private EndPointImpl getEndPoint(final String sysOid, final String address) throws UnknownHostException { final EndPointImpl endPoint = new EndPointImpl(InetAddressUtils.getLocalHostAddress(), getAgentConfig(address)); endPoint.setSysOid(sysOid); return endPoint; }
private InetAddress getIpForNode(final OnmsNode node) { LogUtils.debugf( this, "getIpForNode: node: %s Foreign Source: %s", node.getNodeId(), node.getForeignSource()); final OnmsIpInterface primaryInterface = node.getPrimaryInterface(); InetAddress ipaddr = InetAddressUtils.getLocalHostAddress(); if (primaryInterface == null) { log().debug("getIpForNode: found null SNMP Primary Interface, getting interfaces"); final Set<OnmsIpInterface> ipInterfaces = node.getIpInterfaces(); for (final OnmsIpInterface onmsIpInterface : ipInterfaces) { log().debug("getIpForNode: trying Interface with id: " + onmsIpInterface.getId()); if (InetAddressUtils.str(onmsIpInterface.getIpAddress()) != null) ipaddr = onmsIpInterface.getIpAddress(); else log() .debug( "getIpForNode: found null ip address on Interface with id: " + onmsIpInterface.getId()); } } else { log().debug("getIpForNode: found SNMP Primary Interface"); if (InetAddressUtils.str(primaryInterface.getIpAddress()) != null) ipaddr = primaryInterface.getIpAddress(); else log().debug("getIpForNode: found null ip address on Primary Interface"); } return ipaddr; }
/** * This method maps an OSS/J AlarmValue to OpenNMS alarm * * @param onmsAlarm OnmsAlarm object to be populated * @param alarmValue OSS/J AlarmValue data to use to populate OnmsAlarm * @param almUpdateBehaviour - determines how to treat the node name of the new alarm must be of * value; <code>USE_TYPE_INSTANCE</code> - populate nodeID with node having same asset type * and instance data as alarm or <code>SPECIFY_OUTSTATION</code> - populate nodeID with node * having same nodeLabel as defaultUpdateNodeLabel * @param defaultUpdateNodeLabel name of node to be updated if * almUpdateBehaviour==SPECIFY_OUTSTATION * @return the OnmsAlarm populated with OSS/J NotifyNewAlarmEvent data * @throws java.lang.IllegalArgumentException if any. * @throws javax.oss.UnsupportedAttributeException if any. */ public OnmsAlarm populateOnmsAlarmFromOssjAlarm( OnmsAlarm onmsAlarm, AlarmValue alarmValue, Integer almUpdateBehaviour, String defaultUpdateNodeLabel) throws IllegalArgumentException, UnsupportedAttributeException { ThreadCategory log = getLog(); String logheader = "\t\t" + this.getClass().getSimpleName() + "populateOnmsAlarmFromOssjAlarm():"; try { String ossPrimaryKey = alarmValue.getAlarmKey().getAlarmPrimaryKey(); String applicationDN = alarmValue.getAlarmKey().getApplicationDN(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( logheader + " - AlarmPrimaryKey: " + ossPrimaryKey + " ApplictionDN: " + applicationDN + " alarmRaisedTime: " + alarmValue.getAlarmRaisedTime()); if ((applicationDN == null) || (applicationDN.equals("")) || (ossPrimaryKey == null) || (ossPrimaryKey.equals(""))) { log.error(logheader + " ApplicatioDN or PrimaryKey not set"); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( logheader + ": trying to find existing alarm using getCurrentAlarmForUniqueKey"); onmsAlarm = ossDao.getCurrentAlarmForUniqueKey(applicationDN, ossPrimaryKey); if (onmsAlarm != null) { // already an alarm with this unique id - log error log.error(logheader + " Alarm Already exists with this Unique ID"); } else { onmsAlarm = new OnmsAlarm(); onmsAlarm.setUei(ossjAlarmTypeToUei(alarmValue.getAlarmType())); onmsAlarm.setX733AlarmType( (alarmValue.getAlarmType() == null) ? "" : alarmValue.getAlarmType()); onmsAlarm.setX733ProbableCause(alarmValue.getProbableCause()); onmsAlarm.setTTicketState(null); // needed? onmsAlarm.setTTicketId(""); // needed? onmsAlarm.setQosAlarmState(""); onmsAlarm.setSuppressedUser(""); // needed? onmsAlarm.setSuppressedUntil(new Date()); // needed? onmsAlarm.setSuppressedTime(new Date()); // needed? OnmsSeverity onmsseverity; try { onmsseverity = ossjSeveritytoOnmsSeverity(alarmValue.getPerceivedSeverity()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { log.error( logheader + " problem setting severity used default:'WARNING'. Exception:" + iae); onmsseverity = OnmsSeverity.WARNING; } onmsAlarm.setSeverity(onmsseverity); OnmsServiceType service = new OnmsServiceType(); service.setId(new Integer(-1)); onmsAlarm.setServiceType(new OnmsServiceType()); // needed? onmsAlarm.setReductionKey( ":managedObjectInstance:" + alarmValue.getManagedObjectInstance() + ":managedObjectType:" + alarmValue.getManagedObjectClass() + ":ossPrimaryKey:-" + ossPrimaryKey + ":applicationDN:-" + applicationDN); // must be unique because of alarm_reductionkey_idx onmsAlarm.setOssPrimaryKey(ossPrimaryKey); onmsAlarm.setOperInstruct(alarmValue.getProposedRepairActions()); // defaultvalue if search fails - will update node with ID 1 OnmsNode node = new OnmsNode(); // TODO remove ossDao.makeExtendedOnmsNode(); node.setId(new Integer(1)); // node id cannot be null onmsAlarm.setNode(node); // if (almUpdateBehaviour == null) { log.error( logheader + ": This receiver's alarmUpdateBehaviour is not set: defaulting to update nodeID:1"); } else { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour:" + almUpdateBehaviour + " " + getAlarmUpdateBehaviourForInt(almUpdateBehaviour)); if (almUpdateBehaviour.equals(SPECIFY_OUTSTATION)) { // this will look for first match of node label to callingAer.getName() // and set node id to this value. if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( logheader + " SPECIFY_OUTSTATION looking for node with nodelabel:" + defaultUpdateNodeLabel); try { // TODO temp remove ? try { node = ossDao.findNodeByLabel(defaultUpdateNodeLabel); } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour.equals(USE_TYPE_INSTANCE) Problem looking up Node " + ex); } if (node != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour.equals(SPECIFY_OUTSTATION):" + "NODE FOUND for this name:" + defaultUpdateNodeLabel + " setting node id to NodeLabel:" + node.getLabel() + " NodeID:" + node.getId()); onmsAlarm.setNode( node); // maps into FIRST instance of node with the same managedObjectInstance // and managedObjectType } else { log.error( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour.equals(SPECIFY_OUTSTATION):" + "NODE NOT FOUND for this name:" + defaultUpdateNodeLabel + " setting node id to default NodeID: 1"); node = new OnmsNode(); // TODO remove ossDao.makeExtendedOnmsNode(); node.setId(new Integer(1)); // node id cannot be null onmsAlarm.setNode(node); // } } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour.equals(USE_TYPE_INSTANCE) Problem looking up Node for alarm Set to default nodeID:1" + ex); } } else if (almUpdateBehaviour.equals(USE_TYPE_INSTANCE)) { // this will look for first match of node Managed object Instance and Managed Object // type // and set node id to this value. String managedObjectType = alarmValue.getManagedObjectClass(); String managedObjectInstance = alarmValue.getManagedObjectInstance(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( logheader + " USE_TYPE_INSTANCE looking for node with managedObjectType:" + managedObjectType + " managedObjectInstance:" + managedObjectInstance); try { node = ossDao.findNodeByInstanceAndType(managedObjectInstance, managedObjectType); if (node != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour.equals(USE_TYPE_INSTANCE):" + "NODE FOUND for this RX Name:" + defaultUpdateNodeLabel + " setting node id to NodeLabel:" + node.getLabel() + " NodeID:" + node.getId()); onmsAlarm.setNode( node); // maps into FIRST instance of node with the same managedObjectInstance // and managedObjectType } else { log.error( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour.equals(USE_TYPE_INSTANCE):" + "NODE NOT FOUND for this managedObjectType:" + managedObjectType + " managedObjectInstance:" + managedObjectInstance + " setting node id to default NodeID: 1"); node = new OnmsNode(); // TODO remove ossDao.makeExtendedOnmsNode(); node.setId(new Integer(1)); // node id cannot be null onmsAlarm.setNode(node); // } } catch (Throwable ex) { log.error( logheader + " alarmUpdateBehaviour.equals(USE_TYPE_INSTANCE) Problem looking up Node for alarm Set to default nodeID:1" + ex); } } else { log.error( logheader + " Invalid value for alarmUpdateBehaviour:" + almUpdateBehaviour + " " + getAlarmUpdateBehaviourForInt(almUpdateBehaviour) + " defaulting to update nodeID:1"); } } onmsAlarm.setMouseOverText(""); // needed? onmsAlarm.setManagedObjectType(alarmValue.getManagedObjectClass()); onmsAlarm.setManagedObjectInstance(alarmValue.getManagedObjectInstance()); onmsAlarm.setLogMsg(alarmValue.getSpecificProblem()); // NOTE - this has no effect here as .setLastEvent nulls value // alarm.setLastEventTime(nnae.getEventTime()); // TODO REMOVED - DO NOT CREATE EVENT WITH HIBERNATE AlarmDAo // OnmsEvent event= new OnmsEvent(); // //event.setId(new Integer(1)); // This is NOT set since unique constraint in // alarms table on Events table // onmsAlarm.setLastEvent(event); onmsAlarm.setIpAddr(InetAddressUtils.getLocalHostAddress()); // needed? onmsAlarm.setId(null); // set null as updating alarm onmsAlarm.setFirstEventTime(alarmValue.getAlarmRaisedTime()); onmsAlarm.setLastEventTime(alarmValue.getAlarmChangedTime()); // TODO removed - do create distpoller with hibernate dao // onmsAlarm.setDistPoller(new OnmsDistPoller("undefined","localhost")); //simple // constructor onmsAlarm.setDistPoller(distPollerDao.get("localhost")); onmsAlarm.setDescription( alarmValue.getAdditionalText()); // TODO need Qosd Not to generate this if remote onmsAlarm.setCounter(new Integer(1)); onmsAlarm.setApplicationDN(applicationDN); onmsAlarm.setAlarmType(new Integer(1)); // set to raise alarm // alarm.setAlarmAckUser(arg0); // alarm.setAlarmAckTime(arg0); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(logheader + ": Creating Alarm: "); } } } catch (Throwable e) { log.error(logheader + " Error : ", e); } return onmsAlarm; }