/* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see * org.opendedup.collections.AbstractHashesMap#update(org.opendedup.sdfs * .filestore.ChunkData) */ @Override public boolean update(ChunkData cm) throws IOException { this.arlock.lock(); try { boolean added = false; if (!this.isClaimed(cm)) { cm.persistData(true); added = this.getReadMap(cm.getHash()).update(cm.getHash(), cm.getcPos()); } if (added) { this.compactKsz++; } return added; } catch (KeyNotFoundException e) { return false; } finally { this.arlock.unlock(); } }
@Override public boolean remove(ChunkData cm) throws IOException { if (this.isClosed()) { throw new IOException("hashtable [" + this.fileName + "] is close"); } Lock l = gcLock.readLock(); l.lock(); try { if (!this.runningGC && !lbf.mightContain(cm.getHash())) return false; try { if (cm.getHash().length == 0) return true; AbstractShard m = this.getReadMap(cm.getHash()); if (m == null) return false; if (!m.remove(cm.getHash())) { return false; } else { cm.setmDelete(true); this.arlock.lock(); try { if (this.isClosed()) { throw new IOException("hashtable [" + this.fileName + "] is close"); } try { this.kSz.decrementAndGet(); } catch (Exception e) { } } finally { this.arlock.unlock(); } return true; } } catch (Exception e) { SDFSLogger.getLog().fatal("error getting record", e); return false; } } finally { l.unlock(); } }
@Override public boolean put(ChunkData cm) throws IOException, HashtableFullException { if (this.isClosed()) throw new HashtableFullException("Hashtable " + this.fileName + " is close"); if (this.kSz.get() >= this.maxSz) throw new HashtableFullException( "entries is greater than or equal to the maximum number of entries. You need to expand" + "the volume or DSE allocation size"); if (cm.getHash().length != this.FREE.length) throw new IOException("key length mismatch"); if (this.isClosed()) { throw new IOException("hashtable [" + this.fileName + "] is close"); } // this.flushFullBuffer(); boolean added = false; added = this.put(cm, true); return added; }
@Override public boolean put(ChunkData cm, boolean persist) throws IOException, HashtableFullException { // persist = false; if (this.isClosed()) throw new HashtableFullException("Hashtable " + this.fileName + " is close"); if (kSz.get() >= this.maxSz) throw new HashtableFullException("maximum sized reached"); boolean added = false; // if (persist) // this.flushFullBuffer(); Lock l = gcLock.readLock(); l.lock(); ProgressiveFileByteArrayLongMap bm = null; try { // long tm = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (this.getReadMap(cm.getHash()) == null) { // this.misses.incrementAndGet(); // tm = System.currentTimeMillis() - tm; if (persist) { try { bm = this.getWriteMap(); added = bm.put(cm); } catch (HashtableFullException e) { bm.setActive(false); bm = this.createWriteMap(); added = bm.put(cm); } if (added) { this.lbf.put(cm.getHash()); this.kSz.incrementAndGet(); } } else { try { bm = this.getWriteMap(); added = bm.put(cm.getHash(), cm.getcPos()); this.lbf.put(cm.getHash()); } catch (HashtableFullException e) { bm.setActive(false); bm = this.createWriteMap(); added = bm.put(cm.getHash(), cm.getcPos()); this.lbf.put(cm.getHash()); } } } else { // tm = System.currentTimeMillis() - tm; } // this.msTr.addAndGet(tm); } finally { try { if (bm != null) { bm.setActive(true); this.activeWriteMaps.offer(bm); } } catch (Exception e) { } finally { l.unlock(); } } /* * this.trs.incrementAndGet(); if(this.trs.get() == 10000) { long tpm = * 0; if(this.misses.get() > 0) tpm = this.msTr.get()/this.misses.get(); * SDFSLogger.getLog().info("trs=" + this.trs.get() + " misses=" + * this.misses.get() + " mtm=" + this.msTr.get() + " tpm=" + tpm); * this.trs.set(0); this.misses.set(0); this.msTr.set(0); } */ return added; }