private void writeProfileMap( javax.jcr.Session jcrSession, AuthorizableManager um, ExtendedJSONWriter writer, String user, boolean detailed) throws JSONException, AccessDeniedException, StorageClientException, RepositoryException { Authorizable au = um.findAuthorizable(user); if (au != null) { ValueMap profileMap; if (detailed) { profileMap = profileService.getProfileMap(au, jcrSession); } else { profileMap = new ValueMapDecorator(basicUserInfoService.getProperties(au)); } if (profileMap != null) { writer.valueMap(profileMap); } } else { writer.object(); writer.key("userid"); writer.value(user); writer.endObject(); } }
@Override protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { // get current user String user = request.getRemoteUser(); if (user == null) { response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_UNAUTHORIZED, "User must be logged in to check their status"); }"GET to PresenceContactsServlet (" + user + ")"); response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); try { Writer writer = response.getWriter(); ExtendedJSONWriter output = new ExtendedJSONWriter(writer); // start JSON object output.object(); PresenceUtils.makePresenceJSON(output, user, presenceService, true); // add in the list of contacts info Session session = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class); List<String> userIds = connectionManager.getConnectedUsers(user, ConnectionState.ACCEPTED); output.key("contacts"); output.array(); for (String userId : userIds) { output.object(); // put in the basics PresenceUtils.makePresenceJSON(output, userId, presenceService, true); // add in the profile output.key("profile"); Authorizable au = PersonalUtils.getAuthorizable(session, userId); Node profileNode = (Node) session.getItem(PersonalUtils.getProfilePath(au)); ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeToWriter(output, profileNode); output.endObject(); } output.endArray(); // finish it output.endObject(); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } return; }
public void writeResult(SlingHttpServletRequest request, JSONWriter write, Result result) throws JSONException { String contentPath = result.getPath(); Session session = StorageClientUtils.adaptToSession( request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(javax.jcr.Session.class)); try { Content contentResult = session.getContentManager().get(contentPath); if (contentResult != null) { write.object(); writeCanManageProperty(request, write, session, contentResult); writeCommentCountProperty(write, session, contentResult); int depth = SolrSearchUtil.getTraversalDepth(request); ExtendedJSONWriter.writeContentTreeToWriter(write, contentResult, true, depth); write.endObject(); } } catch (AccessDeniedException ade) { // if access is denied we simply won't // write anything for this result // this implies content was private"Denied {} access to {}", request.getRemoteUser(), contentPath); return; } catch (Exception e) { throw new JSONException(e); } }
public static void writeLinkNode( Content content, org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.Session session, JSONWriter writer, boolean objectInProgress) throws StorageClientException, JSONException { if (!objectInProgress) { writer.object(); } ContentManager contentManager = session.getContentManager(); // Write all the properties. ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeContentsToWriter(writer, content); // permissions writePermissions(content, session, writer); // Write the actual file. if (content.hasProperty(SAKAI_LINK)) { String linkPath = (String) content.getProperty(SAKAI_LINK); writer.key("file"); try { Content fileNode = contentManager.get(linkPath); writeFileNode(fileNode, session, writer); } catch (org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.accesscontrol.AccessDeniedException e) { writer.value(false); } } if (!objectInProgress) { writer.endObject(); } }
public static void writeFileNode( Content content, org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.Session session, JSONWriter write, int maxDepth, boolean objectInProgress) throws JSONException, StorageClientException { if (content == null) { log.warn("Can't output null content."); return; } if (!objectInProgress) { write.object(); } // dump all the properties. ExtendedJSONWriter.writeContentTreeToWriter(write, content, true, maxDepth); // The permissions for this session. writePermissions(content, session, write); write.key(JcrConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED); Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.setTimeInMillis(StorageClientUtils.toLong(content.getProperty(Content.LASTMODIFIED_FIELD))); write.value(DateUtils.iso8601(cal)); write.key(JcrConstants.JCR_MIMETYPE); write.value(content.getProperty(Content.MIMETYPE_FIELD)); write.key(JcrConstants.JCR_DATA); write.value(StorageClientUtils.toLong(content.getProperty(Content.LENGTH_FIELD))); if (!objectInProgress) { write.endObject(); } }
public void writeNodes( SlingHttpServletRequest request, JSONWriter write, Aggregator aggregator, RowIterator iterator) throws JSONException, RepositoryException { Session session = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class); // TODO Get size from somewhere else. long total = iterator.getSize(); long start = SearchUtil.getPaging(request, total); iterator.skip(start); for (long i = 0; i < start && iterator.hasNext(); i++) { Row row = iterator.nextRow(); String path = row.getValue("jcr:path").getString(); Node node = (Node) session.getItem(path); if (aggregator != null) { aggregator.add(node); } ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeToWriter(write, node); } }
/** * Writes all the properties of a sakai/file node. Also checks what the permissions are for a * session and where the links are. * * @param node * @param write * @param objectInProgress Whether object creation is in progress. If false, object is started and * ended in this method call. * @throws JSONException * @throws RepositoryException */ public static void writeFileNode(Node node, Session session, JSONWriter write, int maxDepth) throws JSONException, RepositoryException { write.object(); // dump all the properties. ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeTreeToWriter(write, node, true, maxDepth); // The permissions for this session. writePermissions(node, session, write); if (node.hasNode(JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT)) { Node contentNode = node.getNode(JcrConstants.JCR_CONTENT); write.key(JcrConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED); Calendar cal = contentNode.getProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_LASTMODIFIED).getDate(); write.value(DateUtils.iso8601(cal)); write.key(JcrConstants.JCR_MIMETYPE); write.value(contentNode.getProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_MIMETYPE).getString()); if (contentNode.hasProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_DATA)) { write.key(JcrConstants.JCR_DATA); write.value(contentNode.getProperty(JcrConstants.JCR_DATA).getLength()); } } write.endObject(); }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public void doPost(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { Resource resource = request.getResource(); Node node = resource.adaptTo(Node.class); if (node == null) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } Version version = versionService.saveNode(node, request.getRemoteUser()); response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); ExtendedJSONWriter write = new ExtendedJSONWriter(response.getWriter()); write.object(); write.key("versionName"); write.value(version.getName()); ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeContentsToWriter(write, version); write.endObject(); } catch (RepositoryException e) {"Failed to save version ", e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); return; } catch (JSONException e) {"Failed to save version ", e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); return; } }
public void writeResult(SlingHttpServletRequest request, JSONWriter write, Result result) throws JSONException { String contentPath = (String) result.getFirstValue("path"); Session session = StorageClientUtils.adaptToSession( request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(javax.jcr.Session.class)); try { Content contentResult = session.getContentManager().get(contentPath); if (contentResult != null) { ExtendedJSONWriter.writeContentTreeToWriter(write, contentResult, -1); } else { write.object().endObject(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new JSONException(e); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see *, *, *, javax.jcr.query.Row) */ public void writeNode( SlingHttpServletRequest request, JSONWriter write, Aggregator aggregator, Row row) throws JSONException, RepositoryException { write.object(); Node node = row.getNode(); write.key("jcr:created"); write.value(node.getProperty("jcr:created").getString()); String userID = node.getName(); UserManager um = AccessControlUtil.getUserManager(node.getSession()); Authorizable au = um.getAuthorizable(userID); if (au != null) { ValueMap map = profileService.getCompactProfileMap(au, node.getSession()); ((ExtendedJSONWriter) write).valueMapInternals(map); } write.endObject(); }
/** * Same as writeResults logic, but counts number of results iterated over. * * @param request * @param write * @param iterator * @return Set containing all unique paths processed. * @throws JSONException */ public Set<String> writeResultsInternal( SlingHttpServletRequest request, JSONWriter write, Iterator<Result> iterator) throws JSONException { final Set<String> uniquePaths = new HashSet<String>(); final Integer iDepth = (Integer) request.getAttribute("depth"); int depth = 0; if (iDepth != null) { depth = iDepth.intValue(); } try { javax.jcr.Session jcrSession = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(javax.jcr.Session.class); final Session session = StorageClientUtils.adaptToSession(jcrSession); while (iterator.hasNext()) { final Result result =; uniquePaths.add(result.getPath()); try { if ("authorizable".equals(result.getFirstValue("resourceType"))) { AuthorizableManager authManager = session.getAuthorizableManager(); Authorizable auth = authManager.findAuthorizable((String) result.getFirstValue("id")); if (auth != null) { write.object(); ValueMap map = profileService.getProfileMap(auth, jcrSession); ExtendedJSONWriter.writeValueMapInternals(write, map); write.endObject(); } } else { String contentPath = result.getPath(); final Content content = session.getContentManager().get(contentPath); if (content != null) { handleContent(content, session, write, depth); } else { LOGGER.debug("Found null content item while writing results [{}]", contentPath); } } } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { // do nothing } catch (RepositoryException e) { throw new JSONException(e); } } } catch (StorageClientException e) { throw new JSONException(e); } return uniquePaths; }
private void writeDefaultNode( JSONWriter write, Aggregator aggregator, Row row, Node siteNode, Session session) throws JSONException, RepositoryException { Node node = RowUtils.getNode(row, session); if (aggregator != null) { aggregator.add(node); } write.object(); write.key("path"); write.value(node.getPath()); write.key("site"); siteSearchResultProcessor.writeNode(write, siteNode); write.key("excerpt"); write.value(RowUtils.getDefaultExcerpt(row)); write.key("data"); ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeToWriter(write, node); write.endObject(); }
/** * Writes comments of content * * @param node * @param session * @param write * @throws RepositoryException * @throws JSONException */ public static void writeComments( Content content, org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.Session session, JSONWriter writer) throws StorageClientException, JSONException { if (content == null) { log.warn("Can't output comments of null content."); return; } writer.key("comments"); writer.object(); Content commentContent = null; try { commentContent = session.getContentManager().get(content.getPath() + "/comments"); ExtendedJSONWriter.writeContentTreeToWriter(writer, commentContent, true, 2); } catch (org.sakaiproject.nakamura.api.lite.accesscontrol.AccessDeniedException e) { writer.value(false); } finally { writer.endObject(); } }
/** * Writes all the properties for a linked node. * * @param node * @param write * @throws JSONException * @throws RepositoryException */ public static void writeLinkNode(Node node, Session session, JSONWriter write) throws JSONException, RepositoryException { write.object(); // Write all the properties. ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeContentsToWriter(write, node); // permissions writePermissions(node, session, write); // Write the actual file. if (node.hasProperty(SAKAI_LINK)) { String uuid = node.getProperty(SAKAI_LINK).getString(); write.key("file"); try { Node fileNode = session.getNodeByIdentifier(uuid); writeFileNode(fileNode, session, write); } catch (ItemNotFoundException e) { write.value(false); } } write.endObject(); }
@Override protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { Resource resource = request.getResource(); if (!resource.getPath().startsWith(SEARCH_PATH_PREFIX)) { response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, "Search templates can only be executed if they are located under " + SEARCH_PATH_PREFIX); return; } Node node = resource.adaptTo(Node.class); if (node != null && node.hasProperty(SAKAI_QUERY_TEMPLATE)) { // TODO: we might want to use this ? @SuppressWarnings("unused") boolean limitResults = true; if (node.hasProperty(SAKAI_LIMIT_RESULTS)) { limitResults = node.getProperty(SAKAI_LIMIT_RESULTS).getBoolean(); } // KERN-1147 Respond better when all parameters haven't been provided for a query Query query = null; try { query = processQuery(request, node); } catch (MissingParameterException e) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage()); return; } long nitems = SolrSearchUtil.longRequestParameter( request, PARAMS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, DEFAULT_PAGED_ITEMS); long page = SolrSearchUtil.longRequestParameter(request, PARAMS_PAGE, 0); // allow number of items to be specified in sakai:query-template-options if (query.getOptions().containsKey(PARAMS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE)) { nitems = Long.valueOf(query.getOptions().get(PARAMS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE)); } else { // add this to the options so that all queries are constrained to a limited // number of returns per page. query.getOptions().put(PARAMS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, Long.toString(nitems)); } if (query.getOptions().containsKey(PARAMS_PAGE)) { page = Long.valueOf(query.getOptions().get(PARAMS_PAGE)); } else { // add this to the options so that all queries are constrained to a limited // number of returns per page. query.getOptions().put(PARAMS_PAGE, Long.toString(page)); } boolean useBatch = false; // Get the SolrSearchBatchResultProcessor searchBatchProcessor = defaultSearchBatchProcessor; if (node.hasProperty(SAKAI_BATCHRESULTPROCESSOR)) { searchBatchProcessor = batchProcessors.get(node.getProperty(SAKAI_BATCHRESULTPROCESSOR).getString()); useBatch = true; if (searchBatchProcessor == null) { searchBatchProcessor = defaultSearchBatchProcessor; } } SolrSearchResultProcessor searchProcessor = defaultSearchProcessor; if (node.hasProperty(SAKAI_RESULTPROCESSOR)) { searchProcessor = processors.get(node.getProperty(SAKAI_RESULTPROCESSOR).getString()); if (searchProcessor == null) { searchProcessor = defaultSearchProcessor; } } SolrSearchResultSet rs = null; try { // Prepare the result set. // This allows a processor to do other queries and manipulate the results. if (useBatch) { rs = searchBatchProcessor.getSearchResultSet(request, query); } else { rs = searchProcessor.getSearchResultSet(request, query); } } catch (SolrSearchException e) { response.sendError(e.getCode(), e.getMessage()); return; } response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); ExtendedJSONWriter write = new ExtendedJSONWriter(response.getWriter()); write.setTidy(isTidy(request)); write.object(); write.key(PARAMS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE); write.value(nitems); write.key(JSON_RESULTS); write.array(); Iterator<Result> iterator = rs.getResultSetIterator(); if (useBatch) {"Using batch processor for results"); searchBatchProcessor.writeResults(request, write, iterator); } else {"Using regular processor for results"); // We don't skip any rows ourselves here. // We expect a rowIterator coming from a resultset to be at the right place. for (long i = 0; i < nitems && iterator.hasNext(); i++) { // Get the next row. Result result =; // Write the result for this row. searchProcessor.writeResult(request, write, result); } } write.endArray(); // write the total out after processing the list to give the underlying iterator // a chance to walk the results then report how many there were. write.key(TOTAL); write.value(rs.getSize()); write.endObject(); } } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.getMessage()); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see *, * */ @Override protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { // Grab the search node. Node node = request.getResource().adaptTo(Node.class); // Grab the node that holds the repository information. Node proxyNode = DocProxyUtils.getProxyNode(node); // Grab the correct processor String type = proxyNode.getProperty(REPOSITORY_PROCESSOR).getString(); ExternalRepositoryProcessor processor = tracker.getProcessorByType(type); if (processor == null) { LOGGER.warn("No processor found for type - {}", type); response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Could not handle this repository type."); return; } // Handle properties. Map<String, Object> searchProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); handleProperties(searchProperties, node, request); // Process search Iterator<ExternalDocumentResult> results =, searchProperties); // Do the default search paging. long toSkip = SearchUtil.getPaging(request, -1); while (toSkip > 0) { if (results.hasNext()) {; toSkip--; } else { throw new NoSuchElementException(); } } response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); ExtendedJSONWriter write = new ExtendedJSONWriter(response.getWriter()); write.array(); long nitems = SearchUtil.longRequestParameter( request, SearchConstants.PARAMS_ITEMS_PER_PAGE, SearchConstants.DEFAULT_PAGED_ITEMS); for (long i = 0; i < nitems && results.hasNext(); i++) { ExternalDocumentResult result =; DocProxyUtils.writeMetaData(write, result); } write.endArray(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { LOGGER.error("Got a repository exception when trying to grab search node information.", e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to perform search."); } catch (JSONException e) { LOGGER.error("Got a JSON exception when trying to grab search node information.", e); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to perform search."); } catch (DocProxyException e) { LOGGER.error("Got a DocProxy exception when trying to grab search node information.", e); response.sendError(e.getCode(), e.getMessage()); } }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see *, * */ @Override protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { List<Content> contentList = null; RequestParameter rp = request.getRequestParameter("path"); ResourceResolver resourceResolver = request.getResourceResolver(); if (rp != null) { String contentPath = rp.getString("UTF-8"); if (contentPath.startsWith("/_groupa:")) { contentPath = contentPath.replaceFirst("/_groupa:", "/~"); } if (contentPath.endsWith("/")) { contentPath = contentPath.substring(0, contentPath.length() - 1); } Resource pagesResource = resourceResolver.getResource(contentPath); if (pagesResource != null) { contentList = getPageTree(pagesResource.adaptTo(Content.class)); ; } } response.setContentType("application/json"); response.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8"); PrintWriter w = response.getWriter(); ExtendedJSONWriter writer = new ExtendedJSONWriter(w); writer.object(); // pages info int messageCount = 0; writer.key("items"); writer.value(255); writer.key("results"); writer.array(); if (contentList != null) { for (int i = 0; i < contentList.size(); i++) { Content page = contentList.get(i); writer.object(); writer.key("jcr:path"); writer.value( page.getPath() .replaceFirst( LitePersonalUtils.PATH_AUTHORIZABLE, LitePersonalUtils.PATH_RESOURCE_AUTHORIZABLE)); for (String messagePropKey : page.getProperties().keySet()) { writer.key(messagePropKey); writer.value(massageValue(messagePropKey, page.getProperty(messagePropKey))); } writer.endObject(); messageCount++; } } writer.endArray(); writer.key("total"); writer.value(messageCount); writer.endObject(); } catch (JSONException e) { LOG.error("Failed to create proper JSON response in /var/search/page", e); response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to create proper JSON response."); } }
/** * Retrieves the list of members. * * <p>{@inheritDoc} * * @see *, * */ @Override protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { try { // Get hold of the actual file. Resource resource = request.getResource(); javax.jcr.Session jcrSession = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(javax.jcr.Session.class); Session session = resource.adaptTo(Session.class); AuthorizableManager am = session.getAuthorizableManager(); AccessControlManager acm = session.getAccessControlManager(); Content node = resource.adaptTo(Content.class); Authorizable thisUser = am.findAuthorizable(session.getUserId()); if (!acm.can(thisUser, Security.ZONE_CONTENT, resource.getPath(), Permissions.CAN_READ)) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } Map<String, Object> properties = node.getProperties(); String[] managers = (String[]) properties.get(POOLED_CONTENT_USER_MANAGER); String[] editors = (String[]) properties.get(POOLED_CONTENT_USER_EDITOR); String[] viewers = (String[]) properties.get(POOLED_CONTENT_USER_VIEWER); boolean detailed = false; boolean tidy = false; for (String selector : request.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors()) { if ("detailed".equals(selector)) { detailed = true; } else if ("tidy".equals(selector)) { tidy = true; } } // Loop over the sets and output it. ExtendedJSONWriter writer = new ExtendedJSONWriter(response.getWriter()); writer.setTidy(tidy); writer.object(); writer.key("managers"); writer.array(); for (String manager : StorageClientUtils.nonNullStringArray(managers)) { try { writeProfileMap(jcrSession, am, writer, manager, detailed); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { LOGGER.debug("Skipping private manager [{}]", manager); } } writer.endArray(); writer.key("editors"); writer.array(); for (String editor : StorageClientUtils.nonNullStringArray(editors)) { try { writeProfileMap(jcrSession, am, writer, editor, detailed); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { LOGGER.debug("Skipping private editor [{}]", editor); } } writer.endArray(); writer.key("viewers"); writer.array(); for (String viewer : StorageClientUtils.nonNullStringArray(viewers)) { try { writeProfileMap(jcrSession, am, writer, viewer, detailed); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { LOGGER.debug("Skipping private viewer [{}]", viewer); } } writer.endArray(); writer.endObject(); } catch (JSONException e) { response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to generate proper JSON."); LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (StorageClientException e) { response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to generate proper JSON."); LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (AccessDeniedException e) { response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to generate proper JSON."); LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } catch (RepositoryException e) { response.sendError(SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to generate proper JSON."); LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); } }
public void node(Node node) throws JSONException, RepositoryException { ExtendedJSONWriter.writeNodeToWriter(this, node); }
/** * {@inheritDoc} * * @see *, * */ @Override protected void doGet(SlingHttpServletRequest request, SlingHttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { Authorizable authorizable = null; Resource resource = request.getResource(); if (resource != null) { authorizable = resource.adaptTo(Authorizable.class); } if (authorizable == null || !authorizable.isGroup()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NO_CONTENT, "Couldn't find group"); return; } Group group = (Group) authorizable; List<String> selectors = Arrays.asList(request.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors()); ExtendedJSONWriter writer = new ExtendedJSONWriter(response.getWriter()); writer.setTidy(selectors.contains("tidy")); // Get the sorting order, default is ascending or the natural sorting order (which is // null for a TreeMap.) Comparator<String> comparator = null; String order = "ascending"; if (request.getRequestParameter("sortOrder") != null) { order = request.getRequestParameter("sortOrder").getString(); if (order.equals("descending")) { comparator = Collections.reverseOrder(); } } try { response.setContentType("application/json"); TreeMap<String, Authorizable> map = null; if (selectors.contains("managers")) { map = getManagers(request, group, comparator); } else { // Members is the default. map = getMembers(request, group, comparator); } // Do some paging. long items = (request.getParameter(ITEMS) != null) ? Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(ITEMS)) : 25; long page = (request.getParameter(PAGE) != null) ? Long.parseLong(request.getParameter(PAGE)) : 0; if (page < 0) { page = 0; } if (items < 0) { items = 25; } Iterator<Entry<String, Authorizable>> iterator = getInPlaceIterator(request, map, items, page); // Write the whole lot out. Session session = request.getResourceResolver().adaptTo(Session.class); writer.array(); int i = 0; while (iterator.hasNext() && i < items) { Entry<String, Authorizable> entry =; Authorizable au = entry.getValue(); ValueMap profile; if (selectors.contains("detailed")) { profile = profileService.getProfileMap(au, session); } else { profile = profileService.getCompactProfileMap(au, session); } if (profile != null) { writer.valueMap(profile); i++; } else { // profile wasn't found. safe to ignore and not include the group"Profile not found for " + au.getID()); } } writer.endArray(); } catch (RepositoryException e) { response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to retrieve members/managers."); return; } catch (JSONException e) { response.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, "Failed to build a proper JSON output."); return; } }