protected Version parseValue( @Nullable HeaderValuePart headerValue, String text, int start, @Nullable AnnotationHolder annotationHolder) { String[] componentNames = new String[] {"major", "minor", "micro"}; int[] components = new int[] {0, 0, 0}; int componentStart; int componentEnd = -1; for (int componentIdx = 0; componentIdx < components.length; componentIdx++) { componentStart = componentEnd + 1; componentEnd = text.indexOf('.', componentStart); if (componentEnd < 0) { componentEnd = text.length(); } try { components[componentIdx] = Integer.parseInt(text.substring(componentStart, componentEnd)); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { createInvalidNumberAnnotation( headerValue, componentStart + start, componentEnd + start, annotationHolder, componentNames[componentIdx]); } if (componentEnd == text.length()) { break; } } String qualifier = ""; if (componentEnd < text.length()) { componentStart = componentEnd + 1; componentEnd = text.length(); qualifier = text.substring(componentStart); if (annotationHolder != null && !_qualifierPattern.matcher(qualifier).matches()) { TextRange headerValueTextRange = headerValue.getTextRange(); TextRange textRange = new TextRange( headerValueTextRange.getStartOffset() + componentStart, headerValueTextRange.getStartOffset() + componentEnd); annotationHolder.createErrorAnnotation( textRange, "The qualifier component of the defined version is invalid. It may only contain alphanumeric characters, '-' and '_'"); } } return new Version(components[0], components[1], components[2], qualifier); }
void createInvalidNumberAnnotation( @Nullable HeaderValuePart headerValuePart, int start, int end, @Nullable AnnotationHolder annotationHolder, String component) { if (annotationHolder != null) { TextRange headerValueTextRange = headerValuePart.getTextRange(); TextRange textRange = new TextRange( headerValueTextRange.getStartOffset() + start, headerValueTextRange.getStartOffset() + end); annotationHolder.createErrorAnnotation( textRange, "The " + component + " component of the defined version is not a valid number"); } }