public void testAddToCart() throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(xpath(userValuationsTab)); click(xpath(userAddToCart)); if (resultcount != 0) {; } }
public void smokeProductTab() throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(xpath(productTabsMenu)); String productTab = input[11]; if (isElementPresent(xpath(userOriginatorDetails))) { click(xpath(productTab)); } Thread.sleep(3000); }
public void testDeepLinkProductSelection() throws Exception { resultcount = 0; testCase = "RP Property Hub Deep Linking: " + input[0]; waitForElementPresent(xpath("//div[@id='workspace']")); try { Assert.assertEquals("RP Property Hub - Product Selection", driver.getTitle()); } catch (AssertionError e) { fail("Deep link Product Selection page"); takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } if (resultcount != 0) { fail(testCase); } else { pass(testCase); } }
public void smokeNotAvailableProduct() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(3000); resultcount = 0; testCase = "RP Property Hub Product Not Available: " + input[0]; waitForElementPresent(xpath(input[14])); try { Assert.assertFalse(isElementPresent(xpath(input[14]))); } catch (AssertionError e) { fail("Purchase button"); takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } if (resultcount != 0) { fail(testCase); } else { pass(testCase); } }
public void smokeAddProduct() throws Exception { Thread.sleep(35000); resultcount = 0; testCase = "RP Property Hub Add to cart: " + input[0]; String addToCart = input[14]; waitForElementPresent(xpath(addToCart)); try { Assert.assertEquals("Add to cart", getValue(xpath(addToCart))); } catch (AssertionError e) { fail("Add to cart"); takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } click(xpath(addToCart)); if (resultcount != 0) { fail(testCase); } else { pass(testCase); } Thread.sleep(6000); }
public void testRetroVal(String[] input) throws Exception { String bedroomValue ="bedroomValue"); String bathroomValue ="bathroomValue"); String carspaceValue ="carspaceValue"); String retroAvmTabName ="retroAvmTabName"); try { Assert.assertEquals(retroAvmTabName, getText(xpath(userRetroReportsTabLink))); } catch (AssertionError e) { fail(testCase); takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } // try { // Assert.assertEquals("* Note: Retro Product can not be ordered for the dates beyond // 01/01/2009.", getText(xpath(errorRetroValuationDate))); // pass("Valuation Date Error Message " + " is present"); // } catch (AssertionError e) { // fail("Valuation Date Error Message " + " is not present"); // takeScreenshot(); // resultcount++; // } waitForElementPresent(xpath(userRetroValuationDate)); click(xpath(userRetroValuationDate)); // waitForElementsPresent((xpath(userDatePickerMonth)), (xpath(userDatePickerYear)), 30); try { Assert.assertTrue(isElementPresent(xpath(userDatePickerMonth))); } catch (AssertionError e) { takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } try { Assert.assertTrue(isElementPresent(xpath(userDatePickerYear))); } catch (AssertionError e) { takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } // waitForElementPresent(xpath(userDatePickerYear)); select((xpath(userDatePickerMonth)), input[3]); select((xpath(userDatePickerYear)), input[4]); click(By.linkText(input[5])); select((xpath(userRetroBedroom)), bedroomValue); select((xpath(userRetroBathroom)), bathroomValue); select((xpath(userRetroCarspace)), carspaceValue); // waitForElementPresent(xpath(userRetroCheckAvailability)); if (isElementPresent(xpath(userRetroCheckAvailability))) { click(xpath(userRetroCheckAvailability)); } else { click(xpath("//input[@id='checkAvailability']")); } if (input[6] == "Not Available") { waitForElementPresent(xpath(errorRetroContainer)); try { Assert.assertEquals( "Please change the details and try again.", getText(xpath(errorRetroContainer))); pass("Error Message " + " is present"); } catch (AssertionError e) { fail("Error Message " + " is not present"); takeScreenshot(); resultcount++; } } else { waitForElementPresent(xpath("//input[@id='purchaseButton]")); } }
public void testUserNavigateToTab() throws Exception { waitForElementPresent(xpath(userProductSelectionList)); click(xpath(userRetroReportsTabLink)); waitForElementPresent(xpath(userRetroReportsTab)); waitForElementPresent(xpath(userRetroCheckAvailability)); }