コード例 #1
  * This returns the label text for the adapted class.
  * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
  * <!-- end-user-doc -->
  * @generated
 public String getText(Object object) {
   RelationalOperator labelValue = ((LogicalRelationExpression) object).getOperator();
   String label = labelValue == null ? null : labelValue.toString();
   return label == null || label.length() == 0
       ? getString("_UI_LogicalRelationExpression_type")
       : getString("_UI_LogicalRelationExpression_type") + " " + label;
コード例 #2
  * Returns the '<em><b>Relational Operator</b></em>' literal with the specified name.
  * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
  * <!-- end-user-doc -->
  * @generated
 public static RelationalOperator getByName(String name) {
   for (int i = 0; i < VALUES_ARRAY.length; ++i) {
     RelationalOperator result = VALUES_ARRAY[i];
     if (result.getName().equals(name)) {
       return result;
   return null;
コード例 #3
  * Returns the '<em><b>Relational Operator</b></em>' literal with the specified literal value.
  * <!-- begin-user-doc -->
  * <!-- end-user-doc -->
  * @generated
 public static RelationalOperator get(String literal) {
   for (int i = 0; i < VALUES_ARRAY.length; ++i) {
     RelationalOperator result = VALUES_ARRAY[i];
     if (result.toString().equals(literal)) {
       return result;
   return null;