass.defrost(); }
@Override public void onApplicationStart() { if (JPA.entityManagerFactory == null) { List<Class> classes = Play.classloader.getAnnotatedClasses(Entity.class); if (classes.isEmpty() && Play.configuration.getProperty("jpa.entities", "").equals("")) { return; } final String dataSource = Play.configuration.getProperty("hibernate.connection.datasource"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataSource) && DB.datasource == null) { throw new JPAException( "Cannot start a JPA manager without a properly configured database", new NullPointerException("No datasource configured")); } Ejb3Configuration cfg = new Ejb3Configuration(); if (DB.datasource != null) { cfg.setDataSource(DB.datasource); } if (!Play.configuration .getProperty("jpa.ddl", Play.mode.isDev() ? "update" : "none") .equals("none")) { cfg.setProperty( "hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto", Play.configuration.getProperty("jpa.ddl", "update")); } cfg.setProperty( "hibernate.dialect", getDefaultDialect(Play.configuration.getProperty("db.driver"))); cfg.setProperty("javax.persistence.transaction", "RESOURCE_LOCAL"); // Explicit SAVE for JPABase is implemented here // ~~~~~~ // We've hacked the org.hibernate.event.def.AbstractFlushingEventListener line 271, to flush // collection update,remove,recreation // only if the owner will be saved. // As is: // if (session.getInterceptor().onCollectionUpdate(coll, ce.getLoadedKey())) { // actionQueue.addAction(...); // } // // This is really hacky. We should move to something better than Hibernate like EBEAN cfg.setInterceptor( new EmptyInterceptor() { @Override public int[] findDirty( Object o, Serializable id, Object[] arg2, Object[] arg3, String[] arg4, Type[] arg5) { if (o instanceof JPABase && !((JPABase) o).willBeSaved) { return new int[0]; } return null; } @Override public boolean onCollectionUpdate(Object collection, Serializable key) throws CallbackException { if (collection instanceof PersistentCollection) { Object o = ((PersistentCollection) collection).getOwner(); if (o instanceof JPABase) { return ((JPABase) o).willBeSaved; } } else { System.out.println("HOO: Case not handled !!!"); } return super.onCollectionUpdate(collection, key); } @Override public boolean onCollectionRecreate(Object collection, Serializable key) throws CallbackException { if (collection instanceof PersistentCollection) { Object o = ((PersistentCollection) collection).getOwner(); if (o instanceof JPABase) { return ((JPABase) o).willBeSaved; } } else { System.out.println("HOO: Case not handled !!!"); } return super.onCollectionRecreate(collection, key); } @Override public boolean onCollectionRemove(Object collection, Serializable key) throws CallbackException { if (collection instanceof PersistentCollection) { Object o = ((PersistentCollection) collection).getOwner(); if (o instanceof JPABase) { return ((JPABase) o).willBeSaved; } } else { System.out.println("HOO: Case not handled !!!"); } return super.onCollectionRemove(collection, key); } }); if (Play.configuration.getProperty("jpa.debugSQL", "false").equals("true")) { org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("org.hibernate.SQL").setLevel(Level.ALL); } else { org.apache.log4j.Logger.getLogger("org.hibernate.SQL").setLevel(Level.OFF); } // inject additional hibernate.* settings declared in Play! configuration cfg.addProperties((Properties) Utils.Maps.filterMap(Play.configuration, "^hibernate\\..*")); try { Field field = cfg.getClass().getDeclaredField("overridenClassLoader"); field.setAccessible(true); field.set(cfg, Play.classloader); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error( e, "Error trying to override the hibernate classLoader (new hibernate version ???)"); } for (Class<?> clazz : classes) { if (clazz.isAnnotationPresent(Entity.class)) { cfg.addAnnotatedClass(clazz); Logger.trace("JPA Model : %s", clazz); } } String[] moreEntities = Play.configuration.getProperty("jpa.entities", "").split(", "); for (String entity : moreEntities) { if (entity.trim().equals("")) { continue; } try { cfg.addAnnotatedClass(Play.classloader.loadClass(entity)); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.warn("JPA -> Entity not found: %s", entity); } } for (ApplicationClass applicationClass : Play.classes.all()) { if (applicationClass.isClass() || applicationClass.javaPackage == null) { continue; } Package p = applicationClass.javaPackage; Logger.info("JPA -> Adding package: %s", p.getName()); cfg.addPackage(p.getName()); } String mappingFile = Play.configuration.getProperty("jpa.mapping-file", ""); if (mappingFile != null && mappingFile.length() > 0) { cfg.addResource(mappingFile); } Logger.trace("Initializing JPA ..."); try { JPA.entityManagerFactory = cfg.buildEntityManagerFactory(); } catch (PersistenceException e) { throw new JPAException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause() != null ? e.getCause() : e); } JPQL.instance = new JPQL(); } }
private void enhance_(ApplicationClass applicationClass, boolean buildAuthorityRegistryOnly) throws Exception { Plugin.trace("about to enhance applicationClass: %s", applicationClass); CtClass ctClass = makeClass(applicationClass); Set<CtBehavior> s = new HashSet<CtBehavior>(); s.addAll(Arrays.asList(ctClass.getDeclaredMethods())); s.addAll(Arrays.asList(ctClass.getMethods())); s.addAll(Arrays.asList(ctClass.getConstructors())); s.addAll(Arrays.asList(ctClass.getDeclaredConstructors())); for (final CtBehavior ctBehavior : s) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(ctBehavior.getModifiers()) || javassist.Modifier.isAbstract(ctBehavior.getModifiers())) { continue; } boolean needsEnhance = false; RequireRight rr = null; RequirePrivilege rp = null; RequireAccounting ra = null; boolean allowSystem = false; Object[] aa = ctBehavior.getAnnotations(); for (Object o : aa) { if (o instanceof RequirePrivilege) { needsEnhance = true; rp = (RequirePrivilege) o; continue; } if (o instanceof RequireRight) { needsEnhance = true; rr = (RequireRight) o; continue; } if (o instanceof AllowSystemAccount) { allowSystem = true; continue; } if (o instanceof RequireAccounting) { needsEnhance = true; ra = (RequireAccounting) o; } } if (!needsEnhance) continue; String key = ctBehavior.getLongName(); String errMsg = String.format("Error enhancing class %s.%s: ", ctClass, ctBehavior); // process rr & rp if (null != rr || null != rp) { // check before/after enhancement Authority.registAuthoriable_(key, rr, rp); if (!buildAuthorityRegistryOnly) { // verify if before attribute of rr and rp is consistent if (null != rr && null != rp && (rr.before() != rp.before())) { String reason = "The before setting of RequireRight and RequirePrivilege doesn't match"; throw new RuntimeException(errMsg + reason); } boolean before = true; if (null != rr) before = rr.before(); if (null != rp) before = rp.before(); // try best to guess the target object String curObj = ""; if (null != rr) { // target object only impact dynamic access checking, hence rr shall not be null boolean isConstructor = ctBehavior instanceof CtConstructor; boolean isStatic = false; if (!isConstructor) isStatic = Modifier.isStatic(ctBehavior.getModifiers()); int paraCnt = ctBehavior.getParameterTypes().length; int id = rr.target(); // calibrate target id if (0 == id) { if (isConstructor) { id = -1; } else if (isStatic) { if (paraCnt > 0) id = 1; else id = -1; } } else if (id > paraCnt) { id = paraCnt; } // speculate cur target statement String sid = null; if (id == -1) sid = "_"; if (id > -1) sid = String.valueOf(id); if (null != sid) { curObj = "play.modules.aaa.PlayDynamicRightChecker.setObjectIfNoCurrent($" + sid + ");"; } if (-1 == id) before = false; } // check permission enhancement if (before) { ctBehavior.insertBefore( curObj + " play.modules.aaa.enhancer.Enhancer.Authority.checkPermission(\"" + key + "\", " + Boolean.toString(allowSystem) + ");"); } else { ctBehavior.insertAfter( curObj + " play.modules.aaa.enhancer.Enhancer.Authority.checkPermission(\"" + key + "\", " + Boolean.toString(allowSystem) + ");"); } } } if (buildAuthorityRegistryOnly) continue; // process ra if (null != ra) { CtClass[] paraTypes = ctBehavior.getParameterTypes(); String sParam = null; if (0 < paraTypes.length) { sParam = "new Object[0]"; } else { sParam = "{$$}"; } String msg = ra.value(); if (null == msg || "".equals(msg)) msg = key; if (ra.before()) { ctBehavior.insertBefore( "play.modules.aaa.utils.Accounting.info(\"" + msg + "\", " + Boolean.toString(allowSystem) + ", " + sParam + ");"); } else { ctBehavior.insertAfter( "play.modules.aaa.utils.Accounting.info(\"" + msg + "\", " + Boolean.toString(allowSystem) + ", " + sParam + ");"); } CtClass etype = ClassPool.getDefault().get("java.lang.Exception"); ctBehavior.addCatch( "{play.modules.aaa.utils.Accounting.error($e, \"" + msg + "\", " + Boolean.toString(allowSystem) + ", " + sParam + "); throw $e;}", etype); } } if (buildAuthorityRegistryOnly) return; applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode(); ctClass.detach(); }
@Override public void enhanceThisClass(ApplicationClass applicationClass) throws Exception { CtClass ctClass = makeClass(applicationClass); String entityName = ctClass.getName(); Logger.debug("Enhance class " + entityName); // Only enhance Neo4jModel classes. if (!ctClass.subtypeOf(classPool.get("play.modules.neo4j.model.Neo4jModel"))) { return; } // Add a default constructor if needed try { for (CtConstructor constructor : ctClass.getDeclaredConstructors()) { if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 0) { ctClass.removeConstructor(constructor); } if (constructor.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && constructor.getParameterTypes()[0].getClass().isInstance(Node.class)) { ctClass.removeConstructor(constructor); } } if (!ctClass.isInterface()) { Logger.debug("Adding default constructor"); CtConstructor defaultConstructor = CtNewConstructor.make("public " + ctClass.getSimpleName() + "() { super();}", ctClass); ctClass.addConstructor(defaultConstructor); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer"); throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e); } // for all field, we add getter / setter for (CtField ctField : ctClass.getDeclaredFields()) { try { // Property name String propertyName = ctField.getName().substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + ctField.getName().substring(1); String getter = "get" + propertyName; String setter = "set" + propertyName; Logger.debug("Field " + ctField.getName() + " is a property ?"); if (isProperty(ctField)) { Logger.debug("true"); // ~~~~~~~~~ // GETTER // ~~~~~~~ try { CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(getter); if (!ctMethod.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("getShouldBeSave")) { ctClass.removeMethod(ctMethod); throw new NotFoundException("it's not a true getter !"); } } catch (NotFoundException noGetter) { // create getter Logger.debug("Adding getter " + getter + " for class " + entityName); // @formatter:off String code = "public " + ctField.getType().getName() + " " + getter + "() {" + "if(this.shouldBeSave == Boolean.FALSE && this.node != null){" + "return ((" + ctField.getType().getName() + ") play.modules.neo4j.util.Binder.bindFromNeo4jFormat(this.node.getProperty(\"" + ctField.getName() + "\", null)," + ctField.getType().getName() + ".class ));" + "}else{" + "return " + ctField.getName() + ";" + "}" + "}"; // @formatter:on Logger.debug(code); CtMethod getMethod = CtMethod.make(code, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(getMethod); } // ~~~~~~~~~ // SETTER // ~~~~~~~ try { CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(setter); if (ctMethod.getParameterTypes().length != 1 || !ctMethod.getParameterTypes()[0].equals(ctField.getType()) || Modifier.isStatic(ctMethod.getModifiers()) || hasPlayPropertiesAccessorAnnotation(ctMethod)) { if (hasPlayPropertiesAccessorAnnotation(ctMethod)) { ctClass.removeMethod(ctMethod); } throw new NotFoundException("it's not a true setter !"); } } catch (NotFoundException noSetter) { // create setter Logger.debug("Adding setter " + setter + " for class " + entityName); // @formatter:off String code = "public void " + setter + "(" + ctField.getType().getName() + " value) { " + "this." + ctField.getName() + " = value;" + "this.shouldBeSave = Boolean.TRUE;" + "}"; // formatter:on CtMethod setMethod = CtMethod.make(code, ctClass); Logger.debug(code); ctClass.addMethod(setMethod); } } else { // ~~~~~~~~~ // GETTER for neo4j relation property // ~~~~~~~ if (hasNeo4jRelationAnnotation(ctField)) { // test for related annotation Neo4jRelatedTo relatedTo = getRelatedAnnotation(ctField); if (relatedTo != null) { CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(getter); ctClass.removeMethod(ctMethod); String code; if (relatedTo.lazy()) { // @formatter:off code = "public " + ctField.getType().getName() + " " + getter + "() {" + "if(this." + ctField.getName() + " == null){" + "java.lang.reflect.Field field = this.getClass().getField(\"" + ctField.getName() + "\");" + "this." + ctField.getName() + "=play.modules.neo4j.relationship.Neo4jRelationFactory.getModelsFromRelation(\"" + relatedTo.value() + "\", \"" + relatedTo.direction() + "\", field, this.node);" + "}" + "return " + ctField.getName() + ";" + "}"; // @formatter:on } else { // @formatter:off code = "public " + ctField.getType().getName() + " " + getter + "() {" + "return " + ctField.getName() + ";" + "}"; // @formatter:on } Logger.debug(code); CtMethod method = CtMethod.make(code, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(method); } // test for unique relation annotation Neo4jUniqueRelation uniqueRelation = getUniqueRelationAnnotation(ctField); if (uniqueRelation != null) { CtMethod ctMethod = ctClass.getDeclaredMethod(getter); ctClass.removeMethod(ctMethod); String code; // @formatter:off code = "public " + ctField.getType().getName() + " " + getter + "() {" + "return (" + ctField.getType().getName() + ")" + ctField.getName() + ";" + "}"; // @formatter:on Logger.debug(code); CtMethod method = CtMethod.make(code, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(method); } } } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.error(e, "Error in PropertiesEnhancer"); throw new UnexpectedException("Error in PropertiesEnhancer", e); } } // Adding getByKey() method Logger.debug("Adding getByKey() method for class " + entityName); // @formatter:off String codeGetByKey = "public static play.modules.neo4j.model.Neo4jModel getByKey(Long key) throws play.modules.neo4j.exception.Neo4jException {" + "return (" + entityName + ")_getByKey(key, \"" + entityName + "\");" + "}"; // @formatter:on Logger.debug(codeGetByKey); CtMethod getByKeyMethod = CtMethod.make(codeGetByKey, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(getByKeyMethod); // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Adding findAll() method // @formatter:off String codeFindAll = "public static java.util.List findAll() {" + "return " + entityName + "._findAll(\"" + entityName + "\");" + "}"; // @formatter:on Logger.debug(codeFindAll); CtMethod findAllMethod = CtMethod.make(codeFindAll, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(findAllMethod); // ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ // Adding queryIndex() method // @formatter:off String queryIndex = "public static java.util.List queryIndex(String indexname, String query) {" + "return " + entityName + "._queryIndex(indexname, query);" + "}"; // @formatter:on Logger.debug(queryIndex); CtMethod queryIndexMethod = CtMethod.make(queryIndex, ctClass); ctClass.addMethod(queryIndexMethod); // Done. applicationClass.enhancedByteCode = ctClass.toBytecode(); ctClass.defrost(); }