@Override protected void processMethod(StageMethod method) { switch (method.getStageMethod()) { case STAGEOP_PARSE_AND_EXECUTE: parseAndExecute(method); break; default: method.getRq().setError(ErrorType.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "unknown stage operation"); master.requestFinished(method.getRq()); } }
/** * Parse request and execute method * * @param method stagemethod to execute */ private void parseAndExecute(StageMethod method) { final MRCRequest rq = method.getRq(); final RPCServerRequest rpcRequest = rq.getRPCRequest(); final RPCHeader header = rpcRequest.getHeader(); final RPCHeader.RequestHeader rqHeader = header.getRequestHeader(); if (header.getMessageType() != MessageType.RPC_REQUEST) { rq.setError( ErrorType.GARBAGE_ARGS, POSIXErrno.POSIX_ERROR_EIO, "expected RPC request message type but got " + header.getMessageType()); return; } final MRCOperation op = operations.get(rqHeader.getProcId()); if (op == null) { rq.setError( ErrorType.INVALID_PROC_ID, "requested operation (" + rqHeader.getProcId() + ") is not available on this MRC"); master.requestFinished(rq); return; } if (Logging.isDebug()) Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.stage, this, "operation for request %s: %s", rq.toString(), op.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (statisticsEnabled) { _opCountMap.put(rqHeader.getProcId(), _opCountMap.get(rqHeader.getProcId()) + 1); } // parse request arguments ErrorRecord error = op.parseRequestArgs(rq); if (error != null) { rq.setError(error); master.requestFinished(rq); return; } try { // get the auth data if available Auth auth = header.getRequestHeader().hasAuthData() ? header.getRequestHeader().getAuthData() : null; // get the user credentials org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.generatedinterfaces.RPC.UserCredentials ctx = op.getUserCredentials(rq); if (ctx != null) try { UserCredentials cred = master .getAuthProvider() .getEffectiveCredentials(ctx, rpcRequest.getConnection().getChannel()); rq.getDetails().superUser = cred.isSuperUser(); rq.getDetails().groupIds = cred.getGroupIDs(); rq.getDetails().userId = cred.getUserID(); rq.getDetails().auth = auth; rq.getDetails().password = auth != null && auth.hasAuthPasswd() ? auth.getAuthPasswd().getPassword() : ""; } catch (AuthenticationException ex) { throw new UserException(POSIXErrno.POSIX_ERROR_EPERM, ex.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception exc) { method .getRq() .setError( ErrorType.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "could not initialize authentication module", exc); master.requestFinished(method.getRq()); return; } execute(op, method); }
/** * Parse request and execute method * * @param method stagemethod to execute */ private void parseAndExecute(StageMethod method) { final MRCRequest rq = method.getRq(); final RPCServerRequest rpcRequest = rq.getRPCRequest(); final RPCHeader header = rpcRequest.getHeader(); final RPCHeader.RequestHeader rqHeader = header.getRequestHeader(); if (header.getMessageType() != MessageType.RPC_REQUEST) { rq.setError( ErrorType.GARBAGE_ARGS, POSIXErrno.POSIX_ERROR_EIO, "expected RPC request message type but got " + header.getMessageType()); return; } final MRCOperation op = operations.get(rqHeader.getProcId()); if (op == null) { rq.setError( ErrorType.INVALID_PROC_ID, "requested operation (" + rqHeader.getProcId() + ") is not available on this MRC"); master.requestFinished(rq); return; } if (Logging.isDebug()) Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, Category.stage, this, "operation for request %s: %s", rq.toString(), op.getClass().getSimpleName()); if (statisticsEnabled) { _opCountMap.put(rqHeader.getProcId(), _opCountMap.get(rqHeader.getProcId()) + 1); } // parse request arguments ErrorRecord error = op.parseRequestArgs(rq); if (error != null) { rq.setError(error); master.requestFinished(rq); return; } try { // get the auth data if available Auth auth = header.getRequestHeader().hasAuthData() ? header.getRequestHeader().getAuthData() : null; // get the user credentials org.xtreemfs.foundation.pbrpc.generatedinterfaces.RPC.UserCredentials ctx = op.getUserCredentials(rq); if (ctx != null) try { UserCredentials cred = master .getAuthProvider() .getEffectiveCredentials(ctx, rpcRequest.getConnection().getChannel()); rq.getDetails().superUser = cred.isSuperUser(); rq.getDetails().groupIds = cred.getGroupIDs(); rq.getDetails().userId = cred.getUserID(); rq.getDetails().auth = auth; rq.getDetails().password = auth != null && auth.hasAuthPasswd() ? auth.getAuthPasswd().getPassword() : ""; } catch (AuthenticationException ex) { throw new UserException(POSIXErrno.POSIX_ERROR_EPERM, ex.getMessage()); } } catch (Exception exc) { method .getRq() .setError( ErrorType.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "could not initialize authentication module", exc); master.requestFinished(method.getRq()); return; } try { if (Logging.isDebug()) { StringBuffer params = new StringBuffer(); Map<FieldDescriptor, Object> fieldMap = rq.getRequestArgs() == null ? null : rq.getRequestArgs().getAllFields(); if (fieldMap != null) { int i = 0; for (Entry<FieldDescriptor, Object> entry : fieldMap.entrySet()) { params.append( entry.getKey().getName() + "='" + entry.getValue() + (i == fieldMap.size() - 1 ? "'" : "', ")); i++; } } Logging.logMessage( Logging.LEVEL_DEBUG, this, "parsed request: %s (%s)\n", StatusPage.getOpName(rqHeader.getProcId()), params.toString()); } op.startRequest(rq); } catch (UserException exc) { reportUserError(op, rq, exc, exc.getErrno()); } catch (MRCException exc) { Throwable cause = exc.getCause(); if (cause instanceof DatabaseException && ((DatabaseException) cause).getType() == ExceptionType.NOT_ALLOWED) reportUserError(op, rq, exc, POSIXErrno.POSIX_ERROR_EPERM); else reportServerError(op, rq, exc); } catch (DatabaseException exc) { if (exc.getType() == ExceptionType.NOT_ALLOWED) { reportUserError(op, rq, exc, POSIXErrno.POSIX_ERROR_EPERM); } else if (exc.getType() == ExceptionType.REDIRECT) { try { redirect( rq, exc.getAttachment() != null ? (String) exc.getAttachment() : master.getReplMasterUUID()); } catch (MRCException e) { reportServerError(op, rq, e); } } else reportServerError(op, rq, exc); } catch (Throwable exc) { reportServerError(op, rq, exc); } }