コード例 #1
 private static String getXsdTargetNamespace(final IResource iResource) {
   if (ModelUtil.isXsdFile(iResource)) {
     final String location = iResource.getLocation().toOSString();
     final File resourceFile = new File(location);
     if (resourceFile.exists())
       try {
         final XsdHeader header = XsdHeaderReader.readHeader(resourceFile);
         if (header != null) return header.getTargetNamespaceURI();
       } catch (final TeiidException e) {
         ModelerCore.Util.log(IStatus.ERROR, e, e.getMessage());
   return null;
コード例 #2
   * Return IResource[] array representing the dependent IResource instances. The dependent
   * resources are found by reading the model imports declarations in the specified resource. Only
   * references to IResource instances that can be found in the workspace will be returned. If an
   * import declaration to one of the well-know Teiid Designer/EMF global resources such as
   * <p>"http://www.metamatrix.com/metamodels/SimpleDatatypes-instance"
   * "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" "http://www.w3.org/2001/MagicXMLSchema"
   * "http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" is encountered, a corresponding IResource does not
   * exist in the workspace and, therefore, cannot be returned as part of the result. If the method
   * is called outside of the Eclipse runtime environment, or if the specified IResource is null or
   * cannot be found on the file system then an empty array will be returned.
   * @param iResource the IResource to examine for import declarations. If null, or it not running
   *     in a Eclipse runtime environment, an empty array will be returned.
   * @return the IResource[] references of dependent resources
  public static IResource[] getDependentResources(final IResource iResource) {
    if (iResource == null || getWorkspace() == null) return EMPTY_IRESOURCE_ARRAY;

    final File iResourceFile = iResource.getRawLocation().toFile();
    if (!iResourceFile.exists()) return EMPTY_IRESOURCE_ARRAY;

    final Collection result = new ArrayList();
    try {

      // Get the header information from the XSD file
      if (ModelUtil.isXsdFile(iResource)) {
        final XsdHeader header = XsdHeaderReader.readHeader(iResourceFile);
        if (header != null) {

          // Add all the imported schema locations
          String[] locations = header.getImportSchemaLocations();
          for (int i = 0; i != locations.length; ++i) {
            final String location = locations[i];

            IResource dependentIResource = findIResource(location);
            if (dependentIResource == null) {
              final String absolutePath = getAbsoluteLocation(iResourceFile, location);
              dependentIResource = findIResource(absolutePath);
            if (dependentIResource != null && !result.contains(dependentIResource))

          // Add all the included schema locations
          locations = header.getIncludeSchemaLocations();
          for (int i = 0; i != locations.length; ++i) {
            final String location = locations[i];
            IResource dependentIResource = findIResource(location);
            if (dependentIResource == null) {
              final String absolutePath = getAbsoluteLocation(iResourceFile, location);
              dependentIResource = findIResource(absolutePath);
            if (dependentIResource != null && !result.contains(dependentIResource))

        // Get the header information from the XMI file
      } else if (ModelUtil.isModelFile(iResource)) {
        final XMIHeader header = XMIHeaderReader.readHeader(iResourceFile);
        if (header != null) {

          final ModelImportInfo[] infos = header.getModelImportInfos();
          for (final ModelImportInfo info : infos) {
            IResource dependentIResource = null;

            final String location = info.getLocation();
            final String path = info.getPath();
            if (!CoreStringUtil.isEmpty(path)) dependentIResource = findIResource(path);
            else if (!CoreStringUtil.isEmpty(location)) {
              final String depPath =
              if (!isGlobalResource(depPath)) {
                dependentIResource = findIResource(depPath);
                if (dependentIResource == null) {
                  final String absolutePath = getAbsoluteLocation(iResourceFile, location);
                  dependentIResource = findIResource(absolutePath);
            if (dependentIResource != null && !result.contains(dependentIResource))

        // Get the header information from the VDB archive file
      } else if (ModelUtil.isVdbArchiveFile(iResource)) {
        final XMIHeader header = ModelUtil.getXmiHeader(iResourceFile);
        if (header != null) {

          final ModelImportInfo[] infos = header.getModelImportInfos();
          for (final ModelImportInfo info : infos) {
            IResource dependentIResource = null;

            final String location = info.getLocation();
            final String path = info.getPath();
            if (!CoreStringUtil.isEmpty(path)) dependentIResource = findIResource(path);
            else if (!CoreStringUtil.isEmpty(location))
              if (!isGlobalResource(location)) {
                dependentIResource = findIResource(location);
                if (dependentIResource == null) {
                  final String absolutePath = getAbsoluteLocation(iResourceFile, location);
                  dependentIResource = findIResource(absolutePath);
            if (dependentIResource != null && !result.contains(dependentIResource))

    } catch (final Exception err) {
      final Object[] params = new Object[] {iResource.getFullPath()};
      final String msg =
              params); //$NON-NLS-1$
      ModelerCore.Util.log(IStatus.ERROR, err, msg);

    return (IResource[]) result.toArray(new IResource[result.size()]);