private void ClearItems() { if (getItems() == null) { return; } if (getIsGrouppedByTarget()) { java.util.List<SanTargetModel> items = (java.util.List<SanTargetModel>) getItems(); for (SanTargetModel target : Linq.ToList(items)) { boolean found = false; // Ensure remove targets that are not in last dicovered targets list. if (Linq.FirstOrDefault(lastDiscoveredTargets, new Linq.TargetPredicate(target)) != null) { found = true; } else { // Ensure remove targets that are not contain already included LUNs. for (LunModel lun : target.getLuns()) { LunModel foundItem = Linq.FirstOrDefault(includedLUNs, new Linq.LunPredicate(lun)); if (foundItem == null) { found = true; break; } } } if (!found) { items.remove(target); } } } else { java.util.List<LunModel> items = (java.util.List<LunModel>) getItems(); // Ensure remove targets that are not contain already included LUNs. for (LunModel lun : Linq.ToList(items)) { LunModel foundItem = Linq.FirstOrDefault(includedLUNs, new Linq.LunPredicate(lun)); if (foundItem == null) { items.remove(lun); } } } }
@Override public java.util.List<storage_pool> FilterDataCenter(java.util.List<storage_pool> source) { // C# TO JAVA CONVERTER TODO TASK: There is no Java equivalent to LINQ queries: return Linq.ToList( Linq.Where(source, new Linq.DataCenterStatusPredicate(StoragePoolStatus.Up))); }