private static void deleteServices(Registry govRegistry, String shortName) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, RegistryException, GovernanceException { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(rootpath + "resources/" + shortName + "_list.txt")); String artifactName; GenericArtifactManager manager = new GenericArtifactManager(govRegistry, shortName); while ((artifactName = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { final String name = artifactName; GenericArtifact[] artifacts = manager.findGenericArtifacts( new GenericArtifactFilter() { @Override public boolean matches(GenericArtifact genericArtifact) throws GovernanceException { return name.equals(genericArtifact.getQName().getLocalPart()); } }); for (GenericArtifact genericArtifact : artifacts) { for (GovernanceArtifact dependency : genericArtifact.getDependencies()) { GovernanceUtils.removeArtifact(govRegistry, dependency.getId()); } GovernanceUtils.removeArtifact(govRegistry, genericArtifact.getId()); } } }
@AfterClass( groups = "wso2.greg", alwaysRun = true, description = "cleaning up the artifacts added") public void tearDown() throws RegistryException, LoginAuthenticationExceptionException, RemoteException, ResourceAdminServiceExceptionException { String pathPrefix = "/_system/governance"; Endpoint[] endpoints; endpoints = wsdl.getAttachedEndpoints(); assertNotNull(endpoints, "there should be associated endpoints with the wsdl"); GovernanceArtifact[] governanceArtifacts = wsdl.getDependents(); assertNotNull(governanceArtifacts, "there should be dependent of the wsdl"); for (GovernanceArtifact tmpGovernanceArtifact : governanceArtifacts) { wsRegistry.delete(pathPrefix + tmpGovernanceArtifact.getPath()); } for (Endpoint tmpEndpoint : endpoints) { GovernanceArtifact[] dependentArtifacts = tmpEndpoint.getDependents(); for (GovernanceArtifact tmpGovernanceArtifact : dependentArtifacts) { wsRegistry.delete(pathPrefix + tmpGovernanceArtifact.getPath()); } wsRegistry.delete(pathPrefix + tmpEndpoint.getPath()); } }
private boolean checkChanged(GovernanceArtifact fa, String attrName, String attrValue) { boolean isChanged = true; try { String curval = fa.getAttribute(attrName); if ((curval == null || curval.isEmpty()) && (attrValue == null || attrValue.isEmpty())) { isChanged = false; } else if (attrValue != null && curval != null && curval.equals(attrValue)) { isChanged = false; } else { fa.setAttribute(attrName, attrValue); } } catch (GovernanceException e) { log.error("updateAttributes " + e.getMessage()); } return isChanged; }
private boolean createLink(BaseRelation br, GovernanceArtifact src) { boolean needsUpdate = false; String linkPath = ""; String uiRelationName = br.getUIRelationName(); if (br.getDestination() instanceof HostProgram) { linkPath = HostProgram.UI_NAME + ":" + getArtifactPath(br.getDestination()); } if (br.getDestination() instanceof Table) { linkPath = Table.UI_NAME + ":" + getArtifactPath(br.getDestination()); } if (br.getDestination() instanceof Infrastructure) { linkPath = Infrastructure.UI_NAME + ":" + getArtifactPath(br.getDestination()); } if (!checkLinkPathExists(linkPath, uiRelationName, src)) { needsUpdate = true; String[] links = updateLinkPath(linkPath, uiRelationName, src); try { src.setAttributes(uiRelationName, links); } catch (GovernanceException e) { log.error("link creation problem setAttribute " + e.getMessage()); } } return needsUpdate; }
private void validateArtifact(GovernanceArtifact artifact) throws GovernanceException { if (validationAttributes == null) { return; } Map<String, Object> map; for (int i = 0; i < validationAttributes.size(); ++i) { map = validationAttributes.get(i); String value = ""; String prop = (String) map.get("properties"); List<String> keys = (List<String>) map.get("keys"); if (prop != null && "unbounded".equals(prop)) { // assume there are only 1 key String[] values = artifact.getAttributes((String) keys.get(0)); if (values != null) { for (int j = 0; j < values.length; ++j) { if (!values[j].matches((String) map.get("regexp"))) { // return an exception to stop adding artifact throw new GovernanceException( (String) map.get("name") + " doesn't match regex: " + (String) map.get("Regexp")); } } } } else { for (int j = 0; j < keys.size(); ++j) { String v = artifact.getAttribute(keys.get(j)); if (j != 0) value += ":"; value += (v == null ? "" : v); } if (!value.matches((String) map.get("regexp"))) { // return an exception to stop adding artifact throw new GovernanceException( (String) map.get("name") + " doesn't match regex: " + (String) map.get("Regexp")); } } } }
private String[] updateLinkPath( String linkPath, String linkAttributeName, GovernanceArtifact ga) { String[] links = {}; List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); try { links = ga.getAttributes(linkAttributeName); if (links != null) { for (String link : links) { result.add(link); } } result.add(linkPath); } catch (GovernanceException e) { log.error("checkAndUpdateLinkPath " + e.getMessage()); } return result.toArray(new String[0]); }
private boolean checkLinkPathExists( String linkPath, String linkAttributeName, GovernanceArtifact ga) { boolean found = false; try { String[] links = ga.getAttributes(linkAttributeName); if (links != null) { for (String link : links) { if (link.equals(linkPath)) { found = true; } } } } catch (GovernanceException e) { log.error("checkAndUpdateLinkPath " + e.getMessage()); } return found; }
/** * Sets content of the given artifact to the given resource on the registry. * * @param artifact the artifact. * @param resource the content resource. * @throws GovernanceException if the operation failed. */ protected void setContent(GovernanceArtifact artifact, Resource resource) throws GovernanceException { try { if (artifact instanceof GenericArtifact) { byte[] content = ((GenericArtifact) artifact).getContent(); if (content != null) { resource.setContent(content); String[] attributeKeys = artifact.getAttributeKeys(); if (attributeKeys != null) { for (String aggregatedKey : attributeKeys) { if (!aggregatedKey.equals(artifactNameAttribute) && !aggregatedKey.equals(artifactNamespaceAttribute)) { resource.setProperty( aggregatedKey, Arrays.asList(artifact.getAttributes(aggregatedKey))); } } } return; } } OMNamespace namespace = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMNamespace(artifactElementNamespace, ""); Map<String, HashMap> mainElementMap = new HashMap<String, HashMap>(); String[] attributeKeys2 = artifact.getAttributeKeys(); if (attributeKeys2 != null) { for (String aggregatedKey : attributeKeys2) { String[] keys = aggregatedKey.split("_"); String key = null; for (int i = 0; i < keys.length; i++) { key = keys[i]; if (mainElementMap.get(key) == null) { mainElementMap.put(key, new HashMap<String, String[]>()); } // Handing the situations where we don't have '_' in aggregatedKey // and assume we hare having only one '_" in aggregatedKey and not more if (keys.length > 1) { break; } } String[] attributeValues = artifact.getAttributes(aggregatedKey); String elementName = keys[keys.length - 1]; mainElementMap.get(key).put(elementName, attributeValues); } } OMElement contentElement = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement(artifactElementRoot, namespace); Iterator it = mainElementMap.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, HashMap> pairs = (Map.Entry); Map<String, Map> subElementMap = pairs.getValue(); Iterator subit = subElementMap.entrySet().iterator(); int size = 0; while (subit.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String[]> subpairs = (Map.Entry); if (size < subpairs.getValue().length) { size = subpairs.getValue().length; } } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { OMElement keyElement = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement(pairs.getKey(), namespace); Iterator subit2 = subElementMap.entrySet().iterator(); int a = 0; while (subit2.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String[]> subpairs = (Map.Entry); String value; try { value = subpairs.getValue()[i]; } catch (Exception ex) { value = null; } OMElement subkeyElement = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMElement(subpairs.getKey(), namespace); OMText textElement = OMAbstractFactory.getOMFactory().createOMText(value); subkeyElement.addChild(textElement); keyElement.addChild(subkeyElement); a++; } contentElement.addChild(keyElement); } } String updatedContent = GovernanceUtils.serializeOMElement(contentElement); resource.setContent(updatedContent); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg; if (artifact.getPath() != null) { msg = "Error in saving attributes for the artifact. id: " + artifact.getId() + ", path: " + artifact.getPath() + "."; } else { msg = "Error in saving attributes for the artifact. id: " + artifact.getId() + "."; } log.error(msg, e); throw new GovernanceException(msg, e); } }
/** * Updates the given artifact on the registry. * * @param artifact the artifact. * @throws GovernanceException if the operation failed. */ public void updateGovernanceArtifact(GovernanceArtifact artifact) throws GovernanceException { boolean succeeded = false; try { registry.beginTransaction(); validateArtifact(artifact); GovernanceArtifact oldArtifact = getGovernanceArtifact(artifact.getId()); // first check for the old artifact and remove it. String oldPath = null; if (oldArtifact != null) { QName oldName = oldArtifact.getQName(); if (!oldName.equals(artifact.getQName())) { String temp = oldArtifact.getPath(); // then it is analogue to moving the resource for the new location // so just delete the old path registry.delete(temp); String artifactName = artifact.getQName().getLocalPart(); artifact.setAttributes(artifactNameAttribute, new String[] {artifactName}); String namespace = artifact.getQName().getNamespaceURI(); if (artifactNamespaceAttribute != null) { artifact.setAttributes(artifactNamespaceAttribute, new String[] {namespace}); } } else { oldPath = oldArtifact.getPath(); } } else { throw new GovernanceException( "No artifact found for the artifact id :" + artifact.getId() + "."); } String artifactId = artifact.getId(); Resource resource = registry.newResource(); resource.setMediaType(mediaType); setContent(artifact, resource); String path = GovernanceUtils.getPathFromPathExpression(pathExpression, artifact); if (oldPath != null) { path = oldPath; } if (registry.resourceExists(path)) { Resource oldResource = registry.get(path); Properties properties = (Properties) oldResource.getProperties().clone(); resource.setProperties(properties); // persisting resource description at artifact update String description = oldResource.getDescription(); if (description != null) { resource.setDescription(description); } String oldContent; Object content = oldResource.getContent(); if (content instanceof String) { oldContent = (String) content; } else { oldContent = new String((byte[]) content); } String newContent; content = resource.getContent(); if (content instanceof String) { newContent = (String) content; } else { newContent = new String((byte[]) content); } if (newContent.equals(oldContent)) { artifact.setId(oldResource.getUUID()); addRelationships(path, artifact); succeeded = true; return; } } resource.setUUID(artifactId); registry.put(path, resource); // artifact.setId(resource.getUUID()); //This is done to get the UUID of a existing // resource. addRelationships(oldPath, artifact); ((GovernanceArtifactImpl) artifact).updatePath(artifactId); succeeded = true; } catch (RegistryException e) { if (e instanceof GovernanceException) { throw (GovernanceException) e; } String msg; if (artifact.getPath() != null) { msg = "Error in updating the artifact, artifact id: " + artifact.getId() + ", artifact path: " + artifact.getPath() + "." + e.getMessage() + "."; } else { msg = "Error in updating the artifact, artifact id: " + artifact.getId() + "." + e.getMessage() + "."; } log.error(msg, e); throw new GovernanceException(msg, e); } finally { if (succeeded) { try { registry.commitTransaction(); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg; if (artifact.getPath() != null) { msg = "Error in committing transactions. Update artifact failed: artifact " + "id: " + artifact.getId() + ", path: " + artifact.getPath() + "."; } else { msg = "Error in committing transactions. Update artifact failed: artifact " + "id: " + artifact.getId() + "."; } log.error(msg, e); } } else { try { registry.rollbackTransaction(); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Error in rolling back transactions. Update artifact failed: " + "artifact id: " + artifact.getId() + ", path: " + artifact.getPath() + "."; log.error(msg, e); } } } }
/** * Adds the given artifact to the registry. Please do not use this method to update an existing * artifact use the update method instead. If this method is used to update an existing artifact, * all existing properties (such as lifecycle details) will be removed from the existing artifact. * * @param artifact the artifact. * @throws GovernanceException if the operation failed. */ public void addGovernanceArtifact(GovernanceArtifact artifact) throws GovernanceException { // adding the attributes for name, namespace + artifact if (artifact.getQName() == null || artifact.getQName().getLocalPart() == null) { String msg = "A valid qualified name was not set for this artifact"; log.error(msg); throw new GovernanceException(msg); } validateArtifact(artifact); String artifactName = artifact.getQName().getLocalPart(); artifact.setAttributes(artifactNameAttribute, new String[] {artifactName}); // namespace can be null String namespace = artifact.getQName().getNamespaceURI(); if (artifactNamespaceAttribute != null) { artifact.setAttributes(artifactNamespaceAttribute, new String[] {namespace}); } ((GovernanceArtifactImpl) artifact).associateRegistry(registry); boolean succeeded = false; try { registry.beginTransaction(); Resource resource = registry.newResource(); resource.setMediaType(mediaType); setContent(artifact, resource); // the artifact will not actually stored in the tmp path. String path = GovernanceUtils.getPathFromPathExpression(pathExpression, artifact); if (registry.resourceExists(path)) { throw new GovernanceException( "Governance artifact " + artifactName + " already exists at " + path); } String artifactId = artifact.getId(); resource.setUUID(artifactId); registry.put(path, resource); if (lifecycle != null) { registry.associateAspect(path, lifecycle); } ((GovernanceArtifactImpl) artifact).updatePath(); // artifact.setId(resource.getUUID()); //This is done to get the UUID of a existing // resource. addRelationships(path, artifact); succeeded = true; } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg; if (artifact.getPath() != null) { msg = "Failed to add artifact: artifact id: " + artifact.getId() + ", path: " + artifact.getPath() + ". " + e.getMessage(); } else { msg = "Failed to add artifact: artifact id: " + artifact.getId() + ". " + e.getMessage(); } log.error(msg, e); throw new GovernanceException(msg, e); } finally { if (succeeded) { try { registry.commitTransaction(); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg; if (artifact.getPath() != null) { msg = "Error in committing transactions. Failed to add artifact: artifact " + "id: " + artifact.getId() + ", path: " + artifact.getPath() + "."; } else { msg = "Error in committing transactions. Failed to add artifact: artifact " + "id: " + artifact.getId() + "."; } log.error(msg, e); } } else { try { registry.rollbackTransaction(); } catch (RegistryException e) { String msg = "Error in rolling back transactions. Failed to add artifact: " + "artifact id: " + artifact.getId() + ", path: " + artifact.getPath() + "."; log.error(msg, e); } } } }