private void addParticipantToDistributionSet( HashSet<Participant> distributionSet, ArrayList<String> uniqueIDs, Participant p) { if (!uniqueIDs.contains(p.getID())) { uniqueIDs.add(p.getID()); distributionSet.add(p); } }
public String resolveParticipantIdsAsXML(String anyID) { XNode node = new XNode("participantids"); for (Participant p : resolveParticipants(anyID)) { node.addChild("id", p.getID()); } return node.toString(); }
public Set<String> resolveParticipantIds(String anyID) { Set<String> idSet = new HashSet<String>(); for (Participant p : resolveParticipants(anyID)) { idSet.add(p.getID()); } return idSet; }
private long getEarliestTime(List events, Participant p) { long result = Long.MAX_VALUE; Iterator itr = events.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { ResourceEvent event = (ResourceEvent); if (event.get_resourceID().equals(p.getID()) && (event.get_timeStamp() < result)) result = event.get_timeStamp(); } return result; }
/** ***************************************************************************** */ public String toXML() { StringBuilder xml = new StringBuilder("<offer "); xml.append("initiator=\"").append(getInitiatorString()).append("\">"); // the rest of the xml is only needed if it's system initiated if (isSystemInitiated()) { xml.append("<distributionSet>"); xml.append("<initialSet>"); if (_participants != null) { for (Participant p : _participants) { xml.append("<participant>").append(p.getID()).append("</participant>"); } } if (_roles != null) { for (Role r : _roles) { xml.append("<role>").append(r.getID()).append("</role>"); } } if (_dynParams != null) { for (DynParam p : _dynParams) { xml.append(p.toXML()); } } xml.append("</initialSet>"); if ((_filters != null) && (!_filters.isEmpty())) { xml.append("<filters>"); for (AbstractFilter filter : _filters) { xml.append(filter.toXML()); } xml.append("</filters>"); } if ((_constraints != null) && (!_constraints.isEmpty())) { xml.append("<constraints>"); for (AbstractConstraint constraint : _constraints) { xml.append(constraint.toXML()); } xml.append("</constraints>"); } xml.append("</distributionSet>"); if (_familiarParticipantTask != null) { xml.append("<familiarParticipant taskID=\""); xml.append(_familiarParticipantTask).append("\"/>"); } } xml.append("</offer>"); return xml.toString(); }
/** * Takes the initial distribution set of participants, then expands any roles and/or dynamic * parameters to their 'set of participants' equivalents, then applies the specified filters * and/or constraints, and returns the final distribution set of participants. * * @param wir the workitem being offered * @return the final distribution set of Participant objects */ public Set<Participant> performOffer(WorkItemRecord wir) { _distributionSet = new HashSet<Participant>(); // if familiar task specified, get the participant(s) who completed that task, // & offer this item to them - no more to do if (_familiarParticipantTask != null) { Set<Participant> pSet = _rm.getWhoCompletedTask(_familiarParticipantTask, wir); if (pSet != null) _distributionSet.addAll(pSet); } else { // make sure each participant is added only once ArrayList<String> uniqueIDs = new ArrayList<String>(); // add Participants for (Participant p : _participants) { uniqueIDs.add(p.getID()); _distributionSet.add(p); } // add roles for (Role role : _roles) { Set<Participant> pSet = _rm.getOrgDataSet().castToParticipantSet(role.getResources()); pSet.addAll(_rm.getOrgDataSet().getParticipantsInDescendantRoles(role)); for (Participant p : pSet) { addParticipantToDistributionSet(_distributionSet, uniqueIDs, p); } } // add dynamic params for (DynParam param : _dynParams) { Set<Participant> pSet = param.evaluate(wir); for (Participant p : pSet) { addParticipantToDistributionSet(_distributionSet, uniqueIDs, p); } } // apply each filter for (AbstractFilter filter : _filters) _distributionSet = (HashSet<Participant>) filter.performFilter(_distributionSet); // apply each constraint for (AbstractConstraint constraint : _constraints) _distributionSet = (HashSet<Participant>) constraint.performConstraint(_distributionSet, wir); } // ok - got our final set return _distributionSet; }
public void withdrawOffer(WorkItemRecord wir, HashSet<Participant> offeredSet) { if (offeredSet != null) { for (Participant p : offeredSet) { p.getWorkQueues().removeFromQueue(wir, WorkQueue.OFFERED); _rm.announceModifiedQueue(p.getID()); } } // a fired instance of a multi-instance workitem on the unoffered queue will // never have been offered, so the warning should be suppressed for those else if (!wir.getStatus().equals(WorkItemRecord.statusFired)) { _log.warn( "Workitem '" + wir.getID() + "' does not have 'Offered' status, " + "or is no longer active"); } }
public Map<String, String> getParticipantIdentifiers(Identifier idType) { Map<String, String> idMap = new Hashtable<String, String>(); for (Participant p : getParticipants()) { String nameValue; switch (idType) { case FullName: nameValue = p.getFullName(); break; case ReverseFullName: nameValue = p.getLastName() + ", " + p.getFirstName(); break; case LastName: nameValue = p.getLastName(); break; default: nameValue = p.getUserID(); } idMap.put(p.getID(), nameValue); } return idMap; }
/** * variation of the above * * @param p - the Participant object to add to the initial distribution list */ public void addParticipant(Participant p) { if (_rm.getOrgDataSet().isKnownParticipant(p)) _participants.add(p); else _log.warn("Could not add unknown Participant to Offer: " + p.getID()); }
public boolean isKnownParticipant(Participant p) { return isKnownParticipant(p.getID()); }
/** ********************************* */ public void delParticipant(Participant p) { participantMap.remove(p.getID()); setChangeStamp(ResUnit.Participant); }
/** ********************************* */ public void putParticipant(Participant p) { participantMap.put(p.getID(), p); setChangeStamp(ResUnit.Participant); }