public static void show() { if (shownInSession) { return; } shownInSession = true; if (SharedCorePlugin.inTestMode()) { return; } String hide = System.getProperty("pydev.funding.hide"); if (hide != null && (hide.equals("1") || hide.equals("true"))) { return; } IPreferenceStore preferenceStore = PydevPrefs.getPreferenceStore(); boolean shownOnce = preferenceStore.getBoolean(PYDEV_FUNDING_SHOWN); if (!shownOnce) { boolean runNowIfInUiThread = false; RunInUiThread.async( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Display disp = Display.getCurrent(); Shell shell = new Shell(disp); DialogNotifier notifier = new DialogNotifier(shell);; } }, runNowIfInUiThread); } }
/** * Adds a set of arguments used to wrap executed file with unittest runner. * * @param actualRun in an actual run we'll start the xml-rpc server. * @param coverageRun whether we should add the flags to do a coverage run. */ private void addUnittestArgs(List<String> cmdArgs, boolean actualRun, boolean coverageRun) throws CoreException { if (isUnittest()) { // The tests are either written to a configuration file or passed as a parameter. String configurationFile = this.configuration.getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_UNITTEST_CONFIGURATION_FILE, ""); if (configurationFile.length() > 0) { cmdArgs.add("--config_file"); if (actualRun) { // We should write the contents to a temporary file (because it may be too long, so, // always write // to a file and read from it later on). File tempFile = PydevPlugin.getDefault().getTempFile("custom_pydev_unittest_launch_"); try { OutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(tempFile); try { try { fileOutputStream.write(configurationFile.getBytes()); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CoreException( PydevPlugin.makeStatus(IStatus.ERROR, "Error writing to: " + tempFile, e)); } } finally { fileOutputStream.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (e instanceof CoreException) { throw (CoreException) e; } throw new CoreException( PydevPlugin.makeStatus(IStatus.ERROR, "Error writing to: " + tempFile, e)); } cmdArgs.add(tempFile.toString()); } else { cmdArgs.add(configurationFile); } } else { String tests = this.configuration.getAttribute(Constants.ATTR_UNITTEST_TESTS, ""); if (tests.length() > 0) { cmdArgs.add("--tests"); cmdArgs.add(tests); } } if (PyUnitPrefsPage2.getUsePyUnitView()) { // If we want to use the PyUnitView, we need to get the port used so that the python side // can connect. cmdArgs.add("--port"); if (actualRun) { cmdArgs.add(String.valueOf(getPyUnitServer().getPort())); } else { cmdArgs.add("0"); } } if (coverageRun) { cmdArgs.add("--coverage_output_dir"); cmdArgs.add(PyCoverage.getCoverageDirLocation().getAbsolutePath()); cmdArgs.add("--coverage_include"); cmdArgs.add(PyCodeCoverageView.getChosenDir().getLocation().toOSString()); if (actualRun) { IPreferenceStore prefs = PydevPrefs.getPreferenceStore(); int testRunner = prefs.getInt(PyUnitPrefsPage2.TEST_RUNNER); switch (testRunner) { case PyUnitPrefsPage2.TEST_RUNNER_NOSE: RunInUiThread.async( new Runnable() { public void run() { PyDialogHelpers.openWarningWithIgnoreToggle( "Notes for coverage with the nose test runner.", "Note1: When using the coverage with the nose test runner, " + "please don't pass any specific parameter related to " + "the run in the arguments, as that's already handled by PyDev " + "(i.e.: don't use the builtin cover plugin from nose).\n" + "\n" + "Note2: It's currently not possible to use coverage with the multi-process " + "plugin in nose.", "KEY_COVERAGE_WITH_NOSE_TEST_RUNNER"); } }); break; case PyUnitPrefsPage2.TEST_RUNNER_PY_TEST: RunInUiThread.async( new Runnable() { public void run() { PyDialogHelpers.openCritical( "PyUnit coverage not compatible with the Py.test test runner.", "Currently the PyDev PyUnit integration is not able to provide coverage " + "info using the py.test test runner (please enter a " + "feature request if you'd like that added)\n" + "\n" + "Note: the run will be continued anyways (without gathering coverage info)."); } }); break; } } } // Last thing: nose parameters or parameters the user configured. for (String s : parseStringIntoList( PyUnitPrefsPage2.getTestRunnerParameters(this.configuration, this.project))) { cmdArgs.add(s); } } }