public void generateView(GrailsDomainClass domainClass, String viewName, Writer out) throws IOException { String templateText = getTemplateTextView( viewName + ".gsp", "/WEB-INF/templates/angular-scaffolding/views/", "views"); if (!StringUtils.hasLength(templateText)) { return; } GrailsDomainClassProperty multiPart = null; for (GrailsDomainClassProperty property : domainClass.getProperties()) { if (property.getType() == Byte[].class || property.getType() == byte[].class) { multiPart = property; break; } } String packageName = StringUtils.hasLength(domainClass.getPackageName()) ? "<%@ page import=\"" + domainClass.getFullName() + "\" %>" : ""; Map<String, Object> binding = createBinding(domainClass); binding.put("packageName", packageName); binding.put("multiPart", multiPart); binding.put("propertyName", getPropertyName(domainClass)); generate(templateText, binding, out); }
public void afterPropertiesSet() throws JiBXException { if (this.targetClass != null) { if (StringUtils.hasLength(this.bindingName)) { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { "Configured for target class [" + this.targetClass + "] using binding [" + this.bindingName + "]"); } this.bindingFactory = BindingDirectory.getFactory(this.bindingName, this.targetClass); } else { if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) {"Configured for target class [" + this.targetClass + "]"); } this.bindingFactory = BindingDirectory.getFactory(this.targetClass); } } else if (this.targetPackage != null) { if (!StringUtils.hasLength(bindingName)) { bindingName = DEFAULT_BINDING_NAME; } if (logger.isInfoEnabled()) { "Configured for target package [" + targetPackage + "] using binding [" + bindingName + "]"); } this.bindingFactory = BindingDirectory.getFactory(bindingName, targetPackage); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("either 'targetClass' or 'targetPackage' is required"); } }
/** * Determines the {@link MediaType} for the given filename. * * <p>The default implementation will check the {@linkplain #setMediaTypes(Map) media types} * property first for a defined mapping. If not present, and if the Java Activation Framework can * be found on the classpath, it will call {@link FileTypeMap#getContentType(String)} * * <p>This method can be overridden to provide a different algorithm. * * @param filename the current request file name (i.e. {@code hotels.html}) * @return the media type, if any */ protected MediaType getMediaTypeFromFilename(String filename) { String extension = StringUtils.getFilenameExtension(filename); if (!StringUtils.hasText(extension)) { return null; } extension = extension.toLowerCase(Locale.ENGLISH); MediaType mediaType = this.mediaTypes.get(extension); if (mediaType == null) { String mimeType = getServletContext().getMimeType(filename); if (StringUtils.hasText(mimeType)) { mediaType = MediaType.parseMediaType(mimeType); } if (this.useJaf && (mediaType == null || MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.equals(mediaType))) { MediaType jafMediaType = ActivationMediaTypeFactory.getMediaType(filename); if (jafMediaType != null && !MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.equals(jafMediaType)) { mediaType = jafMediaType; } } if (mediaType != null) { this.mediaTypes.putIfAbsent(extension, mediaType); } } return mediaType; }
public void writeSelectRightFormula(RedFormulaCaclMulForcast forcast) { String selectNums = forcast.getSelectNums(); String selectFormulas = forcast.getSelectFormulas(); String selectNumRst = forcast.getSelectNumsResult(); String selectRightFormulas = ""; if (StringUtils.hasLength(selectNums) && StringUtils.hasLength(selectFormulas) && StringUtils.hasLength(selectNumRst)) { String[] tmp1 = selectNums.split(","); String[] tmp2 = selectFormulas.split(","); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp1.length; i++) { map.put(tmp2[i], tmp1[i]); } String[] tmp = selectNumRst.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { for (String key : map.keySet()) { String value = map.get(key); if (value.equals(tmp[i])) { selectRightFormulas = selectRightFormulas + key + ","; map.remove(key); break; } } } } forcast.setSelectRightFormulas(selectRightFormulas); }
/** * Get a {@link PagingQueryProvider} instance using the provided properties and appropriate for * the given database type. * * @see FactoryBean#getObject() */ @Override public PagingQueryProvider getObject() throws Exception { DatabaseType type; try { type = databaseType != null ? DatabaseType.valueOf(databaseType.toUpperCase()) : DatabaseType.fromMetaData(dataSource); } catch (MetaDataAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Could not inspect meta data for database type. You have to supply it explicitly.", e); } AbstractSqlPagingQueryProvider provider = providers.get(type); Assert.state( provider != null, "Should not happen: missing PagingQueryProvider for DatabaseType=" + type); provider.setFromClause(fromClause); provider.setWhereClause(whereClause); provider.setSortKeys(sortKeys); if (StringUtils.hasText(selectClause)) { provider.setSelectClause(selectClause); } if (StringUtils.hasText(groupClause)) { provider.setGroupClause(groupClause); } provider.init(dataSource); return provider; }
@Transactional public ResultInfo manageEditOrder( String id, String employerAddress, String price, String beginDate, String endDate) { try { long idl = Long.valueOf(id); ServiceOrder order = dao.getResultById(ServiceOrder.class, idl); if (order == null) return ResultInfo.SERVICE_ORDER_NULL; // String hql = // "from Employer e where e.ovld = true and e.mobilePhone = ?"; // Employer employer = dao.getSingleResultByHQL(Employer.class, hql, // employerTelephone); // if (employer == null) // return ResultInfo.EMPLOYER_NULL; // if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(employerName)) // employer.setUsername(employerName); // if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(employerTelephone)) // employer.setMobilePhone(employerTelephone); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(employerAddress)) order.setAddress(employerAddress); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(price)) order.setOrderPrice(Long.parseLong(price)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(beginDate)) order.setServiceBeginDate(ExpectedDateCreate.parseDate(beginDate)); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(endDate)) order.setServiceEndDate(ExpectedDateCreate.parseDate(endDate)); // order.setEmployer(employer); order.setUpdateDate(new Date()); dao.update(order); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ResultInfo.SUCCESS; }
@Override public void registerBeanDefinitions(AnnotationMetadata meta, BeanDefinitionRegistry registry) { Map<String, Object> attrs = meta.getAnnotationAttributes(EnableReactor.class.getName()); // Create a root Enivronment if (!registry.containsBeanDefinition(Environment.class.getName())) { BeanDefinitionBuilder envBeanDef = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(Environment.class); String configReaderBean = (String) attrs.get("configurationReader"); if (StringUtils.hasText(configReaderBean)) { envBeanDef.addConstructorArgReference(configReaderBean); } else { String profileName = (String) attrs.get("value"); if (StringUtils.hasText(profileName)) { envBeanDef.addConstructorArgValue(new PropertiesConfigurationReader(profileName)); } } registry.registerBeanDefinition(Environment.class.getName(), envBeanDef.getBeanDefinition()); } // Create a ConsumerBeanPostProcessor if (!registry.containsBeanDefinition(ConsumerBeanPostProcessor.class.getName())) { BeanDefinitionBuilder envBeanDef = BeanDefinitionBuilder.rootBeanDefinition(ConsumerBeanPostProcessor.class); registry.registerBeanDefinition( ConsumerBeanPostProcessor.class.getName(), envBeanDef.getBeanDefinition()); } }
@Bean @RefreshScope public WsFederationConfiguration wsFedConfig() { final WsFederationConfiguration config = new WsFederationConfiguration(); final WsFederationProperties wsfed = casProperties.getAuthn().getWsfed(); config.setAttributesType( WsFederationConfiguration.WsFedPrincipalResolutionAttributesType.valueOf( wsfed.getAttributesType())); config.setIdentityAttribute(wsfed.getIdentityAttribute()); config.setIdentityProviderIdentifier(wsfed.getIdentityProviderIdentifier()); config.setIdentityProviderUrl(wsfed.getIdentityProviderUrl()); config.setTolerance(wsfed.getTolerance()); config.setRelyingPartyIdentifier(wsfed.getRelyingPartyIdentifier()); org.springframework.util.StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet( wsfed.getSigningCertificateResources()) .forEach( s -> config.getSigningCertificateResources().add(this.resourceLoader.getResource(s))); org.springframework.util.StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet(wsfed.getEncryptionPrivateKey()) .forEach(s -> config.setEncryptionPrivateKey(this.resourceLoader.getResource(s))); org.springframework.util.StringUtils.commaDelimitedListToSet(wsfed.getEncryptionCertificate()) .forEach(s -> config.setEncryptionCertificate(this.resourceLoader.getResource(s))); config.setEncryptionPrivateKeyPassword(wsfed.getEncryptionPrivateKeyPassword()); config.setAttributeMutator(this.attributeMutator); return config; }
@Bean public JwtAccessTokenConverter jwtTokenEnhancer() { JwtAccessTokenConverter converter = new JwtAccessTokenConverter(); String keyValue = this.resource.getJwt().getKeyValue(); if (!StringUtils.hasText(keyValue)) { try { keyValue = getKeyFromServer(); } catch (ResourceAccessException ex) { logger.warn( "Failed to fetch token key (you may need to refresh " + "when the auth server is back)"); } } if (StringUtils.hasText(keyValue) && !keyValue.startsWith("-----BEGIN")) { converter.setSigningKey(keyValue); } if (keyValue != null) { converter.setVerifierKey(keyValue); } AnnotationAwareOrderComparator.sort(this.configurers); for (JwtAccessTokenConverterConfigurer configurer : this.configurers) { configurer.configure(converter); } return converter; }
/** * Check the given property values against the required fields, generating missing field errors * where appropriate. * * @param mpvs the property values to be bound (can be modified) * @see #getRequiredFields * @see #getBindingErrorProcessor * @see BindingErrorProcessor#processMissingFieldError */ protected void checkRequiredFields(MutablePropertyValues mpvs) { String[] requiredFields = getRequiredFields(); if (!ObjectUtils.isEmpty(requiredFields)) { Map<String, PropertyValue> propertyValues = new HashMap<String, PropertyValue>(); PropertyValue[] pvs = mpvs.getPropertyValues(); for (PropertyValue pv : pvs) { String canonicalName = PropertyAccessorUtils.canonicalPropertyName(pv.getName()); propertyValues.put(canonicalName, pv); } for (String field : requiredFields) { PropertyValue pv = propertyValues.get(field); boolean empty = (pv == null || pv.getValue() == null); if (!empty) { if (pv.getValue() instanceof String) { empty = !StringUtils.hasText((String) pv.getValue()); } else if (pv.getValue() instanceof String[]) { String[] values = (String[]) pv.getValue(); empty = (values.length == 0 || !StringUtils.hasText(values[0])); } } if (empty) { // Use bind error processor to create FieldError. getBindingErrorProcessor().processMissingFieldError(field, getInternalBindingResult()); // Remove property from property values to bind: // It has already caused a field error with a rejected value. if (pv != null) { mpvs.removePropertyValue(pv); propertyValues.remove(field); } } } } }
private static String[] createContainerCommands(SpringYarnAppmasterLaunchContextProperties syalcp) throws Exception { LaunchCommandsFactoryBean factory = new LaunchCommandsFactoryBean(); String containerJar = syalcp.getArchiveFile(); if (StringUtils.hasText(containerJar) && containerJar.endsWith("jar")) { factory.setJarFile(containerJar); } else if (StringUtils.hasText(syalcp.getRunnerClass())) { factory.setRunnerClass(syalcp.getRunnerClass()); } else if (StringUtils.hasText(containerJar) && containerJar.endsWith("zip")) { factory.setRunnerClass("org.springframework.boot.loader.PropertiesLauncher"); } factory.setArgumentsList(syalcp.getArgumentsList()); if (syalcp.getArguments() != null) { Properties arguments = new Properties(); arguments.putAll(syalcp.getArguments()); factory.setArguments(arguments); } factory.setOptions(syalcp.getOptions()); factory.setStdout("<LOG_DIR>/Container.stdout"); factory.setStderr("<LOG_DIR>/Container.stderr"); factory.afterPropertiesSet(); return factory.getObject(); }
@RequestMapping( value = {"/welcome"}, method = {RequestMethod.POST, RequestMethod.GET}) public ModelAndView welcome(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) { try { String openid = (String) request.getSession().getAttribute("openid"); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(openid)) { String code = request.getParameter("code"); String state = request.getParameter("state"); if (code == null) { response.sendRedirect("/weixin/error/oauthError.html"); return null; } openid = OAuthService.getOauthAccessToke(code); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(openid)) { HttpSession session = request.getSession(); session.setAttribute("openid", openid); } } ModelAndView mav = null; mav = new ModelAndView("jsp/index"); List<WxArticle> list = indexService.welcome(); mav.addObject("list", list); return mav; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error(e); } return null; }
public BaasUser register(String appId, String plat, BaasUser user) { String username = user.getUsername(); String password = user.getPassword(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(password)) { // 密码禁止为空 throw new SimpleError(SimpleCode.USER_EMPTY_PASSWORD); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username)) { // 用户名禁止为空 throw new SimpleError(SimpleCode.USER_EMPTY_USERNAME); } if (!isNameValid(username)) { // 用户名不合法 throw new SimpleError(SimpleCode.USER_INVALID_USERNAME); } BaasUser exist = get(appId, plat, username, null, true); if (exist != null) { // 用户已存在 throw new SimpleError(SimpleCode.USER_ALREADY_EXIST); } user.setPassword(encrypt(username, password)); user.setSessionToken(getSessionToken()); // 禁止设置ACL字段 user.remove("acl"); BaasObject object = objectService.insert(appId, plat, USER_CLASS_NAME, user, null, true); return new BaasUser(object); }
public BaasUser updatePassword( String appId, String plat, String id, String oldPassword, String newPassword, BaasUser currentUser) { if (currentUser == null || !currentUser.getId().equals(id)) { // 非本人禁止修改用户信息 throw new SimpleError(SimpleCode.USER_NOT_MATCH); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(oldPassword) || StringUtils.isEmpty(newPassword)) { throw new SimpleError(SimpleCode.REQUEST_PARAM_ERROR); // 参数不足 } BaasUser user = get(appId, plat, currentUser.getUsername(), null, true); String username = user.getUsername(); String passwordMd5 = encrypt(username, oldPassword); String passwordExist = user.getPassword(); if (!passwordMd5.equals(passwordExist)) { // 密码错误 throw new SimpleError(SimpleCode.USER_WRONG_PASSWORD); } // 修改密码 user.setPassword(encrypt(username, newPassword)); // 重置SessionToken String oldSessionToken = user.getSessionToken(); user.setSessionToken(getSessionToken()); objectService.update(appId, plat, UserService.USER_CLASS_NAME, id, user, null, true); // 更新成功 清除用户缓存 deleteUserCache(appId, oldSessionToken); return user; }
private void checkPasswordChangeIsAllowed(String userId, String oldPassword) { if (securityContextAccessor.isClient()) { // Trusted client (not acting on behalf of user) return; } // Call is by or on behalf of end user String currentUser = securityContextAccessor.getUserId(); if (securityContextAccessor.isAdmin()) { // even an admin needs to provide the old value to change his // password if (userId.equals(currentUser) && !StringUtils.hasText(oldPassword)) { throw new InvalidPasswordException("Previous password is required even for admin"); } } else { if (!userId.equals(currentUser)) { logger.warn( "User with id " + currentUser + " attempting to change password for user " + userId); // TODO: This should be audited when we have non-authentication // events in the log throw new InvalidPasswordException("Not permitted to change another user's password"); } // User is changing their own password, old password is required if (!StringUtils.hasText(oldPassword)) { throw new InvalidPasswordException("Previous password is required"); } } }
@Override protected void doParse( Element element, ParserContext parserContext, BeanDefinitionBuilder builder) { String connectionFactoryRef = element.getAttribute(CONNECTION_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE); if (!StringUtils.hasText(connectionFactoryRef)) { parserContext .getReaderContext() .error("A '" + CONNECTION_FACTORY_ATTRIBUTE + "' attribute must be set.", element); } if (StringUtils.hasText(connectionFactoryRef)) { // Use constructor with connectionFactory parameter builder.addConstructorArgReference(connectionFactoryRef); } NamespaceUtils.setValueIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, CHANNEL_TRANSACTED_ATTRIBUTE); NamespaceUtils.setValueIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, QUEUE_ATTRIBUTE); NamespaceUtils.setValueIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE); NamespaceUtils.setValueIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, ROUTING_KEY_ATTRIBUTE); NamespaceUtils.setValueIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, REPLY_TIMEOUT_ATTRIBUTE); NamespaceUtils.setValueIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, ENCODING_ATTRIBUTE); NamespaceUtils.setReferenceIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, MESSAGE_CONVERTER_ATTRIBUTE); NamespaceUtils.setReferenceIfAttributeDefined(builder, element, REPLY_QUEUE); }
public Pagination<ServiceOrderView> manageOrderList( Pagination<ServiceOrder> page, String exployerName, String telephone) { List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>(); StringBuffer hql = new StringBuffer("from ServiceOrder r where ovld = true "); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(telephone)) { hql.append(" and r.mobilePhone = ? "); params.add(telephone); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(exployerName)) { hql.append(" and r.employer.username like ? "); params.add("%" + exployerName + "%"); } StringBuffer countHql = new StringBuffer(" select count( "); countHql.append(hql); Object[] objParams = new Object[params.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < objParams.length; i++) { objParams[i] = params.get(i); } Pagination<ServiceOrder> p = dao.getPageResultObjectParams( ServiceOrder.class, hql.toString(), page.getPageNo(), page.getPageSize(), objParams); List<ServiceOrder> list = p.getResult(); List<ServiceOrderView> viewList = new ArrayList<ServiceOrderView>(); for (ServiceOrder order : list) { viewList.add(order.view()); } Pagination<ServiceOrderView> pa = new Pagination<ServiceOrderView>(viewList, p.getPageNo(), p.getPageSize()); Long count = dao.getSingleResultByHQLObjectParams(Long.class, countHql.toString(), objParams); pa.setResultSize(count); return pa; }
@Override protected void doInit() { BeanFactory beanFactory = getBeanFactory(); if (StringUtils.hasText(this.requestChannel)) { this.gatewayProxyFactoryBean.setDefaultRequestChannel( beanFactory.getBean(this.requestChannel, MessageChannel.class)); } if (StringUtils.hasText(this.replyChannel)) { this.gatewayProxyFactoryBean.setDefaultReplyChannel( beanFactory.getBean(this.replyChannel, MessageChannel.class)); } if (StringUtils.hasText(this.errorChannel)) { this.gatewayProxyFactoryBean.setErrorChannel( beanFactory.getBean(this.errorChannel, MessageChannel.class)); } if (beanFactory instanceof ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) { ((ConfigurableListableBeanFactory) beanFactory) .initializeBean(this.gatewayProxyFactoryBean, null); } try { this.exchanger = (RequestReplyExchanger) this.gatewayProxyFactoryBean.getObject(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new BeanCreationException("Can't instantiate the GatewayProxyFactoryBean: " + this, e); } }
private TreeSet retrieveTranslationCodes() throws Exception { TreeSet codes = new TreeSet(); File propertyRoot = WikiUtil.getClassLoaderRoot(); File[] files = propertyRoot.listFiles(); File file; String filename; for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { file = files[i]; if (!file.isFile()) { continue; } filename = file.getName(); if (!StringUtils.hasText(filename)) { continue; } if (!filename.startsWith("ApplicationResources_") || !filename.endsWith(".properties")) { continue; } String code = filename.substring( "ApplicationResources_".length(), filename.length() - ".properties".length()); if (StringUtils.hasText(code)) { codes.add(code); } } return codes; }
@ResponseBody @RequestMapping("/levelListXY") public PageResult getCountyLevelXY(String x, String y) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(x) || StringUtils.isEmpty(y)) return getErrRes(ResultInfo.INF_EMPTY); PageResult pres = levelService.countyLevelsXY(x, y, getResult()); return pres; }
public void writeKillErrorFormula(RedFormulaCaclMulForcast forcast) { String killNums = forcast.getKillNums(); String killFormulas = forcast.getKillFormulas(); String killNumRst = forcast.getKillNumsResult(); String killErrorFormulas = ""; if (StringUtils.hasLength(killNums) && StringUtils.hasLength(killFormulas)) { if (killNumRst.indexOf("杀错:") >= 0) { String[] tmp1 = killNums.split(","); String[] tmp2 = killFormulas.split(","); Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (int i = 0; i < tmp1.length; i++) { map.put(tmp2[i], tmp1[i]); } String[] tmp = killNumRst.substring(killNumRst.indexOf("杀错:") + 3).split(","); for (int i = 0; i < tmp.length; i++) { for (String key : map.keySet()) { String value = map.get(key); if (value.equals(tmp[i])) { killErrorFormulas = killErrorFormulas + key + ","; map.remove(key); break; } } } } } forcast.setKillErrorFormulas(killErrorFormulas); }
/** * Assert that the given text does not contain the given substring. * * <p> * * <pre class="code"> * Assert.doesNotContain(name, "rod", "Name must not contain 'rod'"); * </pre> * * @param textToSearch the text to search * @param substring the substring to find within the text * @param message the exception message to use if the assertion fails */ public static void doesNotContain(String textToSearch, String substring, String message) { if (StringUtils.hasLength(textToSearch) && StringUtils.hasLength(substring) && textToSearch.contains(substring)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(message); } }
public DynamoDBTemplateImpl(String accessKey, String secretKey) { Assert.isTrue( StringUtils.hasLength(accessKey) && StringUtils.hasLength(secretKey), "Please provide accessKey and secretKey"); ddb = new AmazonDynamoDBClient(new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)); }
/** * Extracts a classpath string from a source text. * * @param source the source string * @param delimiter the delimiter * @return classpath string */ public static String extractClasspath(String source, String delimiter) { if (!StringUtils.hasText(source)) { return null; } StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); try { List<String> lines = readLines(new StringReader(source)); List<String> linesWithContent = new ArrayList<String>(); Iterator<String> iterator = lines.iterator(); // remove empty entries while (iterator.hasNext()) { String line =; if (StringUtils.hasText(line)) { linesWithContent.add(line); } } iterator = linesWithContent.iterator(); // finally add entries with content while (iterator.hasNext()) { buf.append(; if (iterator.hasNext()) { buf.append(delimiter); } } } catch (IOException e) { return null; } return buf.toString(); }
/** * toString * * @return a {@link java.lang.String} object. */ public String toString() { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); b.append("constraint "); b.append(m_name); switch (m_type) { case PRIMARY_KEY: b.append(" primary key ("); if (m_columns.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Primary key has zero constrained columns... not allowed!"); } b.append(StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(m_columns, ", ")); break; case FOREIGN_KEY: b.append(" foreign key ("); if (m_columns.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Foreign key has zero constrained columns... not allowed!"); } b.append(StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(m_columns, ", ")); break; case CHECK: b.append(" check ("); if (m_checkExpression == null || m_checkExpression.length() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Check constraint has no check expression... not allowed!"); } b.append(m_checkExpression); break; } b.append(")"); if (m_type == FOREIGN_KEY) { b.append(" references "); b.append(m_ftable); b.append(" ("); b.append(StringUtils.collectionToDelimitedString(m_fcolumns, ", ")); b.append(")"); } if ("c".equals(m_fdeltype)) { b.append(" on delete cascade"); } else if ("r".equals(m_fdeltype)) { b.append(" on delete restrict"); } else if ("n".equals(m_fdeltype)) { b.append(" on delete set null"); } else if ("d".equals(m_fdeltype)) { b.append(" on delete set default"); } if ("c".equals(m_fupdtype)) { b.append(" on update cascade"); } return b.toString(); }
/** * Writes the event into the servlet output stream and flushes the response. The method does not * close the output stream. * * @param sseEvent the event object * @throws IOException */ public void write(SSEvent sseEvent) throws IOException { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32); if (StringUtils.hasText(sseEvent.getComment())) { for (String line : sseEvent.getComment().split("\\r?\\n|\\r")) { sb.append(":").append(line).append("\n"); } } if (StringUtils.hasText(sseEvent.getId())) { sb.append("id:").append(sseEvent.getId()).append("\n"); } if (StringUtils.hasText(sseEvent.getEvent())) { sb.append("event:").append(sseEvent.getEvent()).append("\n"); } if (StringUtils.hasText(sseEvent.getData())) { for (String line : sseEvent.getData().split("\\r?\\n|\\r")) { sb.append("data:").append(line).append("\n"); } } if (sseEvent.getRetry() != null) { sb.append("retry:").append(sseEvent.getRetry()).append("\n"); } sb.append("\n"); response.getOutputStream().write(sb.toString().getBytes(ExtDirectSpringUtil.UTF8_CHARSET)); response.getOutputStream().flush(); }
@Override public int findByTieIdAndTeachTypeIdAndPageCount( ClassroomTimetableListVo classroomTimetableListVo, int tieId) { Condition a = Tables.CLASSROOM_COURSE_TIMETABLE_INFO .TIE_ID .eq((tieId)) .and( Tables.CLASSROOM_COURSE_TIMETABLE_INFO.TEACH_TYPE_ID.eq( classroomTimetableListVo.getTeachTypeId())); if (StringUtils.hasLength(classroomTimetableListVo.getTimetableInfoFileName())) { a = a.and( "%" + classroomTimetableListVo.getTimetableInfoFileName() + "%")); } if (StringUtils.hasLength(classroomTimetableListVo.getTimetableInfoTerm())) { a = a.and( "%" + classroomTimetableListVo.getTimetableInfoTerm() + "%")); } if (StringUtils.hasLength(classroomTimetableListVo.getClassroom())) { a = a.and( "%" + classroomTimetableListVo.getClassroom() + "%")); } Record1<Integer> record1 = create.selectCount().from(Tables.CLASSROOM_COURSE_TIMETABLE_INFO).where(a).fetchOne(); return record1.value1(); }
private ModuleDefinition updateTaskProperties( ModuleDefinition moduleDefinition, String taskDefinitionName) { ModuleDefinition.Builder builder = ModuleDefinition.Builder.from(moduleDefinition); builder.setParameter( "spring.datasource.url", (StringUtils.hasText(dataSourceUrl)) ? dataSourceUrl : DEFAULT_TASK_DATASOURCE_URL); builder.setParameter( "spring.datasource.username", (StringUtils.hasText(dataSourceUserName)) ? dataSourceUserName : DEFAULT_TASK_DATASOURCE_USER_NAME); if (StringUtils.hasText(dataSourcePassword)) { // password may be empty builder.setParameter("spring.datasource.password", dataSourcePassword); } builder.setParameter( "spring.datasource.driverClassName", (StringUtils.hasText(dataSourceDriverClassName)) ? dataSourceDriverClassName : DEFAULT_TASK_DATASOURCE_DRIVER_CLASS_NAME); return; }
/** Sends email asynchronously through Sendgrid. */ @Override @Async public void sendEmail(final EmailMessage message) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(username) || StringUtils.isEmpty(password)) { return; } SendGrid sendgrid = new SendGrid(username, password); sendgrid.setFrom(message.getFromEmail()); sendgrid.setFromName(message.getFromName()); sendgrid.addTo(message.getToEmail()); sendgrid.addToName(message.getToName()); sendgrid.setReplyTo(message.getReplyTo()); sendgrid.setSubject(message.getSubject()); sendgrid.setText(message.getBody()); try { "Try to send email to {}, message is: {}", message.getToEmail(), message.getBody()); String response = sendgrid.send();"Sent email successfully, response from SendGrid is: {}", response); } catch (Exception ex) { LOGGER.debug("Exception:", ex); LOGGER.error("Got exception when sending email through sendgrid: {}", ex.getMessage()); } }
public String[] resolveMessageCodes( String errorCode, String objectName, String field, Class<?> fieldType) { List<String> codeList = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> fieldList = new ArrayList<String>(); buildFieldList(field, fieldList); for (String fieldInList : fieldList) { if (StringUtils.hasText(fieldInList)) { codeList.add( postProcessMessageCode( objectName + CODE_SEPARATOR + fieldInList + CODE_SEPARATOR + errorCode)); } else { codeList.add(postProcessMessageCode(objectName + CODE_SEPARATOR + errorCode)); } } int dotIndex = field.lastIndexOf('.'); if (dotIndex != -1) { buildFieldList(field.substring(dotIndex + 1), fieldList); } for (String fieldInList : fieldList) { if (StringUtils.hasText(fieldInList)) { codeList.add(postProcessMessageCode(fieldInList + CODE_SEPARATOR + errorCode)); } } if (fieldType != null) { codeList.add(postProcessMessageCode(fieldType.getName() + CODE_SEPARATOR + errorCode)); } codeList.add(postProcessMessageCode(errorCode)); return StringUtils.toStringArray(codeList); }