private List<ARGState> chooseIfArbitrary( ARGState parent, List<ARGState> pRelevantChildrenOfElement) { if (pRelevantChildrenOfElement.size() <= 1) { return pRelevantChildrenOfElement; } List<ARGState> result = new ArrayList<>(2); for (ARGState candidate : pRelevantChildrenOfElement) { boolean valid = true; if (!result.isEmpty()) { Set<ARGState> candidateParents = ImmutableSet.copyOf(candidate.getParents()); Set<ARGState> candidateChildren = ImmutableSet.copyOf(candidate.getChildren()); for (ARGState chosen : result) { if (parent.getEdgesToChild(chosen).equals(parent.getEdgesToChild(candidate))) { Set<ARGState> chosenParents = ImmutableSet.copyOf(chosen.getParents()); Set<ARGState> chosenChildren = ImmutableSet.copyOf(chosen.getChildren()); if (candidateParents.equals(chosenParents) && candidateChildren.equals(chosenChildren)) { valid = false; break; } } } } if (valid) { result.add(candidate); } } return result; }
public void writeCoverageReport( final PrintStream pStatisticsOutput, final ReachedSet pReached, final CFA pCfa) { if (!enabled) { return; } Multiset<FunctionEntryNode> reachedLocations = getFunctionEntriesFromReached(pReached); Map<String, FileCoverageInformation> infosPerFile = new HashMap<>(); // Add information about existing functions for (FunctionEntryNode entryNode : pCfa.getAllFunctionHeads()) { final FileLocation loc = entryNode.getFileLocation(); if (loc.getStartingLineNumber() == 0) { // dummy location continue; } final String functionName = entryNode.getFunctionName(); final FileCoverageInformation infos = getFileInfoTarget(loc, infosPerFile); final int startingLine = loc.getStartingLineInOrigin(); final int endingLine = loc.getEndingLineInOrigin(); infos.addExistingFunction(functionName, startingLine, endingLine); if (reachedLocations.contains(entryNode)) { infos.addVisitedFunction(entryNode.getFunctionName(), reachedLocations.count(entryNode)); } } // Add information about existing locations for (CFANode node : pCfa.getAllNodes()) { for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumLeavingEdges(); i++) { handleExistedEdge(node.getLeavingEdge(i), infosPerFile); } } Set<CFANode> reachedNodes = from(pReached).transform(EXTRACT_LOCATION).filter(notNull()).toSet(); // Add information about visited locations for (AbstractState state : pReached) { ARGState argState = AbstractStates.extractStateByType(state, ARGState.class); if (argState != null) { for (ARGState child : argState.getChildren()) { if (!child.isCovered()) { List<CFAEdge> edges = argState.getEdgesToChild(child); if (edges.size() > 1) { for (CFAEdge innerEdge : edges) { handleCoveredEdge(innerEdge, infosPerFile); } // BAM produces paths with no edge connection thus the list will be empty } else if (!edges.isEmpty()) { handleCoveredEdge(Iterables.getOnlyElement(edges), infosPerFile); } } } } else { // Simple kind of analysis // Cover all edges from reached nodes // It is less precise, but without ARG it is impossible to know what path we chose CFANode node = AbstractStates.extractLocation(state); for (int i = 0; i < node.getNumLeavingEdges(); i++) { CFAEdge edge = node.getLeavingEdge(i); if (reachedNodes.contains(edge.getSuccessor())) { handleCoveredEdge(edge, infosPerFile); } } } } for (CoverageWriter w : reportWriters) { w.write(infosPerFile, pStatisticsOutput); } }