public AudioSample getAudioSample( float[] left, float[] right, AudioFormat format, int bufferSize) { FloatSampleBuffer sample = new FloatSampleBuffer(2, left.length, format.getSampleRate()); System.arraycopy(left, 0, sample.getChannel(0), 0, left.length); System.arraycopy(right, 0, sample.getChannel(1), 0, right.length); return getAudioSampleImp(sample, format, bufferSize); }
public AudioSample getAudioSample(String filename, int bufferSize) { AudioInputStream ais = getAudioInputStream(filename); if (ais != null) { AudioMetaData meta = null; AudioFormat format = ais.getFormat(); FloatSampleBuffer samples = null; if (format instanceof MpegAudioFormat) { AudioFormat baseFormat = format; format = new AudioFormat( AudioFormat.Encoding.PCM_SIGNED, baseFormat.getSampleRate(), 16, baseFormat.getChannels(), baseFormat.getChannels() * 2, baseFormat.getSampleRate(), false); // converts the stream to PCM audio from mp3 audio ais = getAudioInputStream(format, ais); // get a map of properties so we can find out how long it is Map<String, Object> props = getID3Tags(filename); // there is a property called mp3.length.bytes, but that is // the length in bytes of the mp3 file, which will of course // be much shorter than the decoded version. so we use the // duration of the file to figure out how many bytes the // decoded file will be. long dur = ((Long) props.get("duration")).longValue(); int toRead = (int) AudioUtils.millis2Bytes(dur / 1000, format); samples = loadFloatAudio(ais, toRead); meta = new MP3MetaData(filename, dur / 1000, props); } else { samples = loadFloatAudio(ais, (int) ais.getFrameLength() * format.getFrameSize()); long length = AudioUtils.frames2Millis(samples.getSampleCount(), format); meta = new BasicMetaData(filename, length); } AudioSynthesizer out = getAudioSynthesizer( format.getChannels(), bufferSize, format.getSampleRate(), format.getSampleSizeInBits()); if (out != null) { SampleSignal ssig = new SampleSignal(samples); out.setAudioSignal(ssig); return new JSAudioSample(meta, ssig, out); } else { error("Couldn't acquire an output."); } } return null; }
private JSAudioSample getAudioSampleImp( FloatSampleBuffer samples, AudioFormat format, int bufferSize) { AudioSynthesizer out = getAudioSynthesizer( samples.getChannelCount(), bufferSize, format.getSampleRate(), format.getSampleSizeInBits()); if (out != null) { SampleSignal ssig = new SampleSignal(samples); out.setAudioSignal(ssig); long length = AudioUtils.frames2Millis(samples.getSampleCount(), format); BasicMetaData meta = new BasicMetaData(samples.toString(), length); return new JSAudioSample(meta, ssig, out); } else { error("Couldn't acquire an output."); } return null; }
private FloatSampleBuffer loadFloatAudio(AudioInputStream ais, int toRead) { FloatSampleBuffer samples = new FloatSampleBuffer(); int totalRead = 0; byte[] rawBytes = new byte[toRead]; try { // we have to read in chunks because the decoded stream won't // read more than about 2000 bytes at a time while (totalRead < toRead) { int actualRead =, totalRead, toRead - totalRead); if (actualRead < 1) { break; } totalRead += actualRead; } ais.close(); } catch (Exception ioe) { error("Error loading file into memory: " + ioe.getMessage()); } debug("Needed to read " + toRead + " actually read " + totalRead); samples.initFromByteArray(rawBytes, 0, totalRead, ais.getFormat()); return samples; }
public AudioSample getAudioSample(float[] samples, AudioFormat format, int bufferSize) { FloatSampleBuffer sample = new FloatSampleBuffer(1, samples.length, format.getSampleRate()); System.arraycopy(samples, 0, sample.getChannel(0), 0, samples.length); return getAudioSampleImp(sample, format, bufferSize); }