private void addWebApp(String path, String warPath) throws Exception { if (handlerCollection != null) { // boolean extractWar = warPath.endsWith(".war"); // boolean parentLoaderPriority = true; // add it to the server // boolean restartHandler = handlerCollection.isRunning(); // if (restartHandler) { // handlerCollection.stop(); // } logger.log(Level.INFO, "Adding web app: " + warPath + " to path " + path); // create a webapp WebAppContext wah = new WebAppContext(handlerCollection, warPath, path); // configure it // wah.setExtractWAR(extractWar); // wah.setParentLoaderPriority(parentLoaderPriority); wah.setClassLoader(ObjectUtility.class.getClassLoader()); // set MeemServer classloader handlerCollection.addHandler(wah); wah.start(); // if (restartHandler) { // handlerCollection.start(); // } } }
private void addResourceHandler(String contextPath, String filePath) throws Exception { if (handlerCollection != null) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Adding resource : " + contextPath + "=>" + filePath); ResourceHandler resourceHandler = new ResourceHandler(); resourceHandler.setResourceBase(filePath); logger.log(Level.INFO, "serving: " + resourceHandler.getBaseResource()); ContextHandler contextHandler = new ContextHandler(contextPath); contextHandler.setHandler(resourceHandler); handlerCollection.addHandler(contextHandler); try { resourceHandler.start(); contextHandler.start(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Could not start resource context", e); } } }
protected void startServer() { if (server == null) { // stop excessive logging Log.setLog(null); System.setProperty("DEBUG", "false"); System.setProperty("VERBOSE", "false"); server = new Server(); } Connector connector = null; if (useSSL) { SslContextFactory contextFactory = new SslContextFactory(); contextFactory.setKeyStore(sslKeystore); contextFactory.setKeyStorePassword(sslPassword); contextFactory.setKeyManagerPassword(sslKeyPassword); contextFactory.setNeedClientAuth(needClientAuth); connector = new SslSelectChannelConnector(contextFactory); // Setup JSSE keystore and set parameters here correctly // connector = new SslSocketConnector(); // ((SslSocketConnector)connector).setKeystore(sslKeystore); // ((SslSocketConnector)connector).setPassword(sslPassword); // ((SslSocketConnector)connector).setKeyPassword(sslKeyPassword); // ((SslSocketConnector)connector).setNeedClientAuth(needClientAuth); // uses an entry in the keystore called "jetty" } else { // connector = new SocketConnector(); connector = new SelectChannelConnector(); } connector.setPort(port); server.addConnector(connector); // set the Server's HandlerCollection. Other handlers will be added to the HandlerCollection handlerCollection = new ContextHandlerCollection(); server.setHandler(handlerCollection); // create servlet context servletContext = new ServletContextHandler( handlerCollection, servletContextString, ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS); // servletContext = new ServletContextHandler(handlerCollection, servletContextString, // ServletContextHandler.SESSIONS); // create web app context // webAppContext = new Context(handlerCollection, webAppContextString, Context.SESSIONS); try { // add ResourceHandlers addResourceHandlers(); // add servlets to the servlet context // servletContext.addHandler(new SecurityHandler()); addServletsToContext(servletContext); // addWebApps(); // add default handler to the server handlerCollection.addHandler(new DefaultHandler()); // start a Jetty server.start(); } catch (BindException ex) { logger.log( Level.INFO, "Could not start web server on port " + port + ": " + ex.getMessage(), ex);, false); return; } catch (InstantiationException ex) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Could not add servlet: ", ex);, false); return; } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Could not add servlet: ", ex);, false); return; } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Could not add servlet: ", ex);, false); return; } catch (MultiException ex) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Problem while starting the web server: ", ex);, false); return; } catch (Exception ex) { logger.log(Level.INFO, "Problem while starting the web server: ", ex);, false); return; }, true); }