/** * Unregister a specific listener from all handler lists. * * @param listener listener to unregister */ public static void unregisterAll(Listener listener) { synchronized (allLists) { for (HandlerList h : allLists) { h.unregister(listener); } } }
/** * Unregister a specific plugin's listeners from all handler lists. * * @param plugin plugin to unregister */ public static void unregisterAll(EventPlugin plugin) { synchronized (allLists) { for (HandlerList h : allLists) { h.unregister(plugin); } } }
/** * Bake all handler lists. Best used just after all normal event registration is complete, ie just * after all plugins are loaded if you're using fevents in a plugin system. */ public static void bakeAll() { synchronized (allLists) { for (HandlerList h : allLists) { h.bake(); } } }
/** Unregister all listeners from all handler lists. */ public static void unregisterAll() { synchronized (allLists) { for (HandlerList h : allLists) { synchronized (h) { for (List<RegisteredListener> list : h.handlerslots.values()) { list.clear(); } h.handlers = null; } } } }