public void processPhysicalPage( final PageGrid pageGrid, final LogicalPageBox logicalPage, final int row, final int col, final PhysicalPageKey pageKey) throws DocumentException { final PhysicalPageBox page = pageGrid.getPage(row, col); if (page == null) { return; } final float width = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getWidth()); final float height = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getHeight()); final Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(width, height); final float marginLeft = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getImageableX()); final float marginRight = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue( page.getWidth() - page.getImageableWidth() - page.getImageableX()); final float marginTop = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(page.getImageableY()); final float marginBottom = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue( page.getHeight() - page.getImageableHeight() - page.getImageableY()); final Document document = getDocument(); document.setPageSize(pageSize); document.setMargins(marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom); if (awaitOpenDocument) {; awaitOpenDocument = false; } final PdfContentByte directContent = writer.getDirectContent(); final Graphics2D graphics = new PdfGraphics2D(directContent, width, height, metaData); final PdfLogicalPageDrawable logicalPageDrawable = new PdfLogicalPageDrawable( logicalPage, metaData, writer, page, resourceManager, imageCache, version); final PhysicalPageDrawable drawable = new PhysicalPageDrawable(logicalPageDrawable, page); drawable.draw(graphics, new Rectangle2D.Double(0, 0, width, height)); graphics.dispose(); document.newPage(); }
/** @noinspection IOResourceOpenedButNotSafelyClosed */ public void print( final LogicalPageKey logicalPageKey, final LogicalPageBox logicalPage, final TableContentProducer contentProducer, final RTFOutputProcessorMetaData metaData, final boolean incremental) throws ContentProcessingException { final int startRow = contentProducer.getFinishedRows(); final int finishRow = contentProducer.getFilledRows(); if (incremental && startRow == finishRow) { return; } if (document == null) { this.cellBackgroundProducer = new CellBackgroundProducer( metaData.isFeatureSupported(AbstractTableOutputProcessor.TREAT_ELLIPSE_AS_RECTANGLE), metaData.isFeatureSupported(OutputProcessorFeature.UNALIGNED_PAGEBANDS)); final PhysicalPageBox pageFormat = logicalPage.getPageGrid().getPage(0, 0); final float urx = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(pageFormat.getWidth()); final float ury = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(pageFormat.getHeight()); final float marginLeft = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(pageFormat.getImageableX()); final float marginRight = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue( pageFormat.getWidth() - pageFormat.getImageableWidth() - pageFormat.getImageableX()); final float marginTop = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(pageFormat.getImageableY()); final float marginBottom = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue( pageFormat.getHeight() - pageFormat.getImageableHeight() - pageFormat.getImageableY()); final Rectangle pageSize = new Rectangle(urx, ury); document = new Document(pageSize, marginLeft, marginRight, marginTop, marginBottom); imageCache = new RTFImageCache(resourceManager); // rtf does not support PageFormats or other meta data... final PatchRtfWriter2 instance = PatchRtfWriter2.getInstance(document, new NoCloseOutputStream(outputStream)); instance.getDocumentSettings().setAlwaysUseUnicode(true); final String author = config.getConfigProperty( "org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.modules.output.table.rtf.Author"); if (author != null) { document.addAuthor(author); } final String title = config.getConfigProperty( "org.pentaho.reporting.engine.classic.core.modules.output.table.rtf.Title"); if (title != null) { document.addTitle(title); } document.addProducer(); document.addCreator(RTFPrinter.CREATOR); try { document.addCreationDate(); } catch (Exception e) { RTFPrinter.logger.debug("Unable to add creation date. It will have to work without it.", e); }; } // Start a new page. try { final SheetLayout sheetLayout = contentProducer.getSheetLayout(); final int columnCount = contentProducer.getColumnCount(); if (table == null) { final int rowCount = contentProducer.getRowCount(); table = new Table(columnCount, rowCount); table.setAutoFillEmptyCells(false); table.setWidth(100); // span the full page.. // and finally the content .. final float[] cellWidths = new float[columnCount]; for (int i = 0; i < columnCount; i++) { cellWidths[i] = (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(sheetLayout.getCellWidth(i, i + 1)); } table.setWidths(cellWidths); } // logger.debug ("Processing: " + startRow + " " + finishRow + " " + incremental); for (int row = startRow; row < finishRow; row++) { for (short col = 0; col < columnCount; col++) { final RenderBox content = contentProducer.getContent(row, col); final CellMarker.SectionType sectionType = contentProducer.getSectionType(row, col); if (content == null) { final RenderBox backgroundBox = contentProducer.getBackground(row, col); final CellBackground background; if (backgroundBox != null) { background = cellBackgroundProducer.getBackgroundForBox( logicalPage, sheetLayout, col, row, 1, 1, true, sectionType, backgroundBox); } else { background = cellBackgroundProducer.getBackgroundAt( logicalPage, sheetLayout, col, row, true, sectionType); } if (background == null) { // An empty cell .. ignore final PatchRtfCell cell = new PatchRtfCell(); cell.setBorderWidth(0); cell.setMinimumHeight( (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(sheetLayout.getRowHeight(row))); table.addCell(cell, row, col); continue; } // A empty cell with a defined background .. final PatchRtfCell cell = new PatchRtfCell(); cell.setBorderWidth(0); cell.setMinimumHeight( (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(sheetLayout.getRowHeight(row))); updateCellStyle(cell, background); table.addCell(cell, row, col); continue; } if (content.isCommited() == false) { throw new InvalidReportStateException("Uncommited content encountered"); } final long contentOffset = contentProducer.getContentOffset(row, col); final long colPos = sheetLayout.getXPosition(col); final long rowPos = sheetLayout.getYPosition(row); if (content.getX() != colPos || (content.getY() + contentOffset) != rowPos) { // A spanned cell .. continue; } final int colSpan = sheetLayout.getColSpan(col, content.getX() + content.getWidth()); final int rowSpan = sheetLayout.getRowSpan(row, content.getY() + content.getHeight() + contentOffset); final CellBackground realBackground = cellBackgroundProducer.getBackgroundForBox( logicalPage, sheetLayout, col, row, colSpan, rowSpan, false, sectionType, content); final PatchRtfCell cell = new PatchRtfCell(); cell.setRowspan(rowSpan); cell.setColspan(colSpan); cell.setBorderWidth(0); cell.setMinimumHeight( (float) StrictGeomUtility.toExternalValue(sheetLayout.getRowHeight(row))); if (realBackground != null) { updateCellStyle(cell, realBackground); } computeCellStyle(content, cell); // export the cell and all content .. final RTFTextExtractor etx = new RTFTextExtractor(metaData); etx.compute(content, cell, imageCache); table.addCell(cell, row, col); content.setFinishedTable(true); // logger.debug("set Finished to cell (" + col + ", " + row + "," + content.getName() + // ")"); } } if (incremental == false) { document.add(table); table = null; } } catch (DocumentException e) { throw new ContentProcessingException("Failed to generate RTF-Document", e); } }