public static void incrementStat(final PwmApplication pwmApplication, final Statistic statistic) { if (pwmApplication == null) { LOGGER.error( "skipping requested statistic increment of " + statistic + " due to null pwmApplication"); return; } final StatisticsManager statisticsManager = pwmApplication.getStatisticsManager(); if (statisticsManager == null) { LOGGER.error( "skipping requested statistic increment of " + statistic + " due to null statisticsManager"); return; } if (statisticsManager.status() != STATUS.OPEN) { LOGGER.trace( "skipping requested statistic increment of " + statistic + " due to StatisticsManager being closed"); return; } statisticsManager.incrementValue(statistic); }
private static void invokePostChangePasswordActions( final PwmSession pwmSession, final String newPassword) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { final List<PostChangePasswordAction> postChangePasswordActions = pwmSession.getUserSessionDataCacheBean().removePostChangePasswordActions(); if (postChangePasswordActions == null || postChangePasswordActions.isEmpty()) { LOGGER.trace(pwmSession, "no post change password actions pending from previous operations"); return; } for (final PostChangePasswordAction postChangePasswordAction : postChangePasswordActions) { try { postChangePasswordAction.doAction(pwmSession, newPassword); } catch (PwmUnrecoverableException e) { LOGGER.error( pwmSession, "error during post change password action '" + postChangePasswordAction.getLabel() + "' " + e.getMessage()); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( pwmSession, "unexpected error during post change password action '" + postChangePasswordAction.getLabel() + "' " + e.getMessage(), e); final ErrorInformation errorInfo = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage()); throw new PwmUnrecoverableException(errorInfo); } } }
@Override void closeConnection(final Connection connection) throws SQLException { if (aggressiveCompact) { CallableStatement statement = null; try { LOCK.writeLock().lock(); final java.util.Date start = new java.util.Date(); LOGGER.trace("beginning shutdown compact"); statement = dbConnection.prepareCall("SHUTDOWN COMPACT"); statement.execute(); LOGGER.trace( "completed shutdown compact in " + TimeDuration.fromCurrent(start).asCompactString()); } catch (SQLException ex) { LOGGER.error("error during shutdown compact: " + ex.getMessage()); } finally { close(statement); LOCK.writeLock().unlock(); } } try { connection.close(); if (driver != null) { DriverManager.deregisterDriver(driver); driver = null; } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error during H2 shutdown: " + e.getMessage()); } }
private void doGenerateSupportZip(final PwmRequest pwmRequest) throws IOException, ServletException { final PwmResponse resp = pwmRequest.getPwmResponse(); resp.setHeader( PwmConstants.HttpHeader.ContentDisposition, "attachment;filename=" + PwmConstants.PWM_APP_NAME + ""); resp.setContentType(; final String pathPrefix = PwmConstants.PWM_APP_NAME + "-Support" + "/"; ZipOutputStream zipOutput = null; try { zipOutput = new ZipOutputStream(resp.getOutputStream(), PwmConstants.DEFAULT_CHARSET); DebugItemGenerator.outputZipDebugFile(pwmRequest, zipOutput, pathPrefix); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(pwmRequest, "error during zip debug building: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { if (zipOutput != null) { try { zipOutput.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(pwmRequest, "error during zip debug closing: " + e.getMessage()); } } } }
public void shutdown() { LOGGER.warn("shutting down"); { // send system audit event final SystemAuditRecord auditRecord = SystemAuditRecord.create(AuditEvent.SHUTDOWN, null, getInstanceID()); try { getAuditManager().submit(auditRecord); } catch (PwmException e) { LOGGER.warn("unable to submit alert event " + JsonUtil.serialize(auditRecord)); } } { final List<Class> reverseServiceList = new ArrayList<Class>(PWM_SERVICE_CLASSES); Collections.reverse(reverseServiceList); for (final Class serviceClass : reverseServiceList) { if (pwmServices.containsKey(serviceClass)) { LOGGER.trace("closing service " + serviceClass.getName()); final PwmService loopService = pwmServices.get(serviceClass); LOGGER.trace("successfully closed service " + serviceClass.getName()); try { loopService.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "error closing " + loopService.getClass().getSimpleName() + ": " + e.getMessage(), e); } } } } if (localDBLogger != null) { try { localDBLogger.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error closing localDBLogger: " + e.getMessage(), e); } localDBLogger = null; } if (localDB != null) { try { localDB.close(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.fatal("error closing localDB: " + e, e); } localDB = null; } PwmConstants.PWM_APP_NAME + " " + PwmConstants.SERVLET_VERSION + " closed for bidness, cya!"); }
public static void restUploadConfig(final PwmRequest pwmRequest) throws PwmUnrecoverableException, IOException, ServletException { final PwmApplication pwmApplication = pwmRequest.getPwmApplication(); final PwmSession pwmSession = pwmRequest.getPwmSession(); final HttpServletRequest req = pwmRequest.getHttpServletRequest(); if (pwmApplication.getApplicationMode() == PwmApplication.MODE.RUNNING) { final String errorMsg = "config upload is not permitted when in running mode"; final ErrorInformation errorInformation = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.CONFIG_UPLOAD_FAILURE, errorMsg, new String[] {errorMsg}); pwmRequest.respondWithError(errorInformation, true); return; } if (ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req)) { final InputStream uploadedFile = ServletHelper.readFileUpload(req, "uploadFile"); if (uploadedFile != null) { try { final StoredConfigurationImpl storedConfig = StoredConfigurationImpl.fromXml(uploadedFile); final List<String> configErrors = storedConfig.validateValues(); if (configErrors != null && !configErrors.isEmpty()) { throw new PwmOperationalException( new ErrorInformation(PwmError.CONFIG_FORMAT_ERROR, configErrors.get(0))); } writeConfig(ContextManager.getContextManager(req.getSession()), storedConfig); LOGGER.trace(pwmSession, "read config from file: " + storedConfig.toString()); final RestResultBean restResultBean = new RestResultBean(); restResultBean.setSuccessMessage("read message"); pwmRequest.getPwmResponse().outputJsonResult(restResultBean); req.getSession().invalidate(); } catch (PwmException e) { final RestResultBean restResultBean = RestResultBean.fromError(e.getErrorInformation(), pwmRequest); pwmRequest.getPwmResponse().outputJsonResult(restResultBean); LOGGER.error(pwmSession, e.getErrorInformation().toDebugStr()); } } else { final ErrorInformation errorInformation = new ErrorInformation( PwmError.CONFIG_UPLOAD_FAILURE, "error reading config file: no file present in upload"); final RestResultBean restResultBean = RestResultBean.fromError(errorInformation, pwmRequest); pwmRequest.getPwmResponse().outputJsonResult(restResultBean); LOGGER.error(pwmSession, errorInformation.toDebugStr()); } } }
private static Date determinePwdLastModified( final PwmApplication pwmApplication, final SessionLabel sessionLabel, final ChaiUser theUser, final UserIdentity userIdentity) throws ChaiUnavailableException, PwmUnrecoverableException { // fetch last password modification time from pwm last update attribute operation try { final Date chaiReadDate = theUser.readPasswordModificationDate(); if (chaiReadDate != null) { LOGGER.trace( sessionLabel, "read last user password change timestamp (via chai) as: " + PwmConstants.DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT.format(chaiReadDate)); return chaiReadDate; } } catch (ChaiOperationException e) { LOGGER.error( sessionLabel, "unexpected error reading password last modified timestamp: " + e.getMessage()); } final LdapProfile ldapProfile = pwmApplication.getConfig().getLdapProfiles().get(userIdentity.getLdapProfileID()); final String pwmLastSetAttr = ldapProfile.readSettingAsString(PwmSetting.PASSWORD_LAST_UPDATE_ATTRIBUTE); if (pwmLastSetAttr != null && pwmLastSetAttr.length() > 0) { try { final Date pwmPwdLastModified = theUser.readDateAttribute(pwmLastSetAttr); LOGGER.trace( sessionLabel, "read pwmPasswordChangeTime as: " + (pwmPwdLastModified == null ? "n/a" : PwmConstants.DEFAULT_DATETIME_FORMAT.format(pwmPwdLastModified))); return pwmPwdLastModified; } catch (ChaiOperationException e) { LOGGER.error( sessionLabel, "error parsing password last modified PWM password value for user " + theUser.getEntryDN() + "; error: " + e.getMessage()); } } LOGGER.debug(sessionLabel, "unable to determine time of user's last password modification"); return null; }
public static SchemaOperationResult extendSchema( ConfigGuideBean configGuideBean, final boolean doSchemaExtension) { final Map<String, String> form = configGuideBean.getFormData(); final boolean ldapServerSecure = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(form.get(PARAM_LDAP_SECURE)); final String ldapUrl = "ldap" + (ldapServerSecure ? "s" : "") + "://" + form.get(PARAM_LDAP_HOST) + ":" + form.get(PARAM_LDAP_PORT); try { final ChaiConfiguration chaiConfiguration = new ChaiConfiguration( ldapUrl, form.get(PARAM_LDAP_PROXY_DN), form.get(PARAM_LDAP_PROXY_PW)); chaiConfiguration.setSetting(ChaiSetting.PROMISCUOUS_SSL, "true"); final ChaiProvider chaiProvider = ChaiProviderFactory.createProvider(chaiConfiguration); if (doSchemaExtension) { return SchemaManager.extendSchema(chaiProvider); } else { return SchemaManager.checkExistingSchema(chaiProvider); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("unable to create schema extender object: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } }
@Override public ResponseInfoBean readResponseInfo( final ChaiUser theUser, final UserIdentity userIdentity, final String userGUID) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { final ResponseSet responseSet = readResponsesFromNovellUA(pwmApplication, theUser); if (responseSet == null) { return null; } final Map<Challenge, String> crMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); final Map<Challenge, String> helpdeskCrMap = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { for (final Challenge loopChallenge : responseSet.getChallengeSet().getChallenges()) { crMap.put(loopChallenge, ""); } for (final Challenge loopChallenge : responseSet.getHelpdeskResponses().keySet()) { helpdeskCrMap.put(loopChallenge, ""); } return new ResponseInfoBean( crMap, helpdeskCrMap, PwmConstants.DEFAULT_LOCALE, responseSet.getChallengeSet().getMinRandomRequired(), responseSet.getChallengeSet().getIdentifier(), DataStorageMethod.NMASUAWS, null); } catch (ChaiValidationException e) { LOGGER.error( "unexpected error converting NMASUserAppWebService ResponseSet to ResponseInfoBean: " + e.getMessage()); } return null; // To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. }
public UserCacheRecord updateUserCache(final UserInfoBean userInfoBean) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { final StorageKey storageKey = StorageKey.fromUserInfoBean(userInfoBean); boolean preExisting = false; try { UserCacheRecord userCacheRecord = readStorageKey(storageKey); if (userCacheRecord == null) { userCacheRecord = new UserCacheRecord(); } else { preExisting = true; } userCacheRecord.addUiBeanData(userInfoBean); store(userCacheRecord); return userCacheRecord; } catch (LocalDBException e) { LOGGER.error("unable to store user status cache to localdb: " + e.getMessage()); } LOGGER.trace( "updateCache: " + (preExisting ? "updated existing" : "created new") + " user cache for " + userInfoBean.getUserIdentity() + " user key " + storageKey.getKey()); return null; }
private void restUpdateLdapForm( final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final ConfigGuideBean configGuideBean) throws IOException, PwmUnrecoverableException { final StoredConfigurationImpl storedConfiguration = configGuideBean.getStoredConfiguration(); final Map<String, String> incomingFormData = pwmRequest.readBodyAsJsonStringMap(); if (incomingFormData != null) { configGuideBean.getFormData().putAll(incomingFormData); } if (incomingFormData != null && incomingFormData.get(PARAM_TEMPLATE_NAME) != null && !incomingFormData.get(PARAM_TEMPLATE_NAME).isEmpty()) { try { final PwmSettingTemplate template = PwmSettingTemplate.valueOf(incomingFormData.get(PARAM_TEMPLATE_NAME)); if (configGuideBean.getSelectedTemplate() != template) { LOGGER.debug( pwmRequest, "resetting form defaults using " + template.toString() + " template"); final Map<String, String> defaultForm = defaultForm(template); configGuideBean.getFormData().putAll(defaultForm); configGuideBean.setSelectedTemplate(template); storedConfiguration.setTemplate(template); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("unknown template set request: " + e.getMessage()); } } final RestResultBean restResultBean = new RestResultBean(); pwmRequest.outputJsonResult(restResultBean); convertFormToConfiguration( storedConfiguration, configGuideBean.getFormData(), incomingFormData); //"config: " + storedConfiguration.toString()); }
void restUploadWordlist(final PwmRequest pwmRequest) throws IOException, ServletException, PwmUnrecoverableException { final PwmApplication pwmApplication = pwmRequest.getPwmApplication(); final HttpServletRequest req = pwmRequest.getHttpServletRequest(); if (!ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(req)) { final ErrorInformation errorInformation = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_UNKNOWN, "no file found in upload"); pwmRequest.outputJsonResult(RestResultBean.fromError(errorInformation, pwmRequest)); LOGGER.error(pwmRequest, "error during import: " + errorInformation.toDebugStr()); return; } final InputStream inputStream = ServletHelper.readFileUpload(pwmRequest.getHttpServletRequest(), "uploadFile"); try { pwmApplication.getWordlistManager().populate(inputStream); } catch (PwmUnrecoverableException e) { final ErrorInformation errorInfo = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage()); final RestResultBean restResultBean = RestResultBean.fromError(errorInfo, pwmRequest); LOGGER.debug(pwmRequest, errorInfo.toDebugStr()); pwmRequest.outputJsonResult(restResultBean); return; } pwmRequest.outputJsonResult( RestResultBean.forSuccessMessage(pwmRequest, Message.Success_Unknown)); }
public static void saveConfiguration( final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final StoredConfigurationImpl storedConfiguration) throws PwmUnrecoverableException { { final List<String> errorStrings = storedConfiguration.validateValues(); if (errorStrings != null && !errorStrings.isEmpty()) { final String errorString = errorStrings.get(0); throw new PwmUnrecoverableException( new ErrorInformation(PwmError.CONFIG_FORMAT_ERROR, null, new String[] {errorString})); } } try { ContextManager contextManager = ContextManager.getContextManager( pwmRequest.getHttpServletRequest().getSession().getServletContext()); contextManager .getConfigReader() .saveConfiguration( storedConfiguration, contextManager.getPwmApplication(), pwmRequest.getSessionLabel()); contextManager.requestPwmApplicationRestart(); } catch (Exception e) { final String errorString = "error saving file: " + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(pwmRequest, errorString); throw new PwmUnrecoverableException( new ErrorInformation(PwmError.CONFIG_FORMAT_ERROR, null, new String[] {errorString})); } }
private void updateCacheFromLdap() throws ChaiUnavailableException, ChaiOperationException, PwmOperationalException, PwmUnrecoverableException { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "beginning process to updating user cache records from ldap"); if (status != STATUS.OPEN) { return; } cancelFlag = false; reportStatus = new ReportStatusInfo(settings.getSettingsHash()); reportStatus.setInProgress(true); reportStatus.setStartDate(new Date()); try { final Queue<UserIdentity> allUsers = new LinkedList<>(getListOfUsers()); reportStatus.setTotal(allUsers.size()); while (status == STATUS.OPEN && !allUsers.isEmpty() && !cancelFlag) { final Date startUpdateTime = new Date(); final UserIdentity userIdentity = allUsers.poll(); try { if (updateCachedRecordFromLdap(userIdentity)) { reportStatus.setUpdated(reportStatus.getUpdated() + 1); } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMsg = "error while updating report cache for " + userIdentity.toString() + ", cause: "; errorMsg += e instanceof PwmException ? ((PwmException) e).getErrorInformation().toDebugStr() : e.getMessage(); final ErrorInformation errorInformation; errorInformation = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_REPORTING_ERROR, errorMsg); LOGGER.error(PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, errorInformation.toDebugStr()); reportStatus.setLastError(errorInformation); reportStatus.setErrors(reportStatus.getErrors() + 1); } reportStatus.setCount(reportStatus.getCount() + 1); reportStatus.getEventRateMeter().markEvents(1); final TimeDuration totalUpdateTime = TimeDuration.fromCurrent(startUpdateTime); if (settings.isAutoCalcRest()) { avgTracker.addSample(totalUpdateTime.getTotalMilliseconds()); Helper.pause(avgTracker.avgAsLong()); } else { Helper.pause(settings.getRestTime().getTotalMilliseconds()); } } if (cancelFlag) { reportStatus.setLastError( new ErrorInformation( PwmError.ERROR_SERVICE_NOT_AVAILABLE, "report cancelled by operator")); } } finally { reportStatus.setFinishDate(new Date()); reportStatus.setInProgress(false); } LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "update user cache process completed: " + JsonUtil.serialize(reportStatus)); }
public ClosableIterator<StorageKey> iterator() { try { return new UserStatusCacheBeanIterator(); } catch (LocalDBException e) { LOGGER.error("unexpected error generating user status iterator: " + e.getMessage()); return null; } }
public Long getChallenge() { if (challenge == null) { SecureRandom random; try { random = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG", "SUN"); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException ex) { random = new SecureRandom(); LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } catch (NoSuchProviderException ex) { random = new SecureRandom(); LOGGER.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } random.setSeed((new Date()).getTime()); challenge = random.nextLong() % (10 ^ 6); } return challenge; }
private static void close(final Statement statement) { if (statement != null) { try { statement.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("unexpected error during close statement object " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }
public String getDescription(final Locale locale) { final String keyName = "Statistic_Description." + this.getKey(); try { return LocaleHelper.getLocalizedMessage(locale, keyName, null, Admin.class); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("unable to load localization for " + keyName + ", error: " + e.getMessage()); return "missing localization for " + keyName; } }
private static void close(final ResultSet resultSet) { if (resultSet != null) { try { resultSet.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("unexpected error during close resultSet object " + e.getMessage(), e); } } }
public boolean test(final Map<Challenge, String> responseTest) throws ChaiUnavailableException { if (service == null) { LOGGER.error( localIdentifier + "beginning web service 'processChaRes' response test, however service bean is not in session memory, aborting response test..."); return false; } LOGGER.trace(localIdentifier + "beginning web service 'processChaRes' response test "); final String[] responseArray = new String[challengeSet.getAdminDefinedChallenges().size()]; { int i = 0; for (final Challenge loopChallenge : challengeSet.getAdminDefinedChallenges()) { final String loopResponse = responseTest.get(loopChallenge); responseArray[i] = loopResponse; i++; } } final ProcessChaResRequest request = new ProcessChaResRequest(); request.setChaAnswers(responseArray); request.setUserDN(userDN); try { final ForgotPasswordWSBean response = service.processChaRes(request); if (response.isTimeout()) { LOGGER.error(localIdentifier + "web service reports timeout: " + response.getMessage()); return false; } if (response.isError()) { if ("Account restrictions prevent you from logging in. See your administrator for more details." .equals(response.getMessage())) { // throw PwmUnrecoverableException.createPwmException(PwmError.ERROR_INTRUDER_USER); } LOGGER.error(localIdentifier + "web service reports error: " + response.getMessage()); return false; } LOGGER.debug(localIdentifier + "web service has validated the users responses"); return true; } catch (RemoteException e) { LOGGER.error(localIdentifier + "error processing web service response: " + e.getMessage()); } return false; // To change body of implemented methods use File | Settings | File Templates. }
public synchronized void incrementValue(final Statistic statistic) { if (Statistic.Type.INCREMENTOR != statistic.getType()) { LOGGER.error("attempt to increment non-counter/incremental stat " + statistic); return; } BigInteger currentValue = BigInteger.ZERO; try { if (valueMap.containsKey(statistic)) { currentValue = new BigInteger(valueMap.get(statistic)); } else { currentValue = BigInteger.ZERO; } } catch (NumberFormatException e) { LOGGER.error("error reading counter/incremental stat " + statistic); } final BigInteger newValue = currentValue.add(BigInteger.ONE); valueMap.put(statistic, newValue.toString()); }
private void saveTempData() { try { final String jsonInfo = JsonUtil.serialize(reportStatus); pwmApplication.writeAppAttribute(PwmApplication.AppAttribute.REPORT_STATUS, jsonInfo); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "error writing cached report dredge info into memory: " + e.getMessage()); } }
public static Map<String, String> defaultForm(PwmSettingTemplate template) { final Map<String, String> defaultLdapForm = new HashMap<>(); try { final String defaultLdapUrlString = ((List<String>) PwmSetting.LDAP_SERVER_URLS.getDefaultValue(template).toNativeObject()) .get(0); final URI uri = new URI(defaultLdapUrlString); defaultLdapForm.put(PARAM_LDAP_HOST, uri.getHost()); defaultLdapForm.put(PARAM_LDAP_PORT, String.valueOf(uri.getPort())); defaultLdapForm.put( PARAM_LDAP_SECURE, "ldaps".equalsIgnoreCase(uri.getScheme()) ? "true" : "false"); defaultLdapForm.put( PARAM_LDAP_ADMIN_DN, (String) PwmSetting.LDAP_PROXY_USER_DN.getDefaultValue(template).toNativeObject()); defaultLdapForm.put(PARAM_LDAP_ADMIN_PW, ""); defaultLdapForm.put( PARAM_LDAP_CONTEXT, ((List<String>) PwmSetting.LDAP_CONTEXTLESS_ROOT.getDefaultValue(template).toNativeObject()) .get(0)); defaultLdapForm.put( PARAM_LDAP_TEST_USER, (String) PwmSetting.LDAP_TEST_USER_DN.getDefaultValue(template).toNativeObject()); { List<UserPermission> userPermissions = (List<UserPermission>) PwmSetting.QUERY_MATCH_PWM_ADMIN.getDefaultValue(template).toNativeObject(); final String groupDN = userPermissions != null && userPermissions.size() > 0 ? userPermissions.get(0).getLdapBase() : ""; defaultLdapForm.put(PARAM_LDAP_ADMIN_GROUP, groupDN); } defaultLdapForm.put( PARAM_CR_STORAGE_PREF, (String) PwmSetting.FORGOTTEN_PASSWORD_WRITE_PREFERENCE .getDefaultValue(template) .toNativeObject()); defaultLdapForm.put(PARAM_CONFIG_PASSWORD, ""); defaultLdapForm.put(PARAM_CONFIG_PASSWORD_VERIFY, ""); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "error building static form values using default configuration: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } return Collections.unmodifiableMap(defaultLdapForm); }
public static String makeOutboundRestWSCall( final PwmApplication pwmApplication, final Locale locale, final String url, final String jsonRequestBody) throws PwmOperationalException, PwmUnrecoverableException { final HttpPost httpPost = new HttpPost(url); httpPost.setHeader("Accept", PwmConstants.AcceptValue.json.getHeaderValue()); if (locale != null) { httpPost.setHeader("Accept-Locale", locale.toString()); } httpPost.setHeader("Content-Type", PwmConstants.ContentTypeValue.json.getHeaderValue()); final HttpResponse httpResponse; try { final StringEntity stringEntity = new StringEntity(jsonRequestBody); stringEntity.setContentType(PwmConstants.AcceptValue.json.getHeaderValue()); httpPost.setEntity(stringEntity); LOGGER.debug( "beginning external rest call to: " + httpPost.toString() + ", body: " + jsonRequestBody); httpResponse = PwmHttpClient.getHttpClient(pwmApplication.getConfig()).execute(httpPost); final String responseBody = EntityUtils.toString(httpResponse.getEntity()); LOGGER.trace( "external rest call returned: " + httpResponse.getStatusLine().toString() + ", body: " + responseBody); if (httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != 200) { final String errorMsg = "received non-200 response code (" + httpResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() + ") when executing web-service"; LOGGER.error(errorMsg); throw new PwmOperationalException(new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_UNKNOWN, errorMsg)); } return responseBody; } catch (IOException e) { final String errorMsg = "http response error while executing external rest call, error: " + e.getMessage(); LOGGER.error(errorMsg); throw new PwmOperationalException(new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_UNKNOWN, errorMsg), e); } }
protected void handleSelectPageRequest( final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final GuestRegistrationBean guestRegistrationBean) throws PwmUnrecoverableException, IOException, ServletException { final String requestedPage = pwmRequest.readParameterAsString("page"); try { guestRegistrationBean.setCurrentPage(Page.valueOf(requestedPage)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { LOGGER.error(pwmRequest, "unknown page select request: " + requestedPage); } this.forwardToJSP(pwmRequest, guestRegistrationBean); }
public void close() { try { writeDbValues(); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("unexpected error closing: " + e.getMessage()); } if (daemonTimer != null) { daemonTimer.cancel(); } status = STATUS.CLOSED; }
private void restExtendSchema(final PwmRequest pwmRequest, final ConfigGuideBean configGuideBean) throws IOException { try { SchemaOperationResult schemaOperationResult = extendSchema(configGuideBean, true); pwmRequest.outputJsonResult(new RestResultBean(schemaOperationResult.getOperationLog())); } catch (Exception e) { ErrorInformation errorInformation = new ErrorInformation(PwmError.ERROR_UNKNOWN, e.getMessage()); pwmRequest.outputJsonResult(RestResultBean.fromError(errorInformation, pwmRequest)); LOGGER.error(pwmRequest, e.getMessage(), e); } }
public int size() { if (localDB != null) { try { return localDB.size(WORDS_DB); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("error checking wordlist size: " + e.getMessage()); return 0; } } else { return 0; } }
public String readAppAttribute(final AppAttribute appAttribute) { if (localDB == null || localDB.status() != LocalDB.Status.OPEN) { LOGGER.error("error retrieving key '" + appAttribute.getKey() + "', localDB unavailable: "); return null; } if (appAttribute == null) { return null; } try { return localDB.get(LocalDB.DB.PWM_META, appAttribute.getKey()); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "error retrieving key '" + appAttribute.getKey() + "' installation date from localDB: " + e.getMessage()); } return null; }
@Override public void init(PwmApplication pwmApplication) throws PwmException { status = STATUS.OPENING; this.pwmApplication = pwmApplication; if (pwmApplication.getApplicationMode() == PwmApplication.MODE.READ_ONLY) { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "application mode is read-only, will remain closed"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; return; } if (pwmApplication.getLocalDB() == null || LocalDB.Status.OPEN != pwmApplication.getLocalDB().status()) { LOGGER.debug(PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "LocalDB is not open, will remain closed"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; return; } if (!pwmApplication.getConfig().readSettingAsBoolean(PwmSetting.REPORTING_ENABLE)) { LOGGER.debug( PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "reporting module is not enabled, will remain closed"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; clear(); return; } try { userCacheService = new UserCacheService(); userCacheService.init(pwmApplication); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error(PwmConstants.REPORTING_SESSION_LABEL, "unable to init cache service"); status = STATUS.CLOSED; return; } settings = ReportSettings.readSettingsFromConfig(pwmApplication.getConfig()); summaryData = ReportSummaryData.newSummaryData(settings.getTrackDays()); executorService = Executors.newSingleThreadScheduledExecutor( Helper.makePwmThreadFactory( Helper.makeThreadName(pwmApplication, this.getClass()) + "-", true)); String startupMsg = "report service started"; LOGGER.debug(startupMsg); executorService.submit(new InitializationTask()); status = STATUS.OPEN; }