public String shortForm(OWLNamedObject ono) throws OWLException { /* If it's an anonymous one, create a new name for it. */ if (ono instanceof OWLIndividual) { OWLIndividual oi = (OWLIndividual) ono; if (oi.isAnonymous()) { if (!anonymousIndividuals.containsKey(oi)) { String newName = "|_" + sdf.format(new Date()) + "-" + random.nextInt(1000) + "|"; anonymousIndividuals.put(oi, newName); } return (String) anonymousIndividuals.get(oi); } } URI uri = ono.getURI(); if (uri == null) { return "|_|"; } try { if (uri.getFragment() == null) { /* It's not of the form http://xyz/path#frag */ return "|" + uri.toString() + "|"; } /* It's of the form http://xyz/path#frag */ String ssp = new URI(uri.getScheme(), uri.getSchemeSpecificPart(), null).toString(); if (!ssp.endsWith("#")) { ssp = ssp + "#"; } if (known.keySet().contains(ssp)) { return "|" + (String) known.get(ssp) + ":" + uri.getFragment() + "|"; } if (shortNames.contains(ssp)) { if ((shortNames.indexOf(ssp)) < names.length) { return "|" + (names[shortNames.indexOf(ssp)]) + ":" + uri.getFragment() + "|"; } /* We can't shorten it -- there are too many...*/ return "|" + uri.toString() + "|"; } } catch (URISyntaxException ex) { } return "|" + uri.toString() + "|"; }
/** Gather togther all the URIs that are used by this ontology. */ private void gatherURIs() throws OWLException { /* Initialise the collections. */ this.classURIs = new HashSet(); this.individualURIs = new HashSet(); this.objectPropertyURIs = new HashSet(); this.dataPropertyURIs = new HashSet(); this.annotationPropertyURIs = new HashSet(); this.datatypeURIs = new HashSet(); this.allURIs = new HashSet(); /* Collect together all the URIs */ for (Iterator it = allOntologies.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { OWLOntology onto = (OWLOntology); for (Iterator cit = onto.getClasses().iterator(); cit.hasNext(); ) { OWLNamedObject entity = (OWLNamedObject); classURIs.add(entity.getURI()); allURIs.add(entity.getURI()); } for (Iterator cit = onto.getIndividuals().iterator(); cit.hasNext(); ) { OWLNamedObject entity = (OWLNamedObject); individualURIs.add(entity.getURI()); allURIs.add(entity.getURI()); } for (Iterator cit = onto.getObjectProperties().iterator(); cit.hasNext(); ) { OWLNamedObject entity = (OWLNamedObject); objectPropertyURIs.add(entity.getURI()); allURIs.add(entity.getURI()); } for (Iterator cit = onto.getDataProperties().iterator(); cit.hasNext(); ) { OWLNamedObject entity = (OWLNamedObject); dataPropertyURIs.add(entity.getURI()); allURIs.add(entity.getURI()); } for (Iterator cit = onto.getAnnotationProperties().iterator(); cit.hasNext(); ) { OWLNamedObject entity = (OWLNamedObject); annotationPropertyURIs.add(entity.getURI()); allURIs.add(entity.getURI()); } for (Iterator cit = onto.getDatatypes().iterator(); cit.hasNext(); ) { OWLDataType entity = (OWLDataType); datatypeURIs.add(entity.getURI()); allURIs.add(entity.getURI()); } } }