コード例 #1
     * Parser calls this for each element in a document.
     * @param namespaceURI the namespace (not used)
     * @param localName the current tag we are parsing
     * @param qName ? (not used)
     * @param atts attributes for the current tag
     * @throws SAXException if there is a problem with the parser
    public void startElement(String namespaceURI, String localName, String qName, Attributes atts)
        throws SAXException {
      currentKey = localName;
      elementBuffer = "";

      if (currentKey.equals("processStep")) {
        currentEntry = new ProvenanceEntry();
      } else if (currentKey.equals("program")) {
        currentEntry.setProgram(atts.getValue("version"), atts.getValue("build"));
      } else if (currentKey.equals("programArguments")) {
        currentEntry.setProgramArguments(atts.getValue("inputs"), atts.getValue("outputs"));
      } else if (currentKey.equals("platform")) {
      } else if (currentKey.equals("compiler")) {