@Test( groups = {"wso2.esb"}, description = "Do transformation with a Payload Format that has arguments - Argument Type : Value") public void transformPayloadByArgsValue() throws AxisFault { OMElement response; response = axis2Client.sendSimpleStockQuoteRequest( getMainSequenceURL(), "http://localhost:9000/services/SimpleStockQuoteService", "IBM"); assertTrue(response.toString().contains("WSO2"), "Symbol WSO2 not found in response message"); }
@Test( priority = 1, groups = {"wso2.esb"}, description = "Append text to port", dataProvider = "addressingUrl") public void appendPort(String addUrl) throws AxisFault { OMElement response; response = axis2Client.sendSimpleStockQuoteRequest( getProxyServiceURL("urlRewriteProxy", false), addUrl, "IBM"); assertTrue(response.toString().contains("IBM")); }
@Test( groups = {"wso2.esb"}, description = "Creating SOAP1.1 fault messages as Response false") public void testSOAP11FaultAttributeResponseFalse() throws AxisFault { OMElement response; try { response = axis2Client.sendSimpleStockQuoteRequest(getMainSequenceURL(), null, "WSO2"); fail("This query must throw an exception."); } catch (AxisFault expected) { log.info("Test passed with Fault Message : " + expected.getMessage()); assertEquals(expected.getMessage(), "Read timed out", "Message mismatched"); } }
@Test( groups = {"wso2.esb"}, description = "Creating SOAP1.2 fault node") public void testSOAP12FaultNode() throws AxisFault { OMElement response; try { response = axis2Client.sendSimpleStockQuoteRequest( getMainSequenceURL(), "http://localhost:9010/services/NonExistingService", "WSO2"); fail("This query must throw an exception."); } catch (AxisFault expected) { log.info("Test passed with Fault Message : " + expected.getMessage()); assertTrue(expected.getReason().contains("Connection refused"), "ERROR Message mismatched"); assertEquals( expected.getFaultCode().getLocalPart(), "VersionMismatch", "Fault code value mismatched"); assertEquals( expected.getFaultCode().getPrefix(), "soap12Env", "Fault code prefix mismatched"); assertEquals( expected.getFaultNodeElement().getNodeValue(), "automation-node", "Fault node mismatched"); } }
@Override protected void cleanup() { super.cleanup(); axis2Client.destroy(); }