public static String postExecute( IRuntimeContext runtime, boolean debugMessages, boolean doWrapper, IOutputHandler outputHandler, Map<String, IParameterProvider> parameterProviders, HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, List<?> messages, boolean deleteGeneratedFiles) throws Exception { StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); boolean hasResponse = outputHandler.isResponseExpected(); IContentItem responseContentItem = outputHandler.getOutputContentItem( IOutputHandler.RESPONSE, IOutputHandler.CONTENT, null, null); boolean success = (runtime != null && runtime.getStatus() == IRuntimeContext.RUNTIME_STATUS_SUCCESS); boolean printSuccess = (runtime != null) && success && (!hasResponse || debugMessages); boolean printError = (runtime != null) && !success && !response.isCommitted(); if (printSuccess || printError) { final String htmlMimeType = "text/html"; // $NON-NLS-1$ responseContentItem.setMimeType(htmlMimeType); response.setContentType(htmlMimeType); IMessageFormatter formatter = PentahoSystem.get(IMessageFormatter.class, PentahoSessionHolder.getSession()); if (printSuccess) { formatter.formatSuccessMessage(htmlMimeType, runtime, buffer, debugMessages, doWrapper); } else { response.resetBuffer(); formatter.formatFailureMessage(htmlMimeType, runtime, buffer, messages); } } // clear files which was generated during action execution // IUnifiedRepository unifiedRepository = PentahoSystem.get(IUnifiedRepository.class, null); if (unifiedRepository != null) { for (IContentItem contentItem : runtime.getOutputContentItems()) { if (contentItem != null) { try { contentItem.closeOutputStream(); if (deleteGeneratedFiles) { deleteContentItem(contentItem, unifiedRepository); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn( Messages.getInstance() .getString("XactionUtil.CANNOT_REMOVE_OUTPUT_FILE", contentItem.getPath()), e); } } } } return buffer.toString(); }
static void deleteContentItem(IContentItem contentItem, IUnifiedRepository unifiedRepository) { if (contentItem instanceof RepositoryFileContentItem) { String path = contentItem.getPath(); RepositoryFile repositoryFile = unifiedRepository.getFile(path); // repositoryFile can be null if we have not access or file does not exist if (repositoryFile != null) { unifiedRepository.deleteFile(repositoryFile.getId(), true, null); } } else if (contentItem instanceof FileContentItem) { // Files in the file system must not be deleted here String path = ((FileContentItem) contentItem).getFile().getName(); logger.warn(Messages.getInstance().getString("XactionUtil.SKIP_REMOVING_OUTPUT_FILE", path)); } }