public void prompt(String msg) { captureScreen(scrOCP); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(scrOCP.getBounds()); this.setBounds(rect); promptMsg = msg; Debug.log( 4, "CapturePrompt: [%d,%d (%d, %d)] %s", rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, promptMsg); this.setVisible(true); if (!Settings.isJava7()) { if (Settings.isMac()) { SysUtil.getOSUtil().bringWindowToFront(this, false); } } this.requestFocus(); }
public class App { protected static final OSUtil _osUtil = SysUtil.getOSUtil(); protected String _appName; protected int _pid; static { // TODO Sikuli hangs if App is used before Screen new Screen(); String libName = _osUtil.getLibName(); if (!libName.isEmpty()) { FileManager.loadLibrary(libName); } } private static Region asRegion(Rectangle r) { if (r != null) { return Region.create(r); } else { return null; } } public App(String appName) { _appName = appName; _pid = 0; } protected App(String appName, int pid) { _appName = appName; _pid = pid; } public static App open(String appName) { return (new App(appName)).open(); } public static int close(String appName) { return _osUtil.closeApp(appName); } public static App focus(String appName) { return (new App(appName)).focus(); } public static App focus(String appName, int num) { return (new App(appName)).focus(num); } public App focus() { return focus(0); } public App focus(int num) { Debug.history("App.focus " + this.toString() + " #" + num); if (_pid != 0) { if (_osUtil.switchApp(_pid, num) == 0) { Debug.error("App.focus failed: " + _appName + "(" + _pid + ") not found"); return null; } } else { boolean failed = false; if (Settings.isWindows()) { _pid = _osUtil.switchApp(_appName, num); if (_pid == 0) { failed = true; } } else { if (_osUtil.switchApp(_appName, num) < 0) { failed = true; } } if (failed) { Debug.error("App.focus failed: " + _appName + " not found"); return null; } } return this; } public App open() { if (Settings.isWindows() || Settings.isLinux()) { int pid = _osUtil.openApp(_appName); _pid = pid; Debug.history(" " + this.toString()); if (pid == 0) { Debug.error(" failed: " + _appName + " not found"); return null; } } else { Debug.history(" " + this.toString()); if (_osUtil.openApp(_appName) < 0) { Debug.error(" failed: " + _appName + " not found"); return null; } } return this; } public int close() { Debug.history("App.close " + this.toString()); if (_pid != 0) { int ret = _osUtil.closeApp(_pid); if (ret >= 0) { return ret; } } return close(_appName); } public String name() { return _appName; } public Region window() { if (_pid != 0) { return asRegion(_osUtil.getWindow(_pid)); } return asRegion(_osUtil.getWindow(_appName)); } public Region window(int winNum) { if (_pid != 0) { return asRegion(_osUtil.getWindow(_pid, winNum)); } return asRegion(_osUtil.getWindow(_appName, winNum)); } public static Region focusedWindow() { return asRegion(_osUtil.getFocusedWindow()); } public static String getClipboard() { Transferable content = Clipboard.getSystemClipboard().getContents(null); try { if (content.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { return (String) content.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); } } catch (UnsupportedFlavorException e) { Debug.error("Env.getClipboard: UnsupportedFlavorException: " + content); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } public static void setClipboard(String text) { Clipboard.putText(Clipboard.PLAIN, Clipboard.UTF8, Clipboard.BYTE_BUFFER, text); } @Override public String toString() { return _appName + "(" + _pid + ")"; } private static class Clipboard { public static final TextType HTML = new TextType("text/html"); public static final TextType PLAIN = new TextType("text/plain"); public static final Charset UTF8 = new Charset("UTF-8"); public static final Charset UTF16 = new Charset("UTF-16"); public static final Charset UNICODE = new Charset("unicode"); public static final Charset US_ASCII = new Charset("US-ASCII"); public static final TransferType READER = new TransferType(Reader.class); public static final TransferType INPUT_STREAM = new TransferType(InputStream.class); public static final TransferType CHAR_BUFFER = new TransferType(CharBuffer.class); public static final TransferType BYTE_BUFFER = new TransferType(ByteBuffer.class); private Clipboard() {} /** * Dumps a given text (either String or StringBuffer) into the Clipboard, with a default MIME * type */ public static void putText(CharSequence data) { StringSelection copy = new StringSelection(data.toString()); getSystemClipboard().setContents(copy, copy); } /** * Dumps a given text (either String or StringBuffer) into the Clipboard with a specified MIME * type */ public static void putText( TextType type, Charset charset, TransferType transferType, CharSequence data) { String mimeType = type + "; charset=" + charset + "; class=" + transferType; TextTransferable transferable = new TextTransferable(mimeType, data.toString()); getSystemClipboard().setContents(transferable, transferable); } public static java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard getSystemClipboard() { return Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); } private static class TextTransferable implements Transferable, ClipboardOwner { private String data; private DataFlavor flavor; public TextTransferable(String mimeType, String data) { flavor = new DataFlavor(mimeType, "Text"); = data; } @Override public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() { return new DataFlavor[] {flavor, DataFlavor.stringFlavor}; } @Override public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor flavor) { boolean b = this.flavor.getPrimaryType().equals(flavor.getPrimaryType()); return b || flavor.equals(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); } @Override public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException, IOException { if (flavor.isRepresentationClassInputStream()) { return new StringReader(data); } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassReader()) { return new StringReader(data); } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassCharBuffer()) { return CharBuffer.wrap(data); } else if (flavor.isRepresentationClassByteBuffer()) { return ByteBuffer.wrap(data.getBytes()); } else if (flavor.equals(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) { return data; } throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor); } @Override public void lostOwnership(java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard clipboard, Transferable contents) {} } /** Enumeration for the text type property in MIME types */ public static class TextType { private String type; private TextType(String type) { this.type = type; } @Override public String toString() { return type; } } /** Enumeration for the charset property in MIME types (UTF-8, UTF-16, etc.) */ public static class Charset { private String name; private Charset(String name) { = name; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } /** Enumeration for the transfert type property in MIME types (InputStream, CharBuffer, etc.) */ public static class TransferType { private Class dataClass; private TransferType(Class streamClass) { this.dataClass = streamClass; } public Class getDataClass() { return dataClass; } @Override public String toString() { return dataClass.getName(); } } } }