コード例 #1
ファイル: Files.java プロジェクト: GeomaticM/ehcache
   * Copies a source file to a destination file, optionally preserving the source's last
   * modification time. We already have an input stream to read the source file, but we know nothing
   * about the destination file yet. Note that this method <em>never</em> closes the given input
   * stream!
   * @throws FileNotFoundException If either the source or the destination cannot get accessed.
   * @throws InputIOException If copying the data fails because of an IOException in the source.
   * @throws IOException If copying the data fails because of an IOException in the destination.
  private static void cp0(
      final boolean preserve, final java.io.File src, final InputStream in, final java.io.File dst)
      throws IOException {
    try {
      if (dst instanceof File) {
        final File dstFile = (File) dst;
        dstFile.ensureNotVirtualRoot("cannot write");
        final String dstEntryName = dstFile.getEnclEntryName();
        if (dstEntryName != null) {
          cp0(preserve, src, in, dstFile.getEnclArchive().getArchiveController(), dstEntryName);
    } catch (RfsEntryFalsePositiveException dstIsNotArchive) {

    // Treat the destination like a regular file.
    final OutputStream out = new java.io.FileOutputStream(dst);
    try {
      Streams.cat(in, out);
    } finally {
    if (preserve && !dst.setLastModified(src.lastModified()))
      throw new IOException(dst.getPath() + " (cannot preserve last modification time)");
コード例 #2
ファイル: Files.java プロジェクト: GeomaticM/ehcache
 private static boolean mv0(
     final java.io.File src, final java.io.File dst, final ArchiveDetector detector) {
   boolean ok = true;
   if (src.isDirectory()) {
     final long srcLastModified = src.lastModified();
     final boolean srcIsArchived = src instanceof File && ((File) src).getInnerArchive() != null;
     final boolean dstIsArchived = dst instanceof File && ((File) dst).getInnerArchive() != null;
     final boolean srcIsGhost = srcIsArchived && srcLastModified <= 0;
     if (!srcIsGhost || !dstIsArchived || !File.isLenient()) dst.mkdir();
     final String[] members = src.list();
     if (!srcIsArchived && dstIsArchived) {
       // Create sorted entries if writing a new archive file.
       // This is courtesy only, so natural order is sufficient.
     for (int i = 0, l = members.length; i < l; i++) {
       final String member = members[i];
       ok &= mv0(detector.createFile(src, member), detector.createFile(dst, member), detector);
     if (!srcIsGhost) ok &= dst.setLastModified(srcLastModified);
   } else if (src.isFile()) { // !isDirectory()
     try {
       cp(true, src, dst);
     } catch (IOException ex) {
       ok = false;
   } else {
     ok = false; // don't move special files!
   return ok && src.delete(); // only unlink if ok!
コード例 #3
ファイル: Files.java プロジェクト: GeomaticM/ehcache
  /** Unchecked parameters version. */
  private static void cp0(final boolean preserve, final java.io.File src, final java.io.File dst)
      throws IOException {
    assert src != null;
    assert dst != null;

    try {
      try {
        if (src instanceof File) {
          final File srcFile = (File) src;
          srcFile.ensureNotVirtualRoot("cannot read");
          final String srcEntryName = srcFile.getEnclEntryName();
          if (srcEntryName != null) {
            cp0(preserve, srcFile.getEnclArchive().getArchiveController(), srcEntryName, dst);
      } catch (RfsEntryFalsePositiveException srcIsNotArchive) {

      // Treat the source like a regular file.
      final InputStream in = new java.io.FileInputStream(src);
      try {
        cp0(preserve, src, in, dst);
      } finally {
        try {
        } catch (IOException ex) {
          throw new InputIOException(ex);
    } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) {
      throw ex;
    } catch (ArchiveBusyException ex) {
      throw new FileBusyException(ex);
    } catch (ArchiveFileSystemException afse) {
      final FileNotFoundException fnfe = new FileNotFoundException(afse.toString());
      throw fnfe;
    } catch (IOException ex) {
      throw ex;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Files.java プロジェクト: GeomaticM/ehcache
        public void run() throws IOException {
          // Update controllers.
          // This may invalidate the file system object, so it must be
          // done first in case srcController and dstController are the
          // same!
          class SrcControllerUpdater implements IORunnable {
            public void run() throws IOException {
              srcController.readLock().lock(); // downgrade to read lock upon return
          } // class SrcControllerUpdater

          final ArchiveEntry srcEntry, dstEntry;
          final Delta delta;
          srcController.runWriteLocked(new SrcControllerUpdater());
          try {

            // Get source archive entry.
            final ArchiveFileSystem srcFileSystem = srcController.autoMount(false);
            srcEntry = srcFileSystem.get(srcEntryName);

            // Get destination archive entry.
            final boolean lenient = File.isLenient();
            final ArchiveFileSystem dstFileSystem = dstController.autoMount(lenient);
            delta = dstFileSystem.link(dstEntryName, lenient, preserve ? srcEntry : null);
            dstEntry = delta.getEntry();

            // Create input stream.
            in = srcController.createInputStream(srcEntry, dstEntry);
          } finally {

          try {
            // Create output stream.
            out = dstController.createOutputStream(dstEntry, srcEntry);

            try {
              // Now link the destination entry into the file system.
            } catch (IOException ex) {
              throw ex;
          } catch (IOException ex) {
            try {
            } catch (IOException inFailure) {
              throw new InputIOException(inFailure);
            throw ex;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Files.java プロジェクト: GeomaticM/ehcache
 /** Unchecked parameters version. */
 private static void cp_r0(
     final boolean preserve,
     final java.io.File src,
     final java.io.File dst,
     final ArchiveDetector srcDetector,
     final ArchiveDetector dstDetector)
     throws IOException {
   if (src.isDirectory()) {
     final long srcLastModified = src.lastModified();
     final boolean srcIsArchived = src instanceof File && ((File) src).getInnerArchive() != null;
     final boolean dstIsArchived = dst instanceof File && ((File) dst).getInnerArchive() != null;
     final boolean srcIsGhost = srcIsArchived && srcLastModified <= 0;
     if (!srcIsGhost || !dstIsArchived || !File.isLenient())
       if (!dst.mkdir() && !dst.isDirectory())
         throw new IOException("destination is not a directory");
     final String[] members = src.list();
     if (!srcIsArchived && dstIsArchived) {
       // Create sorted entries if writing a new archive.
       // This is a courtesy only, so natural order is sufficient.
     for (int i = 0, l = members.length; i < l; i++) {
       final String member = members[i];
           srcDetector.createFile(src, member),
           dstDetector.createFile(dst, member),
     if (preserve && !srcIsGhost)
       if (!dst.setLastModified(srcLastModified))
         throw new IOException("cannot set last modification time");
   } else if (src.isFile() && (!dst.exists() || dst.isFile())) {
     cp0(preserve, src, dst);
   } else {
     throw new IOException("cannot copy non-existent or special files");
コード例 #6
ファイル: Files.java プロジェクト: GeomaticM/ehcache
        public void run() throws IOException {
          // Update controller.
          // This may invalidate the file system object, so it must be
          // done first in case srcController and dstController are the
          // same!

          final boolean lenient = File.isLenient();

          // Get source archive entry.
          final ArchiveEntry srcEntry = new RfsEntry(src);

          // Get destination archive entry.
          final ArchiveFileSystem dstFileSystem = dstController.autoMount(lenient);
          final Delta delta = dstFileSystem.link(dstEntryName, lenient, preserve ? srcEntry : null);
          final ArchiveEntry dstEntry = delta.getEntry();

          // Create output stream.
          out = dstController.createOutputStream(dstEntry, srcEntry);

          // Now link the destination entry into the file system.
コード例 #7
ファイル: Files.java プロジェクト: GeomaticM/ehcache
   * Copies a source file to a destination file, optionally preserving the source's last
   * modification time. We know that the source file appears to be an entry in an archive file, but
   * we know nothing about the destination file yet.
   * <p>Note that this method synchronizes on the class object in order to prevent dead locks by two
   * threads copying archive entries to the other's source archive concurrently!
   * @throws FalsePositiveException If the source or the destination is a false positive and the
   *     exception cannot get resolved within this method.
   * @throws InputIOException If copying the data fails because of an IOException in the source.
   * @throws IOException If copying the data fails because of an IOException in the destination.
  private static void cp0(
      final boolean preserve,
      final ArchiveController srcController,
      final String srcEntryName,
      final java.io.File dst)
      throws IOException {
    // Do not assume anything about the lock status of the controller:
    // This method may be called from a subclass while a lock is acquired!
    // assert !srcController.readLock().isLocked();
    // assert !srcController.writeLock().isLocked();

    try {
      try {
        if (dst instanceof File) {
          final File dstFile = (File) dst;
          dstFile.ensureNotVirtualRoot("cannot write");
          final String dstEntryName = dstFile.getEnclEntryName();
          if (dstEntryName != null) {
      } catch (RfsEntryFalsePositiveException isNotArchive) {
        // Both the source and/or the destination may be false positives,
        // so we need to use the exception's additional information to
        // find out which controller actually detected the false positive.
        if (isNotArchive.getController() == srcController)
          throw isNotArchive; // not my job - pass on!

      final InputStream in;
      final long time;
      try {
        in = srcController.createInputStream0(srcEntryName); // detects false positives!
        time = srcController.lastModified(srcEntryName);
      } finally {

      // Treat the destination like a regular file.
      final OutputStream out;
      try {
        out = new java.io.FileOutputStream(dst);
      } catch (IOException ex) {
        try {
        } catch (IOException inFailure) {
          throw new InputIOException(inFailure);
        throw ex;

      cp(in, out);
      if (preserve && !dst.setLastModified(time))
        throw new IOException(dst.getPath() + " (cannot preserve last modification time)");
    } catch (ArchiveEntryFalsePositiveException ex) {
      assert srcController == ex.getController();
      // Reroute call to the source's enclosing archive controller.