/** Test of execute method, of class CollectAccountsClosure. */
  public void testExecute_isAccount() {
    // set up test data
    final QueryResult input = new QueryResult();
    final Account account = new Account();
    input.setEntities(Arrays.asList(new Account[] {account}));
    final Map<String, Account> accountsByName = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<String, Item> itemsByName = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<String, Department> departmentsByName = new HashMap<>();

    // set up mocks
    final Logger logger = mock(Logger.class);

    // invoke method under test
    final CollectLookupValuesClosure collectLookupValuesClosure =
        new CollectLookupValuesClosure(accountsByName, itemsByName, departmentsByName, logger);

    // assertions
    assertEquals(accountsByName.get(account.getName()), account);

    // verificaitons
  /** Test of execute method, of class CollectAccountsClosure. */
  public void testExecute_notAccount() {
    // set up test data
    final QueryResult input = new QueryResult();
    final Customer customer = new Customer();
    input.setEntities(Arrays.asList(new Customer[] {customer}));
    final Map<String, Account> accountsByName = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<String, Item> itemsByName = new HashMap<>();
    final Map<String, Department> departmentsByName = new HashMap<>();

    // set up mocks
    final Logger logger = mock(Logger.class);

    // invoke method under test
    final CollectLookupValuesClosure collectAccountsClosure =
        new CollectLookupValuesClosure(accountsByName, itemsByName, departmentsByName, logger);

    // assertions

    // verificaitons
    verify(logger, times(1)).warn(anyString(), any(Customer.class));