public void toPdfTable( OutputStream out, HttpServletRequest request, SessionContext context, Collection distPrefs, Long examTypeId) throws Exception { WebTable.setOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord", request.getParameter("order"), 4); PdfWebTable tbl = new PdfWebTable( 4, ExamTypeDAO.getInstance().get(examTypeId).getLabel() + " Examination Distribution Preferences", null, new String[] {" Preference ", " Type ", " Exam ", " Class/Course "}, new String[] {"left", "left", "left", "left"}, new boolean[] {true, true, true, true}); int nrPrefs = 0; for (Iterator i1 = distPrefs.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) { DistributionPref dp = (DistributionPref); if (!context.hasPermission(dp, Right.ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail)) continue; nrPrefs++; String examStr = ""; String objStr = ""; for (Iterator i2 = dp.getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects().iterator(); i2.hasNext(); ) { DistributionObject dO = (DistributionObject); Exam exam = (Exam) dO.getPrefGroup(); examStr += dO.preferenceText(); for (Iterator i3 = exam.getOwners().iterator(); i3.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner owner = (ExamOwner); objStr += owner.getLabel(); if (i3.hasNext()) { examStr += "\n"; objStr += "\n"; } } if (i2.hasNext()) { examStr += "\n"; objStr += "\n"; } } String distType = dp.getDistributionType().getLabel(); String prefLevel = dp.getPrefLevel().getPrefName(); tbl.addLine( null, new String[] {prefLevel, distType, examStr, objStr}, new Comparable[] {null, distType, examStr, objStr}); } if (nrPrefs == 0) tbl.addLine(null, new String[] {"No preferences found", "", "", ""}, null); int ord = WebTable.getOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord"); ord = (ord > 0 ? 1 : -1) * (1 + Math.abs(ord)); PdfPTable table = tbl.printPdfTable(ord); float width = tbl.getWidth(); Document doc = new Document(new Rectangle(60f + width, 60f + 1.30f * width), 30, 30, 30, 30); PdfWriter iWriter = PdfWriter.getInstance(doc, out); iWriter.setPageEvent(new PdfEventHandler());; if (tbl.getName() != null) doc.add(new Paragraph(tbl.getName(), PdfFont.getBigFont(true))); doc.add(table); doc.close(); }
protected void saveSolution(org.hibernate.Session hibSession) { TimetableManager owner = TimetableManager.findByExternalId( getModel().getProperties().getProperty("General.OwnerPuid")); Collection exams = org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam.findAll(iSessionId, iExamTypeId); Hashtable<Long, ExamEvent> examEvents = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = hibSession .createQuery( "select e from ExamEvent e where e.exam.session.uniqueId=:sessionId and e.exam.examType.uniqueId=:examTypeId") .setLong("sessionId", iSessionId) .setLong("examTypeId", iExamTypeId) .iterate(); i.hasNext(); ) { ExamEvent e = (ExamEvent); examEvents.put(e.getExam().getUniqueId(), e); } iProgress.setPhase("Saving assignments...", exams.size()); Hashtable examTable = new Hashtable(); for (Iterator i = exams.iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { iProgress.incProgress(); org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam exam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam); ExamAssignment oldAssignment = new ExamAssignment(exam); exam.setAssignedPeriod(null); exam.setAssignedPreference(null); exam.getAssignedRooms().clear(); ExamEvent event = examEvents.get(exam.getUniqueId()); if (event != null) hibSession.delete(event); for (Iterator j = exam.getConflicts().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamConflict conf = (ExamConflict); hibSession.delete(conf); j.remove(); } Exam examVar = null; for (Exam x : getModel().variables()) { if (exam.getUniqueId().equals(x.getId())) { examVar = x; break; } } if (examVar == null) { iProgress.warn("Exam " + getExamLabel(exam) + " was not loaded."); if (oldAssignment.getPeriodId() != null) { SubjectArea subject = null; Department dept = null; for (Iterator j = new TreeSet(exam.getOwners()).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner xo = (ExamOwner); subject = xo.getCourse().getSubjectArea(); dept = subject.getDepartment(); break; } ChangeLog.addChange( hibSession, owner, exam.getSession(), exam, exam.getName() + " (" + oldAssignment.getPeriodAbbreviation() + " " + oldAssignment.getRoomsName(", ") + " → N/A)", ChangeLog.Source.EXAM_SOLVER, ChangeLog.Operation.UNASSIGN, subject, dept); } continue; } examTable.put(examVar.getId(), exam); ExamPlacement placement = getAssignment().getValue(examVar); if (placement == null) { iProgress.warn("Exam " + getExamLabel(exam) + " has no assignment."); if (oldAssignment.getPeriodId() != null) { SubjectArea subject = null; Department dept = null; for (Iterator j = new TreeSet(exam.getOwners()).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner xo = (ExamOwner); subject = xo.getCourse().getSubjectArea(); dept = subject.getDepartment(); break; } ChangeLog.addChange( hibSession, owner, exam.getSession(), exam, exam.getName() + " (" + oldAssignment.getPeriodAbbreviation() + " " + oldAssignment.getRoomsName(", ") + " → N/A)", ChangeLog.Source.EXAM_SOLVER, ChangeLog.Operation.UNASSIGN, subject, dept); } continue; } ExamPeriod period = new ExamPeriodDAO().get(placement.getPeriod().getId()); if (period == null) { iProgress.warn( "Examination period " + placement.getPeriod().getDayStr() + " " + placement.getPeriod().getTimeStr() + " not found."); if (oldAssignment.getPeriodId() != null) { SubjectArea subject = null; Department dept = null; for (Iterator j = new TreeSet(exam.getOwners()).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner xo = (ExamOwner); subject = xo.getCourse().getSubjectArea(); dept = subject.getDepartment(); break; } ChangeLog.addChange( hibSession, owner, exam.getSession(), exam, exam.getName() + " (" + oldAssignment.getPeriodAbbreviation() + " " + oldAssignment.getRoomsName(", ") + " → N/A)", ChangeLog.Source.EXAM_SOLVER, ChangeLog.Operation.UNASSIGN, subject, dept); } continue; } exam.setAssignedPeriod(period); for (Iterator j = placement.getRoomPlacements().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamRoomPlacement room = (ExamRoomPlacement); Location location = new LocationDAO().get(room.getId()); if (location == null) { iProgress.warn("Location " + room.getName() + " (id:" + room.getId() + ") not found."); continue; } exam.getAssignedRooms().add(location); } exam.setAssignedPreference( new ExamAssignment(placement, getAssignment()).getAssignedPreferenceString()); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(exam); ExamAssignment newAssignment = new ExamAssignment(exam); if (!ToolBox.equals(newAssignment.getPeriodId(), oldAssignment.getPeriodId()) || !ToolBox.equals(newAssignment.getRooms(), oldAssignment.getRooms())) { SubjectArea subject = null; Department dept = null; for (Iterator j = new TreeSet(exam.getOwners()).iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner xo = (ExamOwner); subject = xo.getCourse().getSubjectArea(); dept = subject.getDepartment(); break; } ChangeLog.addChange( hibSession, owner, exam.getSession(), exam, exam.getName() + " (" + (oldAssignment.getPeriod() == null ? "N/A" : oldAssignment.getPeriodAbbreviation() + " " + oldAssignment.getRoomsName(", ")) + " → " + newAssignment.getPeriodAbbreviation() + " " + newAssignment.getRoomsName(", ") + ")", ChangeLog.Source.EXAM_SOLVER, ChangeLog.Operation.ASSIGN, subject, dept); } } iProgress.setPhase("Saving conflicts...", getAssignment().nrAssignedVariables()); for (Exam examVar : getAssignment().assignedVariables()) { iProgress.incProgress(); org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam exam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(examVar.getId()); if (exam == null) continue; ExamPlacement placement = (ExamPlacement) getAssignment().getValue(examVar); ExamAssignmentInfo info = new ExamAssignmentInfo(placement, getAssignment()); for (Iterator i = info.getDirectConflicts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignmentInfo.DirectConflict dc = (ExamAssignmentInfo.DirectConflict); if (dc.getOtherExam() == null) continue; if (examVar.getId() < dc.getOtherExam().getExamId().longValue()) { org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam otherExam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(dc.getOtherExam().getExamId()); if (otherExam == null) { iProgress.warn( "Exam " + dc.getOtherExam().getExamName() + " (id:" + dc.getOtherExam().getExamId() + ") not found."); continue; } ExamConflict conf = new ExamConflict(); conf.setConflictType(ExamConflict.sConflictTypeDirect); conf.setStudents(getStudents(hibSession, dc.getStudents())); conf.setNrStudents(conf.getStudents().size());; exam.getConflicts().add(conf); otherExam.getConflicts().add(conf); iProgress.debug( "Direct conflict of " + dc.getStudents().size() + " students between " + exam.getLabel() + " and " + otherExam.getLabel()); } } for (Iterator i = info.getBackToBackConflicts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignmentInfo.BackToBackConflict btb = (ExamAssignmentInfo.BackToBackConflict); if (examVar.getId() < btb.getOtherExam().getExamId().longValue()) { org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam otherExam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(btb.getOtherExam().getExamId()); if (otherExam == null) { iProgress.warn( "Exam " + btb.getOtherExam().getExamName() + " (id:" + btb.getOtherExam().getExamId() + ") not found."); continue; } ExamConflict conf = new ExamConflict(); conf.setConflictType( btb.isDistance() ? ExamConflict.sConflictTypeBackToBackDist : ExamConflict.sConflictTypeBackToBack); conf.setDistance(btb.getDistance()); conf.setStudents(getStudents(hibSession, btb.getStudents())); conf.setNrStudents(conf.getStudents().size()); exam.getConflicts().add(conf); otherExam.getConflicts().add(conf);; iProgress.debug( "Back-to-back conflict of " + btb.getStudents().size() + " students between " + exam.getLabel() + " and " + otherExam.getLabel()); } } m2d: for (Iterator i = info.getMoreThanTwoADaysConflicts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignmentInfo.MoreThanTwoADayConflict m2d = (ExamAssignmentInfo.MoreThanTwoADayConflict); HashSet confExams = new HashSet(); confExams.add(exam); for (Iterator j = m2d.getOtherExams().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignment otherExamAsg = (ExamAssignment); if (examVar.getId() >= otherExamAsg.getExamId().longValue()) continue m2d; org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam otherExam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(otherExamAsg.getExamId()); if (otherExam == null) { iProgress.warn( "Exam " + otherExamAsg.getExamName() + " (id:" + otherExamAsg.getExamId() + ") not found."); continue; } confExams.add(otherExam); } if (confExams.size() >= 3) { ExamConflict conf = new ExamConflict(); conf.setConflictType(ExamConflict.sConflictTypeMoreThanTwoADay); conf.setStudents(getStudents(hibSession, m2d.getStudents())); conf.setNrStudents(conf.getStudents().size());; for (Iterator j = confExams.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) ((org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam); iProgress.debug( "More than 2 a day conflict of " + m2d.getStudents().size() + " students between " + exam.getLabel() + " and " + m2d.getOtherExams()); } } for (Iterator i = info.getInstructorDirectConflicts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignmentInfo.DirectConflict dc = (ExamAssignmentInfo.DirectConflict); if (dc.getOtherExam() == null) continue; if (examVar.getId() < dc.getOtherExam().getExamId().longValue()) { org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam otherExam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(dc.getOtherExam().getExamId()); if (otherExam == null) { iProgress.warn( "Exam " + dc.getOtherExam().getExamName() + " (id:" + dc.getOtherExam().getExamId() + ") not found."); continue; } ExamConflict conf = new ExamConflict(); conf.setConflictType(ExamConflict.sConflictTypeDirect); conf.setInstructors(getInstructors(hibSession, dc.getStudents())); conf.setNrInstructors(conf.getInstructors().size());; exam.getConflicts().add(conf); otherExam.getConflicts().add(conf); iProgress.debug( "Direct conflict of " + dc.getStudents().size() + " instructors between " + exam.getLabel() + " and " + otherExam.getLabel()); } } for (Iterator i = info.getInstructorBackToBackConflicts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignmentInfo.BackToBackConflict btb = (ExamAssignmentInfo.BackToBackConflict); if (examVar.getId() < btb.getOtherExam().getExamId().longValue()) { org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam otherExam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(btb.getOtherExam().getExamId()); if (otherExam == null) { iProgress.warn( "Exam " + btb.getOtherExam().getExamName() + " (id:" + btb.getOtherExam().getExamId() + ") not found."); continue; } ExamConflict conf = new ExamConflict(); conf.setConflictType( btb.isDistance() ? ExamConflict.sConflictTypeBackToBackDist : ExamConflict.sConflictTypeBackToBack); conf.setDistance(btb.getDistance()); conf.setInstructors(getInstructors(hibSession, btb.getStudents())); conf.setNrInstructors(conf.getInstructors().size()); exam.getConflicts().add(conf); otherExam.getConflicts().add(conf);; iProgress.debug( "Back-to-back conflict of " + btb.getStudents().size() + " instructors between " + exam.getLabel() + " and " + otherExam.getLabel()); } } m2d: for (Iterator i = info.getInstructorMoreThanTwoADaysConflicts().iterator(); i.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignmentInfo.MoreThanTwoADayConflict m2d = (ExamAssignmentInfo.MoreThanTwoADayConflict); HashSet confExams = new HashSet(); confExams.add(exam); for (Iterator j = m2d.getOtherExams().iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) { ExamAssignment otherExamAsg = (ExamAssignment); if (examVar.getId() >= otherExamAsg.getExamId().longValue()) continue m2d; org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam otherExam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(otherExamAsg.getExamId()); if (otherExam == null) { iProgress.warn( "Exam " + otherExamAsg.getExamName() + " (id:" + otherExamAsg.getExamId() + ") not found."); continue; } confExams.add(otherExam); } if (confExams.size() >= 3) { ExamConflict conf = new ExamConflict(); conf.setConflictType(ExamConflict.sConflictTypeMoreThanTwoADay); conf.setInstructors(getInstructors(hibSession, m2d.getStudents())); conf.setNrInstructors(conf.getInstructors().size());; for (Iterator j = confExams.iterator(); j.hasNext(); ) ((org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam); iProgress.debug( "More than 2 a day conflict of " + m2d.getStudents().size() + " instructors between " + exam.getLabel() + " and " + m2d.getOtherExams()); } } } iProgress.setPhase("Saving events...", getAssignment().nrAssignedVariables()); String ownerPuid = getModel().getProperties().getProperty("General.OwnerPuid"); EventContact contact = EventContact.findByExternalUniqueId(ownerPuid); if (contact == null) { TimetableManager manager = TimetableManager.findByExternalId(ownerPuid); contact = new EventContact(); contact.setFirstName(manager.getFirstName()); contact.setMiddleName(manager.getMiddleName()); contact.setLastName(manager.getLastName()); contact.setExternalUniqueId(manager.getExternalUniqueId()); contact.setEmailAddress(manager.getEmailAddress());; } for (Exam examVar : getAssignment().assignedVariables()) { iProgress.incProgress(); org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam exam = (org.unitime.timetable.model.Exam) examTable.get(examVar.getId()); if (exam == null) continue; ExamEvent event = exam.generateEvent(null, true); if (event != null) { event.setEventName(examVar.getName()); event.setMinCapacity(examVar.getSize()); event.setMaxCapacity(examVar.getSize()); event.setMainContact(contact); hibSession.saveOrUpdate(event); } if (event != null || !exam.getConflicts().isEmpty()) hibSession.saveOrUpdate(exam); } }
/** * Build a html table with the list representing distribution prefs * * @param distPrefs * @param ordCol * @param editable * @return */ public String toHtmlTable( HttpServletRequest request, SessionContext context, Collection distPrefs, String title) throws Exception { String backId = ("PreferenceGroup".equals(request.getParameter("backType")) ? request.getParameter("backId") : null); WebTable.setOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord", request.getParameter("order"), 4); WebTable tbl = new WebTable( 3, title, "", new String[] {" Type ", " Exam ", " Class/Course "}, new String[] {"left", "left", "left"}, new boolean[] {true, true, true}); int nrPrefs = 0; for (Iterator i1 = distPrefs.iterator(); i1.hasNext(); ) { DistributionPref dp = (DistributionPref); if (!context.hasPermission(dp, Right.ExaminationDistributionPreferenceDetail)) continue; boolean prefEditable = context.hasPermission(dp, Right.ExaminationDistributionPreferenceEdit); nrPrefs++; String examStr = ""; String objStr = ""; for (Iterator i2 = dp.getOrderedSetOfDistributionObjects().iterator(); i2.hasNext(); ) { DistributionObject dO = (DistributionObject); Exam exam = (Exam) dO.getPrefGroup(); examStr += dO.preferenceText(); for (Iterator i3 = exam.getOwners().iterator(); i3.hasNext(); ) { ExamOwner owner = (ExamOwner); objStr += owner.getLabel(); if (i3.hasNext()) { examStr += "<BR>"; objStr += "<BR>"; } } if (i2.hasNext()) { examStr += "<BR>"; objStr += "<BR>"; } } String distType = dp.getDistributionType().getLabel(); String prefLevel = dp.getPrefLevel().getPrefName(); String prefColor = dp.getPrefLevel().prefcolor(); if (PreferenceLevel.sNeutral.equals(dp.getPrefLevel().getPrefProlog())) prefColor = "gray"; String onClick = null; boolean gray = false; if (prefEditable) { onClick = "onClick=\"document.location='" + "?dp=" + dp.getUniqueId().toString() + "&op=view'\""; } // else gray = true; boolean back = dp.getUniqueId().toString().equals(backId); tbl.addLine( onClick, new String[] { (back ? "<A name=\"back\"</A>" : "") + (gray ? "<span style='color:gray;'>" : "<span style='color:" + prefColor + ";font-weight:bold;' title='" + prefLevel + " " + distType + "'>") + distType + "</span>", (gray ? "<span style='color:gray;'>" : "") + examStr + (gray ? "</span>" : ""), (gray ? "<span style='color:gray;'>" : "") + objStr + (gray ? "</span>" : "") }, new Comparable[] {distType, examStr, objStr}); } if (nrPrefs == 0) tbl.addLine(null, new String[] {"No preferences found", "", ""}, null); return tbl.printTable(WebTable.getOrder(context, "examDistPrefsTable.ord")); }