コード例 #1
   * Calculates second moments matrix square root
  float calcSecondMomentSqrt(AbstractStructureTensorIPD ipd, Pixel p, Matrix Mk) {
    Matrix M, V, eigVal, Vinv;

    M = calcSecondMomentMatrix(ipd, p.x, p.y);

    /* *
     * M = V * D * V.inv()
     * V has eigenvectors as columns
     * D is a diagonal Matrix with eigenvalues as elements
     * V.inv() is the inverse of V
     * */
    //		EigenvalueDecomposition meig = M.eig();
    EigenValueVectorPair meig = MatrixUtils.symmetricEig2x2(M);
    eigVal = meig.getValues();
    V = meig.getVectors();

    //		V = V.transpose();
    Vinv = V.inverse();

    double eval1 = Math.sqrt(eigVal.get(0, 0));
    eigVal.set(0, 0, eval1);
    double eval2 = Math.sqrt(eigVal.get(1, 1));
    eigVal.set(1, 1, eval2);

    // square root of M
    Mk.setMatrix(0, 1, 0, 1, V.times(eigVal).times(Vinv));

    // return q isotropic measure
    return (float) (Math.min(eval1, eval2) / Math.max(eval1, eval2));
コード例 #2
   * Selects diffrentiation scale
  AbstractStructureTensorIPD selDifferentiationScale(
      FImage img, AbstractStructureTensorIPD ipdToUse, float si, Pixel c) {
    AbstractStructureTensorIPD best = null;
    float s = 0.5f;
    float sigma_prev = 0, sigma;

    FImage L;

    double qMax = 0;

    L = img.clone();

    AbstractStructureTensorIPD ipd = ipdToUse.clone();

    while (s <= 0.751) {
      Matrix M;
      float sd = s * si;

      // Smooth previous smoothed image L
      sigma = (float) Math.sqrt(Math.pow(sd, 2) - Math.pow(sigma_prev, 2));

      L.processInplace(new FGaussianConvolve(sigma, 3));
      sigma_prev = sd;

      // X and Y derivatives

      //			FImage Lx = L.process(new FConvolution(DX_KERNEL.multiply(sd)));
      //			FImage Ly = L.process(new FConvolution(DY_KERNEL.multiply(sd)));
      //			FGaussianConvolve gauss = new FGaussianConvolve(si, 3);
      //			FImage Lxm2 = Lx.multiply(Lx);
      //			dx2 = Lxm2.process(gauss);
      //			FImage Lym2 = Ly.multiply(Ly);
      //			dy2 = Lym2.process(gauss);
      //			FImage Lxmy = Lx.multiply(Ly);
      //			dxy = Lxmy.process(gauss);

      M = calcSecondMomentMatrix(ipd, c.x, c.y);

      // calc eigenvalues
      //			EigenvalueDecomposition meig = M.eig();
      EigenValueVectorPair meig = MatrixUtils.symmetricEig2x2(M);
      Matrix eval = meig.getValues();
      double eval1 = Math.abs(eval.get(0, 0));
      double eval2 = Math.abs(eval.get(1, 1));
      double q = Math.min(eval1, eval2) / Math.max(eval1, eval2);

      if (q >= qMax) {
        qMax = q;
        best = ipd.clone();

      s += 0.05;
    return best;
コード例 #3
   * Performs affine adaptation
  boolean calcAffineAdaptation(
      final FImage fimage, EllipticInterestPointData kpt, AbstractStructureTensorIPD ipd) {
    //		DisplayUtilities.createNamedWindow("warp", "Warped Image ROI",true);
    Matrix transf = new Matrix(2, 3); // Transformation matrix
    Point2dImpl c = new Point2dImpl(); // Transformed point
    Point2dImpl p = new Point2dImpl(); // Image point

    Matrix U = Matrix.identity(2, 2); // Normalization matrix

    Matrix Mk = U.copy();
    FImage img_roi, warpedImg = new FImage(1, 1);
    float Qinv = 1, q, si = kpt.scale; // sd = 0.75f * si;
    float kptSize = 2 * 3 * kpt.scale;
    boolean divergence = false, convergence = false;
    int i = 0;

    // Coordinates in image
    int py = (int) kpt.y;
    int px = (int) kpt.x;

    // Roi coordinates
    int roix, roiy;

    // Coordinates in U-trasformation
    int cx = px;
    int cy = py;
    int cxPr = cx;
    int cyPr = cy;

    float radius = kptSize / 2 * 1.4f;
    float half_width, half_height;

    Rectangle roi;

    // Affine adaptation
    while (i <= 10 && !divergence && !convergence) {
      // Transformation matrix
      transf.setMatrix(0, 1, 0, 1, U);


      Rectangle boundingBox = new Rectangle();

      double ac_b2 = U.det();
      boundingBox.width = (float) Math.ceil(U.get(1, 1) / ac_b2 * 3 * si * 1.4);
      boundingBox.height = (float) Math.ceil(U.get(0, 0) / ac_b2 * 3 * si * 1.4);

      // Create window around interest point
      half_width = Math.min((float) Math.min(fimage.width - px - 1, px), boundingBox.width);
      half_height = Math.min((float) Math.min(fimage.height - py - 1, py), boundingBox.height);

      if (half_width <= 0 || half_height <= 0) return divergence;

      roix = Math.max(px - (int) boundingBox.width, 0);
      roiy = Math.max(py - (int) boundingBox.height, 0);
      roi = new Rectangle(roix, roiy, px - roix + half_width + 1, py - roiy + half_height + 1);

      // create ROI
      img_roi = fimage.extractROI(roi);

      // Point within the ROI
      p.x = px - roix;
      p.y = py - roiy;

      // Find coordinates of square's angles to find size of warped ellipse's bounding box
      float u00 = (float) U.get(0, 0);
      float u01 = (float) U.get(0, 1);
      float u10 = (float) U.get(1, 0);
      float u11 = (float) U.get(1, 1);

      float minx = u01 * img_roi.height < 0 ? u01 * img_roi.height : 0;
      float miny = u10 * img_roi.width < 0 ? u10 * img_roi.width : 0;
      float maxx =
          (u00 * img_roi.width > u00 * img_roi.width + u01 * img_roi.height
                  ? u00 * img_roi.width
                  : u00 * img_roi.width + u01 * img_roi.height)
              - minx;
      float maxy =
          (u11 * img_roi.width > u10 * img_roi.width + u11 * img_roi.height
                  ? u11 * img_roi.height
                  : u10 * img_roi.width + u11 * img_roi.height)
              - miny;

      // Shift
      transf.set(0, 2, -minx);
      transf.set(1, 2, -miny);

      if (maxx >= 2 * radius + 1 && maxy >= 2 * radius + 1) {
        // Size of normalized window must be 2*radius
        // Transformation
        FImage warpedImgRoi;
        FProjectionProcessor proc = new FProjectionProcessor();
        warpedImgRoi = proc.performProjection(0, (int) maxx, 0, (int) maxy, null);

        //				DisplayUtilities.displayName(warpedImgRoi.clone().normalise(), "warp");

        // Point in U-Normalized coordinates
        c = p.transform(U);
        cx = (int) (c.x - minx);
        cy = (int) (c.y - miny);

        if (warpedImgRoi.height > 2 * radius + 1 && warpedImgRoi.width > 2 * radius + 1) {
          // Cut around normalized patch
          roix = (int) Math.max(cx - Math.ceil(radius), 0.0);
          roiy = (int) Math.max(cy - Math.ceil(radius), 0.0);
          roi =
              new Rectangle(
                  cx - roix + (float) Math.min(Math.ceil(radius), warpedImgRoi.width - cx - 1) + 1,
                      - roiy
                      + (float) Math.min(Math.ceil(radius), warpedImgRoi.height - cy - 1)
                      + 1);
          warpedImg = warpedImgRoi.extractROI(roi);

          // Coordinates in cutted ROI
          cx = cx - roix;
          cy = cy - roiy;
        } else {

        if (logger.getLevel() == Level.DEBUG) {
              si * 3);

        // Integration Scale selection
        si = selIntegrationScale(warpedImg, si, new Pixel(cx, cy));

        // Differentation scale selection
        if (fastDifferentiationScale) {
          ipd = selDifferentiationScaleFast(warpedImg, ipd, si, new Pixel(cx, cy));
        } else {
          ipd = selDifferentiationScale(warpedImg, ipd, si, new Pixel(cx, cy));

        if (ipd.maxima.size() == 0) {
          divergence = true;
        // Spatial Localization
        cxPr = cx; // Previous iteration point in normalized window
        cyPr = cy;
        //				float cornMax = 0;
        //				for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
        //				{
        //					for (int t = 0; t < 3; t++)
        //					{
        //						float dx2 = Lxm2smooth.pixels[cyPr - 1 + j][cxPr - 1 + t];
        //						float dy2 = Lym2smooth.pixels[cyPr - 1 + j][cxPr - 1 + t];
        //						float dxy = Lxmysmooth.pixels[cyPr - 1 + j][cxPr - 1 + t];
        //						float det = dx2 * dy2 - dxy * dxy;
        //						float tr = dx2 + dy2;
        //						float cornerness = (float) (det - (0.04 * Math.pow(tr, 2)));
        //						if (cornerness > cornMax) {
        //							cornMax = cornerness;
        //							cx = cxPr - 1 + t;
        //							cy = cyPr - 1 + j;
        //						}
        //					}
        //				}

        FValuePixel max = ipd.findMaximum(new Rectangle(cxPr - 1, cyPr - 1, 3, 3));
        cx = max.x;
        cy = max.y;

        // Transform point in image coordinates
        p.x = px;
        p.y = py;

        // Displacement vector
        c.x = cx - cxPr;
        c.y = cy - cyPr;

        // New interest point location in image
        px = (int) p.x;
        py = (int) p.y;

        q = calcSecondMomentSqrt(ipd, new Pixel(cx, cy), Mk);

        float ratio = 1 - q;

        // if ratio == 1 means q == 0 and one axes equals to 0
        if (!Float.isNaN(ratio) && ratio != 1) {
          // Update U matrix
          U = U.times(Mk);

          Matrix uVal, uV;
          //					EigenvalueDecomposition ueig = U.eig();
          EigenValueVectorPair ueig = MatrixUtils.symmetricEig2x2(U);
          uVal = ueig.getValues();
          uV = ueig.getVectors();

          Qinv = normMaxEval(U, uVal, uV);

          // Keypoint doesn't converge
          if (Qinv >= 6) {
            logger.debug("QInverse too large, feature too edge like, affine divergence!");
            divergence = true;
          } else if (ratio <= 0.05) { // Keypoint converges
            convergence = true;

            // Set transformation matrix
            transf.setMatrix(0, 1, 0, 1, U);
            // The order here matters, setTransform uses the x and y to calculate a new ellipse
            kpt.x = px;
            kpt.y = py;
            kpt.scale = si;
            kpt.score = max.value;

            //						ax1 = (float) (1 / Math.abs(uVal.get(1, 1)) * 3 * si);
            //						ax2 = (float) (1 / Math.abs(uVal.get(0, 0)) * 3 * si);
            //						phi = Math.atan(uV.get(1, 1) / uV.get(0, 1));
            //						kpt.axes = new Point2dImpl(ax1, ax2);
            //						kpt.phi = phi;
            //						kpt.centre = new Pixel(px, py);
            //						kpt.si = si;
            //						kpt.size = 2 * 3 * si;

          } else {
            radius = (float) (3 * si * 1.4);
        } else {
          logger.debug("QRatio was close to 0, affine divergence!");
          divergence = true;
      } else {
        logger.debug("Window size has grown too fast, scale divergence!");
        divergence = true;

    if (!divergence && !convergence) {
      logger.debug("Reached max iterations!");
    return convergence;