public ServiceExecutionResult<SorRole> updateSorRole( final SorPerson sorPerson, final SorRole sorRole) { Assert.notNull(sorPerson, "sorPerson cannot be null."); Assert.notNull(sorRole, "sorRole cannot be null."); final Set validationErrors = this.validator.validate(sorRole); if (!validationErrors.isEmpty()) { // since because of existing design we cannot raise exception, we can only rollback the // transaction through code // OR-384 if (TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus() != null) { TransactionAspectSupport.currentTransactionStatus().setRollbackOnly(); } return new GeneralServiceExecutionResult<SorRole>(validationErrors); } final SorRole savedSorRole = this.personRepository.saveSorRole(sorRole); final Person person = this.personRepository.findByInternalId(sorPerson.getPersonId()); final Role role = person.findRoleBySoRRoleId(savedSorRole.getId()); if (role != null) { // update calculated role only if that role was previously converted to calculated one by // sorRoleElector role.recalculate(savedSorRole); this.personRepository.savePerson(person); } // else //do nothing i.e. don't update the calculated role if SorRoleElector Previously decided // not to convert this sor role to calculated role return new GeneralServiceExecutionResult<SorRole>(savedSorRole); }
public boolean deleteSystemOfRecordRole( final SorPerson sorPerson, final SorRole sorRole, final boolean mistake, final String terminationTypes) throws IllegalArgumentException { Assert.notNull(sorRole, "sorRole cannot be null."); Assert.notNull(sorPerson, "soPerson cannot be null."); final String terminationTypeToUse = terminationTypes != null ? terminationTypes :; final Person person = this.personRepository.findByInternalId(sorPerson.getPersonId()); Assert.notNull(person, "person cannot be null."); final Role role = person.findRoleBySoRRoleId(sorRole.getId()); // delete and expire role only if it exist at calculated level if (role != null) if (mistake) { // let SorRoleElector remove the role sorRoleElector.removeCalculatedRole( person, role, this.personRepository.getSoRRecordsForPerson(person)); } else { final Type terminationReason = this.referenceRepository.findType(Type.DataTypes.TERMINATION, terminationTypeToUse); if (!role.isTerminated()) { role.expireNow(terminationReason, true); } } sorPerson.getRoles().remove(sorRole); this.personRepository.saveSorPerson(sorPerson); this.personRepository.savePerson(person); return true; }