private static void buildCatalog() throws IOException { // build a real catalog File cat = File.createTempFile("temp-log-reinitiator", "catalog"); cat.deleteOnExit(); VoltProjectBuilder builder = new VoltProjectBuilder(); String schema = "create table A (i integer not null, primary key (i));"; builder.addLiteralSchema(schema); builder.addPartitionInfo("A", "i"); builder.addStmtProcedure("hello", "select * from A where i = ?", "A.i: 0"); if (!builder.compile(cat.getAbsolutePath())) { throw new IOException(); } byte[] bytes = CatalogUtil.toBytes(cat); String serializedCat = CatalogUtil.loadCatalogFromJar(bytes, null); assertNotNull(serializedCat); Catalog catalog = new Catalog(); catalog.execute(serializedCat); String deploymentPath = builder.getPathToDeployment(); CatalogUtil.compileDeploymentAndGetCRC(catalog, deploymentPath, true); m_context = new CatalogContext(0, 0, catalog, bytes, 0, 0, 0); TheHashinator.initialize(LegacyHashinator.class, LegacyHashinator.getConfigureBytes(3)); }
/* * Multi-partition/non-replicated fragment with collector and aggregator. */ void addFragmentPair( int index, PlanFragment collectorFragment, PlanFragment aggregatorFragment, ByteBuffer params) { assert (index >= 0); assert (index < m_batchSize); assert (collectorFragment != null); assert (aggregatorFragment != null); assert (collectorFragment.getHasdependencies() == false); assert (aggregatorFragment.getHasdependencies() == true); // frags with no deps are usually collector frags that go to all partitions long distributedFragId = CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(collectorFragment); long localFragId = CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(aggregatorFragment); // if any frag is transactional, update this check if (aggregatorFragment.getNontransactional() == true) { m_localFragsAreNonTransactional = true; } int outputDepId = m_txnState.getNextDependencyId() | DtxnConstants.MULTIPARTITION_DEPENDENCY; m_depsForLocalTask[index] = outputDepId; // Add local and distributed fragments. m_localTask.addFragment(localFragId, m_depsToResume[index], params); m_distributedTask.addFragment(distributedFragId, outputDepId, params); }
@Override public void run() { CatalogAndIds catalogStuff = null; do { try { catalogStuff = CatalogUtil.getCatalogFromZK(m_rvdb.getHostMessenger().getZK()); } catch (org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException.NoNodeException e) { } catch (Exception e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB( "System was interrupted while waiting for a catalog.", false, null); } } while (catalogStuff == null || catalogStuff.catalogBytes.length == 0); String serializedCatalog = null; byte[] catalogJarBytes = catalogStuff.catalogBytes; try { Pair<InMemoryJarfile, String> loadResults = CatalogUtil.loadAndUpgradeCatalogFromJar(catalogStuff.catalogBytes); serializedCatalog = CatalogUtil.getSerializedCatalogStringFromJar(loadResults.getFirst()); catalogJarBytes = loadResults.getFirst().getFullJarBytes(); } catch (IOException e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to load catalog", false, e); } if ((serializedCatalog == null) || (serializedCatalog.length() == 0)) VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Catalog loading failure", false, null); /* N.B. node recovery requires discovering the current catalog version. */ Catalog catalog = new Catalog(); catalog.execute(serializedCatalog); serializedCatalog = null; // note if this fails it will print an error first // This is where we compile real catalog and create runtime // catalog context. To validate deployment we compile and create // a starter context which uses a placeholder catalog. String result = CatalogUtil.compileDeployment(catalog, m_deployment, false); if (result != null) { hostLog.fatal(result); VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB(result); } try { m_rvdb.m_catalogContext = new CatalogContext( catalogStuff.txnId, catalogStuff.uniqueId, catalog, catalogJarBytes, // Our starter catalog has set the deployment stuff, just yoink it out for now m_rvdb.m_catalogContext.getDeploymentBytes(), catalogStuff.version, -1); } catch (Exception e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Error agreeing on starting catalog version", true, e); } }
@Override public void run() { // if I'm the leader, send out the catalog if (m_rvdb.m_myHostId == m_rvdb.m_hostIdWithStartupCatalog) { try { // If no catalog was supplied provide an empty one. if (m_rvdb.m_pathToStartupCatalog == null) { try { File emptyJarFile = CatalogUtil.createTemporaryEmptyCatalogJarFile(); if (emptyJarFile == null) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Failed to generate empty catalog."); } m_rvdb.m_pathToStartupCatalog = emptyJarFile.getAbsolutePath(); } catch (IOException e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB( "I/O exception while creating empty catalog jar file.", false, e); } } // Get the catalog bytes and byte count. byte[] catalogBytes = readCatalog(m_rvdb.m_pathToStartupCatalog); // Export needs a cluster global unique id for the initial catalog version long catalogUniqueId = UniqueIdGenerator.makeIdFromComponents( System.currentTimeMillis(), 0, MpInitiator.MP_INIT_PID); hostLog.debug(String.format("Sending %d catalog bytes", catalogBytes.length)); long catalogTxnId; catalogTxnId = TxnEgo.makeZero(MpInitiator.MP_INIT_PID).getTxnId(); // Need to get the deployment bytes from the starter catalog context byte[] deploymentBytes = m_rvdb.getCatalogContext().getDeploymentBytes(); // publish the catalog bytes to ZK CatalogUtil.updateCatalogToZK( m_rvdb.getHostMessenger().getZK(), 0, catalogTxnId, catalogUniqueId, catalogBytes, deploymentBytes); } catch (IOException e) { VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Unable to distribute catalog.", false, e); } catch (org.apache.zookeeper_voltpatches.KeeperException e) { VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Unable to publish catalog.", false, e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { VoltDB.crashGlobalVoltDB("Interrupted while publishing catalog.", false, e); } } }
@Override public String getColumnName(int columnIndex) { if (m_columns == null) { m_columns = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(m_table.getColumns(), "index"); } return m_columns.get(columnIndex).getTypeName(); }
/* * Replicated fragment. */ void addFragment(int index, PlanFragment frag, ByteBuffer params) { assert (index >= 0); assert (index < m_batchSize); assert (frag != null); assert (frag.getHasdependencies() == false); // if any frag is transactional, update this check if (frag.getNontransactional() == true) m_localFragsAreNonTransactional = true; long localFragId = CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(frag); m_depsForLocalTask[index] = -1; // Add the local fragment data. m_localTask.addFragment(localFragId, m_depsToResume[index], params); }
protected VoltTable[] executeQueriesInABatch(List<QueuedSQL> batch, boolean isFinalSQL) { final int batchSize = batch.size(); VoltTable[] results = null; if (batchSize == 0) { return new VoltTable[] {}; } // IF THIS IS HSQL, RUN THE QUERIES DIRECTLY IN HSQL if (getHsqlBackendIfExists() != null) { results = new VoltTable[batchSize]; int i = 0; for (QueuedSQL qs : batch) { List<StmtParameter> sparams; if (qs.stmt.catStmt != null) { CatalogMap<StmtParameter> sparamsMap = qs.stmt.catStmt.getParameters(); sparams = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(sparamsMap, "index"); } else { assert (qs.stmt.plan != null); // TODO: For now extracted ad hoc SQL parameters are discarded qs.params = new ParameterSet(); sparams = new ArrayList<StmtParameter>(); } results[i++] = getHsqlBackendIfExists().runSQLWithSubstitutions(qs.stmt, qs.params, sparams); } } else if (m_catProc.getSinglepartition()) { results = fastPath(batch); } else { results = slowPath(batch, isFinalSQL); } // check expectations int i = 0; for (QueuedSQL qs : batch) { Expectation.check(m_procedureName, qs.stmt.sqlText, i, qs.expectation, results[i]); i++; } // clear the queued sql list for the next call batch.clear(); return results; }
public static void initSQLStmt(SQLStmt stmt, Statement catStmt) { stmt.catStmt = catStmt; stmt.numFragGUIDs = catStmt.getFragments().size(); PlanFragment fragments[] = new PlanFragment[stmt.numFragGUIDs]; stmt.fragGUIDs = new long[stmt.numFragGUIDs]; int i = 0; for (PlanFragment frag : stmt.catStmt.getFragments()) { fragments[i] = frag; stmt.fragGUIDs[i] = CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(frag); i++; } stmt.numStatementParamJavaTypes = stmt.catStmt.getParameters().size(); // StmtParameter parameters[] = new StmtParameter[stmt.numStatementParamJavaTypes]; stmt.statementParamJavaTypes = new byte[stmt.numStatementParamJavaTypes]; for (StmtParameter param : stmt.catStmt.getParameters()) { // parameters[i] = param; stmt.statementParamJavaTypes[param.getIndex()] = (byte) param.getJavatype(); i++; } }
protected boolean createSetupInternal( String file_path, String file_nonce, long txnId, Map<Integer, Long> partitionTransactionIds, JSONObject jsData, SystemProcedureExecutionContext context, String hostname, final VoltTable result, Map<String, Map<Integer, Pair<Long, Long>>> exportSequenceNumbers, SiteTracker tracker, long timestamp) throws IOException { assert (SnapshotSiteProcessor.ExecutionSitesCurrentlySnapshotting.isEmpty()); /* * List of partitions to include if this snapshot is * going to be deduped. Attempts to break up the work * by seeding and RNG selecting * a random replica to do the work. Will not work in failure * cases, but we don't use dedupe when we want durability. */ List<Long> sitesToInclude = CSVSnapshotWritePlan.computeDedupedLocalSites(txnId, tracker); // If there's no work to do on this host, just claim success and get out: if (sitesToInclude.isEmpty() && !tracker.isFirstHost()) { return false; } NativeSnapshotWritePlan.createFileBasedCompletionTasks( file_path, file_nonce, txnId, partitionTransactionIds, context, exportSequenceNumbers, timestamp); final List<Table> tables = SnapshotUtil.getTablesToSave(context.getDatabase()); final AtomicInteger numTables = new AtomicInteger(tables.size()); final SnapshotRegistry.Snapshot snapshotRecord = SnapshotRegistry.startSnapshot( txnId, context.getHostId(), file_path, file_nonce, SnapshotFormat.CSV, tables.toArray(new Table[0])); SnapshotDataTarget sdt = null; boolean noTargetsCreated = true; final ArrayList<SnapshotTableTask> partitionedSnapshotTasks = new ArrayList<SnapshotTableTask>(); final ArrayList<SnapshotTableTask> replicatedSnapshotTasks = new ArrayList<SnapshotTableTask>(); for (final Table table : tables) { /* * For a deduped csv snapshot, only produce the replicated tables on the "leader" * host. */ if (table.getIsreplicated() && !tracker.isFirstHost()) { snapshotRecord.removeTable(table.getTypeName()); continue; } File saveFilePath = null; saveFilePath = SnapshotUtil.constructFileForTable( table, file_path, file_nonce, SnapshotFormat.CSV, context.getHostId()); try { sdt = new SimpleFileSnapshotDataTarget(saveFilePath, !table.getIsreplicated()); m_targets.add(sdt); final Runnable onClose = new TargetStatsClosure(sdt, table.getTypeName(), numTables, snapshotRecord); sdt.setOnCloseHandler(onClose); List<SnapshotDataFilter> filters = new ArrayList<SnapshotDataFilter>(); filters.add(new CSVSnapshotFilter(CatalogUtil.getVoltTable(table), ',', null)); final SnapshotTableTask task = new SnapshotTableTask( table.getRelativeIndex(), sdt, filters.toArray(new SnapshotDataFilter[filters.size()]), table.getIsreplicated(), table.getTypeName()); if (table.getIsreplicated()) { replicatedSnapshotTasks.add(task); } else { partitionedSnapshotTasks.add(task); } noTargetsCreated = false; result.addRow(context.getHostId(), hostname, table.getTypeName(), "SUCCESS", ""); } catch (IOException ex) { handleTargetCreationError( sdt, context, file_nonce, hostname, table.getTypeName(), ex, result); } } if (noTargetsCreated) { SnapshotRegistry.discardSnapshot(snapshotRecord); } // CSV snapshots do the partitioned work only on the specified sites for de-duping, // but since we've pre-filtered the replicated task list to only contain entries on // one node, we can go ahead and distribute them across all of the sites on that node. placePartitionedTasks(partitionedSnapshotTasks, sitesToInclude); placeReplicatedTasks(replicatedSnapshotTasks, tracker.getSitesForHost(context.getHostId())); return noTargetsCreated; }
@Override public void run() { if (!m_isRejoin && !m_config.m_isRejoinTest && !m_rvdb.m_joining) { String snapshotPath = null; if (m_rvdb .m_catalogContext .cluster .getDatabases() .get("database") .getSnapshotschedule() .get("default") != null) { snapshotPath = m_rvdb .m_catalogContext .cluster .getDatabases() .get("database") .getSnapshotschedule() .get("default") .getPath(); } int[] allPartitions = new int[m_rvdb.m_configuredNumberOfPartitions]; for (int ii = 0; ii < allPartitions.length; ii++) { allPartitions[ii] = ii; } org.voltdb.catalog.CommandLog cl = m_rvdb.m_catalogContext.cluster.getLogconfig().get("log"); try { m_rvdb.m_restoreAgent = new RestoreAgent( m_rvdb.m_messenger, m_rvdb.getSnapshotCompletionMonitor(), m_rvdb, m_config.m_startAction, cl.getEnabled(), cl.getLogpath(), cl.getInternalsnapshotpath(), snapshotPath, allPartitions, CatalogUtil.getVoltDbRoot(m_deployment.getPaths()).getAbsolutePath()); } catch (IOException e) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB("Unable to construct the RestoreAgent", true, e); } m_rvdb.m_globalServiceElector.registerService(m_rvdb.m_restoreAgent); m_rvdb.m_restoreAgent.setCatalogContext(m_rvdb.m_catalogContext); // Generate plans and get (hostID, catalogPath) pair Pair<Integer, String> catalog = m_rvdb.m_restoreAgent.findRestoreCatalog(); // if the restore agent found a catalog, set the following info // so the right node can send it out to the others if (catalog != null) { // Make sure the catalog corresponds to the current server version. // Prevent automatic upgrades by rejecting mismatched versions. int hostId = catalog.getFirst().intValue(); String catalogPath = catalog.getSecond(); // Perform a version check when the catalog jar is available // on the current host. // Check that this host is the one providing the catalog. if (m_rvdb.m_myHostId == hostId) { try { byte[] catalogBytes = readCatalog(catalogPath); InMemoryJarfile inMemoryJar = CatalogUtil.loadInMemoryJarFile(catalogBytes); // This call pre-checks and returns the build info/version. String[] buildInfo = CatalogUtil.getBuildInfoFromJar(inMemoryJar); String catalogVersion = buildInfo[0]; String serverVersion = m_rvdb.getVersionString(); if (!catalogVersion.equals(serverVersion)) { VoltDB.crashLocalVoltDB( String.format( "Unable to load version %s catalog \"%s\" " + "from snapshot into a version %s server.", catalogVersion, catalogPath, serverVersion), false, null); } } catch (IOException e) { // Make it non-fatal with no check performed. hostLog.warn( String.format( "Unable to load catalog for version check due to exception: %s.", e.getMessage())); } } hostLog.debug("Found catalog to load on host " + hostId + ": " + catalogPath); m_rvdb.m_hostIdWithStartupCatalog = hostId; assert (m_rvdb.m_hostIdWithStartupCatalog >= 0); m_rvdb.m_pathToStartupCatalog = catalogPath; assert (m_rvdb.m_pathToStartupCatalog != null); } } }
@SuppressWarnings("deprecation") @Override public void setUp() throws IOException, InterruptedException { VoltDB.instance().readBuildInfo("Test"); // compile a catalog String testDir = BuildDirectoryUtils.getBuildDirectoryPath(); String catalogJar = testDir + File.separator + JAR; TPCCProjectBuilder pb = new TPCCProjectBuilder(); pb.addDefaultSchema(); pb.addDefaultPartitioning(); pb.addProcedures(MultiSiteSelect.class, InsertNewOrder.class); pb.compile(catalogJar, 2, 0); // load a catalog byte[] bytes = CatalogUtil.toBytes(new File(catalogJar)); String serializedCatalog = CatalogUtil.loadCatalogFromJar(bytes, null); // create the catalog (that will be passed to the ClientInterface catalog = new Catalog(); catalog.execute(serializedCatalog); // update the catalog with the data from the deployment file String pathToDeployment = pb.getPathToDeployment(); assertTrue(CatalogUtil.compileDeploymentAndGetCRC(catalog, pathToDeployment, true) >= 0); cluster = catalog.getClusters().get("cluster"); CatalogMap<Procedure> procedures = cluster.getDatabases().get("database").getProcedures(); Procedure insertProc = procedures.get("InsertNewOrder"); assert (insertProc != null); selectProc = procedures.get("MultiSiteSelect"); assert (selectProc != null); // Each EE needs its own thread for correct initialization. final AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine> site1Reference = new AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine>(); final byte configBytes[] = LegacyHashinator.getConfigureBytes(2); Thread site1Thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { site1Reference.set( new ExecutionEngineJNI( cluster.getRelativeIndex(), 1, 0, 0, "", 100, HashinatorType.LEGACY, configBytes)); } }; site1Thread.start(); site1Thread.join(); final AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine> site2Reference = new AtomicReference<ExecutionEngine>(); Thread site2Thread = new Thread() { @Override public void run() { site2Reference.set( new ExecutionEngineJNI( cluster.getRelativeIndex(), 2, 1, 0, "", 100, HashinatorType.LEGACY, configBytes)); } }; site2Thread.start(); site2Thread.join(); // create two EEs site1 = new ExecutionSite(0); // site 0 ee1 = site1Reference.get(); ee1.loadCatalog(0, catalog.serialize()); site2 = new ExecutionSite(1); // site 1 ee2 = site2Reference.get(); ee2.loadCatalog(0, catalog.serialize()); // cache some plan fragments selectStmt = selectProc.getStatements().get("selectAll"); assert (selectStmt != null); int i = 0; // this kinda assumes the right order for (PlanFragment f : selectStmt.getFragments()) { if (i == 0) selectTopFrag = f; else selectBottomFrag = f; i++; } assert (selectTopFrag != null); assert (selectBottomFrag != null); if (selectTopFrag.getHasdependencies() == false) { PlanFragment temp = selectTopFrag; selectTopFrag = selectBottomFrag; selectBottomFrag = temp; } // get the insert frag Statement insertStmt = insertProc.getStatements().get("insert"); assert (insertStmt != null); for (PlanFragment f : insertStmt.getFragments()) insertFrag = f; // populate plan cache ActivePlanRepository.clear(); ActivePlanRepository.addFragmentForTest( CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(selectBottomFrag), Encoder.base64Decode(selectBottomFrag.getPlannodetree())); ActivePlanRepository.addFragmentForTest( CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(selectTopFrag), Encoder.base64Decode(selectTopFrag.getPlannodetree())); ActivePlanRepository.addFragmentForTest( CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(insertFrag), Encoder.base64Decode(insertFrag.getPlannodetree())); // insert some data ParameterSet params = ParameterSet.fromArrayNoCopy(1L, 1L, 1L); VoltTable[] results = ee2.executePlanFragments( 1, new long[] {CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(insertFrag)}, null, new ParameterSet[] {params}, 1, 0, 42, Long.MAX_VALUE); assert (results.length == 1); assert (results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L); params = ParameterSet.fromArrayNoCopy(2L, 2L, 2L); results = ee1.executePlanFragments( 1, new long[] {CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(insertFrag)}, null, new ParameterSet[] {params}, 2, 1, 42, Long.MAX_VALUE); assert (results.length == 1); assert (results[0].asScalarLong() == 1L); }
static String genrateStatementRow(Procedure procedure, Statement statement) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" <tr class='primaryrow2'>"); // name column String anchor = (procedure.getTypeName() + "-" + statement.getTypeName()).toLowerCase(); sb.append( "<td style='white-space: nowrap'><i id='p-" + anchor + "--icon' class='icon-chevron-right'></i> <a href='#' id='p-"); sb.append(anchor).append("' class='togglex'>"); sb.append(statement.getTypeName()); sb.append("</a></td>"); // sql column sb.append("<td><tt>"); sb.append(statement.getSqltext()); sb.append("</td></tt>"); // params column sb.append("<td>"); List<StmtParameter> params = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(statement.getParameters(), "index"); List<String> paramTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (StmtParameter param : params) { paramTypes.add(VoltType.get((byte) param.getJavatype()).name()); } if (paramTypes.size() == 0) { sb.append("<i>None</i>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(paramTypes, ", ")); sb.append("</td>"); // r/w column sb.append("<td>"); if (statement.getReadonly()) { tag(sb, "success", "Read"); } else { tag(sb, "warning", "Write"); } sb.append("</td>"); // attributes sb.append("<td>"); if (!statement.getIscontentdeterministic() || !statement.getIsorderdeterministic()) { tag(sb, "inverse", "Determinism"); } if (statement.getSeqscancount() > 0) { tag(sb, "important", "Scans"); } sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); // BUILD THE DROPDOWN FOR THE PLAN/DETAIL TABLE sb.append( "<tr class='dropdown2'><td colspan='5' id='p-" + procedure.getTypeName().toLowerCase() + "-" + statement.getTypeName().toLowerCase() + "--dropdown'>\n"); sb.append("<div class='well well-small'><h4>Explain Plan:</h4>\n"); StatementAnnotation annotation = (StatementAnnotation) statement.getAnnotation(); if (annotation != null) { String plan = annotation.explainPlan; plan = plan.replace("\n", "<br/>"); plan = plan.replace(" ", " "); for (Table t : annotation.tablesRead) { String name = t.getTypeName().toUpperCase(); String link = "\"<a href='#s-" + t.getTypeName() + "'>" + name + "</a>\""; plan = plan.replace("\"" + name + "\"", link); } for (Table t : annotation.tablesUpdated) { String name = t.getTypeName().toUpperCase(); String link = "\"<a href='#s-" + t.getTypeName() + "'>" + name + "</a>\""; plan = plan.replace("\"" + name + "\"", link); } for (Index i : annotation.indexesUsed) { Table t = (Table) i.getParent(); String name = i.getTypeName().toUpperCase(); String link = "\"<a href='#s-" + t.getTypeName() + "-" + i.getTypeName() + "'>" + name + "</a>\""; plan = plan.replace("\"" + name + "\"", link); } sb.append("<tt>").append(plan).append("</tt>"); } else { sb.append("<i>No SQL explain plan found.</i>\n"); } sb.append("</div>\n"); sb.append("</td></tr>\n"); return sb.toString(); }
public ClientResponseImpl call(Object... paramListIn) { // verify per-txn state has been reset assert (m_statusCode == ClientResponse.UNINITIALIZED_APP_STATUS_CODE); assert (m_statusString == null); assert (m_cachedRNG == null); // reset the hash of results m_inputCRC.reset(); // use local var to avoid warnings about reassigning method argument Object[] paramList = paramListIn; ClientResponseImpl retval = null; // assert no sql is queued assert (m_batch.size() == 0); try { m_statsCollector.beginProcedure(); byte status = ClientResponse.SUCCESS; VoltTable[] results = null; // inject sysproc execution context as the first parameter. if (isSystemProcedure()) { final Object[] combinedParams = new Object[paramList.length + 1]; combinedParams[0] = m_systemProcedureContext; for (int i = 0; i < paramList.length; ++i) combinedParams[i + 1] = paramList[i]; // swap the lists. paramList = combinedParams; } if (paramList.length != m_paramTypes.length) { m_statsCollector.endProcedure(false, true, null, null); String msg = "PROCEDURE " + m_procedureName + " EXPECTS " + String.valueOf(m_paramTypes.length) + " PARAMS, BUT RECEIVED " + String.valueOf(paramList.length); status = ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE; return getErrorResponse(status, msg, null); } for (int i = 0; i < m_paramTypes.length; i++) { try { paramList[i] = ParameterConverter.tryToMakeCompatible( m_paramTypeIsPrimitive[i], m_paramTypeIsArray[i], m_paramTypes[i], m_paramTypeComponentType[i], paramList[i]); } catch (Exception e) { m_statsCollector.endProcedure(false, true, null, null); String msg = "PROCEDURE " + m_procedureName + " TYPE ERROR FOR PARAMETER " + i + ": " + e.toString(); status = ClientResponse.GRACEFUL_FAILURE; return getErrorResponse(status, msg, null); } } boolean error = false; boolean abort = false; // run a regular java class if (m_catProc.getHasjava()) { try { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace( "invoking... procMethod=" + m_procMethod.getName() + ", class=" + getClass().getName()); } try { Object rawResult = m_procMethod.invoke(m_procedure, paramList); results = getResultsFromRawResults(rawResult); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { // If reflection fails, invoke the same error handling that other exceptions do throw new InvocationTargetException(e); } log.trace("invoked"); } catch (InvocationTargetException itex) { // itex.printStackTrace(); Throwable ex = itex.getCause(); if (ex instanceof VoltAbortException && !(ex instanceof EEException)) { abort = true; } else { error = true; } if (ex instanceof Error) { m_statsCollector.endProcedure(false, true, null, null); throw (Error) ex; } retval = getErrorResponse(ex); } } // single statement only work // (this could be made faster, but with less code re-use) else { assert (m_catProc.getStatements().size() == 1); try { m_cachedSingleStmt.params = getCleanParams(m_cachedSingleStmt.stmt, paramList); if (getHsqlBackendIfExists() != null) { // HSQL handling CatalogMap<StmtParameter> sparamsMap = m_cachedSingleStmt.stmt.catStmt.getParameters(); List<StmtParameter> sparams = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(sparamsMap, "index"); VoltTable table = getHsqlBackendIfExists() .runSQLWithSubstitutions( m_cachedSingleStmt.stmt, m_cachedSingleStmt.params, sparams); results = new VoltTable[] {table}; } else { m_batch.add(m_cachedSingleStmt); results = voltExecuteSQL(true); } } catch (SerializableException ex) { retval = getErrorResponse(ex); } } // Record statistics for procedure call. StoredProcedureInvocation invoc = (m_txnState != null ? m_txnState.getInvocation() : null); ParameterSet paramSet = (invoc != null ? invoc.getParams() : null); m_statsCollector.endProcedure(abort, error, results, paramSet); // don't leave empty handed if (results == null) results = new VoltTable[0]; if (retval == null) retval = new ClientResponseImpl(status, m_statusCode, m_statusString, results, null); int hash = (int) m_inputCRC.getValue(); if ((retval.getStatus() == ClientResponse.SUCCESS) && (hash != 0)) { retval.setHash(hash); } if ((m_txnState != null) && // may be null for tests (m_txnState.getInvocation() != null) && (m_txnState.getInvocation().getType() == ProcedureInvocationType.REPLICATED)) { retval.convertResultsToHashForDeterminism(); } } finally { // finally at the call(..) scope to ensure params can be // garbage collected and that the queue will be empty for // the next call m_batch.clear(); // reset other per-txn state m_txnState = null; m_statusCode = ClientResponse.UNINITIALIZED_APP_STATUS_CODE; m_statusString = null; m_cachedRNG = null; m_cachedSingleStmt.params = null; m_cachedSingleStmt.expectation = null; m_seenFinalBatch = false; } return retval; }
static String genrateIndexRow(Table table, Index index) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(" <tr class='primaryrow2'>"); // name column String anchor = (table.getTypeName() + "-" + index.getTypeName()).toLowerCase(); sb.append( "<td style='white-space: nowrap'><i id='s-" + anchor + "--icon' class='icon-chevron-right'></i> <a href='#' id='s-"); sb.append(anchor).append("' class='togglex'>"); sb.append(index.getTypeName()); sb.append("</a></td>"); // type column sb.append("<td>"); sb.append(IndexType.get(index.getType()).toString()); sb.append("</td>"); // columns column sb.append("<td>"); List<ColumnRef> cols = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(index.getColumns(), "index"); List<String> columnNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ColumnRef colRef : cols) { columnNames.add(colRef.getColumn().getTypeName()); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(columnNames, ", ")); sb.append("</td>"); // uniqueness column sb.append("<td>"); if (index.getAssumeunique()) { tag(sb, "important", "AssumeUnique"); } else if (index.getUnique()) { tag(sb, "important", "Unique"); } else { tag(sb, "info", "Nonunique"); } sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); // BUILD THE DROPDOWN FOR THE PLAN/DETAIL TABLE sb.append( "<tr class='dropdown2'><td colspan='5' id='s-" + table.getTypeName().toLowerCase() + "-" + index.getTypeName().toLowerCase() + "--dropdown'>\n"); IndexAnnotation annotation = (IndexAnnotation) index.getAnnotation(); if (annotation != null) { if (annotation.proceduresThatUseThis.size() > 0) { sb.append("<p>Used by procedures: "); List<String> procs = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Procedure proc : annotation.proceduresThatUseThis) { procs.add("<a href='#p-" + proc.getTypeName() + "'>" + proc.getTypeName() + "</a>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(procs, ", ")); sb.append("</p>"); } } sb.append("</td></tr>\n"); return sb.toString(); }
static String generateProcedureRow(Procedure procedure) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("<tr class='primaryrow'>"); // column 1: procedure name String anchor = procedure.getTypeName().toLowerCase(); sb.append( "<td style='white-space: nowrap'><i id='p-" + anchor + "--icon' class='icon-chevron-right'></i> <a href='#p-"); sb.append(anchor).append("' id='p-").append(anchor).append("' class='togglex'>"); sb.append(procedure.getTypeName()); sb.append("</a></td>"); // column 2: parameter types sb.append("<td>"); List<ProcParameter> params = CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(procedure.getParameters(), "index"); List<String> paramTypes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (ProcParameter param : params) { String paramType = VoltType.get((byte) param.getType()).name(); if (param.getIsarray()) { paramType += "[]"; } paramTypes.add(paramType); } if (paramTypes.size() == 0) { sb.append("<i>None</i>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(paramTypes, ", ")); sb.append("</td>"); // column 3: partitioning sb.append("<td>"); if (procedure.getSinglepartition()) { tag(sb, "success", "Single"); } else { tag(sb, "warning", "Multi"); } sb.append("</td>"); // column 4: read/write sb.append("<td>"); if (procedure.getReadonly()) { tag(sb, "success", "Read"); } else { tag(sb, "warning", "Write"); } sb.append("</td>"); // column 5: access sb.append("<td>"); List<String> groupNames = new ArrayList<String>(); for (GroupRef groupRef : procedure.getAuthgroups()) { groupNames.add(groupRef.getGroup().getTypeName()); } if (groupNames.size() == 0) { sb.append("<i>None</i>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(groupNames, ", ")); sb.append("</td>"); // column 6: attributes sb.append("<td>"); if (procedure.getHasjava()) { tag(sb, "info", "Java"); } else { tag(sb, null, "Single-Stmt"); } boolean isND = false; int scanCount = 0; for (Statement stmt : procedure.getStatements()) { scanCount += stmt.getSeqscancount(); if (!stmt.getIscontentdeterministic() || !stmt.getIsorderdeterministic()) { isND = false; } } if (isND) { tag(sb, "inverse", "Determinism"); } if (scanCount > 0) { tag(sb, "important", "Scans"); } sb.append("</td>"); sb.append("</tr>\n"); // BUILD THE DROPDOWN FOR THE STATEMENT/DETAIL TABLE sb.append( "<tr class='tablesorter-childRow'><td class='invert' colspan='6' id='p-" + procedure.getTypeName().toLowerCase() + "--dropdown'>\n"); // output partitioning parameter info if (procedure.getSinglepartition()) { String pTable = procedure.getPartitioncolumn().getParent().getTypeName(); String pColumn = procedure.getPartitioncolumn().getTypeName(); int pIndex = procedure.getPartitionparameter(); sb.append( String.format( "<p>Partitioned on parameter %d which maps to column %s" + " of table <a class='invert' href='#s-%s'>%s</a>.</p>", pIndex, pColumn, pTable, pTable)); } // output what schema this interacts with ProcedureAnnotation annotation = (ProcedureAnnotation) procedure.getAnnotation(); if (annotation != null) { // make sure tables appear in only one category annotation.tablesRead.removeAll(annotation.tablesUpdated); if (annotation.tablesRead.size() > 0) { sb.append("<p>Read-only access to tables: "); List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Table table : annotation.tablesRead) { tables.add("<a href='#s-" + table.getTypeName() + "'>" + table.getTypeName() + "</a>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(tables, ", ")); sb.append("</p>"); } if (annotation.tablesUpdated.size() > 0) { sb.append("<p>Read/Write access to tables: "); List<String> tables = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Table table : annotation.tablesUpdated) { tables.add("<a href='#s-" + table.getTypeName() + "'>" + table.getTypeName() + "</a>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(tables, ", ")); sb.append("</p>"); } if (annotation.indexesUsed.size() > 0) { sb.append("<p>Uses indexes: "); List<String> indexes = new ArrayList<String>(); for (Index index : annotation.indexesUsed) { Table table = (Table) index.getParent(); indexes.add( "<a href='#s-" + table.getTypeName() + "-" + index.getTypeName() + "'>" + index.getTypeName() + "</a>"); } sb.append(StringUtils.join(indexes, ", ")); sb.append("</p>"); } } sb.append(generateStatementsTable(procedure)); sb.append("</td></tr>\n"); return sb.toString(); }
static void compileSingleStmtProcedure( VoltCompiler compiler, HSQLInterface hsql, DatabaseEstimates estimates, Catalog catalog, Database db, ProcedureDescriptor procedureDescriptor) throws VoltCompiler.VoltCompilerException { final String className = procedureDescriptor.m_className; if (className.indexOf('@') != -1) { throw VoltCompilerException("User procedure names can't contain \"@\"."); } // get the short name of the class (no package if a user procedure) // use the Table.<builtin> name (allowing the period) if builtin. String shortName = className; if (procedureDescriptor.m_builtInStmt == false) { String[] parts = className.split("\\."); shortName = parts[parts.length - 1]; } // add an entry to the catalog (using the full className) final Procedure procedure = db.getProcedures().add(shortName); for (String groupName : procedureDescriptor.m_authGroups) { final Group group = db.getGroups().get(groupName); if (group == null) { throw compiler .new VoltCompilerException( "Procedure " + className + " allows access by a role " + groupName + " that does not exist"); } final GroupRef groupRef = procedure.getAuthgroups().add(groupName); groupRef.setGroup(group); } procedure.setClassname(className); // sysprocs don't use the procedure compiler procedure.setSystemproc(false); procedure.setDefaultproc(procedureDescriptor.m_builtInStmt); procedure.setHasjava(false); // get the annotation // first try to get one that has been passed from the compiler ProcInfoData info = compiler.getProcInfoOverride(shortName); // then check for the usual one in the class itself // and create a ProcInfo.Data instance for it if (info == null) { info = new ProcInfoData(); if (procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString != null) { info.partitionInfo = procedureDescriptor.m_partitionString; info.singlePartition = true; } } assert (info != null); // ADD THE STATEMENT // add the statement to the catalog Statement catalogStmt = procedure.getStatements().add(VoltDB.ANON_STMT_NAME); // compile the statement StatementPartitioning partitioning = info.singlePartition ? StatementPartitioning.forceSP() : StatementPartitioning.forceMP(); // default to FASTER detmode because stmt procs can't feed read output into writes StatementCompiler.compileFromSqlTextAndUpdateCatalog( compiler, hsql, catalog, db, estimates, catalogStmt, procedureDescriptor.m_singleStmt, procedureDescriptor.m_joinOrder, DeterminismMode.FASTER, partitioning); // if the single stmt is not read only, then the proc is not read only boolean procHasWriteStmts = (catalogStmt.getReadonly() == false); // set the read onlyness of a proc procedure.setReadonly(procHasWriteStmts == false); int seqs = catalogStmt.getSeqscancount(); procedure.setHasseqscans(seqs > 0); // set procedure parameter types CatalogMap<ProcParameter> params = procedure.getParameters(); CatalogMap<StmtParameter> stmtParams = catalogStmt.getParameters(); // set the procedure parameter types from the statement parameter types int paramCount = 0; for (StmtParameter stmtParam : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(stmtParams, "index")) { // name each parameter "param1", "param2", etc... ProcParameter procParam = params.add("param" + String.valueOf(paramCount)); procParam.setIndex(stmtParam.getIndex()); procParam.setIsarray(stmtParam.getIsarray()); procParam.setType(stmtParam.getJavatype()); paramCount++; } // parse the procinfo procedure.setSinglepartition(info.singlePartition); if (info.singlePartition) { parsePartitionInfo(compiler, db, procedure, info.partitionInfo); if (procedure.getPartitionparameter() >= params.size()) { String msg = "PartitionInfo parameter not a valid parameter for procedure: " + procedure.getClassname(); throw VoltCompilerException(msg); } // TODO: The planner does not currently validate that a single-statement plan declared as // single-partition correctly uses // the designated parameter as a partitioning filter, maybe some day. // In theory, the PartitioningForStatement would confirm the use of (only) a parameter as a // partition key -- // or if the partition key was determined to be some other hard-coded constant (expression?) // it might display a warning // message that the passed parameter is assumed to be equal to that constant (expression). } else { if (partitioning.getCountOfIndependentlyPartitionedTables() == 1) { AbstractExpression statementPartitionExpression = partitioning.singlePartitioningExpressionForReport(); if (statementPartitionExpression != null) { // The planner has uncovered an overlooked opportunity to run the statement SP. String msg = null; if (statementPartitionExpression instanceof ParameterValueExpression) { msg = "This procedure would benefit from setting the attribute 'partitioninfo=" + partitioning.getFullColumnName() + ":" + ((ParameterValueExpression) statementPartitionExpression).getParameterIndex() + "'"; } else { String valueDescription = null; Object partitionValue = partitioning.getInferredPartitioningValue(); if (partitionValue == null) { // Statement partitioned on a runtime constant. This is likely to be cryptic, but // hopefully gets the idea across. valueDescription = "of " + statementPartitionExpression.explain(""); } else { valueDescription = partitionValue.toString(); // A simple constant value COULD have been a parameter. } msg = "This procedure would benefit from adding a parameter to be passed the value " + valueDescription + " and setting the attribute 'partitioninfo=" + partitioning.getFullColumnName() + ":" + paramCount + "'"; } compiler.addWarn(msg); } } } }
public void testMultiSiteSelectAll() { ParameterSet params = ParameterSet.emptyParameterSet(); int outDepId = 1 | DtxnConstants.MULTIPARTITION_DEPENDENCY; VoltTable dependency1 = ee1.executePlanFragments( 1, new long[] {CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(selectBottomFrag)}, null, new ParameterSet[] {params}, 3, 2, 42, Long.MAX_VALUE)[0]; try { System.out.println(dependency1.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } assertTrue(dependency1 != null); VoltTable dependency2 = ee2.executePlanFragments( 1, new long[] {CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(selectBottomFrag)}, null, new ParameterSet[] {params}, 3, 2, 42, Long.MAX_VALUE)[0]; try { System.out.println(dependency2.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } assertTrue(dependency2 != null); ee1.stashDependency(outDepId, dependency1); ee1.stashDependency(outDepId, dependency2); dependency1 = ee1.executePlanFragments( 1, new long[] {CatalogUtil.getUniqueIdForFragment(selectTopFrag)}, new long[] {outDepId}, new ParameterSet[] {params}, 3, 2, 42, Long.MAX_VALUE)[0]; try { System.out.println("Final Result"); System.out.println(dependency1.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } }
/** * Create a new data source. * * @param db * @param tableName * @param isReplicated * @param partitionId * @param HSId * @param tableId * @param catalogMap */ public ExportDataSource( Runnable onDrain, String db, String tableName, int partitionId, long HSId, String signature, long generation, CatalogMap<Column> catalogMap, String overflowPath) throws IOException { m_generation = generation; m_onDrain = onDrain; m_database = db; m_tableName = tableName; String nonce = signature + "_" + HSId + "_" + partitionId; m_committedBuffers = new StreamBlockQueue(overflowPath, nonce); /* * This is not the catalog relativeIndex(). This ID incorporates * a catalog version and a table id so that it is constant across * catalog updates that add or drop tables. */ m_signature = signature; m_partitionId = partitionId; m_HSId = HSId; // Add the Export meta-data columns to the schema followed by the // catalog columns for this table. m_columnNames.add("VOLT_TRANSACTION_ID"); m_columnTypes.add(((int) VoltType.BIGINT.getValue())); m_columnNames.add("VOLT_EXPORT_TIMESTAMP"); m_columnTypes.add(((int) VoltType.BIGINT.getValue())); m_columnNames.add("VOLT_EXPORT_SEQUENCE_NUMBER"); m_columnTypes.add(((int) VoltType.BIGINT.getValue())); m_columnNames.add("VOLT_PARTITION_ID"); m_columnTypes.add(((int) VoltType.BIGINT.getValue())); m_columnNames.add("VOLT_SITE_ID"); m_columnTypes.add(((int) VoltType.BIGINT.getValue())); m_columnNames.add("VOLT_EXPORT_OPERATION"); m_columnTypes.add(((int) VoltType.TINYINT.getValue())); for (Column c : CatalogUtil.getSortedCatalogItems(catalogMap, "index")) { m_columnNames.add(c.getName()); m_columnTypes.add(c.getType()); } File adFile = new VoltFile(overflowPath, nonce + ".ad");"Creating ad for " + nonce); assert (!adFile.exists()); FastSerializer fs = new FastSerializer(); fs.writeLong(m_HSId); fs.writeString(m_database); writeAdvertisementTo(fs); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(adFile); fos.write(fs.getBytes()); fos.getFD().sync(); fos.close(); // compute the number of bytes necessary to hold one bit per // schema column m_nullArrayLength = ((m_columnTypes.size() + 7) & -8) >> 3; }