コード例 #1
  @RequestMapping(value = "/admin/blogsearch", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String blogSearch(
      @RequestParam(value = "keyword", defaultValue = "") String keyword,
      @RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "1") Integer pageNum,
      ModelMap model) {

    if (keyword.equals("")) {
      ListResult<Blog> listResult = getBlogsByPage(1, 3);
      model.addAttribute("listOfBlogs", listResult.getFetchedList());
      model.addAttribute("totalPage", listResult.getTotalPage());
      model.addAttribute("currentPage", listResult.getCurrentPage());
      return "admin";
    } else {
      logger.info("enter blog search");
      SearchResult<Blog> searchResult = blogService.searchBlogByPage((pageNum - 1) * 5, 5, keyword);
      int totalCount = searchResult.getTotalCount();
      int totalPage = totalCount / 5 + (((totalCount % 5) == 0) ? 0 : 1);
      int currentPage = pageNum;
      List<Blog> listOfBlogs = searchResult.getFetchedList();
      model.addAttribute("totalPage", totalPage);
      model.addAttribute("currentPage", currentPage);
      model.addAttribute("listOfBlogs", listOfBlogs);
      model.addAttribute("keyword", keyword);
      return "blogresult";
コード例 #2
  @RequestMapping(value = "/admin", method = RequestMethod.GET)
  public String admin(
      @RequestParam(value = "page", defaultValue = "1") Integer pageNum, ModelMap model) {
    ListResult<Blog> listResult = getBlogsByPage(pageNum, 3);

    model.addAttribute("listOfBlogs", listResult.getFetchedList());
    model.addAttribute("totalPage", listResult.getTotalPage());
    model.addAttribute("currentPage", listResult.getCurrentPage());
    return "admin";
コード例 #3
  @RequestMapping(value = "/admin/addblogaction", method = RequestMethod.POST)
  public String addblogaction(@ModelAttribute("blog") Blog blog, ModelMap model) {
    // TODO how to get blog from url??
    Authentication auth = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication();
    String name = auth.getName();
    logger.debug("name: " + name);
    blog.setInsertDate(new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()));

    ListResult<Blog> listResult = getBlogsByPage(1, 3);
    model.addAttribute("listOfBlogs", listResult.getFetchedList());
    model.addAttribute("totalPage", listResult.getTotalPage());
    model.addAttribute("currentPage", listResult.getCurrentPage());
    return "admin";
コード例 #4
  private ListResult<Blog> getBlogsByPage(int pageNum, int pageSize) {
    // List<Blog> listOfBlogs = blogService.listAllBlog();
    int currentPage, totalPage, totalCount;

    // 1. get total count
    // 2. totalPage = total count / 3 + ((total count % 3) == 0) ? 0 : 1
    // 3. currentPage = page, currentPage -> items??
    // 4. select blog_id from blog order by insertDate desc => list
    // 5. list ( [currentPage-1)*3  + 1, (currentPage)*3 ] ) => (set of blog_id)
    // 6. select * from blog where blog_id in (set of blog_id) |||| in (?) a = ?

    List<Integer> orderedIdList = blogService.listAllBlogIds();
    for (int id : orderedIdList) {
      logger.debug("order id: " + id);
    totalCount = orderedIdList.size();
    logger.info("total count: " + totalCount);
    totalPage = totalCount / pageSize + (((totalCount % pageSize) == 0) ? 0 : 1);
    currentPage = pageNum;
    List<Integer> selectedIdList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
    for (int k = ((currentPage - 1) * 3); k < (currentPage) * 3; ++k) {
      logger.debug("added id: " + orderedIdList.get(k));
    List<Blog> listOfBlogs = blogService.getSelectedBlogs(selectedIdList);
    for (Blog b : listOfBlogs) {
      logger.debug("returned id: " + b.getBlogId());

    logger.info("totalPage:" + totalPage);
    logger.info("currentPage: " + currentPage);
    logger.info("list of blogs size: " + listOfBlogs.size());

    ListResult<Blog> listResult = new ListResult<>();
    return listResult;