コード例 #1
  * Converts a libsvm sparse matrix to a svdlibj sparse one
  * @param mx the libsvm sparse matrix
  * @return the svdlibj matrix
 private static SMat convertLibsvmToSvdlibj(VectorNode[][] mx) {
   SMat S;
   int i, j, n;
   int maxColIndex = 0;
   // n = number of non-zero elements
   for (i = 0, n = 0; i < mx.length; i++) {
     for (j = 0; j < mx[i].length; j++) {
       if (mx[i][j].index > maxColIndex) {
         maxColIndex = mx[i][j].index;
   S = new SMat(mx.length, maxColIndex, n);
   for (j = 0, n = 0; j < maxColIndex + 1; j++) {
     VectorNode[] column = SparseVector.columnVector(mx, j);
     S.pointr[j] = n;
     for (i = 0; i < column.length; i++) {
       S.rowind[n] = column[i].index;
       S.value[n] = column[i].value;
   S.pointr[S.cols] = S.vals;
   return S;
コード例 #2
   * The main method.
   * @param args[0] the libsvm-formatted term-document matrix file name
   * @param args[1] the co-occurrence file name
   * @param args[2] the left singular vectors file name
   * @param args[3] the right singular vector file name
   * @param args[4] the singular values file name
   * @throws IOException Signals that an I/O exception has occurred.
  public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    if (args.length != 5) {
      throw (new IllegalArgumentException(
          "There were " + args.length + " arguments, instead of the expected 5."));
    String tdMatrixFilename = args[0];
    String cooccurFilename = args[1];
    String leftSingularVectorsFilename = args[2];
    String rightSingularVectorsFilename = args[3];
    String singularValuesFilename = args[4];

    VectorNode[][] mx = SparseVector.transpose(SparseVector.readSparseMatrix(tdMatrixFilename));
    logger.info("Calculating co-occurrence matrix");
    mx = SparseVector.matrixMultiplyWithTranspose(mx, mx);
    DenseVector.writeDenseMatrix(DenseVector.convertFromSparseMatrix(mx), cooccurFilename);
    SVDRec svdResult = decompose(mx);
    DenseVector.writeDenseMatrix(svdResult.Ut.value, leftSingularVectorsFilename);
    DenseVector.writeDenseMatrix(svdResult.Vt.value, rightSingularVectorsFilename);
    DenseVector.writeDenseMatrix(new double[][] {svdResult.S}, singularValuesFilename);