コード例 #1
  * Convert the given CORBA SystemException that happened during remote access to Spring's
  * RemoteAccessException if the method signature does not declare RemoteException. Else, return
  * the SystemException wrapped in a RemoteException.
  * @param method the invoked method
  * @param ex the RemoteException that happened
  * @return the exception to be thrown to the caller
 private Exception convertCorbaAccessException(SystemException ex, Method method) {
   if (ReflectionUtils.declaresException(method, RemoteException.class)) {
     // A traditional RMI service: wrap CORBA exceptions in standard RemoteExceptions.
     return new RemoteException("Failed to access CORBA service [" + getJndiName() + "]", ex);
   } else {
     if (isConnectFailure(ex)) {
       return new RemoteConnectFailureException(
           "Could not connect to CORBA service [" + getJndiName() + "]", ex);
     } else {
       return new RemoteAccessException(
           "Could not access CORBA service [" + getJndiName() + "]", ex);