public String findPathnetStatus(String labId) { Hl7ObrDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7ObrDao.class); for (Object[] o : dao.findMinResultStatusByMessageId(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId))) { return String.valueOf(o[0]); } return ""; }
public String findPathnetObservationDate(String labId) { Hl7PidDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7PidDao.class); Date date = dao.findObservationDateByMessageId(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId)); if (date != null) { return ConversionUtils.toDateString(date); } return ""; }
public String findPathnetOrderingProvider(String labId) { Hl7OrcDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7OrcDao.class); for (Object[] o : dao.findOrcAndPidByMessageId(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId))) { Hl7Orc orc = (Hl7Orc) o[0]; return justGetDocName(orc.getOrderingProvider()); } return ""; }
private void populateDemoNo(String labId) { PatientLabRoutingDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(PatientLabRoutingDao.class); for (PatientLabRouting r : dao.findByLabNoAndLabType(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId), "CML")) { String d = r.getDemographicNo().toString(); if (!"0".equals(d)) { this.demographicNo = d; } } }
public boolean isLabLinkedWithPatient(String labId) { PatientLabRoutingDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(PatientLabRoutingDao.class); for (PatientLabRouting p : dao.findByLabNoAndLabType(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId), "BCP")) { String demo = "" + p.getDemographicNo(); if (demo != null && !demo.trim().equals("0")) { return true; } } return false; }
/** Populates ArrayList with labs attached to a consultation request */ public ArrayList<LabResultData> populatePathnetResultsData( String demographicNo, String consultationId, boolean attached) { ArrayList<LabResultData> labResults = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); ArrayList<LabResultData> attachedLabs = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); try { ConsultDocsDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(ConsultDocsDao.class); for (Object[] o : dao.findDocs(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(consultationId))) { ConsultDocs c = (ConsultDocs) o[0]; LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.EXCELLERIS); lbData.labPatientId = "" + c.getDocumentNo(); attachedLabs.add(lbData); } LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.EXCELLERIS); LabResultData.CompareId c = lbData.getComparatorId(); Hl7MessageDao hmDao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7MessageDao.class); for (Object[] o : hmDao.findByDemographicAndLabType(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(demographicNo), "BCP")) { Hl7Message m = (Hl7Message) o[0]; PatientLabRouting r = (PatientLabRouting) o[1]; lbData.labType = LabResultData.EXCELLERIS; lbData.segmentID = "" + m.getId(); lbData.labPatientId = "" + r.getId(); lbData.dateTime = findPathnetObservationDate(lbData.segmentID); lbData.discipline = findPathnetDisipline(lbData.segmentID); if (attached && Collections.binarySearch(attachedLabs, lbData, c) >= 0) labResults.add(lbData); else if (!attached && Collections.binarySearch(attachedLabs, lbData, c) < 0) labResults.add(lbData); lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.EXCELLERIS); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in CMLPopulate:", e); } return labResults; }
private void populateLabReportInfo(String labid) { LabReportInformationDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(LabReportInformationDao.class); LabReportInformation info = dao.find(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labid)); if (info == null) { return; } this.locationId = info.getLocationId(); this.printDate = info.getPrintDate(); this.printTime = info.getPrintTime(); this.totalBType = info.getTotalBType(); this.totalCType = info.getTotalCType(); this.totalDType = info.getTotalDType(); }
public void populateLab(String labid) { labID = labid; CommonLabResultData data = new CommonLabResultData(); this.multiLabId = data.getMatchingLabs(labid, "CML"); LabPatientPhysicianInfoDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(LabPatientPhysicianInfoDao.class); LabPatientPhysicianInfo l = dao.find(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labid)); if (l != null) { this.labReportInfoId = ConversionUtils.toIntString(l.getLabReportInfoId()); this.accessionNum = l.getAccessionNum(); this.physicianAccountNum = l.getPhysicianAccountNum(); this.serviceDate = l.getServiceDate(); this.pFirstName = l.getPatientFirstName(); this.pLastName = l.getPatientLastName(); this.pSex = l.getPatientSex(); this.pHealthNum = l.getPatientHin(); this.pDOB = l.getPatientDob(); this.status = l.getLabStatus(); this.docNum = l.getDocNum(); this.docName = l.getDocName(); this.docAddr1 = l.getDocAddress1(); this.docAddr2 = l.getDocAddress2(); this.docAddr3 = l.getDocAddress3(); this.docPostal = l.getDocPostal(); this.docRoute = l.getDocRoute(); this.comment1 = l.getComment1(); this.comment2 = l.getComment2(); this.pPhone = l.getPatientPhone(); this.docPhone = l.getDocPhone(); this.collectionDate = l.getCollectionDate(); } if (labReportInfoId != null) { log.debug(" filling labReport Info"); populateLabReportInfo(labReportInfoId); } if (labid != null) { log.debug("Filling lab Result DAta"); this.labResults = populateLabResultData(labid); } if (labid != null) { populateDemoNo(labid); } }
public List<Validations> getValidationType(String inputType, String mInstrc) { List<Validations> result = new ArrayList<Validations>(); MeasurementTypeDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(MeasurementTypeDao.class); List<MeasurementType> types = dao.findByTypeAndMeasuringInstruction(inputType, mInstrc); if (types.isEmpty()) { return result; } ValidationsDao vDao = SpringUtils.getBean(ValidationsDao.class); for (MeasurementType type : types) { Validations vs = vDao.find(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(type.getValidation())); result.add(vs); } return result; }
public String getDiscipline(String labid) { String dis = ""; LabTestResultsDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(LabTestResultsDao.class); ArrayList<String> alist = new ArrayList<String>(); int count = 0; for (LabTestResults r : dao.findByTitleAndLabInfoId(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labid))) { if (r.getTitle() != null) { String title = r.getTitle(); count += title.length(); alist.add(title); log.debug("line " + title); } } if (alist.size() == 1) { dis = alist.get(0); // Only one item } else if (alist.size() != 0) { int lenAvail = 20 - (alist.size() - 1); if (lenAvail > count) { StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < alist.size(); i++) { s.append(alist.get(i)); if (i < (alist.size() - 1)) { s.append("/"); } } dis = s.toString(); } else { // need to divide up characters int charEach = lenAvail / alist.size(); StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < alist.size(); i++) { String str = alist.get(i); s.append(StringUtils.substring(str, 0, charEach)); if (i < (alist.size() - 1)) { s.append("/"); } } dis = s.toString(); } } return dis; }
public String getMatchingLabs(String labId) { String ret = ""; String accessionNum = ""; String labDate = ""; int monthsBetween = 0; try { Hl7OrcDao orcDao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7OrcDao.class); // find the accession number for (Object[] o : orcDao.findFillerAndStatusChageByMessageId(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labDate))) { String fillerOrderNumber = String.valueOf(o[0]); Date date = (Date) o[1]; accessionNum = justGetAccessionNumber(fillerOrderNumber); labDate = ConversionUtils.toDateString(date); } Hl7PidDao pidDao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7PidDao.class); for (Object[] o : pidDao.findByFillerOrderNumber("%" + accessionNum + "%")) { String messageId = String.valueOf(o[0]); Date resultsReportStatusChange = (Date) o[1]; Date dateA = resultsReportStatusChange; Date dateB = UtilDateUtilities.StringToDate(labDate, "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"); if (dateA.before(dateB)) { monthsBetween = UtilDateUtilities.getNumMonths(dateA, dateB); } else { monthsBetween = UtilDateUtilities.getNumMonths(dateB, dateA); } if (monthsBetween < 4) { if (ret.equals("")) ret = messageId; else ret = ret + "," + messageId; } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in PathnetResultsData", e); return labId; } return ret; }
public String findPathnetDisipline(String labId) { StringBuilder ret = new StringBuilder(); try { Hl7ObrDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7ObrDao.class); boolean first = true; for (Object[] o : dao.findByMessageId(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId))) { Hl7Obr obr = (Hl7Obr) o[1]; if (!first) { ret.append("/"); } ret.append(obr.getDiagnosticServiceSectId()); first = false; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in MDSResultsData", e); } return ret.toString(); }
private ArrayList<LabResult> populateLabResultData(String labid) { ArrayList<LabResult> alist = new ArrayList<LabResult>(); LabTestResultsDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(LabTestResultsDao.class); for (LabTestResults r : dao.findByLabInfoId(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labid))) { String lineType = r.getLineType(); if (lineType == null) { continue; } LabResult labRes = new LabResult(); labRes.title = r.getTitle(); if (labRes.title == null) { labRes.title = ""; } labRes.notUsed1 = r.getNotUsed1(); labRes.locationId = r.getLocationId(); labRes.last = r.getLast(); if (lineType.equals("C")) { labRes.notUsed2 = r.getNotUsed2(); labRes.testName = r.getTestName(); labRes.abn = r.getAbn(); if (labRes.abn != null && labRes.abn.equals("N")) { labRes.abn = ""; } labRes.minimum = r.getMinimum(); labRes.maximum = r.getMaximum(); labRes.units = r.getUnits(); labRes.result = r.getResult(); } else if (lineType.equals("D")) { labRes.description = r.getDescription(); labRes.labResult = false; } alist.add(labRes); } return alist; }
public int findCMLAdnormalResults(String labId) { LabTestResultsDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(LabTestResultsDao.class); return dao.findByAbnAndLabInfoId("A", ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId)).size(); }
public int findNumOfFinalResults(String labId) { Hl7PidDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7PidDao.class); return dao.findByObservationResultStatusAndMessageId("F", ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId)) .size(); }
public void populateMDSSegmentData(String SID) { this.segmentID = SID; String associatedOBR = ""; String labID = ""; int mdsOBXNum = 0; try { // Get the header info MdsMSHDao mshDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsMSHDao.class); for (Object[] o : mshDao.findMdsSementDataById(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(segmentID))) { Date dateTime = (Date) o[0]; String controlId = (String) o[1]; String reportFormStatus = (String) o[2]; GregorianCalendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(Locale.ENGLISH); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MMM-yyyy", Locale.ENGLISH); cal.setTime(dateTime); reportDate = dateFormat.format(cal.getTime()); reportStatus = (reportFormStatus.equals("1") ? "Final" : "Partial"); clientNo = controlId.split("-")[0]; accessionNo = controlId.split("-")[1]; } // Get the lab ID MdsZLBDao zlbDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsZLBDao.class); MdsZLB zlb = zlbDao.find(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID)); if (zlb != null) { labID = zlb.getLabId(); } // Get the providers MdsPV1Dao pvDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsPV1Dao.class); MdsPV1 pv = pvDao.find(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID)); if (pv != null) { providers = new ProviderData(pv.getRefDoctor(), pv.getConDoctor(), pv.getAdmDoctor()); } else { providers = new ProviderData("", "", ""); } // Get the lab status ProviderLabRoutingDao plrDao = SpringUtils.getBean(ProviderLabRoutingDao.class); for (Object[] o : plrDao.findProviderAndLabRoutingByIdAndLabType( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID), "MDS")) { Provider provider = (Provider) o[0]; ProviderLabRoutingModel providerLabRouting = (ProviderLabRoutingModel) o[1]; statusArray.add( new ReportStatus( provider.getFirstName() + " " + provider.getLastName(), provider.getProviderNo(), descriptiveStatus(providerLabRouting.getStatus()), providerLabRouting.getComment(), ConversionUtils.toDateString(providerLabRouting.getTimestamp()), this.segmentID)); } // Get item descriptions and ranges and read into a hashtable Hashtable<String, Mnemonics> mnemonics = new Hashtable<String, Mnemonics>(); MdsZMNDao zmnDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsZMNDao.class); MdsZMN zmn = zmnDao.find(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID)); if (zmn != null) { mnemonics.put( zmn.getResultMnemonic(), new Mnemonics(zmn.getReportName(), zmn.getUnits(), zmn.getReferenceRange())); } // Process the notes Hashtable<Integer, ArrayList<String>> notes = new Hashtable<Integer, ArrayList<String>>(); MdsNTEDao nteDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsZMNDao.class); MdsZMCDao zmcDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsZMCDao.class); MdsNTE nte = nteDao.find(labID); if (nte != null) { if (notes.get(nte.getAssociatedOBX()) == null) { notes.put(nte.getAssociatedOBX(), new ArrayList<String>()); } if (nte.getSourceOfComment().equals("M")) { ((ArrayList<String>) notes.get(nte.getAssociatedOBX())) .add(new String(nte.getComment().substring(3))); } else { if (nte.getSourceOfComment().equals("MC")) { MdsZMC zmc = zmcDao.findByIdAndSetId( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID), nte.getComment().substring(1)); if (zmc == null) { zmc = zmcDao.findByIdAndSetId( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID), "%" + nte.getComment().substring(1, nte.getComment().length() - 1) + "%"); } if (zmc != null) { ((ArrayList<String>) notes.get(nte.getAssociatedOBX())).add(zmc.getMessageCodeDesc()); } } else { "Found message note in unknown format. Format:" + nte.getSourceOfComment()); ((ArrayList<String>) notes.get(nte.getAssociatedOBX())).add("Unknown note format!"); } } } // Get the report section names MdsZRGDao zrgDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsZRGDao.class); for (Object[] o : zrgDao.findById(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID))) { String groupDesc = (String) o[0]; String groupId = (String) o[1]; Integer groupIdCount = (Integer) o[2]; String groupHeading = (String) o[3]; if (groupIdCount == 1 && !groupHeading.equals("")) { String[] rGH = {groupHeading}; headersArray.add(new Headers(groupDesc, groupId, rGH)); } else if (groupIdCount > 1) { ArrayList<String> tempArray = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Object oo : zrgDao.findReportGroupHeadingsById( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID), groupId)) { tempArray.add(String.valueOf(oo)); } String[] reportGroupHeading = new String[tempArray.size()]; reportGroupHeading = tempArray.toArray(reportGroupHeading); headersArray.add(new Headers(groupDesc, groupId, reportGroupHeading)); } else { headersArray.add(new Headers(groupDesc, groupId, null)); } } // Create the data structures for each section, grouped by OBR MdsOBRDao obrDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsOBRDao.class); for (int i = 0; i < headersArray.size(); i++) { List<String> resultCodes = zmnDao.findResultCodes( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID), headersArray.get(i).reportSequence); for (Object[] ooo : obrDao.findByIdAndResultCodes( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID), resultCodes)) { String associatedObr = (String) ooo[0]; Date observationDateTime = (Date) ooo[1]; (headersArray.get(i)) .groupedReportsArray.add( new GroupedReports( associatedObr, ConversionUtils.toTimestampString(observationDateTime), resultCodes)); } } MdsOBXDao obxDao = SpringUtils.getBean(MdsOBXDao.class); // Get the actual results Mnemonics thisOBXMnemonics = new Mnemonics(); for (int i = 0; i < (headersArray.size()); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < (headersArray.get(i)).groupedReportsArray.size(); j++) { associatedOBR = ((headersArray.get(i)).groupedReportsArray.get(j)).associatedOBR; List<String> codes = ((headersArray.get(i)).groupedReportsArray.get(j)).codes; for (MdsOBX obx : obxDao.findByIdObrAndCodes( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(this.segmentID), associatedOBR, codes)) { mdsOBXNum = obx.getObxId(); thisOBXMnemonics.update( (Mnemonics) mnemonics.get( obx.getObservationIdentifier() .substring(1, obx.getObservationIdentifier().indexOf('^')))); ((headersArray.get(i)).groupedReportsArray.get(j)) .resultsArray.add( new Results( thisOBXMnemonics.reportName, thisOBXMnemonics.referenceRange, thisOBXMnemonics.units, obx.getObservationValue(), obx.getAbnormalFlags(), obx.getObservationIdentifier(), obx.getObservationResultStatus(), (ArrayList<String>) notes.get(Integer.toString(mdsOBXNum)), obx.getProducersId().substring(0, obx.getProducersId().indexOf('^')))); } } } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("In MDS Segment Data", e); } }
public int findPathnetAdnormalResults(String labId) { Hl7ObxDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7ObxDao.class); return dao.findByMessageIdAndAbnormalFlags( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(labId), Arrays.asList(new String[] {"A", "H", "HH", "L"})) .size(); }
public void dbQuery() { try { batchOrder = 4 - batchCount.length(); // check length checkBatchHeader(); batchHeader = buildBatchHeader(); htmlValue = buildHTMLContentHeader(); // start here value = batchHeader; BillingDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(BillingDao.class); BillingDetailDao bdDao = SpringUtils.getBean(BillingDetailDao.class); for (Billing b : dao.findByProviderStatusAndDates( providerNo, Arrays.asList(new String[] {"O", "W"}), dateRange)) { patientCount++; invNo = "" + b.getId(); // ohipVer = b.getorganization_spec_code"); inPatient = "" + b.getClinicNo(); // if there is no clinic no for a clinic, it should be an empty str inPatient = "0".equals(inPatient) ? " " : inPatient; demoName = b.getDemographicName(); hin = b.getHin(); dob = b.getDob(); visitDate = new Date(b.getVisitDate().getTime()); visitType = b.getVisitType(); outPatient = b.getClinicRefCode(); specCode = b.getStatus(); content = b.getContent(); value += buildHeader1(); htmlContent += printErrorPartMsg(); // build billing detail invCount = 0; for (BillingDetail bd : bdDao.findByBillingNoAndStatus(ConversionUtils.fromIntString(invNo), specCode)) { recordCount++; count = 0; serviceCode = bd.getServiceCode(); fee = bd.getBillingAmount(); diagcode = bd.getDiagnosticCode(); // changed the following line for the no need of diagcode diagcode = ":::".equals(diagcode) ? " " : diagcode; // appt = rs2.getDate("appointment_date").toString(); billingUnit = bd.getBillingUnit(); count = 6 - fee.length(); apptDate = UtilDateUtilities.DateToString(bd.getAppointmentDate(), "yyyyMMdd"); dFee = Double.parseDouble(fee); bdFee = BigDecimal.valueOf(dFee).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); BigTotal = BigTotal.add(bdFee); checkItem(); value += buildItem(); htmlContent += buildHTMLContentRecord(invCount); htmlContent += printErrorPartMsg(); invCount++; } checkNoDetailRecord(invCount); htmlContent += printErrorPartMsg(); if (eFlag.compareTo("1") == 0) { setAsBilled(invNo); } } hcCount = hcCount + healthcardCount; pCount = pCount + patientCount; rCount = rCount + recordCount; flagOrder = 4 - pCount.length(); secondFlag = 5 - rCount.length(); thirdFlag = 4 - hcCount.length(); percent = BigDecimal.valueOf(0.01).setScale(2, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP); BigTotal = BigTotal.multiply(percent); value += buildTrailer(); htmlCode = buildHTMLContentTrailer(); // writeHtml(htmlCode); ohipReciprocal = String.valueOf(hcCount); ohipRecord = String.valueOf(rCount); ohipClaim = String.valueOf(pCount); totalAmount = BigTotal.toString(); // } // dbExt.closeConnection(); } catch (Exception e) { MiscUtils.getLogger().error("error", e); } }
public ArrayList<LabResultData> populatePathnetResultsData( String providerNo, String demographicNo, String patientFirstName, String patientLastName, String patientHealthNumber, String status) { if (providerNo == null) { providerNo = ""; } if (patientFirstName == null) { patientFirstName = ""; } if (patientLastName == null) { patientLastName = ""; } if (patientHealthNumber == null) { patientHealthNumber = ""; } if (status == null) { status = ""; } ArrayList<LabResultData> labResults = new ArrayList<LabResultData>(); try { Hl7MshDao dao = SpringUtils.getBean(Hl7MshDao.class); List<Object[]> pathnetResultsData; if (demographicNo == null) { pathnetResultsData = dao.findPathnetResultsDataByPatientNameHinStatusAndProvider( patientLastName + "%^" + patientFirstName + "%", "%" + patientHealthNumber + "%", "%" + status + "%", providerNo.equals("") ? "%" : providerNo, "BCP"); } else { pathnetResultsData = dao.findPathnetResultsDeomgraphicNo( ConversionUtils.fromIntString(demographicNo), "BCP"); } for (Object[] o : pathnetResultsData) { Hl7Msh msh = (Hl7Msh) o[0]; Hl7Pid pid = (Hl7Pid) o[1]; Hl7Orc orc = (Hl7Orc) o[2]; ProviderLabRoutingModel p = (ProviderLabRoutingModel) o[4]; Long stat = (Long) o[5]; LabResultData lbData = new LabResultData(LabResultData.EXCELLERIS); lbData.labType = LabResultData.EXCELLERIS; lbData.segmentID = "" + pid.getMessageId(); if (demographicNo == null && !providerNo.equals("0")) { lbData.acknowledgedStatus = p.getStatus(); } else { lbData.acknowledgedStatus = "U"; } lbData.accessionNumber = justGetAccessionNumber(orc.getFillerOrderNumber()); lbData.healthNumber = pid.getExternalId(); lbData.patientName = pid.getPatientName(); if (lbData.patientName != null) { lbData.patientName = lbData.patientName.replaceAll("\\^", " "); } = pid.getSex(); lbData.resultStatus = "0"; // TODO // solve lbData.resultStatus.add(oscar.Misc.getString(rs,"abnormalFlag")); lbData.dateTime = ConversionUtils.toTimestampString(msh.getDateTime()); // priority lbData.priority = "----"; lbData.requestingClient = justGetDocName(orc.getOrderingProvider()); lbData.reportStatus = "" + stat; if (lbData.reportStatus != null && lbData.reportStatus.equals("F")) { lbData.finalRes = true; } else { lbData.finalRes = false; } labResults.add(lbData); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("exception in pathnetPopulate", e); } return labResults; }