private String getOrderDesc(final Pageable pageable) { String result = null; Sort sort = pageable.getSort(); if (sort == null) { return result; } final Iterator<Order> iterator = sort.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Order order =; order.getProperty(); } return result; }
/** * Adds {@literal order by} clause to the JPQL query. * * @param query * @param sort * @param alias * @return */ public static String applySorting(String query, Sort sort, String alias) { Assert.hasText(query); if (null == sort || !sort.iterator().hasNext()) { return query; } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(query); if (!ORDER_BY.matcher(query).matches()) { builder.append(" order by "); } else { builder.append(", "); } Set<String> aliases = getOuterJoinAliases(query); for (Order order : sort) { builder.append(getOrderClause(aliases, alias, order)).append(", "); } builder.delete(builder.length() - 2, builder.length()); return builder.toString(); }
@Override protected DerivedViewQuery complete(ViewQuery criteria, Sort sort) { boolean descending = false; if (sort != null) { int sortCount = 0; Iterator<Sort.Order> it = sort.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { sortCount++; if (! { descending = true; } } if (sortCount > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Detected " + sortCount + " sort instructions, maximum one supported"); } query.descending(descending); } if (tree.isLimiting()) { query.limit(tree.getMaxResults()); } boolean isCount = tree.isCountProjection() == Boolean.TRUE; boolean isExplicitReduce = viewAnnotation != null && viewAnnotation.reduce(); if (isCount || isExplicitReduce) { query.reduce(); } return new DerivedViewQuery(query, tree.isLimiting(), isCount || isExplicitReduce); }
/** * Apply sorting for the given query. * * @param query the query * @param sort the sort * @return the string */ public static String applySorting(String query, Sort sort) { Assert.hasText(query); if (null == sort || !sort.iterator().hasNext()) { return query; } throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not implemented"); }
public Optional<Sort> build(List<RequestSort> requestSortList, FieldMapper fieldMapper) { Iterator<RequestSort> iterator = requestSortList.iterator(); Sort sort = null; if (iterator.hasNext()) { RequestSort requestSort =; sort = new Sort( SORT_MAPPING.get(requestSort.getType()), fieldMapper.get(requestSort.getFieldName())); } while (iterator.hasNext()) { RequestSort requestSort =; sort = sort.and( new Sort( SORT_MAPPING.get(requestSort.getType()), fieldMapper.get(requestSort.getFieldName()))); } return Optional.ofNullable(sort); }
protected String orderByExpression(Sort sort) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Iterator<Order> it = sort.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { Order order =; sb.append(order.getProperty()).append(' ').append(order.getDirection()); if (it.hasNext()) sb.append(COMMA); } return sb.toString(); }
@Override public Page<DBObject> findPage( String collectionName, GroupPropertyFilter groupPropertyFilter, Pageable pageable, DBObject fields) { DB db = mongoClient.getDB(mongoDB); DBCollection dbColl = db.getCollection(collectionName); BasicDBObject query = new BasicDBObject(); List<BasicDBObject> andQueries = Lists.newArrayList(); List<PropertyFilter> filters = groupPropertyFilter.convertToPropertyFilters(); if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(filters)) { // Query and Projection Operators: for (PropertyFilter filter : filters) { Object matchValue = filter.getMatchValue(); if (matchValue == null) { continue; } String[] propertyNames = filter.getConvertedPropertyNames(); List<BasicDBObject> orQueries = Lists.newArrayList(); for (String propertyName : propertyNames) { BasicDBObject queryItem = new BasicDBObject(); orQueries.add(queryItem); switch (filter.getMatchType()) { case EQ: queryItem.put(propertyName, matchValue); break; case NE: queryItem.put(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$ne", matchValue)); break; case BK: List<BasicDBObject> orList = Lists.newArrayList(); orList.add(new BasicDBObject(propertyName, 0)); orList.add(new BasicDBObject(propertyName, "")); queryItem.put("$or", orList); break; case NB: queryItem.put(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$regex", ".{1,}")); break; case NU: queryItem.put(propertyName, 0); break; case NN: queryItem.put(propertyName, 1); break; case CN: queryItem.put( propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$regex", ".*" + matchValue + ".*").append("$options", "i")); break; case NC: queryItem.put( propertyName, new BasicDBObject( "$not", new BasicDBObject("$regex", ".*" + matchValue + ".*") .append("$options", "i"))); break; case BW: queryItem.put( propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$regex", "^" + matchValue).append("$options", "i")); break; case BN: queryItem.put( propertyName, new BasicDBObject( "$not", new BasicDBObject("$regex", "^" + matchValue).append("$options", "i"))); break; case EW: queryItem.put( propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$regex", matchValue + "$").append("$options", "i")); break; case EN: queryItem.put( propertyName, new BasicDBObject( "$not", new BasicDBObject("$regex", matchValue + "$").append("$options", "i"))); break; case BT: Assert.isTrue(matchValue.getClass().isArray(), "Match value must be array"); Object[] matchValues = (Object[]) matchValue; Assert.isTrue(matchValues.length == 2, "Match value must have two value"); List<BasicDBObject> andList = Lists.newArrayList(); andList.add(new BasicDBObject(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$gte", matchValue))); andList.add(new BasicDBObject(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$gle", matchValue))); queryItem.put("$and", andList); break; case GT: queryItem.put(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$gt", matchValue)); break; case GE: queryItem.put(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$ge", matchValue)); break; case LT: queryItem.put(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$lt", matchValue)); break; case LE: queryItem.put(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$le", matchValue)); break; case IN: queryItem.put(propertyName, new BasicDBObject("$in", matchValue)); break; default: throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Undefined PropertyFilter MatchType: " + filter.getMatchType()); } } if (orQueries.size() > 1) { andQueries.add(new BasicDBObject("$or", orQueries)); } else { andQueries.add(orQueries.get(0)); } } query = new BasicDBObject("$and", andQueries); } BasicDBObject sort = new BasicDBObject(); Sort pageSort = pageable.getSort(); if (pageSort != null) { Iterator<Order> orders = pageSort.iterator(); while (orders.hasNext()) { Order order =; String prop = order.getProperty(); if (order.isAscending()) { sort.put(prop, 1); } else { sort.put(prop, -1); } } } DBCursor cur = dbColl .find(query, fields) .sort(sort) .skip(pageable.getOffset()) .limit(pageable.getPageSize()); List<DBObject> rows = Lists.newArrayList(); while (cur.hasNext()) { DBObject obj =; rows.add(obj); } Page<DBObject> page = new PageImpl<DBObject>(rows, pageable, dbColl.count(query)); return page; }