// since Registry persistence is no longer available @Test( groups = {"wso2.esb"}, description = "Test Priority Executor media type - text/xml", enabled = false) public void priorityExecutorMediaTypeTest() throws Exception { OMElement priorityConfig = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM( "<priority-executor xmlns=\"http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse\" " + "name=\"" + PRIORITY_EXECUTOR_NAME + "\">" + "<queues>" + "<queue size=\"10\" priority=\"1\" />" + "<queue size=\"5\" priority=\"2\" />" + "</queues>" + "<threads max=\"100\" core=\"20\" " + "keep-alive=\"5\" />" + "</priority-executor>"); priorityMediationAdminClient.addPriorityMediator(PRIORITY_EXECUTOR_NAME, priorityConfig); isPriorityExecutorExist = true; // addEndpoint is a a asynchronous call, it will take some time to write to a registry Thread.sleep(10000); MetadataBean metadata = resourceAdmin.getMetadata( "/_system/config/repository/synapse/default/synapse-executors/" + PRIORITY_EXECUTOR_NAME); Assert.assertEquals( metadata.getMediaType(), "text/xml", "Media Type mismatched for PriorityExecutor"); }
// since Registry persistence is no longer available @Test( groups = {"wso2.esb"}, description = "Test message Processor media type - text/xml", enabled = false) public void messageProcessorMediaTypeTest() throws Exception { String messageStoreName = "xyz"; OMElement messageStore = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM( "<messageStore xmlns=\"http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse\" name=\"" + messageStoreName + "\">" + "<parameter name=\"abc\">10</parameter>" + "</messageStore>"); messageStoreAdminClient.addMessageStore(messageStore); isMessageStoreExist = true; Thread.sleep(1000); OMElement messageProcessor = AXIOMUtil.stringToOM( "<messageProcessor xmlns=\"http://ws.apache.org/ns/synapse\" " + "class=\"org.apache.synapse.message.processors.forward.ScheduledMessageForwardingProcessor\" " + "name=\"" + MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_NAME + "\" messageStore=\"" + messageStoreName + "\">" + "<parameter name=\"abc\">100</parameter>" + "</messageProcessor>"); messageProcessorClient.addMessageProcessor(messageProcessor); isMessageProcessorExist = true; // addEndpoint is a a asynchronous call, it will take some time to write to a registry Thread.sleep(10000); MetadataBean metadata = resourceAdmin.getMetadata( "/_system/config/repository/synapse/default/synapse-message-processors/" + MESSAGE_PROCESSOR_NAME); Assert.assertEquals( metadata.getMediaType(), "text/xml", "Media Type mismatched for Message Processor"); }