protected String callMetadataService(String nodeString) throws ConnectorServiceException { GetRequest request = new GetRequest("/api/metadata?nodeRef=" + nodeString + "&shortQNames=true"); Response response = null; String jsonResponse = null; try { response = server.submitRequest( request.getMethod(), request.getFullUri(), request.getHeaders(), request.getBody(), request.getEncoding(), request.getType()); if (response != null) { jsonResponse = response.getContentAsString(); } } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new AlfrescoRuntimeException(e.getMessage()); } assertNotNull("Response /api/metadata is null", jsonResponse);"Response /api/metadata json is: " + jsonResponse); return jsonResponse; }
/** Deletes the page */ private JSONObject deletePage(String title, int expectedStatus) throws Exception { String name = title.replace(' ', '_'); Response response = sendRequest(new DeleteRequest(URL_WIKI_DELETE + name), expectedStatus); if (expectedStatus == Status.STATUS_OK) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString()); return result; } else { return null; } }
/** Fetches the content of a page at a given version Note - not JSON based. */ private String getPageAtVersion(String name, String version, int expectedStatus) throws Exception { Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_WIKI_VERSION + name + "/" + version), expectedStatus); if (expectedStatus == Status.STATUS_OK) { return response.getContentAsString(); } else if (expectedStatus == Status.STATUS_NOT_FOUND) { return response.getContentAsString(); } else { return null; } }
private JSONObject getPage(String name, int expectedStatus) throws Exception { Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(URL_WIKI_FETCH + name), expectedStatus); if (expectedStatus == Status.STATUS_OK) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString()); if (result.has("page")) { return result.getJSONObject("page"); } return result; } else if (expectedStatus == Status.STATUS_NOT_FOUND) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString()); return result; } else { return null; } }
/** Creates a single wiki page based on the supplied details */ private JSONObject createOrUpdatePage( String pageName, String title, String contents, String version, int expectedStatus) throws Exception { String name = null; if (pageName == null) { name = title.replace(' ', '_'); } else { name = pageName; } JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("site", SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI); json.put("title", title); json.put("pagecontent", contents); json.put("tags", ""); json.put("page", "wiki-page"); // TODO Is this really needed? if (version == null || "force".equals(version)) { // Allow the save as-is, no versioning check json.put("forceSave", "true"); // Allow the save as-is } else { if ("none".equals(version)) { // No versioning } else { json.put("currentVersion", version); } } Response response = sendRequest( new PutRequest(URL_WIKI_UPDATE + name, json.toString(), "application/json"), expectedStatus); if (expectedStatus == Status.STATUS_OK) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString()); if (result.has("page")) { return result.getJSONObject("page"); } return result; } else { return null; } }
/** Renames the page */ private JSONObject renamePage(String oldTitle, String newTitle, int expectedStatus) throws Exception { String name = oldTitle.replace(' ', '_'); JSONObject json = new JSONObject(); json.put("site", SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI); json.put("name", newTitle); json.put("page", "wiki-page"); // TODO Is this really needed? Response response = sendRequest( new PostRequest(URL_WIKI_RENAME + name, json.toString(), "application/json"), expectedStatus); if (expectedStatus == Status.STATUS_OK) { JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString()); return result; } else { return null; } }
private JSONObject getPages(String filter, String username) throws Exception { String origUser = this.authenticationComponent.getCurrentUserName(); if (username != null) { this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(username); filter = "myPages"; } String url = URL_WIKI_LIST; if (filter == null) { filter = "all"; } url += "?filter=" + filter; url += "&startIndex=0&page=1&pageSize=4"; Response response = sendRequest(new GetRequest(url), 200); JSONObject result = new JSONObject(response.getContentAsString()); if (username != null) { this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(origUser); } return result; }
public void testMNT11660() throws Exception { FormUIGet formUIGet = (FormUIGetExtend) ctx.getBean(""); assertNotNull("'FormUIGetExtend' bean for test is null.", formUIGet); ConfigSource configSource = new ClassPathConfigSource("test-config-custom-forms.xml"); XMLConfigService svc = new XMLConfigService(configSource); svc.initConfig(); formUIGet.setConfigService(svc); GetRequest requestWithAspect = new GetRequest( "/test/components/form?htmlid=template_default-formContainer&itemKind=node&itemId=" + folderWithAspect.toString() + "&formId=null&mode=view"); Response rspFormWithAspect = server.submitRequest( requestWithAspect.getMethod(), requestWithAspect.getFullUri(), requestWithAspect.getHeaders(), requestWithAspect.getBody(), requestWithAspect.getEncoding(), requestWithAspect.getType()); assertEquals( "The status of response is " + rspFormWithAspect.getStatus(), 200, rspFormWithAspect.getStatus()); String contentWithAspect = rspFormWithAspect.getContentAsString(); "Response form for node with dublincore aspect status is " + rspFormWithAspect.getStatus() + " content is " + contentWithAspect); assertNotNull("Response content for 'contentWithAspect' is null", contentWithAspect); assertTrue( "Return the following content: " + contentWithAspect, contentWithAspect.contains("My Set")); GetRequest requestWithoutAspect = new GetRequest( "/test/components/form?htmlid=template_default-formContainer&itemKind=node&itemId=" + folderWithoutAspect.toString() + "&formId=null&mode=view"); Response rspFormWithoutAspect = server.submitRequest( requestWithoutAspect.getMethod(), requestWithoutAspect.getFullUri(), requestWithoutAspect.getHeaders(), requestWithoutAspect.getBody(), requestWithoutAspect.getEncoding(), requestWithoutAspect.getType()); assertEquals( "The status of response is " + rspFormWithoutAspect.getStatus(), 200, rspFormWithoutAspect.getStatus()); String contentWithoutAspect = rspFormWithoutAspect.getContentAsString(); "Response form for node without aspect status is " + rspFormWithoutAspect.getStatus() + " content is " + contentWithoutAspect); assertNotNull("Response content for 'contentWithoutAspect' is null", contentWithoutAspect); assertFalse( "Return the following content: " + contentWithoutAspect, contentWithoutAspect.contains("My Set")); }
public void test_MNT11595() throws Exception { final String user = "******"; try { // admin authentication this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserName()); MutableAuthenticationService mas = (MutableAuthenticationService) getServer().getApplicationContext().getBean("authenticationService"); // create user createUser(user, SiteModel.SITE_MANAGER); assertTrue(personService.personExists(user)); // invite user to a site with 'Manager' role siteService.setMembership(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI, user, SiteRole.SiteManager.toString()); // user authentication this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(user); // create wiki page by user ('Manager' role) WikiPageInfo wikiPage = this.wikiService.createWikiPage( SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI, "test wiki page", "I like pigs. Dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. Pigs treat us as equals. Sir Winston Churchill"); String uri = "/slingshot/wiki/page/" + SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI + "/Main_Page?alf_ticket=" + mas.getCurrentTicket() + "application/json"; Response responseManagerRole = sendRequest(new GetRequest(uri), 404); JSONObject resultManagerRole = new JSONObject(responseManagerRole.getContentAsString()); JSONObject permissionsManagerRole = resultManagerRole.getJSONObject("permissions"); assertTrue(permissionsManagerRole.getBoolean("create")); assertTrue(permissionsManagerRole.getBoolean("edit")); // admin authentication this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserName()); // change user role - 'Consumer' role siteService.setMembership(SITE_SHORT_NAME_WIKI, user, SiteRole.SiteConsumer.toString()); // user authentication this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(user); Response responseConsumerRole = sendRequest(new GetRequest(uri), 404); JSONObject resultConsumerRole = new JSONObject(responseConsumerRole.getContentAsString()); JSONObject permissionsConsumerRole = resultConsumerRole.getJSONObject("permissions"); assertFalse(permissionsConsumerRole.getBoolean("create")); assertFalse(permissionsConsumerRole.getBoolean("edit")); } finally { this.authenticationComponent.setCurrentUser(AuthenticationUtil.getAdminUserName()); if (personService.personExists(user)) { personService.deletePerson(user); } if (this.authenticationService.authenticationExists(user)) { this.authenticationService.deleteAuthentication(user); } } }