/** * check the load from components bound to the given memory The components can be threads or * higher level components. * * @param curMemory Component Instance of memory */ protected void checkMemoryLoad(ComponentInstance curMemory, final SystemOperationMode som) { SystemInstance root = curMemory.getSystemInstance(); final ComponentInstance currentMemory = curMemory; final String somName = som.getName(); long timeBefore = System.currentTimeMillis(); OsateDebug.osateDebug("[Memory] before get sw comps (memory=" + curMemory.getName() + ")"); EList<ComponentInstance> boundComponents = InstanceModelUtil.getBoundSWComponents(curMemory); long timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis(); long period = timeAfter - timeBefore; OsateDebug.osateDebug("[CPU] after get sw comps, time taken=" + period + "ms"); if (GetProperties.getROMCapacityInKB(curMemory, 0.0) > 0.0) { doMemoryLoad(curMemory, somName, boundComponents, true); // ROM } if (GetProperties.getRAMCapacityInKB(curMemory, 0.0) > 0.0) { doMemoryLoad(curMemory, somName, boundComponents, false); // RAM } }
/** * check the load from components bound to the given processor The components can be threads or * higher level components. * * @param curProcessor Component Instance of processor */ protected void checkProcessorLoad(ComponentInstance curProcessor, final SystemOperationMode som) { boolean isCPUActive; if (curProcessor.getSubcomponent().getAllInModes().size() == 0) { isCPUActive = true; } else { isCPUActive = false; for (Mode mi : curProcessor.getSubcomponent().getAllInModes()) { // OsateDebug.osateDebug("somName=" + somName + " mi=" + mi); if (som.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(mi.getName())) { // OsateDebug.osateDebug("cpu " + curProcessor.getName() + "is active for mode" + // somName); isCPUActive = true; } } } if (isCPUActive == false) { return; } UnitLiteral mipsliteral = GetProperties.getMIPSUnitLiteral(curProcessor); double MIPScapacity = GetProperties.getMIPSCapacityInMIPS(curProcessor, 0.0); if (MIPScapacity == 0 && InstanceModelUtil.isVirtualProcessor(curProcessor)) { MIPScapacity = GetProperties.getMIPSBudgetInMIPS(curProcessor); } long timeBefore = System.currentTimeMillis(); OsateDebug.osateDebug( "[CPU] before get sw comps (CPU=" + curProcessor.getName() + ",cat=" + curProcessor.getComponentClassifier().getCategory().getName() + ")"); EList<ComponentInstance> boundComponents = InstanceModelUtil.getBoundSWComponents(curProcessor); long timeAfter = System.currentTimeMillis(); long period = timeAfter - timeBefore; OsateDebug.osateDebug("[CPU] after get sw comps, time taken=" + period + "ms"); if (boundComponents.size() == 0 && MIPScapacity > 0) { errManager.infoSummary( curProcessor, som.getName(), "No application components bound to " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " with MIPS capacity " + GetProperties.toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, mipsliteral)); return; } if (MIPScapacity == 0 && InstanceModelUtil.isVirtualProcessor(curProcessor)) { errManager.warningSummary( curProcessor, som.getName(), "Virtual processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " has no MIPS capacity or budget."); return; } if (MIPScapacity == 0 && InstanceModelUtil.isProcessor(curProcessor)) { errManager.errorSummary( curProcessor, som.getName(), "Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " has no MIPS capacity but has bound components."); } if (InstanceModelUtil.isVirtualProcessor(curProcessor)) { logHeader( "\n\nDetailed Workload Report for Virtual Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " with Capacity " + GetProperties.toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, mipsliteral) + "\n\nComponent,Budget,Actual"); } else { logHeader( "\n\nDetailed Workload Report for Processor " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath() + " with Capacity " + GetProperties.toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, mipsliteral) + "\n\nComponent,Budget,Actual"); } double totalMIPS = 0.0; for (Iterator<ComponentInstance> it = boundComponents.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) { ComponentInstance bci = (ComponentInstance) it.next(); boolean isComponentActive; if ((som == null) || (bci.getSubcomponent().getAllInModes().size() == 0)) { isComponentActive = true; } else { isComponentActive = false; for (Mode mi : bci.getSubcomponent().getAllInModes()) { // OsateDebug.osateDebug("somName=" + somName + " mi=" + mi); if (som.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(mi.getName())) { // OsateDebug.osateDebug("cpu " + curProcessor.getName() + "is active for mode" + // somName); isComponentActive = true; } } } if (isComponentActive == true) { double actualmips = sumBudgets(bci, ResourceKind.MIPS, mipsliteral, true, som, ""); totalMIPS += actualmips; } } logHeader("Total," + GetProperties.toStringScaled(totalMIPS, mipsliteral)); if (totalMIPS > MIPScapacity) { errManager.errorSummary( curProcessor, som.getName(), "Total MIPS " + GetProperties.toStringScaled(totalMIPS, mipsliteral) + " of bound tasks exceeds MIPS capacity " + GetProperties.toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, mipsliteral) + " of " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath()); } else if (totalMIPS == 0.0) { errManager.warningSummary(curProcessor, som.getName(), "Bound app's have no MIPS budget."); } else { errManager.infoSummary( curProcessor, som.getName(), "Total MIPS " + GetProperties.toStringScaled(totalMIPS, mipsliteral) + " of bound tasks within " + "MIPS capacity " + GetProperties.toStringScaled(MIPScapacity, mipsliteral) + " of " + curProcessor.getComponentInstancePath()); } }